What is a peeling roller and how to make it at home? Best Recipes

Operating principle

In our body, cell renewal occurs every minute, but dead scales do not leave it immediately. Mechanical methods of influence (including a peeling roll) help to get rid of them.

Rolling is a type of peeling designed to cleanse the skin. The process consists of two stages:

  1. With the help of fruit acid, dead epidermal cells are dissolved.
  2. Cellulose microparticles roll dirt into small lumps.

When choosing the frequency of use of the product, do not forget to take into account your skin type : for normal and dry skin, a peeling procedure once a week will be sufficient. Those with oily skin can use a peeling roll 3 times a week.

Possible side effects of facial peeling roller

Complications after using a facial peeling roll are quite rare.

User frustrations in most cases are associated with:

  • lack of immediate results;
  • the occurrence of allergic reactions;
  • the appearance of age spots.

It is worth noting that redness and peeling of the skin are most often found after using home remedies containing calcium chloride.

Features and Efficiency

The composition does not use abrasive particles, but soft sticky substances. They roll off dirt, sebum and dead cells.

This mask does not affect healthy cells. This product can be used for all skin types, even problem and allergy-prone skin. The whole procedure takes no more than 10 minutes and is very affordable.

Peeling of the roll allows:

  • quickly rejuvenate the skin by renewing the upper layers of the epidermis;
  • remove dead and diseased skin cells;
  • reduce acne and dry out pustules;
  • create a mattifying effect (skin pores tighten);
  • lighten the skin and make its tone more even.

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The procedure is indicated for thin skin dotted with blood vessels, dull complexion and expression wrinkles.

Can I do it at home with my own hands?

During the Soviet era, deep facial cleansing products were prepared only at home; the components for them can still be purchased at any pharmacy. Even many show business stars use homemade cosmetics.

What is a facial peeling roll and why is it so popular?

Peeling is a fairly popular procedure for chemically cleansing the skin of various impurities and dead cells. The product can be used on any part of the body. Please note that facial compositions are universal, and those intended for treating other areas are best used strictly for their intended purpose. However, you can always choose a multifunctional option - a peeling roll for face and body.

This product acts only on the top layer of skin, carefully removing dead skin areas. Unlike scrubs, it does not scratch, stretch or damage the skin. Let us describe the approximate stages of the action of the peeling roller for the face:

  • dead cells are broken down under the influence of acids (lactic, salicylic, fruit, etc.);
  • thanks to the cellulose particles, the softened cells are easily captured, after which they are rolled into small balls and removed from the surface of the skin.

Note! Some cosmetics contain additional substances that nourish and soothe the face.

Read the material on the topic: Chemical peeling of the face: your skin will breathe a new breath!

The best recipes for the face

Preparing your own peeling will be a good alternative to a salon procedure and will save money. In addition, after this you won’t have to sit at home for several days and wait for the skin to finally stop peeling.

Solid soap

Soap peeling is a great option for universal exfoliation. Its composition can be easily adjusted depending on the skin type: it determines additional components that smooth or enhance certain properties.

  • Tar soap will benefit oily skin, and camphor soap will help cope with inflammation.
  • Normal skin takes baby soap well.

For a recipe that can be used on any skin type, you will need:

  • soap base;
  • 2 tsp. sea ​​salt;
  • a few drops of essential oil (such as orange or eucalyptus).
  1. Melt the soap base in a water bath and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  2. Let the mixture harden.
  3. Apply the composition to the face for 1 minute and make stroking movements with wet hands.
  4. Then rinse off the mask thoroughly.

Peach and citric acid

Fruit acids are one of the most important peeling components . In addition to protecting against external negative influences, such a natural product activates the natural process of collagen production.

  1. Beat the egg white with a pinch of citric or peach acid. You can also use freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  2. Apply the mask to cleansed facial skin for 20 minutes, and then simply rinse with warm water.

Reference! It is permissible to add ground coffee or crushed apricot kernels to peeling products. But then the procedure will no longer be so gentle: microtraumas will remain on the skin.

Calcium chloride

Calcium chloride forms pellets on the face; Positive changes on the skin can be seen after the first use . This is a great way to combat blackheads. You will need:

  • 3 g grated laundry soap;
  • 2 ampoules of calcium chloride solution (10%);
  • 1 tbsp. l. boiling water

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The mask is made as follows:

  1. Lightly beat the soap and pour hot water, it will swell for about 40 minutes. The result should be a viscous soap foam.
  2. We carefully begin to pour out the contents of the chloride ampoules. The soap will curdle, like milk curds. If no reaction occurs, then low quality soap is being used. This will not make a peeling product.
  3. Apply the finished mask to a cleansed and dry face.
  4. After 10 seconds, massage the skin with light movements and leave the composition on the skin for 3 minutes.

You will find another option for using calcium chloride with soap in this video:

How to do peeling at home?

In order to prepare your own peeling roll with calcium chloride you will need:

  • one ampoule of calcium chloride,
  • additive-free baby soap
  • baby moisturizing cream,
  • cosmetic clay,
  • aloe leaf,
  • cotton pads.

First, you should remove your makeup and cleanse your skin of various contaminants.

Drain the calcium chloride from the ampoule onto a cotton pad and apply it to the skin of the face (avoid the area around the lips and eyes); after the first layer has dried, you can apply the next one, but don’t get carried away! Then lather a cotton pad and apply foam to the last layer of calcium chloride. After this, massage the skin with your fingertips; pellets should form and should be removed.

Next, we make a mask of clay and aloe. It is best to purchase cosmetic clay that suits your skin type at a pharmacy kiosk. Leave the mask on for 7 minutes and rinse off. Then apply baby cream to moisturize.

Salicylic peeling roll

Just like the previous recipe, this composition provides deep cleansing, but has a non-traumatic effect on the skin. It deeply cleanses pores, has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, eliminates oily shine and prevents the appearance of acne. One of the representatives of this type of ray is the salicylic suspension “Boltushka”.

Librederm with chamomile

Peeling roll with chamomile juice is intended for skin with hypersensitivity, as it does not contain aggressive acids that can damage it. Chamomile soothes the skin, reduces bacterial contamination, restores and heals, and also effectively reduces redness on the skin and returns it to its original appearance. In its action, it is very delicate: it does not pinch, does not irritate, does not injure or stretch the skin on the face.

Korean peeling roll

The Korean peeling roller is the most popular. Cellulose, which is part of all such peels, has the expected effect. In addition to it, the peeling contains fruit acids, which have an additional cleansing and stimulating effect on the skin. In addition to the well-known Korean peelings Mizone and Missha, the Chinese Laikou peeling and the Meishoku peeling roller, which is produced by the Japanese Mizon Apple Smoothie Peeling Gel, are also common.

This peeling has a pleasant apple aroma. A mixture of fruit acids removes dead cells and prevents inflammation. This peeling gel is suitable for any skin type except dry skin, as it further increases dryness due to chemical dehydration.

“Oxygen Essence” – peeling from Missha Super Aque Oxygen Micro Essence Peeling

Oxygen essence differs from other peeling rollers in that after its application, instead of rolling off, bubbles appear on the skin of the face. Their effect is no worse than rolling.

In addition to fruit acids, the composition also includes plant extracts, which in turn have a moisturizing effect and fight oxide radicals, leading to premature aging of the skin. This option is more suitable for those with dry skin prone to irritation and inflammation.

“Peeling with kelp” from O HUI O HUI Clear Science Soft Peeling

Peeling with kelp does not contain acids, but only enzymes and kelp extract, which restore the normal water-electrolyte balance of the skin and also give tone. The product is intended for skin prone to dryness, losing tone and elasticity.

How to use?

The general algorithm for peeling a ray at home is as follows :

  1. We thoroughly cleanse the face of cosmetics and external impurities.
  2. To prepare the skin for exfoliation, wipe it with any freshly squeezed juice diluted with drinking water.
  3. If desired, you can apply a thin layer of cosmetic oil, and after 15 minutes remove excess with a paper napkin.
  4. Distribute the peeling mixture over the entire face area, avoiding areas around the eyes and lips. Protect sensitive areas with Vaseline.
  5. The oilier the skin, the longer you can keep the composition.
  6. Wash off the mask with warm water.

Precautions and contraindications

To achieve the desired effect, it is important to carry out the procedure correctly.

Also, do not exclude the risks that may arise when applying peeling. To save yourself from unpleasant moments, you should take into account contraindications. Avoid peeling in the following cases :

  • the presence of open wounds and burns on the face;
  • presence of spider veins;
  • the existence of rosacea;
  • individual intolerance to components.

Tips from cosmetologists

Experts remind you of several important points that should not be forgotten when using a peeling roll :

  • After the procedure, there is no need to wipe your face with a towel: you can damage the still sensitive skin.
  • It is better to prepare water for washing in advance. If any discomfort occurs, this will help you get rid of the product as quickly as possible.
  • It is most convenient to apply the peeling composition with a fan brush. It is applied to the skin in the following order: from less sensitive areas to more sensitive ones.
  • After the procedure, use a soothing cream - this will provide the skin with comfort and quick recovery.

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Peeling ray is not a magical composition with a magical effect. It is important to understand that this is only one of the means of comprehensive care . Skin health depends on many factors:

  • nutrition;
  • hydration;
  • toning.

Types of peeling

It was said earlier that there are several options. The choice is influenced by the skin of the face, more precisely its type and some specific features. Let's look at each in more detail.

The mechanical type is the most famous. The skin is pre-cleaned. Using massage movements, the peeling cream or other substance is spread throughout the entire perimeter. The cosmetologist massages certain areas for several minutes, without pressure, gently. This option is considered the most traumatic, since rough particles slightly scratch the top layer.

The hardware version is considered softer. This peeling is carried out using a special ultrasonic device. The waves literally push the contents of the pore to the surface, and the dead skin is cleaned off. The person feels absolutely nothing. For better contact and deeper penetration, a special gel is used, it is ideal for ultrasonic waves. By the way, there are now models on sale for home use, which allows you to carry out salon procedures at home.

The laser procedure is carried out using an appropriate device that distributes light of a certain intensity. The whole point is that tissue regeneration is triggered. That is, the main effect that the facial skin receives is lifting, smoothing out existing wrinkles, and evening out color. The laser allows you to launch the production of collagen and elastin, which are the proteins of youth.

Cryotherapy is a very interesting technique. It is a temperature effect on the skin, which creates blood flow to selected areas. Accordingly, there is additional saturation with oxygen and useful elements.

Chemical peeling is not inferior in popularity to the previously listed options. In fact, it is considered the most popular, as it can be held in any season. The face is exposed to a mixture of certain chemical elements that can dissolve dead particles of the dermis, sweat residues and other impurities. At the same time, there is an excellent nourishing and rejuvenating effect.

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