Intimate plastic surgery after childbirth. How to restore the vagina?

Motherhood is one of the most amazing and beautiful things a woman can experience. But unfortunately, this period is often associated with such unpleasant consequences of childbirth as pain, discomfort, perineal tears, prolapse of the pelvic organs, etc. To eliminate these consequences, intimate recovery after childbirth is carried out.

Photos "Before" and "After"


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Mammoplasty Mommy Makeover

As a rule, after childbirth, the mammary glands need serious correction: not only the skin of the mammary gland itself is stretched, but the nipple-areolar complex is significantly deformed. What types of breast correction are used?

Areola lift with implants

An areola lift (periareolar mastopexy) is suitable for women with minor changes in the shape of the mammary glands. An incision is made around the circumference of the areola, excess skin is pulled together and excised. Scars are hidden in the pigmented part of the areola, so they are practically invisible.

If volume is lost, implants are installed.


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Vertical lift on implants

Vertical mastopexy allows you to correct more significant defects of the mammary glands. Two incisions - around the circumference of the areola and vertical to the inframammary fold. Almost always, an implant is installed to form an elastic mammary gland.

T-shaped lift on implants

T-shaped (anchor) mastopexy is performed for ptosis of the 3rd degree (very severe sagging). An inverted T-shaped incision is made from the circumference of the nipple and along the inframammary fold.

It is possible both with and without the use of implants, provided that the patient has enough of her own glandular and adipose tissue.

Immediately after mammoplasty, the patient is put on special compression garments, which she wears for a month.

What is the effect after plastic surgery:

  • breast lifting
  • return of lost volumes
  • neat areolas

Conservative treatment methods

Conservative methods include: pelvic floor muscle training, physiotherapy, hormonal therapy.

Pelvic floor muscle training

Various exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles can be easily found on the Internet. For muscle training, various stationary and portable myostimulators—vaginal simulators—are widely used (Fig. 8).

Training the pelvic floor muscles is possible only after restoration of the normal anatomy of the perineum, i.e. after perineoplasty. Any damage to the pelvic diaphragm must be eliminated before training the pelvic floor muscles! Otherwise, the situation will only get worse.

Video 2.

Exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles

Rice. 8.

Vaginal simulators


There are various methods of influencing the vaginal walls and underlying tissues with physical factors (laser, magnetic field, etc.). Physiotherapy improves blood supply and metabolic processes in muscle tissue (to accelerate regeneration), has an anti-inflammatory effect, and is prescribed in combination with other conservative techniques.

Hormone replacement therapy

Hormonal drugs are prescribed for a deficiency of sex hormones in the body (age-related and surgical menopause, infantilism). These can be tablets for oral administration and dosage forms for topical use (creams, ointments, suppositories). Self-prescription of hormones, without prior examination of the body’s condition, is UNACCEPTABLE!!!

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Liposuction and lipomodeling

The next stage of recovery after childbirth is liposuction. Liposuction involves removing fat tissue through small incisions.

Plastic surgery is performed in the abdomen and sides, on the back, hips and inner arms.

Today it is important to combine liposuction with lipomodeling. Lipomodeling is the formation of body contours and volumes using your own fat. Relevant for the abdominal area (it’s even possible to “draw” abs with a cannula) and buttocks in places where there is a lack of volume.

READ ALSO: The effect of pregnancy on the abs: why is plastic surgery necessary?

The photo shows liposuction of the back, waist and abdominoplasty with suturing of diastasis and navel transfer. 4th day after surgery


After removing the fat layer, the doctor proceeds to a rather difficult stage - tummy tuck. The essence of abdominoplasty is the surgical excision of excess stretched skin. In addition to correcting the contours of the waist, during the operation the doctor moves the umbilical ring to a higher position (this manipulation is called “transposition of the umbilical ring”).

The size and position of the seam depend on the scale: it can be a few centimeters long (mini abdominoplasty), or from the hip to the thigh (classic abdominoplasty).

After the “liposuction + abdominoplasty” complex, the patient must wear compression garments for a month.

What is the effect after surgery to recover after childbirth:

  • flat stomach without excess skin
  • physiological position of the navel
  • reducing the number of stretch marks
  • feminine waist modeling

READ ALSO: My story: how I did abdominoplasty

See more “Before” and “After” photos

Intimate plastic surgery

After childbirth, women often experience deformations of the labia: loss of elasticity, asymmetry, stretching. Labiaplasty is a surgical operation aimed at correcting the labia majora and minora. Restoring the volume of the labia is carried out using lipofilling (injection of the patient’s own fat).

Modern women do not hush up this problem; they turn to specialists to restore the aesthetics of the genitals and thereby remove possible complexes and restrictions in their sexual life.

What is the effect after surgery:

  • transformation of the aesthetic appearance of the labia
  • restoration of symmetrical forms
  • increase in volume

Perineoplasty – vaginal plastic surgery. What problems does it solve and who is it recommended for?

Perineoplasty - perineal plastic surgery - will help make the perineum and vaginal opening the same as before childbirth. The operation removes tissue deformation formed after childbirth, restores and tightens the muscles at the entrance to the vagina. This area will become aesthetically more pleasant, and the discomfort that occurs during intimacy will disappear.

Perineoplasty is often combined with labiaplasty. This surgery, called modified perineoplasty, improves the appearance of the entire intimate area. Modern medicine makes it possible to make a woman's genitals again the way they were before childbirth.

The operation is recommended for patients who gave birth naturally and began to experience vaginal weakness, decreased sexual sensations and dissatisfaction with the appearance of their genitals. Stretched muscles and tissues do not allow for the full range of feelings during intimacy, which negatively affects the physical and emotional state of a woman.

This intervention is especially recommended for patients who have suffered perineal ruptures of various degrees:

  • First degree - the perineum, the posterior wall of the vagina and the posterior commissure of the labia are injured.
  • Second degree - the skin and muscles of the perineum are torn, as well as the back wall of the vagina.
  • Third degree - the muscles and skin of the perineum, the muscle ring surrounding the anus, are damaged.
  • A fourth-degree tear is similar to a third-degree tear, but it also tears the tissue inside the anus. Therefore, it is sometimes called a third degree complete tear.

Perineal ruptures
Patients with 3-4 degree ruptures often require not only perineoplasty, but also surgical treatment by a proctologist.

The procedure is often carried out after minor tissue damage during childbirth, if it has healed with the formation of tight or rough scar tissue. The operation is also indicated after an unsuccessful dissection of the perineum - perineo- and episiotomy.

Episiotomy and perineotomy

The effectiveness of perineoplasty is confirmed by scientific research conducted at Virginia Commonwealth University (USA), Gulhane University of Medical Sciences (Istanbul), Kullu Hospital (Turkey), Alinsod Institute of Aesthetic Vulvovaginal Surgery (California, USA).

Patients participating in the studies who underwent perineoplasty got rid of scars in the perineal area, accompanied by pain and discomfort during intimacy. Everyone noted an improvement in the appearance of their genitals. There were no cases of any other negative changes, so the procedure can be considered completely safe and very effective.

Benefits of an integrated approach

Today, combined techniques, which include Mommy makeover, are especially relevant in aesthetic medicine. There are certainly risks, but risks are present even during small corrections

  1. Several operations – one rehabilitation period
      In the first place are the listed advantages. Each of the interventions that make up the complex restoration of the figure after childbirth using plastic surgery requires a fairly long rehabilitation period.
  2. For example, after mammoplasty or abdominoplasty, compression garments are worn for 1 month. This is followed by a moment of abstaining from physical activity. If you carry out each operation separately, then you will be cut off from social life for a significant amount of time.
  3. Surgical comprehensive restoration of the figure after childbirth saves your time!
  4. Total transformation
      The patient receives the maximum possible aesthetic effect in one procedure. After correcting one zone, other imperfections of the figure are evident. If you have modeled beautiful breasts, then you definitely want to see a flat athletic tummy instead of an apron of skin and fat with stretch marks.
  5. More economically profitable
      Complex surgery is cheaper than the sum of individual operations performed. This approach allows you to save up to 30% of your budget!

Stretch Mark Removal

Stretch marks (or stretch marks) are one of the biggest problems of every woman who has given birth. The most problematic areas in this regard are the stomach, chest, hips, waist, and in some cases even the face. At first, stretch marks appear as lavender or pale pink streaks. However, over time they become similar to real scars. This is due to the fact that with an increase in the abdomen, internal ruptures of the connective tissue of the skin occur with damage to small vessels. But gradually they become coarser and acquire a whitish tint. You can get rid of stretch marks using several types of procedures - both cosmetic and surgical (depending on how old the stretch marks are).


Why are patients afraid?

Despite the significant benefits of Mommy makeover, most women panic when faced with the need to make a decision about complex modeling.

Let's sort out your fears:

  • “This is a multi-hour operation. How safe is it for me?

Yes, indeed, the “Recovery after childbirth” complex takes several hours. But modern surgical techniques are quite optimized and allow complex interventions to be carried out in a short time.

Mommy makeover is widely used by doctors all over the world. The technique has been honed to perfection.

  • “Anesthesia has an adverse effect on the body. I don’t want to put myself in danger.”

Modern general anesthesia with the latest generation drugs is quite easily tolerated by patients. During the operation, a whole team of specialists monitors your condition. From the moment of administration of muscle relaxants until the moment of awakening, the patient is under the supervision of an anesthesiologist. There are many opinions about the effects of anesthesia on the body, most of which are myths and speculation.

  • “I'm afraid of pain during recovery. Lots of cuts – it’s scary!”

Yes, restoring the body after childbirth involves fairly large stitches. But we care about the comfort of patients, so we relieve pain with painkillers. As our patients note, already on the 2nd-3rd day there is practically no pain.

  • “The stitches on the chest and stomach are scary. How can we make them unnoticeable?”

Proper care of sutures ensures rapid healing. Within a year, thin light stripes remain at the site of the incisions. Laser resurfacing visibly smoothes scars. Girls who decided to restore their waist after childbirth are happy with the results!

Examination, preparation, postoperative period

During a gynecological examination, the doctor determines the nature of the damage to the muscles of the perineum and the degree of dysfunction of the pelvic organs. Based on the data obtained, the patient is recommended the preferred method of perineoplasty, and a preoperative examination is prescribed. Based on the results, a second consultation is carried out, preoperative preparation and surgery date are assigned.

Examination for surgical treatment and expiration dates of tests

Valid for 6 months:
  • Fluorography;
  • Cervical smear for oncocytology.
Valid for 3 months:
  • Blood test for HIV (AIDS);
  • Blood test for RW (syphilis);
  • Blood test for hepatitis B and C viruses;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
Valid for 1 month:
  • Blood group and Rh factor.
  • Clinical blood tests;
  • General urine analysis;
  • Biochemical blood tests (sugar);
  • ECG;
  • A certificate from a therapist with a detailed diagnosis and a conclusion about the absence of contraindications to surgical treatment.
Valid for 10 days:
  • A smear to determine the degree of vaginal cleanliness (if infections and inflammation are detected, treatment is indicated).

Based on the results of the preoperative examination, a second consultation is carried out, the date of the operation and preoperative preparation are set.

Preparation for surgical treatment

  1. Stop sexual intercourse two days before surgery.
  2. The day before, cut or shave the hair on the pubic area, labia and perineum.
  3. On the eve of the intervention, go to bed no later than 22:00. You can take a sedative: tinctures of motherwort, peony, valerian, etc., according to the instructions included with the medications.
  4. In the morning, on the day of surgery, empty your bowels, take a shower and thoroughly clean the external genitalia, and put on clean knitted underwear.
  5. Hunger – last meal three hours before surgery.
  6. Immediately before the procedure, empty your bladder.
  • Referral for surgery, examination results (ultrasound and tests).
  • A clean shirt (robe) and socks, sanitary pads, slippers. Leave jewelry (earrings, rings, etc.) at home.

Recommendations after perineoplasty

To achieve the best effect, in the postoperative period the woman must

observe a number of prohibitions and doctor’s prescriptions. They are determined by the anatomical features of the intervention area, the timing of tissue healing and the resorption of suture materials.

  • Do not sit on the crotch for 3 weeks;
  • Avoid sports, running, and heavy physical labor for 2 months;
  • Avoid sexual activity for 2 months;
  • Toilet the external genitalia at least 2 times a day;
  • Avoid excessive and prolonged increases in intra-abdominal pressure (do not push or lift heavy objects).

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Rehabilitation after Mommy makeover

Postpartum plastic surgery is a large-scale operation. But the rehabilitation period after childbirth is not much different from mammoplasty or abdominoplasty, performed separately. The only difference is that the woman wears compression garments for both the chest and abdomen.

  • Before the stitches are removed (the first 7-10 days) . Water treatments are prohibited: use wet wipes to maintain hygiene. Follow a special diet: eat small portions, excluding foods that cause flatulence. Refrain from sexual contact.
  • After the stitches are removed . You can take a shower. A hot bath is excluded, since high temperature and humid air have an adverse effect on the condition of the scars. For the same reasons, it is not recommended to visit the sauna, bathhouse, solarium, beach, or swimming pool for 3 months.
  • Three months . As a rule, the patient returns to her usual lifestyle after plastic surgery after childbirth. It is advisable to include light physical activity, but in moderation.
  • Six months . The result of plastic surgery is fully visible. As a rule, all restrictions are lifted.

To maintain and prolong the effect of liposuction and abdominoplasty, try to adhere to a healthy lifestyle with mandatory physical activity!

Recovery after perineoplasty

During the recovery period after perineoplasty, the patient must observe certain restrictions:

  • You can't use tampons
    . To collect secretions that may appear at this time, only pads are used. In the first week there may be pain, which can be relieved by taking painkillers. Medicines should only be prescribed by a doctor, since many analgesics reduce blood clotting and can cause bleeding.
  • For three weeks, you should not lift anything heavy
    , including a child, train, play sports, or do heavy housework.
  • You can begin to be sexually active only from the 5th week after surgery with the permission of the doctor
    . At first, during intimate contacts, you may feel slight discomfort caused by tissue tightening, but soon the sensations will be restored and even become better.

The patient is advised to drink plenty of fluids, eat prunes, beets, fermented milk products and use stool softeners to avoid constipation and unnecessary strain caused by bowel movements. Exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor are recommended to prolong the effect of perineoplasty.

It is forbidden to lift heavy objects after perineoplasty.

The operation not only provides a cosmetic effect associated with tissue plastic surgery in the intimate area. After this, a woman gets rid of the pain and discomfort that occurs during sexual intercourse, and sometimes during bowel movements. Her overall well-being improves, her self-confidence and quality of life increase.

Gynecological surgeons at our center are proficient in various perineoplasty techniques, so they will help a woman eliminate the unpleasant consequences that arise after childbirth.

Prices in Moscow

MamaNova complex - recovery after childbirthPrice
Breast lift of the 1st category of complexity (areola) without installation of implants + liposuction of the abdomen and flanks (sides) + abdominoplasty400 000
Breast lift with vertical scar without implant installation + liposuction of the abdomen and flanks (sides) + abdominoplasty450 000
T-shaped breast lift without implant installation + liposuction of the abdomen and flanks (sides) + abdominoplasty500 000
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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