Salicylic acid, application in medicine and cosmetology.

Composition and release form

The drug contains the active component salicylic acid, excipients: ethyl alcohol 70% and petroleum jelly in the ointment. Depending on the concentration of the finished product, the amount of the main ingredient varies from 1 to 2 g.

Salicylic acid is dispensed in the form of an alcohol solution in a dark glass bottle of 25 and 40 ml with attached instructions on the label. Concentration possible: 1%, 2%, 5%, 10%.

There is also an ointment with salicylic acid 2%, 3%, 4%, 5% and 10%. Volume 25 g, packaged in aluminum tubes or glass jars.

Acne is characterized by the presence of several types of skin defects

  • Open comedones. Most often, blackheads in the pores are present on the skin - these are open comedones. They arise as a result of blockage of the mouth of the sebaceous glands with sebum, cosmetics, dust, etc. Open comedones are localized, usually in the area of ​​the forehead, cheeks, chin and wings of the nose.
  • Closed comedones are flesh-colored or white bumps on the skin that protrude slightly above the surface of the skin. It may be barely noticeable, only felt as some unevenness if you run your hand over the skin. Inflammation and any painful phenomena are not observed.
  • Milia (whitehead) are dense superficial cysts of the sebaceous gland. having the appearance of a small white grain. These are painless, non-inflamed whitish nodules, 0.5-3 mm in size, containing thick sebum and keratin. They are usually observed on the so-called T-zones of the face, as well as on the cheeks and eyelids.
  • Papules. “Papula” nodules (papules) are dense, sharply defined pimples with a diameter of 1–3 mm, slightly rising above the dermis. They do not have a purulent head. Papules are usually formed from closed comedones. If the papule has formed from an open comedon, a dark plug and an enlarged mouth of the hair follicle can be seen.
  • Pustules. Pustula pustules are small balls, at the very top of which there is a white spot (purulent head). Around the pustule there is usually painful redness - inflammation. Pustules can be very painful. This epidermal lesion occurs not only on the face, but also on different areas of the body.
  • Knots. In more serious cases, deep subcutaneous compactions are observed - nodes and cysts. Nodes are deep subcutaneous compactions with a diameter of more than 5 mm, red or bluish-purple in color, painful on palpation. After they heal, scars may remain.
  • Purulent capsules. If there is an inflammatory process in the deep tissues for a long time and the resulting infiltrate is not removed, a dense, voluminous capsule may form, inside which contains pus or sebum. Experts call this formation a cyst.
  • Scars and pigmentation. Also, with acne, scars can be observed (consequences of healed rashes), as well as spots of varying sizes on the skin (post-inflammatory pigmentation).

Pharmacological effect

The medicine is intended for local use. The therapeutic effect is determined by anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, keratolytic, distracting and drying effects.

At a high concentration of salicylic acid, the drug has an inhibitory effect on microbial proteins. Has a high effect on nerve receptors. Helps reduce pain, improves tissue nutrition and effectively fights the causes of pathologies.

As a result of the high content of the active substance, there is an effect on the sebaceous and sweat glands. Therefore, it is active for the treatment of seborrhea, pimples, acne, and also for the care of oily skin types.

At low concentrations, salicylic acid has a weak antimicrobial effect. Since it belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, it has a number of therapeutic properties:

  1. Relieves tissue swelling.
  2. Stops itching.
  3. Has a vasoconstrictor effect.
  4. Suppresses the inflammatory process.

The drug is able to delicately remove the top layer of skin, promoting its further regeneration. Salicylic acid normalizes the structure of cell membranes, cleanses and narrows pores, and organizes the outflow of sebaceous secretions. Therefore, it is considered an essential medicine against burns, dandruff, wounds and other dermatological diseases.

When used externally, the therapeutic effect is observed after 3-5 hours. Excreted by the kidneys, unchanged in the amount of 6%.

What is post-acne?


– these are the atrophic consequences of acne (scars or dark spots in areas of rash), indicating the depth of skin damage, the strength of inflammation in a particular area and the insufficient ability of the epidermis to self-regenerate. The area of ​​occurrence of such marks is extensive: they can appear on the cheeks, on the forehead, on the nose, on the shoulders, back or chest, and less often on the hips and buttocks.

Reasons for the appearance of post-acne

Stagnant spots due to post-acne are most often formed under the influence of the following factors:

  • Protracted moderate to severe acne: deep inflammatory foci are present on the skin for a long time, undermining the resources of the epidermis and causing irreparable damage to it.
  • Mechanical damage to the skin: when trying to get rid of post-acne on their own, patients often damage the skin by squeezing out pimples - a stagnant spot or scar often remains at the site of mechanical action.

Types and stages of post-acne: what it looks like

Externally, post-acne appears in the form of stagnant spots of different colors or scars of various shapes:

  1. Enlarged pores
    are the most common signs of problematic skin after acne. Wide pores can be corrected with appropriate care for oily skin types.
  2. Red, purple or blue marks
    indicate vascular changes in the skin that occur as a result of mechanical pressure on the tissue when trying to squeeze out deep-seated rashes: comedones, pimples or blackheads. Most often, red marks and bruises remain on the skin in patients with a predisposition to spider veins (with weak capillaries).
  3. Brown spots or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (dyschromia)
    occur due to the influence of ultraviolet radiation on injured areas of the epidermis - excess accumulation of melanin turns the skin dark.
  4. Atheromas (sebaceous gland cysts) and milia (whiteheads)
    are secondary changes in the epidermis that form dense nodules - cysts.
  5. Scars (atrophic, hypertrophic)
    are a natural reaction of the skin to deep inflammatory foci. Scars come in different depths, shapes and sizes, and getting rid of them is the most labor-intensive and long-term process. At the site of inflammation, connective tissue appears, located in the deep layers of the epidermis.

There are two types of scars, the manifestation of which depends on the level of natural collagen during the healing process of inflammation:

  • Low levels of collagen in the skin provoke the appearance of an atrophic hollow scar. These scars are round (the shallowest), rectangular (deeper) and chipped (the deepest V-shaped scars) in shape.
  • High levels of collagen lead to a hypertrophic scar, which can subsequently grow. That is why skin with scars has an uneven relief: atrophic scars are usually sunken, in the form of pits or craters, while hypertrophic scars are convex.

The etiology of post-acne symptoms depends on the depth of the damage: hyperpigmentation occurs due to injuries to the epidermis, while scars appear due to deep damage to the dermal layers of the skin.


Salicylic acid can be used as monotherapy and complex action. In both cases it is able to treat the following conditions:

  • Psoriasis.
  • Ichthyosis.
  • Seborrhea.
  • Warts.
  • Pimples.
  • Acne.
  • Burns.
  • Wound surface.
  • High sweating of the lower extremities.
  • Calluses, corns.
  • Hair loss.
  • Thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

Instructions for use

Salicylic acid is used externally. The course of treatment is calculated according to the course of the diagnosis, skin condition and age of the patient.

Based on the instructions, the drug in the form of an alcohol solution should be applied no more than 3 times a day. The daily dose should not exceed 10 ml for adults and 1 ml for children. Duration of therapy is 1 week.

When using salicylic acid ointment, the skin must first be prepared. First, wash with soap and then dry. For better pharmacological action, the surface of the epidermis is treated with additional antimicrobial agents, then the area is lubricated with salicylic ointment with a concentration of 1% or 2%. The affected area is bandaged, and after 6 hours the bandage is replaced.

Hyperhidrosis of the palms and feet is eliminated with special powders containing the active substance. It should be used regularly, the course depends on the severity of symptoms.

For ear pathologies, drops based on salicylic acid are used. The duration of therapy is prescribed by the doctor.

Price for post-acne treatment in Moscow

  • BBL /BBL photorejuvenation at the gene level
    Read the terms of the promotion
    Area of ​​influenceSpecialist. price, rub. price, rub.
    Forehead5 900
    Face14 90019 900
    Neck11 95015 950
    Cleavage14 90019 900
    Face+Neck20 20026 900
    Face+Neck+Décolleté26 95035 900
    Cheeks9 900
    Chin5 900
    Hands8 20010 900
    Forearms13 45017 900
    Back (subscapular area)12 900
    Back (to the end of the shoulder blades)15 900
    Full back23 90031 500
    One flash500
    Face13 45017 900
    Cheeks7 5009 900
    Shoulders12 900
    Back14 95019 900
    Neckline/chest12 65016 900
    Zone 10 cm* 10 cm12 900
    Forehead5 900
    Cheeks9 900
    Nose5 900
    Chin6 900
    Face19 900
    1 category / 1 zone11 95015 900
    Area of ​​influenceSpecialist. price, rub. price, rub.
    Face24 70032 900
    Neck20 20026 900
    Cleavage23 17030 900
    Hands14 20018 900
    Forearms19 800
    Face+Neck37 50049 900
    Face+Neck+Décolleté48 70064 900
    Face/lower third14 90019 900
    Full face25 100
    Neck18 70024 900
    Cleavage21 900
    Face + neck31 20041 900
    Face + neck + décolleté41 20054 900
    Cheeks15 100
    Hands (pair)12 70016 900
    Inner surface of hands (pair)22 900
    Elbows (pair)11 90015 900
    Inner thigh (pair)29 900
    Belly (upper zone)16 900
    Belly (lower zone)18 900
    Full belly26 90035 800
    Patellar region14 90019 900

    Make an appointment

  • FRAXEL RE:STORE / Fraxel fractional thermolysis
    Read the terms of the promotion
    Area of ​​influenceSpecialist. price, rub. price, rub.
    Fractional facial peeling17 300
    Face, including eyelid area26 300
    Face without treatment of upper and lower eyelids22 300
    Upper or lower eyelid area10 300
    Forehead11 300
    Temple area5 300
    Cheek area6 300
    Chin8 300
    Cheeks16 300
    Neck17 300
    Cleavage18 300
    Face+neck35 300
    Face + eyelids + neck + décolleté49 400
    Hands14 300
    Other areas of the body100 per 1cm2
    Scar correction / length 1cm1 500
    Anesthesia, 15 gr.1 500

    * Anesthesia is not included in the price
    Make an appointment

  • Plasma therapy. PRP therapy
    Read the terms of the promotion
    Neoplasma modeling ACR Regen Lab / Switzerland
    BENEFIT 15%
    Name of serviceSpecialist. price, rub. price, rub.
    Classic set "Regen ACR Extra"28 86033 950
    Royal set "Regen ACR Plus"37 36043 950
    Additional test tube for the set (red or blue)16 96019 950
    Gold tube with hyaluronic acid21 21024 950
    Neoplasma modeling Regen ACR / Scalp15 21017 900
    PRP therapy YCELLBIO NEW!
    Name of serviceSpecialist. price, rub. price, rub.
    Use 1 tube (10 ml)10 96012 900
    Use 1 tube (20 ml)14 36016 900
    Using 2 (10 ml +20 ml)16 32019 200
    Using 2 tubes (20 ml +20 ml)20 31023 900
    Scalp /1 tube10 96012 900
    PRP therapy CORTEXIL NEW!
    Name of serviceSpecialist. price, rub. price, rub.
    Use 1 tube (10ml)7 5708 900
    Using 2 tubes (10ml+10ml)10 11011 900
    Scalp / 1 tube (10ml)7 5608 900
    Scalp / 2 tubes (10ml+10ml)9 26010 900

    Read the terms of the promotion *Check with the clinic administrator for details
    Make an appointment

How to treat acne with salicylic acid

The antiseptic drug effectively fights pimples, acne and other pathologies that are accompanied by dysfunction of the sebaceous glands.

Lotions are made for this. The skin is pre-cleansed and dried. Soak a cotton swab in a salicylic acid solution and wipe your face. For small and rare rashes, they are burned with the drug locally using a cotton swab.

After the procedure, the face must be washed and lubricated with moisturizer.

It is recommended to carry out treatment no more than 2 times a week. Duration of the course until acne disappears.


  • first of all, comedones form (the sebaceous gland enlarges), blackheads
  • they turn into pustules (pustules), which leave scars
  • when squeezed out, the contents transfer to adjacent healthy areas of the skin
  • collagen production is stimulated and scarring is formed
  • new capillaries grow around (this gives redness) and age spots form
  • Over time, the pigmentation becomes less bright,
  • a visible scar remains: in the form of a dimple (crater-shaped) or convex.

How to treat warts with salicylic acid

Due to its antiseptic and antimicrobial effect, salicylic acid is used to remove papillomas. Use a solution and ointment of high concentration:

  1. Solution - take 5% or 10% product. Treat warts before going to bed once a day, avoiding getting the drug on healthy areas. In the morning, wash off with warm water.
  2. Ointment - used to treat papillomas of various shapes. Frequency of use: 1 time every 2 days. Recommended for adults and children over 2 years old.

The duration of taking salicylic acid is no more than a week.

Advantages of treating acne and post-acne in our clinic

  • Sustainable results . Our doctors are dermatologists, they know how to properly treat acne and post-acne. WE own proprietary methods, combining hardware, injection and drug approaches to quality treatment. We have been dealing with complex cases for more than 12 years and know how to make the skin smooth and healthy.
  • Safety. Our clinic is an official partner of suppliers, therefore we work only with high-quality drugs, guaranteeing 100% safety, minimal trauma, no complications and a short recovery period.
  • Painless. We use anesthesia techniques that ensure comfort during the procedure.
  • Effect . The visual effect is visible immediately after the procedure, and subsequently increases over several months.
  • Escort . We take care of you throughout the course of treatment and the rehabilitation period, we observe and answer all questions.
  • Profitable. For our loyal clients there are always individual offers for services!

How to peel with salicylic acid

To prepare peeling at home, you need to mix 1 tablet of Acetylsalicylic acid, 1/2 teaspoons of water and 1 teaspoon of honey or olive oil.

The finished mixture is applied to clean facial skin for 20-25 minutes. Afterwards, the composition is removed and the face is lubricated with a nourishing cream. Course duration is 8-10 procedures 1-2 times a week.

Thanks to the procedure, it is possible to normalize the condition of the epidermis, improve color, eliminate oily shine, remove pigmentation and fine wrinkles.

Removal methods

Most often, visitors to beauty salons have a question: how to get rid of marks on the face? This is not surprising, because the face is a person’s calling card and always remains open. In second place is the décolleté and back area, where a large number of sebaceous glands are located, which often leads to intense acne formation. Skin defects in this area make it difficult to wear open clothes and spoil the overall appearance.

quickly remove acne marks. They do not require any preparation other than examination by a cosmetologist or dermatologist. The specialist will conduct a survey to exclude contraindications, determine the complexity of the problem and the effectiveness of laser therapy in a particular case. During the appointment, the patient can ask questions about the specifics of the treatment, subsequent care, duration of the course, etc. If there are no restrictions, you can begin the procedure immediately.

The most effective in treating post-acne are two types of laser:

  • Fotona device. Recommended for pigmentation and vascular defects. The laser beam heats the walls of the blood vessels, resulting in their gluing and resorption. The special handpiece is equipped with a contact cooling system, which allows patients to undergo cosmetic procedures quite comfortably.
  • SmartXide DOT. Copes well with scars and the problem of uneven terrain. Microrays act precisely on the skin and create a local microburn. The skin reacts to this irritant by actively regenerating damaged cells. At the same time, the synthesis of its own elastin and collagen is stimulated, which helps to increase the turgor of the dermis. The session is painless due to the use of an anesthetic.

Laser correction of post-acne does not require hospital stay and subsequent rehabilitation. The skin most often reacts to therapy with redness and slight swelling, which disappear on their own in a short time.

The main advantages of using laser technology to combat acne marks:

  • non-contact exposure, which ensures complete sterility;
  • absence of discomfort and pain;
  • targeted effect on altered tissues (does not affect healthy ones);
  • natural stimulation of local immunity;
  • achieving a pronounced result after the first use;
  • lifelong effect (removed scars do not appear again);
  • healing and rejuvenation of the skin in the treatment area;
  • no need for a long course;
  • safe dosed exposure.

An important recommendation after laser post-acne removal is to avoid tanning (on the beach, in a solarium), and visiting bathhouses and saunas for 2 months. The cosmetologist gives detailed instructions on the recovery period and further care individually in each case.

Laser technology is a safe, effective and simple way to eliminate acne marks. Experts recommend immediately seeking qualified help, without resorting to questionable drugs and dangerous methods of self-medication. Their use can not only visually worsen the situation, but also cause serious harm to the health of the skin.

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