Application of spherogel light, medium and long in facial cosmetology

Spherogel Light 1 ml8000,00rub
Spherogel Medium 1ml11500,00rub

“Medicine” in the Moscow ZAO area is a multidisciplinary clinic in which consultations are conducted by qualified, experienced specialists.
One of the main areas of our activity is cosmetology. We practice many modern methods of facial rejuvenation with various types of light, medium, long, increasing skin elasticity, correcting facial contours, etc. In particular, with us you can undergo a procedure using spherogel in cosmetology. Our clinic constantly hosts promotions

Description of the drug Spherogel

Spherogel was developed at the Moscow Scientific Institute named after V.I.
Shumakov on the study of biological materials at the end of the 20th century. The drug was released using patented technology in which quality standards are met. Spherogel does not belong to the types of fillers, revitalizants, or reparants. The drug is a bioregenerant based on matrix therapy. The intracellular matrix is ​​a multicomponent substance whose action is aimed at maintaining tissues in structural integrity.

The scope of use of Spherogel is varied: dentistry, orthopedics, dermatology, cosmetology, urology.

Due to the drug, oxygen and useful substances are delivered from the circulatory system to the cells. In addition to its main purpose, the complex drug takes part in the regulation of basic processes, such as cell differentiation and proliferation. The gel affects tissues and triggers the cell regeneration process.

How does Spherogel work?

Spherogel at the injection sites creates a local zone that is protected from inflammation of any nature, where a favorable environment for the reconstruction and restoration of cellular tissue is simulated. The drug also has a positive effect on lymph and blood, restores the nervous and cardiovascular systems. The resulting renewed cells replace the product introduced under the skin, which allows for natural regeneration of the dermis and rejuvenation of the skin due to the production of hyaluronic acid. Effective tissue restoration begins, the aging process slows down, cellular structure improves, and soft tissue modeling is carried out.

Increasing fibrosis disappears without a trace, the epidermis and dermis are remodeled - the cells and matrix are rejuvenated.


The drug has a gel consistency with the presence of solid particles and contains a number of components of the extracellular matrix: peptides of partially hydrolyzed collagen, uronic acids, proteoglycans, glycoproteins, monosaccharides, native hyaluronic acid, fragmented structural proteins, essential and non-essential proteins, chondroitin sulfates, heparan sulfates and dermatan sulfates.

For production, only natural ingredients of animal origin are used, which trigger skin regeneration processes. The action of the gel is aimed at safely restoring the shape of the face, replenishing tissue deficiency, eliminating fibrosis, scars and stretch marks.

The demand for Spherogel is due to its hypoallergenicity due to the fact that the composition includes components of the extracellular matrix of embryonic or postnatal tissues of animal origin containing collagen, as well as low molecular weight water-soluble fragments obtained from collagen of at least class 4.

The country of origin is Russia, all components included in the composition undergo quality control and safe effects on the human body.

Features and Benefits

The drug is intended to provide an aesthetic and therapeutic effect.

Allergy tests are not performed before the procedure. With the help of Spherogel you can eliminate defects of various types. The substance does not disintegrate into separate fragments, does not change its location, and remains in the injection zone.

The benefits of the cosmetic product include:

  • no pain, long rehabilitation period;
  • maintaining natural facial expressions;
  • simultaneous elimination of several defects associated with skin problems through the use of one drug;
  • compatibility with other cosmetic procedures and products;
  • rapid restoration of elasticity, firmness of the dermis, smoothing of facial and age wrinkles.

The introduction of the drug under the skin is almost painless. The achieved result lasts for a long time.

The main advantage is the absence of age restrictions.

Types of the drug Spherogel

The drug has several varieties.

Spherogel Light

The gel has a low level of cross-linking, the particle size ranges from 30 to 100 micrometers, the absorption period is 30-60 days.

Application area:

  • face, eyes, neck;
  • feet, arms, inner thighs;
  • intimate area.

The drug also helps restore hair growth.

Method of use: linear, papular, combined. The duration of the course varies from 2 to 6 sessions, the procedure interval is once every 14-20 days.

Spherogel Medium

The level of cross-linking is moderate, the size of the constituent elements is 100-200 micrometers, the resorption period is from 60 days to six months.

Area of ​​use:

  • face, décolleté, eye;
  • legs, arms;
  • genital area;
  • restoration of hair growth.

Method of administration: linear, retrograde-linear, bolus, reinforcement.

The duration of the course varies from 2 to 4 sessions, the frequency is once every 60-90 days.

Spherogel Long

The level of crosslinking is high, the particle size is 200-360 micrometers, the resorption period is from 120 days to a year.

Application area:

  • facial wrinkles, nasolabial folds;
  • shoulders and chest;
  • lip contour;
  • scars;
  • areas of uneven skin texture;
  • genital area.

Method of administration: linear, retrograde-linear, bolus, reinforcement.

The duration of the course varies from 2 to 4 sessions, the procedure interval is once every 6-12 months.

Laser and injection cosmetology



Large nozzle. Promotion!
1 PC.14,000 rub. 12,000 rub.
2 pcs22,000 rub. 20,000 rub.
Small nozzle. Promotion!
1 PC.12,000 rub. 10,000 rub.
2 pcs20,000 rub. 16,000 rub.

Laser treatment of vascular pathology

Laser treatment of vascular pathology

Removal of capillary hemangiomas on the body:
1 mm100 rub.
2 mm300 rub.
Removal of hemangioma on the face with a vascular laser1,000 rub.
Cheek (one)6,000 rub.
Nose wings (both sides)1,500 rub.
Full nose3,000 rub.
Chin3,000 rub.
Single vessel (1 cm)1,000 rub.
Local area (1 cm2)1,500 rub.

Laser treatment for skin pigmentation

Laser treatment for skin pigmentation

Local areas (up to 5 mm) - 1 pc.800 rub.
Areas (more than 5 mm) -1 cm21,000 rub.
Areas (more than 10 mm) -1 cm2800 rub.
Full face10,000 rub.


Photorejuvenation (IPL M22, 1 filter)

Face10,000 rub.
Face + neck15,000 rub.
Face + neck + décolleté25,000 rub.
Neck8,000 rub.
Forearm15,000 rub.
Cleavage15,000 rub.
Hands8,000 rub.
Full hands25,000 rub.


Thermolifting (IPL M22, 3 filters)

Face15,000 rub.
Face + neck20,000 rub.
Face + neck + décolleté30,000 rub.
Neck10,000 rub.
Cleavage15,000 rub.
Hands10,000 rub.

Fractional thermolysis

Fractional thermolysis

Fractional thermolysis of the face:
— Ablative laser (Erbium)15,000 rub.
— Non-ablative laser (Neodymium)12,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the forehead5,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the eyelids of both eyes6,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the cheeks10,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the neck - promotion!!!8,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the décolleté15,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the face and neck - promotion!!!18,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the face, neck and décolleté - promotion!!!25,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the mammary glands12,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of abdominal skin15,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the shoulder - inner part (both arms)15,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of hand skin10,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the buttocks (two sides)15,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the thigh - inner part (both legs)20,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the thigh - outer part (both legs)15,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the knee areas (both legs)12,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the intimate area New!!!5,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of scars (1 sq cm)1,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of scars from 2 cm or more (1 sq cm)500 rub.
Laser (carbon) peeling6,000 rub.

Discounts when paying for the course (3 procedures):

Fractional thermolysis of the face:
— Ablative laser (Erbium)40,000 rub.
— Non-ablative laser (Neodymium)30,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of face and neck45,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the face, neck and décolleté60,000 rub.



Photorejuvenation + ResurFX: face22,000 rub.
Photorejuvenation + ResurFX: face + neck30,000 rub.
Photorejuvenation + ResurFX: face, neck and décolleté40,000 rub.
Photorejuvenation + ResurFX: neck15,000 rub.
Photorejuvenation + ResurFX: décolleté20,000 rub.

4D laser rejuvenation

4D laser rejuvenation Fotona

Face promotion!!!22,000 rub.
Face+neck29,000 rub.
Face+neck+décolleté promotion!!!39,000 rub.
Lips6,000 rub.

3D laser rejuvenation Fotona

Face20,000 rub.
Face+neck26,000 rub.
Face+neck+décolleté35,000 rub.
Neck15,000 rub.
Cleavage18,000 rub.
Neck+Décolleté25,000 rub.
Hands12,000 rub.

2D laser rejuvenation Fotona

Face18,000 rub.
Face+neck24,000 rub.
Face+neck+décolleté32,000 rub.
Neck13,000 rub.
Cleavage16,000 rub.
Neck+Décolleté23,000 rub.
Hands10,000 rub.
Laser blepharoplasty12,000 rub.

SMOOTH rejuvenation

Eyelids and crow's feet6,000 rub.
Forehead5,000 rub.
Cheeks6,000 rub.
Face10,000 rub.
Face+double chin12,000 rub.
Neck8,000 rub.
Cleavage12,000 rub.
Face+neck15,000 rub.
Neck+décolleté15,000 rub.
Face+neck+décolleté20,000 rub.
Hands10,000 rub.

Deep rejuvenation (Frac 3)

Lower eyelid and crow's feet6,000 rub.
Forehead5,000 rub.
Face oval8,000 rub.
Face+chin12,000 rub.
Neck8,000 rub.
Cleavage15,000 rub.
Face+neck18,000 rub.
Face+neck+décolleté25,000 rub.
Stomach15,000 rub.
Area 10*15 cm (palm area)10,000 rub.

Deep dermal lifting (PIANO)

Face10,000 rub.
Face+double chin12,000 rub.
Neck8,000 rub.
Cleavage12,000 rub.
Face+neck15,000 rub.
Face+neck+décolleté20,000 rub.
Double chin8,000 rub.

RF needle lifting

RF needle lifting

Face15,000 rub.
Periorbital zone (area around the eyes)10,000 rub.
Cheeks12,000 rub.
Neck15,000 rub.
Cleavage20,000 rub.
Face + neck25,000 rub.
Neck + décolleté30,000 rub.
Face + neck + décolleté40,000 rub.
Hands10,000 rub.
Elbows12,000 rub.
Stomach20,000 rub.
Knees20,000 rub.
Inner surface of the shoulder20,000 rub.
Inner thighs30,000 rub.
Stretch bars 150 sq.cm10,000 rub.

Contour plastic

Contour plastic:

Sculptra injections

Sculptra - 10.0 ml35,000 rub.
Sculptra - 10.0 ml x 2 bottles. Promotion! 10% discount 63,000 rub.

AestheFill injections

AestheFill – 10.0 ml35,000 rub.
AestheFill - 10.0 ml x 2 bottles. Promotion! 10% discount 63,000 rub.

Art Filler Injections

Art Filler Fine Lines – 1.0 ml15,000 rub.
Art Filler Universal – 1.0 ml16,000 rub.
Art Filler Volume – 1.0 ml17,000 rub.
Art Filler Lips – 1.0 ml16,000 rub.

Belotero injections

Belotero Soft – 1.0 ml14,000 rub.
Belotero Balance – 1.0 ml14,500 rub.
Belotero Intense – 1.0 ml15,000 rub.
Belotero Intense – 2.0 ml27,000 rub.
Belotero Intense – 3.0 mlRUB 38,500
Belotero Intense – 4.0 ml49,000 rub.
Belotero Intense – 6.0 ml65,000 rub.
Belotero Volume – 1.0 ml16,000 rub.
Belotero Volume – 2.0 ml30,000 rub.
New! Belotero Lips Contour 12,000 rub.
New! Belotero Lips Shape 12,000 rub.
Promotion! Belotero Lips Shape + Contour 18,000 rub.

Juvederm injections

Juvederm Ultra 3 – 1.0 ml15,000 rub.
Juvederm Ultra 4 – 1.0 ml15,500 rub.
Juvederm Smile – 0.55 ml12,000 rub.
Juvederm Volbella – 1.0 ml17,000 rub.
Juvederm Volift (with lidocaine) – 1.0 ml17,000 rub.
Juvederm Voluma – 1 ml17,000 rub.
Juvederm Voluma – 2 ml32,000 rub.
Juvederm Voluma – 3 ml45,000 rub.
Juvederm Voluma – 4 ml57,000 rub.
Juvederm Volux – 1.0 ml17,000 rub.
Juvederm Volux – 2.0 ml32,000 rub.

Neauvia injections

Neauvia Organic Intense Rheology, 1 ml.15,000 rub.
Neauvia Organic Intense Rheology, 2 ml.27,000 rub.
Neauvia Organic Intense Man, 1 ml.16,000 rub.
Neauvia Organic Intense Man, 2 ml.30,000 rub.
Neauvia Organic Intense Man, 3 ml.43,000 rub.

Novacutan FBio injections

Novacutan FBio Medium – 1.0 ml15,000 rub.
Novacutan FBio Volume – 1.0 ml15,000 rub.
Novacutan FBio Medium – 2.0 ml27,000 rub.
Novacutan FBio Volume – 2.0 ml27,000 rub.

Radiesse injections

Radiesse – 1.5 ml25,000 rub.
Radiesse – 1.5 ml x 2 syringes47,000 rub.

Restylane injections

Restylane – 1ml14,000 rub.
Restylane Perlane – 1 ml16,000 rub.
Restylane Perlane – 2 ml30,000 rub.
Restylane Perlane – 3 ml43,000 rub.
Restylane Perlane – 4 ml55,000 rub.

Revanesse injections

Revanesse Ultra - 1.0 ml14,000 rub.

Stylage injections

Stylage L – 1.0 ml15,000 rub.
Stylage L - 2.0 ml27,000 rub.
Stylage L - 3.0 mlRUB 38,500
Stylage L - 4.0 ml49,000 rub.
Stylage L - 6.0 ml65,000 rub.

Yvoire injections

Yvoire Classic – 1.0 ml14,000 rub.

Spherogel injections

Spherogel Lights 0.5 ml6,000 rub.
Spherogel Lights 1.0 ml11,000 rub.
Spherogel Medium 0.5 ml8,000 rub.
Spherogel Medium 1.0 ml15,000 rub.

Collost injections

Collost 7% – 1.5 ml13,000 rub.
Collost 15% – 1.5 ml18,000 rub.
SoftFil cannulas500 rub.
Hyaluronidase7,000 rub.

Thread lifting

Mesothreads (up to 10 threads) - 1 thread1,000 rub.
Mesothreads (more than 10 threads) - 1 thread800 rub.
APTOS (Thread (2 pcs), Excellence Visage (10 pcs)45,000 rub.
APTOS Light Lift Needle Blunt (2 threads)45,000 rub.
APTOS Needle (2 threads)48,000 rub.

Skin biorevitalization

Skin biorevitalization

Novacutan SBio/YBio, 2.0 ml13,000 rub.
Novacutan SBio + YBio – 4.0 ml22,000 rub.
Stylage Hydro – 1.0 ml13,000 rub.
Restylane Vital Light-1.0 ml11,000 rub.
Restylane Vital – 1.0 ml13,000 rub.
Viscoderm – 1.5 ml10,000 rub.
Neauvia Hydro Deluxe – 2.5 ml17,000 rub.
Juvederm Volite – 1.0 ml Promotion!18,000 rub.
Profhilo18,000 rub.
Meso-Wharton P199 – 1.5 ml14,000 rub.
Meso-Eye – C-71 – 1.0 ml14,000 rub.
Meso-Xanthin F199 – 1.5 ml14,000 rub.
Meso-Sculpt C71 – 1.0 ml14,000 rub.
Skinko E- 5 ml8,000 rub.
Hyalual 1.1%, 1.8%, 2.2%15,000 rub.
Collagen rejuvenation NITHYA – 5 ml20,000 rub.



Plasmolifting (face) - Promotion!6,000 rub.
Plasmolifting (face, neck)7,500 rub.
Plasmolifting (face, neck, décolleté) - Promotion!9,000 rub.
Plasmolifting (scalp)6,000 rub.
Plasmolifting Regen ACR – C PLUS (Royal set)35,000 rub.
Plasmolifting Hyalrepair PRP therapy, face12,000 rub.
Plasmolifting Hyalrepair PRP therapy, face + neck22,000 rub.

Botox injections

Botulinum toxin injections

Botulinum toxin injections - 1 unit - Promotion!!!300 rub.
Dysport injections – 1 unit100 rub.
Xeomin injections – 1 unit300 rub.

Thread lifting

Thread lifting

Mesothreads (up to 10 threads) - 1 thread1,000 rub.
Mesothreads (more than 10 threads) - 1 thread800 rub.
APTOS (Thread (2 pcs), Excellence Visage (10 pcs)45,000 rub.
APTOS Light Lift Needle Blunt (2 threads)45,000 rub.
APTOS Needle (2 threads)48,000 rub.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis

Treatment of hyperhidrosis

Treatment of hyperhidrosis (100 units of Botox) - Promotion!!!25,000 rub.
Treatment of hyperhidrosis (100 units of Xeomin)25,000 rub.
Treatment of hyperhidrosis (500 units of Dysport)28,000 rub.


Mesotherapy (face, neck)

DMAE 3% – 2 ml (face)4,000 rub.
DMAE 3% – 3 ml (face+neck)5,000 rub.
NCTF 135 – 3 ml7,000 rub.
NCTF 135 HA – 3 ml9,000 rub.
NCTF 135 HA+ – 3 ml10,000 rub.
VELUDERM Hyaluronic acid 1% – 2 ml1,000 rub.

Mesotherapy (scalp)

Hair+ Revitalizing-2 ml + trace elements3,500 rub.
Hair+ Revitalizing – 5 ml5,000 rub.
Hair X (Peptide)* – 1.3 ml6,000 rub.
(* when paying for a course of 4 procedures)20,000 rub.
Microelements + vitamins3,500 rub.
Pluryal mesoline Hair – 5 ml6,000 rub.

Mesotherapy (body)

AQUALYX 8 ml(1 bottle)7,000 rub.
AQUALYX 16 ml(2 bottles)13,000 rub.
Dermastabilon – 5 ml1 zone3,500 rub.
Dermastabilon – 10 ml2 zones6,000 rub.
DMAE 3% – 2 ml1 zone4,000 rub.
DMAE 3% – 4 ml2 zones6,000 rub.
Meso-Sculpt C71 – 1.0 ml14,000 rub.
Pluryal mesoline bodyform – 5 ml(1 bottle)6,000 rub.

Placental therapy

Placental therapy

Melsmon 2 ml6,000 rub.
Melsmon 4 ml9,500 rub.
Kurasen 2 ml7,000 rub.
Plasmolifting (1 zone) + Laennec9,000 rub.
Laennec mesotherapy – 2 ml (1 ampoule)5,000 rub.
Laennec dropper – 4 ml (2 ampoules)7,000 rub.
Laennec dropper – 10 ml (5 ampoules)12,000 rub.

Diamond microdermabrasion

Diamond microdermabrasion

Face5,500 rub.
Face, neck7,000 rub.
Face, neck, décolleté9,000 rub.

Laser treatment for stretch marks

Laser treatment for stretch marks

1 sq cm1,000 rub.
Stomach15,000 rub.
Breast area12,000 rub.
Buttocks15,000 rub.
Hips - outer part (both legs)15,000 rub.
Lumbar areas (both sides)15,000 rub.

Laser resurfacing

Laser resurfacing

Laser resurfacing:
resurfacing of face and body scars - 1 sq. cm 1,000 rub.
grinding stretch marks - 1 sq. cm 1,000 rub.
face ablative laser (Erbium)15,000 rub.
face non-ablative laser (Neodymium)12,000 rub.
eyelids6,000 rub.
forehead5,000 rub.
cheeks (both sides)10,000 rub.
neck8,000 rub.
neckline15,000 rub.
face+neck18,000 rub.
face+neck+décolleté25,000 rub.
stomach15,000 rub.
Scar hormone therapy (Diprospan)1,300 rub.
Correction of retracted scars with Collost filler, 7%, 1.5 ml13,000 rub.
Correction of retracted scars with Collost filler, 15%, 1.5 ml18,000 rub.
Spherogel Lights 0.5 ml6,000 rub.
Spherogel Lights 1.0 ml11,000 rub.
Spherogel Medium 0.5 ml8,000 rub.
Spherogel Lights 1.0 ml15,000 rub.

Face cleaning. Acne treatment.

Face cleaning

(makeup remover, facial skin steaming, deep cleansing of the skin, mask according to skin type, application of cream + SPF)

Face cleaning5,500 rub.
Soothing mask1,000 rub.
Anesthesia (cream)500 rub.
ENERPEEL JR (Jessner Peeling) together with facial cleansing3,000 rub.
Initial consultation with a dermatocosmetologist for acne3,000 rub.
Secondary consultation with a dermatocosmetologist on acne1,000 rub.



TCA peeling (Easy TCA Peel) 70%12,000 rub.
TCA peeling (Easy TCA Peel) 50%10,000 rub.
TCA peeling (Easy TCA Peel) 25%8,000 rub.
TCA peeling (Easy TCA Peel) 15%6,000 rub.
Retinol yellow peeling (Timeless Peel/Lightening Cream) – face5,000 rub.
Retinol yellow peeling (Timeless Peel/Lightening Cream) – face, neck7,500 rub.
Retinol orange peeling (Purity Peel)4,000 rub.
Blue Peel4,000 rub.
Peeling PRX-T33 – face5,000 rub.
Peeling PRX-T33 – face + neck7,500 rub.
Peeling PRX-T33 – face+neck+décolleté9,000 rub.
ENERPEEL JR (Jessner Peel)5,000 rub.

Deep laser rejuvenation

Deep laser rejuvenation

Face10,000 rub.
Face + double chin12,000 rub.
Neck8,000 rub.
Cleavage12,000 rub.
Face + neck15,000 rub.
Face + neck + décolleté20,000 rub.
Double chin8,000 rub.

Ultrasonic SMAS lifting Altera

Ultrasonic SMAS lifting Altera

Upper eyelid lifting40 lines15,000 rub.
60 lines22,000 rub.
Upper and lower eyelids98 lines27,000 rub.
140 lines35,000 rub.
Middle-lower third of the face266 lines65,000 rub.
390 lines75,000 rub.
Whole face (including submandibular area)504 lines90,000 rub.
800 lines120,000 rub.
Neckline area250 lines60,000 rub.
280 lines70,000 rub.
Neck300 lines70,000 rub.
Neck + chin area530 lines100,000 rub.
Additional line1240 rub.

Ultrasonic SMAS lifting Ultraformer

SMAS-lifting Ultraformer

Face 800 lines 50,000 rub.
Face 1100 lines 75,000 rub.
Cleavage 600 lines 35,000 rub.
Neck 300 lines 25,000 rub.
Periorbital zone 200 lines 20,000 rub.
Body 600 lines 40,000 rub.
Body 1200 lines 80,000 rub.
Body 2000 lines 120,000 rub.

Original methods of the Gradient clinic

Original methods of the Gradient clinic

"Open eyes"30,000 rub.
"NeedleLift" face 25,000 rub.
"ScarNeedle" face 30,000 rub.
"ScarNeedle" cheeks 27,000 rub.
"ScarNeedle" Face + neck 38,000 rub.

Ear piercing

Ear piercing

Ear piercing3,500 rub.

OBAGI Cosmetics

OBAGI Cosmetics

Obagi Nu-Derm Fx Products/Products of the Obagi Nu-Derm Fx line
7006Gentle Cleanser for sensitive and dry skin200 ml3900 rub.
7005Gel foam for oily skin (Foaming Gel)200 ml3400 rub.
7001Tonic lotion for restoring pH levels (Toner)200 ml3400 rub.
7044Skin Tone Improvement Cream (Clear Fx)57 g8200 rub.
7002Sensitive & Dry Skin Exfoliating Lotion for Normal to Dry Skin (Exfoderm)57 g6300 rub.
7013Exfoliating lotion for normal to oily skin (Exfoderm Forte)57 g6300 rub.
7045Blender cream for improving skin tone with vitamin C and E (Blend Fx)57 g7800 rub.
7091Obagi Nu-Derm Fx System for normal to oily skinkit33600 rub.
7092Obagi Nu-Derm Fx System for normal to dry skinemb.b/box33600 rub.
Obagi Hydrate Facial Moisturizers / Obagi Moisturizers
7019Moisturizing face cream (Obagi Hydrate)48 g4100 rub.
7020Intensive moisturizing cream (Hydrate Luxe)48 g5900 rub.
9001Hydrating Facial Serum (Daily Hydro-Drops)30 g7800 rub.
Obagi-C Fx Products / Products of the Obagi-C Fx line
5001Cleansing gel with vitamin C (C-Cleansing Gel)180 ml3400 rub.
5013Tonic lotion for restoring pH levels for normal to oily skin (C-Balancing Toner)198 ml3400 rub.
7783Serum to even out skin tone with vitamin C (C-Clarifying Serum Fx)30 ml9900 rub.
5008Day exfoliating lotion with vitamin C (C-Exfoliating Day Lotion)57 g5900 rub.
7784Night cream to even out skin tone with vitamin C (Obagi-C Night Cream Fx)57 g8200 rub.
5057Obagi C-Fx System for normal to oily skinemb.b/box26,000 rub.
5058Obagi C-Fx System for normal to dry skinemb.b/box28500 rub.
Obagi Professional –C Products /Products of the Obagi Professional-C line
5051Serum 10% with vitamin C for normal to dry skin (Professional-C Serum 10%)30 ml6800 rub.
5052Serum 15% with vitamin C for all skin types (Professional-C Serum 15%)30 ml8100 rub.
5053Serum 20% with vitamin C for oily skin (Professional-C Serum 20% )30 ml9900 rub.
5055Serum to even out skin tone around the eyes with vitamin C (Professional-C Eye Brightener)15 ml7400 rub.
5056Serum-peptide complex with vitamin C (Professional-C Peptide Complex)30 ml9200 rub.
5059Nourishing cream-mask for microdermabrasion of facial skin (Professional-C Microdermabrasion Polish + Mask)80 ml7100 rub.
Obagi ELASTIderm Products/Products of the Obagi ELASTIderm line
6500Cream for restoring elasticity of the skin around the eyes (Elastiderm Eye Treatment Cream)15 g9000 rub.
6501Elastiderm Eye Gel15 g9000 rub.
6503Serum for comprehensive skin care around the eyes (Elastiderm Eye Complete Complex Serum)14 ml9000 rub.
Obagi CLENZIderm MD Products/ Products of the Obagi CLENZIderm MD line
0301System "Obagi CLENZIderm MD" for normal and oily skin (Obagi CLENZIderm MD for normal to oily skin)emb.b/box11400 rub.
0004Cleansing gel-foam for daily care (Clenziderm MD Daily Care Foaming Cleanser)118 ml3200 rub.
0204Exfoliating lotion to open pores (Clenziderm MD Pore Therapy)148 ml3200 rub.
0116Lotion for problem skin (Clenziderm MD Therapeutic Lotion)47 ml6500 rub.
0417Moisturizing serum (Clenziderm MD Therapeutic Moisturizer)50 ml3200 rub.
Obagi 360 Products / Obagi 360 line products
7051Obagi 360 Exfoliating Cleanser150 ml3300 rub.
7017Retinol cream 0.5% (Retinol 0.5)28 g5100 rub.
7016Retinol cream 1.0% (Retinol 1.0)28 g5400 rub.
7027Obagi 360 Systememb.b/box11700 rub.
Obagi sunscreens / Obagi sunscreen series
7011Sun Shield Matte Broad Spectrum SPF 5085 g4200 rub.
1003Sun Shield Broad Spectrum SPF 50 Mineral85 g4200 rub.
7024Moisturizer with broad spectrum sun protection factor SPF 30 (Obagi 360 Hydrafactor SPF 30)75 g4700 rub.
5054Professional-C Suncare Broad Spectrum SPF 3048 g5800 rub.
SUZANOBAGIMD™ / Susan Obagi Series
0001Retivance Skin Rejuvenation Complex by Susan Obagi (Complex rejuvenating cream from Susan Obagi)30 g10100 rub.
0102IDR Intensive Daily Repair by Susan Obagi (Exfoliating and moisturizing lotion by Susan Obagi)60 g6000 rub.
0215Soothing Complex Calming Lotion Broad Spectrum SPF 25 Sunscreen by Susan Obagi (Soothing complex calming complex lotion with SPF 25 broad spectrum protection)47 g6300 rub.
0366Foaming Cleanser by Susan Obagi200 ml3400 rub.
0466Balancing Toner by Susan Obagi (Tonic lotion for cleansing and restoring skin pH levels)200 ml3400 rub.
0525CLEANSING WIPES by SUZANOBAGIMD (Cleansing wipes from Susan Obagi)25 pcs1600 rub.
0625ACNE CLEANSING WIPES by SUZANOBAGIMD (Cleansing wipes for problem skin from Susan Obagi)25 pcs1600 rub.

Cosmetics GUINOT

Cosmetics GUINOT

Lait Hydra Fraicheur – Refreshing cleansing milk200 ml5002003800
Lotion Hydra Fraicheur - Refreshing tonic Lotion Hydra Fraicheur200 ml5002103800
Lait Hydra Beaute - Softening cleansing milkLait Hydra Beaute200 ml5003023800
Lotion Hydra Beaute - Lotion Hydra Beaute softening toner200 ml5003123800
Eau Demaquillante Micellaire – Cleansing micellar water200 ml5059003800
Hydra Tendre – Gentle cleanser150 ml5001444200
Gommage Eclat Parfait – Exfoliating cream for radiance50 ml5036404500
Gommage Biologic— Gentle biological gel peeling50 ml5036224800
Brume Hydra Beauté – Refreshing moisturizing mist100 ml5072703800
Crème Hydra Beaute - Moisturizing restoring cream50 ml5028035800
Crème Hydra Finish - Moisturizing tinted cream SPF 1530 ml5068705300
CrèmeYouth Perfect Finish SPF 50 - Perfect Anti-Aging Toner30 ml5069107300
Creme Fluide Hydrazone - Moisturizing cream fluid50 ml5072008800
Crème Hydrazone - Deep Moisturizing Cream50 ml5060448400
Crème Hydrazone PD—Intensive moisturizing cream50 ml5060658400
Creme Hydra Summum - Ideal moisturizer50 ml50690016000
Serum Hydra Cellulaire - Serum “Cellular Hydration”30 ml50151010000
Serum Hydra Summum - Anti-aging Serum 3D moisturizing30 ml50689013100
Masque Hydra Beaute - Instant Moisturizing Mask50 ml5038445300
Crème Nutri Confort - Nourishing protective cream50 ml5028345800
Crème Nutrizone - Intense nourishing cream50 ml50279410100
Serum Nutri Cellulaire - Serum “Cellular Nutrition”30 ml50505010500
Masque Essentiel Nutri Confort - Instant Nourishing Mask50 ml5037865300
Crème De Soin Demaquillante Clean Logic - Rejuvenating cleansing cream150 ml5006914200
Lotion De Soin Revitalisante Clean Logic - Revitalizing tonic200 ml5006924200
Crème Anti-Rides - Anti-aging anti-wrinkle cream50 ml5045005800
Crème Riche Anti-Rides - Anti-aging anti-wrinkle cream50 ml5046006500
Crème Longue Vie - Anti-aging cream “Long Cell Life”50 ml50342414000
Crème Pleine Vie - Rejuvenating compensation cream50 ml50293312800
NEW Nouvelle Vie – Toning cream with peptide-antioxidant complex against the first signs of aging50 ml50340010100
Fond de Teint Youth Time No. 1 – Rejuvenating foundation No. 130 ml5050306900
Fond de Teint Youth Time No. 2 – Rejuvenating foundation No. 230 ml5050406900
Fond de Teint Youth Time No. 3 – Rejuvenating foundation No. 330 ml5050606900
Fond de Teint Youth Time No. 4 – Rejuvenating foundation No. 430 ml5050706900
Crème Derma Liss - Cream corrector for wrinkles and enlarged pores13 ml5068503300
Serum Longue Vie - Rejuvenating serum “Long Cell Life”30 ml50155011500
Serum Anti-Taches - Rejuvenating serum against pigment spots23.5 ml+1.5g50155110800
Masque Anti-Rides - Smoothing anti-wrinkle mask50 ml5038235300
Creme Fermete - Firming cream with lifting effect50 ml5017005800
Creme Riche Fermete - Firming cream with lifting effect50 ml5008006200
Liftosome - Intensive firming cream with lifting effect50 ml50496010400
Crème Lift Summum - Ideal firming cream with a lifting effect50 ml54922216500
Serum Liftosome - Firming serum with triple lifting effect30 ml52763010500
Serum Lift Summum - Intensive serum with a lifting effect30 ml53063018300
Masque Lift Summum—Intensive Firming Mask with a lifting effect50 ml5051508700
Masque Eclat Lifting - Mask with instant lifting and radiance effect4 x 19 ml5048006100
Crème Age Logic - Intensive anti-aging cream50 ml50272320200
Crème Riche Age Logic—Intense nourishing anti-aging cream50 ml50380119500
Crème Age Summum - Rejuvenating cream for anti-aging skin immunity50 ml50730024200
Serum Age Immune - Immunocorrective rejuvenating serum30 ml50731024600
Serum Age Logic—Intense rejuvenating facial serum25 ml50158121600
Mousse Nettoyante Microbiotic – Cleansing mousse150 ml5003254600
Lotion Microbiotic - Mattifying toning lotion200 ml5014274600
Crème Pur Equilibre - Balancing cream with a mattifying effect50 ml5029534800
Serum-Crème Acnilogic - Sebum-regulating serum cream30 ml5290905400
Masque Pur Equilibre – Purifying mattifying mask50 ml5038245400
Correcteur Cover Touch – Healing cream-corrector15 ml5068803100
Mousse Nettoyant Bioxygene - Oxygenating cleansing mousse150 ml5006504400
Crème Bioxygene - Oxygenating cream for skin radiance50 ml5004508100
Serum Bioxygene - Oxygenating serum for radiant skin30 ml5071008100
Crème Beauté Neuve - Renewing anti-aging cream50 ml52766511300
Crème Matizone - Mattifying moisturizer50 ml5030009300
Crème Night Logic - Refreshing night face cream50 ml5074608000
Concentre Lift Eclat - Ampoules for instant lifting and radiance of the skin2 amp.5048733100
Masque Dynamisant Anti-Fatique - Revitalizing mask to restore radiance50 ml5005505500
Lait Hydra Sensitive - Gentle cleansing milk200 ml5001953800
Crème Hydra Sensitive - Soothing restorative cream50 ml5275845800
Crème Protection Reparatrice - Protective restorative cream50 ml5027705700
Crème Red Logic - Cream to eliminate skin redness30 ml5027805500
Crème Pur Confort SPF 15 – Soothing protective cream SPF 1550 ml5074008100
Serum Hydra Sensitive - Soothing serum for reactive skin30 ml5276228100
Masque Hydra Sensitive - Instant soothing mask50 ml5275905400
Huile Demaquillante Newhite - Brightening Cleansing Oil for Radiance200 ml5053004300
Lait Newhite - Brightening Cleansing Milk for Radiance200 ml5052004000
Mousse Nettoyante Newhite – Brightening cleansing mousse150 ml5062003800
Lotion Newhite - Brightening lotion for radiance200 ml5051003800
Crème Newhite UV 50 - Brightening tinted cream for radiant skin SPF 5030 ml5063004800
Crème Jour Newhite SPF 30 - Daytime brightening cream for radiant skin SPF 3050 ml5055007200
Crème Nuit Newhite - Night brightening cream for radiant skin50 ml5054007200
Serum Newhite - Brightening serum with vitamin C23.5 ml+1.5g5058009800
Concentré Newhite - Serum concentrate against age spots15 ml5061003900
Masque Newhite - Instant action complexion improving mask7*30 ml5057007700
Démaquillant Express Yeux - Two-phase express cleanser for the eye area100 ml5022003400
Gelee Démaquillante Hydra Yeux - Gentle cleansing gel for the eye area100 ml5274333200
Crème Eye Fresh - Refreshing cream for the eye area against puffiness and dark circles15 ml5275105800
Serum-Crème Yeux Hydrazone - Moisturizing serum-cream for the eye area15 ml5273816400
Crème Yeux Longue Vie - Rejuvenating cream with lifting effect “Long cell life” for the eye area15 ml5273527600
Crème Yeux Age Logic - Intensive anti-aging cream for the eye area15 ml5290329800
Age Logic Serum Yeux - Intensive rejuvenating serum for the eye area15 ml50161010500
Masque Anti-Fatique Yeux - Smoothing, refreshing mask for the eye area30 ml5273925200
Masque Age Logic Yeux – Age Logic Eye Mask5.5 ml x 45273935400
Baume Confort Levres – Protective nourishing lip balm15 ml5009501700
Baume Longue Vie Levres – Rejuvenating lip cream “Long Cell Life”15 ml5274535700
Crème Longue Vie Cou - Firming neck cream “Long Cell Life”30 ml5275539100
Crème Longue Vie Mains - Multiactive anti-aging hand cream “Long Cell Life”75 ml5122654000
Gel Nettoyant – Facial cleansing gel150 ml5018004200
Baume Aprés-Rasage - Moisturizing and soothing after shave balm75 ml5018115400
Crème Longue Vie Homme - Rejuvenating cream-serum “Long Cell Life”50 ml5018508900
Gel Defatigant Express Yeux - Express gel for the eye area against fatigue20 ml5018305200
Very high and high degree of protection
Age Sun Summum SPF 50+ − Intensive anti-aging face cream with a very high degree of protection SPF 50+50 ml5150709300
Crème Solaire Visage SPF 50 − Anti-aging face cream with high protection SPF 5050 ml5150405700
Baume Solaire Sensitive SPF 50+ − Anti-aging sun balm for sensitive areas with very high protection SPF 50+15 ml5172014500
Creme Solaire Yeux SPF 50+ - Anti-aging cream for the eye area with a very high degree of protection SPF 50+15 ml5150305800
Huile Seche Solaire SPF 50 − Anti-aging dry body oil with high protection SPF 50150 ml5150805300
Lait Solaire Corps – SPF 50 – Anti-aging sunscreen body milk SPF 50150 ml5152005800
High and medium degree of protection
Crème Solaire Visage SPF 30 – Anti-aging face cream with high protection SPF 3050 ml5150505700
Brume Solaire Corps SPF 30 − Anti-aging body spray with high protection SPF 30150 ml5150905800
Uni Bronze SPF 20 - Anti-aging tinted face cream with medium protection SPF 2050 ml5150605700
Lait Solaire Corps SPF 20 − Anti-aging body milk with medium protection SPF 20150 ml5151005300
Sun Perfect SPF 15 -Sun protection biphasic body spray SPF 15150 ml5153005400
Longue Vie Soleil Visage – Rejuvenating face cream before and after tanning “Long cell life”50 ml51501010700
Longue Vie Soleil Corps – Rejuvenating after-sun body milk “Long cell life”150 ml5150206600
NEW Longue Vie Soleil Masque – Anti-aging restorative mask after sun50 ml5151306100
Self tanning
Auto Bronze Visage – Self-tanning gel for face50 ml5151104400
Auto Bronze Corps – Body self-tanning milk150 ml5151204800
Skin Health
Douche Soin Hydrazone – Shower Cream “Intense Hydration”200 ml5278102000
Gommage Facile – Exfoliating body scrub gel200 ml5281674800
Lait Hydrazone Corps - Moisturizing body milk200 ml5280184700
Douche Mirific – Nourishing shower gel300 ml5281112400
Eau Mirific – Refreshing body mist100 ml5281805300
Baume Nutri Science - Nourishing body balm150 ml5280055300
Lait Hydrabronze - Moisturizing body milk with self-tanning effect200 ml5281004100
Youth and Elasticity
Crème Longue Vie Corps - Firming anti-aging body cream “Long Cell Life”200 ml5279128100
Serum Longue Vie Decolette - Rejuvenating firming serum for the décolleté area50 ml5285518100
Crème Longue Vie Pieds – Rejuvenating foot cream “Long Cell Life”125 ml5122802800
Crème Sculpt Expert - Modeling firming body cream200 ml5279156700
Crème Vergetures - Renewing cream against stretch marks200 ml5285606700
Huile Mirific Anti-Age - Anti-aging body oil90 ml5282006100
Losing weight and fighting cellulite
Gommage Peau d'Orange – Anti-cellulite body scrub200 ml5281314200
Creme Slim Logic - Anti-cellulite weight loss cream125 ml5705105300
NEW Slim Detox Cream - Slimming cream with drainage effect125 ml5282056100
Crème Minceur Chrono – Concentrated slimming cream125 ml5279925400
Gel Jambes Legeres - Refreshing gel to relieve tired legs150 ml5282014900
Lait Corps Depil Logic - Anti-hair growth milk for body125 ml5281544800
Crème Visage Depil Logic - Anti-hair growth cream for face15 ml5026422500
Serum Depil Logic – Serum against hair growth Depil Logic8 ml x 25026502800

Cosmetics TiZO

Cosmetics TIZO

Sunscreen cream for face and body TiZO Ultra Zinc SPF 40 Non-Tinted, 100 ml3500 rub.
Eye care cream TiZO Eye Renewal/Non-Tinted SPF 20, 15 ml2900 rub.
Photoceutical foaming cleanser, 118 ml2700 rub.
Photoceutical PM Restore Night Serum, 29 ml4500 rub.
Nourishing day cream with Photoceutical AM Replenish SPF 40 lightly tinted, 50 ml5900 rub.
Moisturizing cream for photodamaged skin Tizo Phtoceutical renewable moisturizer, 85 g3900 rub.
Photoceutical Complexion Brightener moisturizing cream, 29 ml3900 rub.

Cosmetics Skin Ceuticals

Cosmetics Skin Ceuticals

SC RESVERATROL BE Night antioxidant care 30ml10,300 rub.
SC AOX+ EYE Antioxidant eye gel 15ml6,400 rub.
SC CE FERULIC high performance serum 30ml11,100 rub.
SC SERUM 10 highly effective double action serum 30ml5,600 rub.
SC PHLORETIN CF Broad spectrum serum 30ml11,100 rub.
SC PHLORETIN CF GEL Broad spectrum gel 30ml11,100 rub.
SC SILYMARIN CF Highly effective antioxidant serum with triple action 30ml New!11,100 rub.
SC ULTRA FACIAL DEFENSE SPF50 sunscreen 30ml2,400 rub.
SC BRIGHTENING UV DEFENSE SPF30 sunscreen 30ml2,400 rub.
SC SHEER MINERAL SPF50 mineral sunscreen 50ml2,900 rub.
SC MINERAL RADIANCE SPF50 mineral sunscreen with tone 50ml2,900 rub.
NEW! TRIPEPTIDE-R NECK REPAIR Highly effective anti-aging neck lifting cream with tripeptide and retinol, 50ml 8,400 rub.
HAIntensifier Hyaluronic serum-activator 30ml7,400 rub.
SC DISCOLORATION DEFENSE SERUM Highly effective serum against pigmentation and stubborn age spots, 30 ml7,200 rub.
TRIPLE LIPID RESTORE 50ml.9,400 rub.
SC ADVANCED PIGMENT CORRECTOR anti-hyperpigmentation cream 30ml6,800 rub.
SC AGEINTERRUPTER corrective care for mature skin 50 ml11,900 rub.
SC AGE EYE COMPLEX Anti-aging complex for mature skin around the eyes 15ml7,000 rub.
SC EYE BALM rich balm for the skin around the eyes 14gRUB 5,900
SC FACE CREAM cream for skin with signs of aging 50ml9,300 rub.
SC RETINOL1% highly effective night care cream 30ml7,400 rub.
SC RETINOL 0.3% highly effective night care cream 30ml5,600 rub.
SC PHYTO CORRECTIVE GEL soothing gel 30ml5,200 rub.
SC PHYTO CORRECTIVE Essence Mist spray 50 ml4,300 rub.
SC PHYTO CORRECTIVE mask 60 ml5,300 rub.
SC RETEXTURING ACTIVATOR double action renewing serum 30ml6,000 rub.
SC CLARIFYING CLAY MASK deep cleansing mask 60ml4,100 rub.
SC REDNESS NEUTRALIZER anti-redness cream 50 ml4,900 rub.
SC BLEMISH&AGE DEFENSE serum for aging problem skin 30ml6,800 rub.
SC Biocellulose mask1,100 rub.
SC DAILY MOISTURE lightweight moisturizer 50ml4,700 rub.
SC HYDRATING B5 GEL intensive moisturizing gel 30ml6,000 rub.
SC HYDRATING B5 MASQUE moisturizing mask 75ml4,200 rub.
SC EMOLLIENCE rich moisturizer 50ml4,700 rub.
SC EQUALIZING TONER non-alcohol toner 250ml2,900 rub.
SC SIMPLY CLEAN cleansing gel 250ml2,700 rub.
SC BLEMISH&AGE SOLUTION toner for problem skin 250ml2,900 rub.
SC BLEMISH&AGE CLEANSING GEL gel for problem skin 250ml2,900 rub.
SC GLYCOLIC CLEANSER Renewing cleansing gel 150ml2,800 rub.
SC SOOTHING CLEANSER FOAM Soothing cleansing foam 150ml2,700 rub.
SC GENTLE CLEANSER cleansing cream 250ml2,700 rub.


The use of Spherogel is justified in the following cases:

  • scars, scars, stretch marks, age spots;
  • wrinkles, dark bags under the eyes, sagging skin;
  • rosacea, acne, post-acne, hyperkeratosis;
  • age-related atrophy of the dermis.

Indications also include preparation and recovery before or after chemical peeling, surgical interventions, and hardware cosmetology.

Using the product, depending on the chosen type, increases the volume of the lips, eliminates wrinkles, swelling, eliminates defects on the face, and corrects creases.

Spherogel is widely used in the medical field. For example, the drug is used in orthopedics and traumatology to normalize the condition of joints after injuries, sprains, dislocations, and fractures.

Indications for use Spherogel

  • Anti-age therapy, age-related skin atrophy
  • Decreased turgor, sagging skin
  • Wrinkles, scars, stretch marks
  • Acne, post-acne
  • Photoaging (hyperpigmentation, rosacea, early wrinkles), preparing the skin for planned sun exposure
  • Hyperkeratosis
  • In the complex treatment of rosacea, rosacea
  • Dehydrated and dry skin
  • PFA deficiency (an alternative to lipofilling)
  • Preparation and rehabilitation before/after hardware procedures, chemical peels, plastic surgeries
  • Alopecia
  • Rejuvenation of the skin of the eyelids, including the mobile eyelid!

Preparation and carrying out the procedure

A cosmetologist examines the patient’s face, identifies problem areas, selects the optimal technique, and performs microinjections using a gel.

The drug is administered by a specialist. The technology of the procedure depends on the purpose of using Spherogel. During cosmetology sessions, the hydrogel is injected once into problem areas of the face, 0.4 ml. The duration of the session is no more than 45 minutes.

During the procedure, the following rules are observed:

  • the syringe with the substance heats up to 36.6 degrees;
  • the face is cleansed of makeup;
  • anesthesia is administered to eliminate discomfort and pain;
  • The gel is administered using injections. The needle size depends on the type of Spherogel.

If you have recently undergone procedures using preparations containing hyaluronic acid, Spherogel is recommended to be used no earlier than a week after the injections.

During the procedure, when the gel is administered, pain of low intensity may be felt.

No special preparation required. The gel can be combined with other drugs that help achieve a rejuvenating effect.

Combination with hardware procedures

Unlike most fillers, Radiesse goes well with hardware cosmetology techniques. 3-4 weeks after administration, procedures such as microcurrent therapy, radiofrequency lifting and even hardware massage can be used. However, in most cases, hardware techniques are recommended to be used before injection procedures.

It is not recommended to administer this drug in combination with thread lifting or any type of filler, be it hyaluronic acid filler or a history of non-absorbable filler. In case of a long-term multi-component rejuvenating program, it is better to leave the introduction of Radiesse for the final stage, 2 weeks after active cosmetic interventions.

The result of injections with Spherogel

After the introduction of the gel, the natural functioning of fibroblasts is launched due to the organization of an optimal environment, providing the cells with useful components for the implementation of synthetic functions. The use of the drug allows:

  • restore elasticity to the skin, restore elasticity;
  • smooth out facial wrinkles;
  • stop the aging process;
  • make scars less noticeable;
  • discolor pigment spots;
  • activate hair growth;
  • replenish lost tissue volume;
  • correct facial features.

Spherogel eliminates skin unevenness, fills age-related wrinkles, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the condition of lymphatic vessels. As you can see, injections allow you to achieve not only cosmetic, but also therapeutic effects.

The effect after the procedure is noticeable after 7 days. To obtain long-lasting results, it is enough to perform 2-4 procedures. The number of sessions is determined by a dermatologist, taking into account the condition of the patient’s dermis and the goals set.

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