What plastic surgeries do modern men choose?

In the age of active development of plastic surgery, people have the opportunity to eliminate cosmetic defects and cope with age-related and congenital imperfections of the face and body. It is common practice that candidates for beauty clinic patients are women. Indeed, in most cases, it is the fair sex who seek to change their appearance. But men also often turn to plastic surgeons. What operations are the most successful for them?

A few words about the reasons why men turn to surgeons

Unlike women, more than 90% of the stronger half decide to undergo surgery in order to improve their physical condition. The issue of beauty is of interest mainly to men in public professions. These include actors, singers, politicians, etc.

Due to current trends, eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty, and liposuction are the most popular among the stronger sex. Less common are chin augmentation and various types of contouring.

The essence and results of popular male plastic surgery

Plastic surgeries, in demand among men, solve several problems: they change appearance, improve well-being, increase confidence and generally make life easier.

Blepharoplasty: combating signs of aging or improving vision

Signs of aging are most intense in the eye area. They are characterized by loose skin, “sliding” of the eyebrows, the appearance of fatty “pads,” and enlarged tear troughs. The listed signs make your appearance tired and gloomy. Drooping upper eyelids impair vision and pose a risk of visual impairment.

Blepharoplasty involves removing excess skin and fatty tissue, strengthening muscles, which makes the face more youthful and welcoming, and reduces the likelihood of developing vision diseases.

Preparing for surgery

To prove to the specialist that you are ready for surgery, you must pass a standard package of tests after the initial consultation. If you live in another city, collect test results in advance. If necessary, our specialist will refer you to additional diagnostic measures.

List of preparatory tests:

  1. Blood and urine analysis (general);
  2. Blood and urine analysis (biochemical);
  3. Coagulogram (test of blood clotting);
  4. Tests for HIV, RW, viral hepatitis.

If you choose general anesthesia, be sure to inform our anesthesiologist about your allergic reactions to any drugs.

Liposuction: slim body or reducing stress

The accumulation of fat cells and an increase in their volume threatens not only the appearance of an impressive belly. The weight of excess tissue puts pressure on internal organs, causes shortness of breath, and interferes with leading a healthy and active lifestyle. Additionally, there are problems with choosing clothes and difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex.

Exercise and diet often do not produce visible and lasting results. Liposuction comes to the rescue. The procedure aims to pump out fat after it has been crushed or converted into liquid form using cannulas or a laser. At one time, surgeons manage to get rid of 10 liters of deposits. This ensures lightness and mobility, reduces the risk of developing many diseases of the internal organs. But to maintain results, men have to give up some taste preferences.

Male cosmetology at the Institute of Plastic Surgery

Our Institute has an excellent cosmetology room, which has everything you need for skin rejuvenation.

Many procedures take no more than an hour and have an easy recovery period, so you can always visit us during your lunch break.

Basic cosmetic procedures that our cosmetologists recommend for men:

  • peeling;
  • biorevitalization;
  • mesotherapy;
  • fractional photothermolysis.

Male plastic surgery

In some cases, correction of appearance requires surgical intervention. Men often come to us to get rid of protruding ears, excess weight, or correct the nasal septum.

This is not a man's whim! This is a real problem, followed by complexes about one’s appearance. We have excellent plastic surgeons on our staff who will help eliminate any deficiencies. You can view the work of our specialists on our website, and also sign up for a free consultation.

Attention! All aesthetic plastic surgeries and most cosmetic procedures are strictly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. We also do not perform surgical interventions on people whose weight exceeds 110 kg.

Rhinoplasty: attractive face and easy breathing

Rhinoplasty is a correction of the nose aimed at straightening it, reducing or enlarging it, and eliminating the hump. It allows you to achieve proportionality of the face.

During this procedure, the internal structures of the nose, in particular the nasal septum, also undergo changes. The latter, in case of deformation, leads to breathing problems. Men are especially susceptible to such changes due to their behavior and habits. Injuries during punching are the main cause of deviated septum and nasal pyramid in general. Alignment of this part eliminates the problem in 80% of patients.

Is caring for men's skin different from caring for women's skin?

Certainly! Men's skin is rougher, but at the same time men are luckier. They do not age as actively as women.

Even before reaching adulthood, each of us develops facial wrinkles. Facial muscles contract - this is inevitable. The skin lacks moisture, many physiological processes slow down, the body ages... A visit to a cosmetologist is a decisive refusal to accept old age! This is a step towards prolonging youth.

Often men begin to look older than their age due to regular stress, poor environment, and depression. Cosmetology knows how to deal with this!

Basics of men's skin care

  1. Regular use of 3-step care products - exfoliating lotion, skin moisturizer, gentle cleanser.
  2. Regular visits to the beauty salon. At least once a year! A cosmetologist will assess the condition of your skin, give recommendations for home care and prescribe the first procedures that will support your skin.
  3. Peels and laser rejuvenation. You probably have post-acne or scars from chickenpox. They are removed, the main thing is to come to a cosmetologist as early as possible, because young skin responds better to cosmetic manipulations.

For an ordinary man under 40 years old, this is enough if you are not an artist and your appearance is not a mandatory attribute of your popularity.

Chin augmentation, neck lift

The chin gives the face of a representative of the stronger half of masculinity. But some males face such a problem as insufficient development of the lower part of the latter and the lower jaw as a whole. It also causes psychological discomfort. Plastic surgery has a way to effectively correct the chin. It involves the installation of implants, plastic surgery with your own bone tissue, liposuction and other manipulations.

Men often develop a “turkey neck” in the anterior cervical region. The defect is especially noticeable when wearing shirts with a tie. Lifting helps to cope with this pathology. This is a simple operation that involves excision of excess tissue.

Modern men are increasingly paying attention to their appearance. Many of them want to meet at least generally accepted standards. Plastic surgery helps achieve almost any goal. Beauty Doctor Clinic has accumulated extensive experience, which is very important in solving the problems with which men turn to plastic surgeons. The important thing is that the strong half of humanity chooses experienced specialists, paying more attention to the reliability factor than women usually do.

Various techniques for improving appearance in men

To achieve an ideal appearance, it is not enough just to go under the surgeon’s knife. It is necessary to regularly, systematically take care of yourself - this also applies to men. Proper nutrition, giving up bad habits, a healthy lifestyle, adequate sleep, moderate physical activity, minimizing stress - all this plays a role in appearance.

Of course, after visiting a cosmetologist’s office, a man’s appearance will truly change. And if we are talking about a plastic surgeon’s operating room, the visual changes will be even more pronounced. However, it is important to remember each patient’s responsibility to himself: it is necessary to strictly follow all the specialist’s recommendations received after the operation. You should also periodically visit a beauty salon and perform maintenance procedures. But the result is definitely worth it - today it is much easier to achieve the appearance and body of your dreams than 10-15 years ago.

Possible risks and consequences

What negative consequences can men face after plastic surgery? In general, with the same people as women. You can minimize the risks if you turn to a real professional, but even in this case there is no 100% guarantee of an ideal result.

Some plastic surgeries are considered potentially dangerous if not carefully prepared. For such surgical interventions, it is necessary to thoroughly study all the nuances and calculate everything correctly, because the results often cannot be accurately corrected. One of such operations is, for example, abdominoplasty: during its course, not only excess fat is removed and a sculpted press is created, but also, one might say, a new navel is formed.

Another complex operation is lower blepharoplasty. People have different skin on their eyelids and different types of aging. If you trust an inexperienced surgeon, there is a chance that the resulting eyelids will not look very natural.

Rhinoplasty also has its nuances. If there are inaccuracies during the operation, a few days after the plastic surgery, the result may not be exactly as intended. However, embarrassment will not happen if the doctor has sufficient experience and masters the technology.

The recovery period for men lasts about the same as for women. However, the technique itself is slightly different. For example, when lifting in men, the seam is positioned differently than in women, because the hairline near the ears runs in a different direction.

So, modern men have completely won their right to correct defects in appearance through plastic surgery and are actively using it. Meanwhile, aesthetic surgeons are developing new techniques and technologies specifically for the stronger sex.

Neck and chin plastic surgery

The problem of sagging skin on the neck and beard brings a lot of discomfort: it is difficult to choose clothes, the contour of the face changes. Also, many men are not satisfied with the shape of their chin from birth.

Medicine allows you not only to remove what is unnecessary, but also to add what is missing. For example, using implants, a doctor can “create” a strong-willed chin for you. Fortunately, neck or chin plastic surgery are simple operations and today almost everyone can afford to change their appearance.

Male eyelid surgery

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Male eyelid surgery differs from female eyelid surgery in that it is performed as correctly as possible, in order to avoid excessive feminization of male features after the operation.

Indications for male eyelid surgery are:

  • Ptosis of the skin of the upper or lower eyelid - age-related or congenital.
  • Correction of various types of asymmetries of the upper or lower eyelid, both congenital and resulting from injuries.
  • Removal of fatty hernias of the upper and/or lower eyelids. Hernias can be removed either in the classical way, in combination with the removal of excess skin flaps of the upper and lower eyelids, or by the transconjunctival method - without removing the skin flap, through the inner part of the eyelid mucosa.

The patient determines which method needs to be applied in a particular case together with the doctor during a consultation, based on the aesthetic problems of concern and indications.

Eyelid surgery is performed under local anesthesia with sedation, and in most cases does not require general anesthesia. This allows the patient to return to normal very quickly after surgery.

The duration of the operation is 40 - 90 minutes, depending on the type of eyelid surgery. At the end of the operation, the patient is transferred to the ward, observed for 3-4 hours and discharged home with written and oral detailed recommendations.

The first visit after surgery for examination and dressing is scheduled for the second day after surgery. The second visit is on the sixth day to remove surgical sutures.

The duration of the rehabilitation period is 7-10 days in the form of primary rehabilitation, and from 4 to 6 weeks of secondary rehabilitation with slight swelling in the mornings and evenings.

Maximum swelling and possible hematomas may persist for up to 5-7 days after surgery. After which the patient is absolutely socially active.

4 days after male blepharoplasty. The work of Dr. Amjad Al-Yousef.

Rehabilitation after male blepharoplasty. The work of Dr. Amjad Al-Yousef.

Male blepharoplasty: suture removal. The work of Dr. Amjad Al-Yousef.

After the rehabilitation period, no obvious traces of surgery are observed after male eyelid surgery. The exception is skin with reduced turgor, in which case the stitches may be noticeable for the first months after surgery.

In our clinic, we successfully correct postoperative marks using laser resurfacing, which halves the duration of rehabilitation and their visibility.

Male eyelid surgery can be combined with other operations performed in the facial area. Such as a nose job, face lift or chin liposuction, in order to improve and lighten the shape of the face.

When combining several plastic surgeries, the duration of the rehabilitation period increases.

A list of tests before plastic surgery can be found in the “Information” section. For more detailed information and to schedule a consultation, please contact the clinic by first calling the phone numbers in the “Contacts” section.

Result of male rhinoplasty

As a result of the operation, a hump can be eliminated, the tip of the nose can be corrected, a wide or sunken back can be changed, an overly large nose can be reduced, or the septum can be straightened.

Penis lengthening

In the conventional method of penis lengthening, an incision is made in the shape of an inverted V or U in the hair above the pubic bone, just above the base of the pubic bone.
The tissue is then separated from the bone, the bone is exposed, the ligaments connecting the bone to the corpus spongiosum are identified, and these ligaments are cut. The corpus spongiosum then becomes more mobile and can be pushed out of the body. Once pushed out, the corpus spongiosum is sutured into its new position, the U-shaped incision is then closed into a Y shape, which moves the skin downward and helps elongate the penis at the base. A light bandage is then applied, and often the surgeon inserts a catheter (tube) through the urethra and into the bladder. This catheter is left in place for about a day to make urination easier.

How long and painful is the intervention?

Today, intimate plastic surgery of any type is completely painless and comfortable for the patient, even with local anesthesia. We consider it our duty to warn you that during the recovery period you may encounter pain and various inconveniences. These phenomena are temporary and you should not focus on them. The specialist will tell you about precautions and highlight for which symptoms you should immediately contact him after plastic surgery.

Where to get male intimate plastic surgery?

If you are faced with problems of an intimate nature and want to change your genital organ, then you should contact one of the medical specialists and find out how much this or that procedure costs. The main advantage of the Stolitsa clinics is doctors with many years of experience and an individual approach to each patient. The cost of services may pleasantly surprise you, because the prices in the clinic are very favorable due to various promotions and discounts for regular customers.

You can improve your sex life right today inexpensively in the Stolitsa network of clinics!


A mastectomy is a surgery to remove excess fat or excess glandular tissue from the breast. Hormonal changes, weight gain, or cancer in men can cause breasts to change into a feminine shape.

Such problems can be not only a matter of aesthetics, but also a signal of health problems, in particular cancer.

If the enlargement is benign, a diagnosis of gynecomastia is made - false or true. With true growth occurs due to glandular tissue, with false growth due to fat.

If the cause of gynecomastia is fat, liposuction is performed. If gynecomastia is true, then a mastectomy is performed.

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