I want/can: plastic surgery or Smas-lifting. Shock, tears and the desire to escape from the procedure

SMAS lifting technology in detail

Hardware ultrasonic liposuction, an analogue of the operation practiced in plastic surgery, has a number of advantages. First of all, smas face and body lifting is a gentle non-surgical technique. Lifting with the Ultraformer device is carried out without anesthesia, after the procedure there is no need for rehabilitation time, there are no restrictions on skin phototype, at any time of the year.

The powerful ultrasonic effect of the device is realized through the use of 7 multifunctional attachments: 4 for exposure to the face (7 MHz - 1.5 mm, 5.5 MHz - 2.0 mm, 7 MHz - 3 mm, 4 MHz - 4.5 mm), 3 more on the body (2 MHz -6.0 mm, 2 MHz -9.0 mm, 2 MHz - 13.0 mm). The principle of operation of the cartridges is based on the influence of ultrasound with a frequency of 4 and 2MHZ. Correction of skin tissue is achieved by heating the skin, subcutaneous fat and superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) with a focused ultrasound wave. High-intensity ultrasound causes vibrations in the tissues, which leads to local spot heating in them, followed by contraction and stimulation of the synthesis of new collagen. Thanks to the clear directionality of ultrasonic vibrations, targeted energy delivery is ensured without damaging surrounding tissues. Multi-level effects guarantee three-dimensional volumetric natural lifting, noticeable immediately after the procedure and growing over 2-3 months.

The procedure algorithm looks like this:

  • Photos are taken - “before” and “after” the procedure;
  • the doctor identifies and marks problem areas with lines;
  • Ultrasound energy contracts the connective tissue of adipose tissue, thereby creating a volume-reducing effect.

The Ultraformer's High Intensity Fusion Ultrasound (HIFU) technology provides visible results in just one session. As a rule, to solve aesthetic problems, patients need one procedure, the duration of which is 35–90 minutes.

Thread lifting: pros and cons

If there are certain medical indications (skin quality, severity of age-related changes, face without excess adipose tissue), a cosmetic procedure can be a worthy alternative to plastic surgery.

Pros of thread lifting

  • minimally invasive, scar-free cosmetic procedure;
  • enough to eliminate mild grade I ptosis of the oval face, remove nasolabial lines and wrinkles;
  • local anesthesia;
  • a temporary alternative to surgery if you are not ready for it;
  • the price of a facelift with threads is lower than that of plastic surgery;
  • minimal contraindications (suitable for patients with decompensated diabetes mellitus);
  • short rehabilitation.

Cons of thread lifting

  • short-term result;
  • If you decide to have SMAS in the future and have previously had non-absorbable threads installed, the plastic surgeon will have to remove them during surgery;
  • less pronounced effect;
  • not so beneficial in the long run.
  • not suitable for overweight patients and over 60 years of age.

Factors of the effectiveness of the procedure

In our clinic, ultrasonic tightening procedures are performed with the original Ultraformer device from the Classys HQ brand. The use of certified equipment, as opposed to cheap counterfeit replicas, provides the expected effect. This is reflected in the cost of smas lifting, but is also a guarantee of excellent results after the first procedure.

The use of a certified device gives results only when the equipment is in the hands of a qualified cosmetologist. These are the specialists who make up the staff of our clinic - experienced, certified, trained to work with the Ultraformer device.

Features of aging facial skin

None of us can escape aging. Although this is a natural process, awareness of this fact does not make it pleasant. It seems like just recently we admired our bright blush and delicate, soft, elastic skin in front of the mirror. And now she is dull, pale and covered with wrinkles.

Girls begin to notice age-related changes from the age of 25 (if heredity is not very good, then earlier). Why is this happening?

  1. Cells renew themselves more slowly, so the stratum corneum of the skin becomes thicker.
  2. The collagen and elastin fibers that support the framework of our skin change. They become thin, rough, stretch, and perform their function much worse than before.
  3. Gaps form in the protective hydrolipidic layer. Because of this, natural moisture in the skin is retained worse.
  4. Substances (collagen, hyaluronic acid, lipids), which are extremely necessary for the skin, are produced more slowly, but are quickly consumed.
  5. The protective functions of the skin become weaker. In this regard, it is more difficult for her to deal with the aggressive influence of the external environment.

Internal violations accumulate, over time they come out and become obvious. They are expressed by the following characteristics:

  • dullness of the skin;
  • loss of smoothness and elasticity;
  • the appearance of the first wrinkles (day by day there are more of them, they become deeper);
  • formation of dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  • changing the oval of the face;
  • the appearance of a double chin.

Indications for the SMAS lift procedure, correction zones

Recommendations for conducting a course of hardware ultrasonic smas lifting include the following cosmetic problems:

  1. Age-related skin aging.
  2. Wrinkles, nasolabial folds.
  3. Drooping of the corners of the lips and eyebrows.
  4. Loss of skin elasticity.
  5. Gravitational ptosis.

The procedure gives a triple effect - subcutaneous fat cells are removed, muscles are lifted, and the skin is tightened. Hardware SMAS - lifting is indicated for the face and a whole range of areas on the body:

  • deformation of facial contours;
  • ptosis of the forehead and eyebrows;
  • moderate excess eyelid skin, including painters;
  • deepening of nasolabial folds;
  • sagging and flabbiness of the submental zone.

The Ultraformer device is today considered one of the most effective devices for directional ultrasonic influence. As a result, the market is filled with cheap replicas, the performance of which is an order of magnitude lower, and there is a risk of complications.

Based on the price of smas lifting in Moscow, you can guess which device is used in the institution - original or counterfeit. The high cost of certified equipment affects the price of massage lifting services, but it guarantees excellent results and no side effects. Clinic "VitaDerm" - only original equipment and highly qualified personnel, we confidently guarantee the quality of the services offered by the clinic.

Types of facelift

In fact, the range of anti-aging lifts is quite wide. Cosmetologists and plastic surgeons at the Pirogov Clinic can offer their patients modern beauty options with minimal rehabilitation and impressive results.

More information on our website!

Thread lifting APTOS

A framework of non-absorbable or absorbable threads made of caprolactone and L-lactic acid is inserted under the skin using the finest needles. A facelift with threads usually requires 10-20 threads. The procedure is performed using local anesthetics. The effect of a face lift with APTOS threads lasts for 2 years. An additional benefit is that the procedure stimulates the production of your own collagen and elastin fibers, and your complexion is evened out. Rehabilitation restrictions (sauna, swimming pool, sports) are lifted 3 weeks after the procedure.

More information about thread lifting APTOS (APTOS)

Ligature lifting

A ligature facelift is called a “weekend lift” - rehabilitation after the procedure lasts only 1-2 days. Meanwhile, the result lasts for 3-7 years, depending on the individual anatomical features of the facial architecture.

The effect of such an operation is truly impressive, since it allows not only to “tighten” the oval, but also to make the cheekbones more pronounced, remove facial wrinkles, and lift the drooping corners of the mouth. The secret lies in the use of special non-absorbable ligature threads, which provide particularly strong fixation (reinforcement) as well as controlled tension (traction). The success of such an operation depends on the experience and qualifications of the cosmetologist or plastic surgeon.

More about ligature lifting

Endotin lifting

Minimally invasive facelift with endotins (plate-implants made of biocompatible polylactic acid) can be an excellent alternative to SMAS lifting, especially for those who strive for long-term results, but are not ready for surgery.

Endotin lifting is used to tighten individual areas that are most susceptible to aging and gravitational ptosis. The result of the operation lasts for up to 10 years, and rehabilitation lasts only 5-6 days.

More about endolifting

Endoscopic facelift

A facelift using the latest endoscopic technology leaves no scars. The advantage of this method is that it is minimally traumatic - the procedure takes place without traditional surgical incisions with excision of excess skin. Thin endoscopic instruments are inserted through small incisions of 1.5-2 cm, and no hair shaving is required before surgery. After tensioning the fabrics, they are securely fixed. The result of an endoscopic facelift lasts 8-10 years. This method is ideal in cases where it is necessary to eliminate sagging eyebrows, remove nasolabial folds, and deep wrinkles on the forehead. However, endoscopic lifting may not be suitable for patients who experience drooping (ptosis) of the facial contour with significant excess skin and fatty tissue.

Read more about endoscopic facelift

SMAS lifting

This plastic surgery has no analogues. Only SMAS lifting allows you to achieve a dramatic rejuvenating effect for 10-15 years. Before surgery, the patient must undergo a comprehensive medical examination of the body to identify possible contraindications: low hemoglobin levels, high blood sugar, intolerance to general anesthesia. If the indicators are normal, and there are enough aesthetic indications for the operation, then a facelift can be done after 40 years, after 50, even after 60. The duration of the operation is 3-4 hours. The precision approach and skill of plastic surgeons at the Pirogov Clinic allows us to reduce the length of hospitalization to just 1 day, after which we calmly discharge patients home with individual recommendations for the rehabilitation period. We evaluate the early results at a follow-up examination after 2-4 weeks, when light hematomas disappear and the scars in the ear area begin to heal.

More about SMAS lifting


Mesotherapy is an injection of a cocktail of vitamins, enzymes, plant extracts and hormones. These products improve skin tone and help get rid of excess fat. Mesotherapy is especially effective for those who are afraid of the appearance of jowls, sagging skin under the lower jaw.

Mesotherapy sessions can begin from the age of 30. Around this age, preventing the signs of aging gives the best results. At a younger age, mesotherapy is used to combat acne. The injections also get rid of the vascular network.

To get the best result, you need to undergo a course of procedures. On average, it takes 3-4 visits to a cosmetologist to get rid of skin problems. The intervals between sessions are 10-14 days.

Unfortunately, mesotherapy does not eliminate deep wrinkles, but after the injections the wrinkles will become smaller.


  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • infections, exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • individual intolerance to drugs;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • neoplasms;
  • vascular and heart diseases;
  • renal failure.

Sometimes side effects appear after the session - redness and bruising. Allergic reactions are rare.

Skin care recommendations:

  • Avoid other cosmetic procedures.
  • Do not visit the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, or solarium for another 2 days after the session.
  • Avoid makeup for 24 hours after the procedure.

Cause of problems

Over time, the soft tissues of the face sag, and the muscles, stretching, lose their elasticity. As a result, “bags” appear under the eyes, the cheeks take on a “bulldog” appearance, and folds are visible near the nose.

If the lifting does not affect the SMAS layer, then it will not be possible to achieve a quick effect from this procedure.

In ancient times, due to the lack of hardware methods, the muscle layer was tightened using plastic surgery, the recovery period after which lasted for months.

Therefore, to prevent negative consequences after the surgical method, ultrasound lifting was created, which is based on a modern method of achieving elasticity and tightening of facial skin and getting rid of old connective tissue.

How to prepare for a consultation

The first step to plastic surgery for facial rejuvenation is a consultation with a plastic surgeon. We live in dynamic times and we value your time. In order for the consultation to be as effective as possible, at home, in a calm environment, decide for yourself what exactly you don’t like about your appearance. Dig through old photographs, find the ones you like, and take them with you. This way we will be able to identify those age-related changes that need correction, and quickly come to an agreement on the necessary methods. For example, looking in the mirror day after day, it is difficult to notice how the volume of tissue on the cheeks or the volume of the chin has decreased. Looking at a photo from 10-20 years ago, it’s easier to imagine what we want to get.

Write a list of questions that interest you and do not hesitate to bring it up during the consultation. Leave space between questions for notes. Over the years, we have developed an information sheet that contains answers to the most frequently asked questions about facial rejuvenation. You will receive it during your consultation so you can read it calmly at home.

If you would like to take a loved one with you to the consultation, whose opinion you trust, please do so. It is important that your companion understands that he is coming to support you and suggest some questions that you may forget to ask.

Adverse effects and post-procedure care

After the procedure using the ultrasound HIFU therapy device, no special care is usually prescribed. Patients can immediately return to their normal daily routine. Another thing is that the procedure itself is often very painful for the patient. In this case, local application of anesthetic cream has practically no effect, because tissue damage occurs to a considerable depth.

In the first hours after the session, mild erythema and swelling are expected - in most cases they disappear without a trace, although in 22-100% of patients they can persist for up to 48 hours.6 After SMAS lifting, a small bruise may appear, and if there is insufficient contact of the sensor with the skin, white blisters. In the latter case, topical corticosteroids are indicated.6

Temporary numbness in the treatment area has been reported in up to 18% of patients.7 It does not require treatment and resolves spontaneously within 2-3 weeks.

On a more serious note, the literature describes the occurrence of temporary paresis of the frontal branch of the facial nerve in 1 patient after using a HIFU device on the forehead.9 Eyebrow function was gradually restored within 2 weeks.

Worthy alternatives to HIFU devices

As you can see, the ultrasound HIFU therapy device can improve the condition of the face and neck, but it is not omnipotent. At the same time, there are worthy alternatives to this technology in the aesthetic market in the form of radio frequency (RF) lifting and dynamic muscle activation (DMA).

Radiofrequency lifting

The principle of radio frequency (RF) lifting is the non-surgical tightening of tissue using local heating. In this case, an effect similar to an ultrasound HIFU therapy device is achieved in a slightly different way.

During the RF lifting procedure, the electromagnetic field causes the movement of charged particles in the tissues, causing their temperature to increase. The degree of heating depends on the tissue resistance to radiofrequency exposure, the power of RF energy and the duration of the session. In fact, collagen molecules “heat”, leading to partial denaturation of the protein. At the same time, collagen fibers can be shortened by up to 30%, creating instant skin tightening and a lifting effect.10

The second and in a certain sense even more important effect of RF on tissue is thermal stimulation of cellular activity. In response to sublethal heating, cells begin to actively divide, and the synthesis of collagen and other components of the extracellular matrix accelerates.

Modern radiofrequency lifting is most often performed using mono- and multipolar devices:

  • Monopolar RF lifting – Thermage device.
  • Multipolar RF lifting – Legend Pro+ and Divine pro devices (TriPollar RF technology).

Monopolar Thermage has a strong and pronounced effect in just one session, and the multipolar handles of the Legend Pro+ and Divine pro devices, using special TriPollar RF technology, warm up the tissues more gently and in several sessions.


The injection drug is based on hyaluronic acid. It attracts water molecules that fill creases and wrinkles. Biorevitalization helps saturate the skin and get rid of dryness and sagging, maintains water balance. Additionally, cocktails may contain vitamins, amino acids, and peptides.

The best age to start rejuvenation with hyaluronic acid is after 30 years. Injections eliminate the first signs of aging, so the best results are achieved at the age of 30-45 years. The result of the course lasts up to 1-1.5 years.

Within one course, 4 sessions are carried out, with breaks of 2 weeks between them. During breaks, it is very important to monitor the condition of your skin, nutrition and drinking regime.

Biorevitalization is a painless procedure, despite the fact that it involves injections.

To avoid pain, the face is treated with anesthetic cream. Without anesthesia, the effect of the session increases by one and a half times.

Recommendations for post-session care:

  • do not touch your face or do makeup for two days;
  • do not visit swimming pools, baths, saunas, or gyms for a week;
  • Do not sunbathe for two weeks.

Biorevitalization has contraindications. Some patients exhibit severe sensitivity to the components of the drug and should not receive injections. Pregnant and lactating women are also prohibited from undergoing biorevitalization. It is better to reschedule your session if you are taking blood thinning medications.

Absolute contraindications:

  • skin infections;
  • diabetes;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • herpes;
  • psoriasis;
  • neoplasms in the body.
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