What is salt peeling and how to perform the facial procedure? Best Recipes

What it is?

Let's first figure out what salt peeling is. This is a very popular type of cosmetic procedure that has been used for a long time. This method is an analogue of salon cleansing, which every woman can use at home. In addition, this is a very economical option to look beautiful.

Instead of sea salt, you can use regular table salt. However, the first option will bring more benefits, since sea salt is full of microelements that are so necessary for the skin of the face.

Beneficial features

This method is very effective, as it has a huge number of useful properties:

  • perfectly removes all dead skin particles;
  • after the procedure, the pores become narrower;
  • tissue regeneration occurs;
  • facial skin is filled with oxygen;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, thanks to which the oily sheen disappears;
  • facial skin becomes softer and more beautiful.


Carrying out several similar procedures gives not only a visible, but also a tangible result, which is achieved by exfoliating dead skin cells from the face. Peeling also improves blood flow through the capillaries. As a result, the skin is saturated with oxygen and becomes smoother and silkier.

Thanks to this technique, expression lines and small scars are smoothed out, and excess skin pigmentation disappears.

The results of salt peeling are visible after the first procedure. If you do it constantly, it will contribute to the healing and rejuvenation of the skin.


The secret of the beneficial effects of this natural exfoliant lies in the abrasive (exfoliating) properties of microcrystals: they mechanically exfoliate dead particles of the epidermis, allowing cells to breathe and regenerate better.

Beneficial properties of minerals in salt (Table)

Sodium (Na)
  • Saturates with moisture
  • Regulates water-lipid metabolism
  • Cleanses
Potassium (K)
  • Prevents moisture loss
Calcium (Ca)
  • Barrier functions
  • Lymphatic drainage
  • Free radical binding
Bromine (Br)
  • Normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands
Magnesium (Mg)
  • Regulates blood circulation
Strontium (Sr)
  • Increases barrier functions
Fluorine (F)
  • Stimulates regeneration

The effectiveness of sea salt peeling is largely due to its chemical composition and the origin of the main ingredient: sea seasoning is extracted by evaporation from the depths of water with the help of the sun and wind, and ordinary cooking seasoning is obtained from the bowels of the earth.

Initially, there is no critical difference between what is mined in the mines and in the sea regarding the benefits of the organic composition. However, table seasoning is often sold in a refined form (the so-called “Extra”). It is cleaned of organic impurities and, as often happens, “throwing out the baby with the bathwater”: what remains in such a product is pure sodium chloride and nothing more.

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Deprived of minerals and trace elements, a culinary exfoliant becomes completely useless for the face, so for cosmetic procedures it is still recommended to take natural marine ingredients.

5 advantages of salt peeling:

  1. Deeply cleanses pores of excess sebum, toxins and waste products of microorganisms.
  2. Exfoliates the dead stratum corneum, improving the penetration of nutrients into the tissue.
  3. Removes puffiness and fat deposits: a light massage accelerates blood flow, stimulating the process of fat breakdown, as a result, the double chin gradually disappears.
  4. Evens out complexion: eliminates acne and blackheads, tightens pores.
  5. Triggers natural mechanisms for the renewal of collagen, elastin and glycosaminoglycans due to damage by microgranules (light lifting effect).

Indications and contraindications

Despite its uniqueness, this cleansing method has both pros and cons. The following conditions will be the indications for performing this procedure:

  • presence of acne;
  • oily facial skin;
  • excessive pigmentation;
  • small wrinkles;
  • dull complexion.

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Those who have:

  • small inflammatory rashes with ulcers;
  • herpes lesions;
  • skin hypersensitivity;
  • skin disorders: cuts, scratches, etc.;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • allergic reactions.

Also, peeling is not recommended when you are not feeling well or have high blood pressure. If you follow all the recommendations and technology, there will be no complications.

Salt for facial skin

After about two months of washing with saline solution (choose the intensity of the solution according to your feelings), you may want to stop using creams altogether. You can also massage your gums in the evenings with a brush soaked in a saline solution. Rub the remaining water into your hands, they will thank you too.

© Dean Drobot

It is also very useful to make a scrub from salt. For this you can use sea or table salt.

Sea salt is obtained from the evaporation of sea water. At the same time, the resulting salt completely retains a huge amount of trace elements and minerals. It is worth adding that the highest quality sea salt is always slightly damp to the touch.

A facial scrub using sea salt will give your skin the maximum amount of unique ingredients. It should be remembered that the salt used to prepare the scrub should not have fragrances or additives in its composition. Before making a scrub out of it, it must be further ground.

© Dean Drobot

As for table salt, it comes from underground deposits. It does not contain many useful substances, but it has high antiseptic properties. Iodine is often added to it. A scrub made from this salt will perfectly cleanse the face, help increase blood flow to the epidermis and improve the overall condition of the facial skin.

Best Recipes

There are a huge number of recipes for every skin type. Let's look at the most common of them.

If the skin is dry, use peelings that do not irritate the skin of the face, but have a gentle effect on it.

They cleanse the skin just as well and improve function by nourishing weakened and thinned tissues. For this recipe you need to take:

  • sea ​​salt – 40 grams (or two tablespoons of regular “Extra” table salt);
  • sour cream or cream of the highest fat content - one tablespoon;
  • olive or flaxseed oil - one or two tablespoons.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly until smooth, after which the product is ready for use.

Those with oily skin will benefit from recipes that are aimed not only at cleansing, but also at stabilizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands:

  1. The product is prepared on the basis of two ingredients - sea salt and skim milk (or milk containing a minimum percentage of fat), which are taken in equal proportions, for example, two tablespoons.
  2. The salt must be crushed and poured with milk.
  3. After five minutes of mixing, the product can be used for cosmetic purposes.

If your skin is not only oily, but also has heavy acne or comedones, then to eliminate these problems you will need a product that will cleanse, tone and mattify the skin of your face.

  1. In this case, you need to take two tablespoons of baking soda and sea salt and mix well.
  2. Then add half a teaspoon of lemon juice and the same amount of warm still mineral water. Mix everything again until smooth.
  3. The product is applied to the skin and gently rubbed, especially in problem areas.
  4. Afterwards, rinse thoroughly.

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For mature skin, you need the maximum cleanser that stabilizes the internal workings and slightly brightens the skin of the face. To prepare this product:

  1. Take two tablespoons of sea salt and liquid honey. The salt must be crushed and mixed with fresh honey until smooth.
  2. Apply carefully to the skin and rub in with light movements, then rinse thoroughly.

Important Application Tips

Before treating your skin with salt or a salt composition, follow these recommendations:

  1. It is better to use sea salt than table salt. It contains many minerals that are beneficial for the skin.
  2. The fraction of the bulk ingredient is also important. Large particles can injure the epidermis, so when preparing cosmetics, use the crushed version (“extra”).
  3. Salt procedures often cause burning and discomfort. Don't wait for time to expire. Immediately wash the product off your face.
  4. Apply salt mixtures along the massage lines (read more about self-massage techniques here). This must be done easily so as not to damage the weakened covers.
  5. Do not leave masks on your face too long. Firstly, you can dry out the epidermis, and secondly, the product dries out and does not bring any benefit.
  6. Rinse off salt cosmetics several times so that particles do not remain and clog pores. Finish washing with herbal decoction.
  7. Do similar procedures in the evening. During the night, the skin will calm down and the next morning it will be ready to apply makeup.
  8. Do not overdo it with the frequency of applying salty compounds. The interval between applications should be at least 5 days.
  9. In between salt manipulations, do gymnastics. It will only increase the chances of quickly returning the youth of the integument.
  10. Don't forget to finish your salt peel with a moisturizer. This is extremely important!

A salt facial scrub, bath, lotion or mask are all part of proper facial care. Regularity and adherence to these rules and recommendations will help you avoid problems and achieve excellent results.

Stages of the procedure

Salt peeling includes several stages. Among which are distinguished: preparatory work, the cleansing itself and, of course, care after the procedure. Let's look at each of them in more detail.


If you decide to undergo a cleansing procedure, make sure that you have no contraindications to this procedure. Don't do any exfoliation the week before and you should feel fine the day of your salt peel.

The very first action that needs to be performed is to thoroughly cleanse your facial skin of impurities. To make the procedure more effective, you must first steam your facial skin.

Salt procedure

  1. After the skin is ready, apply the peeling agent first to the chin and forehead and gently rub in in a circular motion.
  2. After this, we treat more delicate areas of the skin - the eyelids and areas under the eyes. Oily skin must first be moistened with water, while dry and hypersensitive skin must be treated with cosmetic oil.
  3. Rub the product in for five minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

The main condition when preparing the product is to strictly follow the instructions and adhere to the amount indicated there. If you use sea salt, you must first crush it so as not to cause damage to the skin.

After the product has been washed off, do not dry your face with a towel under any circumstances; the skin should dry naturally.

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If you want to enhance the effect of a facial peeling procedure, you can add to the product:

  • olive oil;
  • coffee;
  • seaweed extract.

After the cleansing procedure, the result is noticeable immediately. The skin will become:

  • more even;
  • clean;
  • attractive.

Facial skin care

Immediately after the procedure, you need to treat your facial skin with a moisturizer. Basically, salt peeling has no side effects. At first, the following are possible:

  • slight redness;
  • skin tightness;
  • slight tingling and burning.

This is normal, the discomfort will go away within one to two hours after the procedure.

During the week after peeling, under no circumstances should you do the following:

  1. sunbathe;
  2. carry out other cleansing procedures;
  3. apply complex makeup.
  • During hot sunny weather, it is necessary to apply a product with effective protection against UV rays to the skin in the first ten days after the procedure.
  • In winter, you should not stay in the cold for a long time, and you should also avoid strong gusty winds and heavy rainfall, which can only harm your skin during the recovery period.

How to use it correctly

To increase the effectiveness of peeling, listen to the advice of experts:

  • the procedure consists of applying the product to clean, moisturized skin and then massaging with light circular movements;
  • For the face and neck area, use a fine grind. For the body and area of ​​the feet, you can use medium-ground salt;
  • use a massage mitt to distribute the product;
  • The salt composition is applied to the face and neck area with your fingertips. Massage movements should be gentle, superficial, without pressure;
  • salt peeling is recommended to be used from once a week to once a month;
  • After peeling, apply moisturizer or any other cream that you usually use.

Carefully! Do not apply salt to dry skin - this may cause microdamage.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Doctors are only in favor of this method of cleansing. After all, this is a completely easy and affordable skin cleanser that has virtually no contraindications for use. Moreover, it gives good results in cleansing the skin, but doctors do not consider it a means of rejuvenation.

Thus, we see that any woman who cares about her beauty and health can resort to this cleansing method. This method is quite affordable, and you can easily use it at home. The most important thing is to strictly follow the instructions, and beauty will not keep you waiting long.

Effects of body peeling procedure

After the first session, you will notice how the skin color in the treated area has improved and its texture has evened out. Over time, the result will improve and include: alignment of skin texture and color; lifting effect; lymphatic drainage; cleansing and reducing pores; stimulation of elastin and collagen synthesis; stimulation of your own skin renewal processes. To achieve a complete and lasting result, the number of body peeling sessions is calculated individually and depends on the characteristics of the patient, the nature of the problems, their duration and degree of complexity. As the practice of our doctors shows, to obtain an amazing and long-lasting result, you need to complete a course of at least 4 procedures. Body peeling makes it possible not only to solve the problem of aesthetic skin defects, but also to have a complex stimulating effect on the body. It helps improve skin respiration, increases skin turgor, its smoothness and moisture, and eliminates swelling. In addition, the technique also gives a charge of vivacity, good mood, a feeling of lightness and vitality.

Which is better: chemical peeling or facial cleansing?

Peeling with acid and facial cleansing (mechanical, ultrasonic, vacuum) are considered effective methods that solve specific problems and tasks. It is worth choosing the procedure recommended by the cosmetologist.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing helps to get rid of the following skin problems in one procedure:

  • black dots;
  • increased greasiness, greasy shine;
  • extra layer of epidermis;
  • surface contamination.

Facial cleansing does not have a significant traumatic effect on the skin. The method is used mainly in the initial stage of acne, when there are comedones, which are easy to get rid of mechanically or using ultrasound, vacuum and other similar methods.

And acid peeling, especially highly concentrated, can damage the deeper layers of the skin, but it also solves other important problems:

  • dark spots;
  • post-acne;
  • small scars;
  • enlarged pores;
  • small wrinkles.

The cosmetologist selects a concentration of acid that can safely but effectively solve cosmetic problems that cannot be dealt with, for example, ultrasonic facial cleansing.

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