SMAS lifting without surgery and skin rejuvenation - Ulthera therapy

Our clinic was the first in Russia to begin using skin rejuvenation procedures using Ultherapy (Altera systems). Ultherapy® is the world's only FDA approved micro-focused ultrasound skin lifting treatment. With Ultherapy it is possible to achieve lifting and tightening of the skin of the face (circular facelift), neck and décolleté, as well as correct wrinkles.

Frequently asked questions about this procedure are answered by our chief physician at the VALLEX MED Preventive Aesthetic Medicine Clinic, MD, Professor Elena Ivanovna Gubanova.

How does having visualization help in your work? And what is it for?

Having visualization in the Altera device in real time, when you can do the procedure and see where and at what depth you are acting, this helps a lot. Visualization (which is not found in any device in the category of non-surgical ultrasonic lifting) - allows you to individualize the SMAS lifting procedure, helps to see the structure of tissues, and even determine the existing significant age-related changes in tissues at the level of muscles, subcutaneous fat and dermis. In visualization mode, we see the surrounding tissues and ascertain the presence of one or another foreign body, gels, threads, and, if necessary, we bypass risk areas.

Main features of ALTERA therapy

1. As of September 22, 2015 was the only non-surgical procedure approved by official US government agencies for lifting eyebrows, facial skin, facial contours, neck and décolleté.

2. Stimulating the formation of new collagen in the deep layers of the skin under the influence of focused ultrasound.

3. No seasonal restrictions and long rehabilitation period.

Perhaps, for a simple patient, the last characteristic of ALTERA therapy is the most remarkable, since in the arsenal of modern cosmetology there are very few techniques and methods that do not have seasonal restrictions. This allows patients to use the possibilities of ALTERA therapy when it is convenient for them, without regard to the time of year.

A little theory: how ALTERA therapy actually works and who it is indicated for

With age, we age, and one of the most characteristic signs of this, alas, sad process, is the change in our skin: it first becomes less elastic, and then flabby. These changes are based on the weakening of collagen fibers and the increasing destruction of elastin - important structural components of the elastic framework of the skin. As a result, there is a decrease in the elasticity of the skin, its sagging in the form of such specific manifestations as ptosis of the eyebrows, loss of clarity of the oval of the face, the appearance of sagging skin in the cheeks and neck, wrinkles in the décolleté area. All this is classified as initial and middle age-related skin changes, which are indications for ALTERA therapy.

ALTERA therapy is based on the impact of focused ultrasound on the deep layers of the skin, located at a depth of 1.5 - 4.5 mm, right up to the border with the muscle layer. By the way, these are the layers at the level of which plastic surgeons work during surgical facelift (see Fig. 1)

Fig.1. Penetration of different types of energy into different layers of tissue.

By way of comparative analysis, we note that laser and radiofrequency methods affect the shallower layers of the skin. ALTERA therapy is also distinguished by the ability to control the depth of ultrasound exposure, as a result of which the cosmetologist has a unique opportunity to trigger the synthesis of new, as they say “fresh”, collagen in the right places to ensure a controlled facelift. After 3-4 months, as a new collagen matrix is ​​created, the first results will be visible. The effect of the ALTERA therapy procedure will only increase over time and such a process extended over time will ensure, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, the preservation of the effect of tissue tightening and smoothing of skin relief for a period of 6 to 18 months.

During and immediately after the ALTERA therapy procedure

During the procedure, slight redness of the skin is noted, which gradually disappears after the procedure. In some cases, slight swelling occurs, which can last for several days. New sensations that the patient may experience include tingling, increased sensitivity to touch, or numbness in small areas of the skin. These sensations may occur for several weeks after the procedure and are temporary and mild in nature. Much less frequently, but nevertheless, quickly passing bruises may appear.

Results of the ALTERA therapy procedure

Most patients notice the first results immediately after the procedure. Gradually, the oval of the face begins to improve toward greater clarity, and closer to 3 months, the effect begins to fully manifest itself in other areas subjected to ALTERA therapy: wrinkles are smoothed out, the density and elasticity of the skin increases.

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Non-surgical blepharoplasty

Increase in width

Before the procedure

After the procedure

Non-surgical chin lift

Increase in width

Before the procedure

After the procedure

ALTERA therapy for the neck and décolleté

Those areas of the skin where there is no dense subcutaneous fat tissue, where it is thinner and more tender, are most susceptible to age-related changes - the neck is the first to begin to speak of a woman’s years.

In addition to age, a woman’s eternal struggle with her weight, excessive use of tanning, and the usual position of the head when reading and working with newfangled gadgets leave their “traces” on the skin of the neck. There are also genetic factors that determine the anatomical features of this zone - the “ring of Venus”.

Not only the neck, but also another, no less, and perhaps more attractive area - the décolleté, also needs to be corrected for negative age-related changes. The influence of the sun, the habit of sleeping on the side, push-up bras - all this adds signs of aging to the delicate décolleté area.

Non-surgical neckline lift

Increase in width

Before the procedure

After the procedure

Non-surgical neckline lift

Increase in width

Before the procedure

After the procedure

Non-surgical neck lift

Increase in width

Before the procedure

After the procedure

ALTERA therapy is a new solution for lifting and strengthening the quality of skin in the neck and décolleté area.

Prices for Altera therapy

Procedure/zonePrice, in rubles
1 line350,00
Face basic procedure, 348 lin.79 000,00
Face standard procedure, 464 lin.99 000,00
Face enhanced procedure, 760 lin.159 000,00
Cheeks basic procedure, 190 lin.45 000,00
Cheeks standard procedure, 266 lines.55 000,00
Cheeks enhanced procedure, 400 lin.99 000,00
Submandibular zone basic procedure, 100 lines.29 000,00
Submandibular zone standard procedure, 140 lines.39 000,00
Submandibular zone enhanced procedure, 230 lines.69 000,00
Upper third of the face basic procedure, 58 lines.15 000,00
Upper third of the face standard procedure, 58 lines.15 000,00
Upper third of the face enhanced procedure, 100 lin.26 000,00
Lower third of the face basic procedure, 290 lin.69 000,00
Lower third of the face standard procedure, 378 lines.89 000,00
Lower third of the face enhanced procedure, 660 lines.149 000,00
Neck, 300 lin.69 000,00
Neckline, 240 lines.55 000,00
Face surface sensor, 400 lines.89 000,00
Neck surface sensor, 150 lin.35 000,00
Neckline surface sensor, 40 lines.12 000,00
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  • 1 If the procedure is carried out on the day of consultation, see the conditions
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Questions and answers about Ulthera therapy

For all answers to questions , see the FAQ section.

  • Methodology
  • Indications
  • Recommendations

Collapse answers

  • — Will I need to take time off after the ALTERA therapy procedure?

    Answered by Sulakadze Eliko Dzhumberovna, cosmetologist-dermatologist has been working in Rednor centers for 15 years , after the ALTERA therapy procedure, no recovery period is required and the patient can immediately return to their usual regimen. However, in some cases, with increased sensitivity of the skin to various external influences, patients may notice redness of the skin and a feeling of swelling in the treatment area. Redness goes away after 30 - 40 minutes, and swelling, in such cases, is practically unnoticeable, since it is localized in the deep layers of tissue and is not expressed on the surface of the skin, and also goes away quite quickly. It is not for nothing that knowledgeable patients classify the ALTERA therapy procedure as a “lunch break procedure.”

  • — Who can be recommended for the ALTERA therapy procedure?

    Answered by Irina Vyacheslavovna Markova, a cosmetologist-surgeon for 11 years - All patients with initial and moderate severity of age-related skin changes, when the loss of skin elasticity begins to bother and it becomes less taut. These are cases of drooping eyebrow line, loss of clarity of facial contours, appearance of nasolabial folds, sagging neck skin, wrinkles in the décolleté area. And, of course, do not forget that your doctor has the final say; only he can recommend the procedure to you.

  • — How does ALTERA therapy stimulate collagen formation?

    Sulakadze Eliko Dzhumberovna answers, cosmetologist-dermatologist for 15 years - During the ALTERA therapy procedure, powerful focused ultrasound pulses cause vibrations of tissue molecules, and friction occurs between them. As is known, any friction is accompanied by the release of heat and an increase in temperature, which, in this case, already causes instant compression of collagen fibers and the initiation of the formation of new collagen. These changes occur without the participation of any creams, fillers or other chemical agents; They are a manifestation of the process of collagen formation inherent in humans and provide a natural, noticeable effect - tightening and rejuvenation of the skin.

The text of the article was prepared by Irina Vyacheslavovna Markova - chief physician of the REDNOR cosmetology centers, cosmetologist-surgeon with 20 years of experience in the field of cosmetology

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Where can I undergo the Ulthera therapy procedure?

are experienced doctors and tens of thousands of satisfied patients since 1994. Over the years, we have gained enormous experience and are constantly improving our skills, offering patients only the most effective solutions in the field of cosmetology.

You can get a doctor’s consultation and undergo the procedure at the center on Marksistskaya, having previously made an appointment by phone


Mon-Fri: 9:00-20:00, Sat: 9:00-18:00

The initial consultation with a cosmetologist on Altera Therapy is FREE if the procedure is carried out on the day of the consultation.

Sign up for a consultation

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