Massager “Facial mesotherapy without needle” m9910, Gezatone

Many representatives of the fair sex have heard about the benefits and effects of the super popular mesotherapy procedure, which is widespread in beauty salons. But mesotherapy is an invasive technique, and not everyone risks trying this procedure for fear of pain and complications.

Now there is nothing to be afraid of, because the Gezatone company has developed a device for mesotherapy without a needle, this is the Mezolight m9900. The device combines five unique cosmetic technologies, which together provide an effect that is in no way inferior to salon injections. Mezolight improves the absorption of cosmetics, tightens and strengthens the skeletal muscles of the face, improves the functioning of all skin structures!

A complex of five technologies in the Mezolight Gezatone device:

Mesoporation or “non-injection mesotherapy” is a well-known technique for enhancing the penetration of cosmetic ingredients deep into the skin. This effect is achieved due to a weak pulse current; it helps cosmetics get exactly into the desired area, where it is absorbed much more effectively than with surface application. Mesoporation is a painless technique that does not require special training and skills, does not injure or deform the skin, and has no risky complications. Thanks to mesoporation, all skin functions improve, skin tone, elasticity and firmness increase, small and large wrinkles are smoothed out (including in the area around the lips, eyes, neck and décolleté).

Electroporation is the effect of weak currents on the skin, as a result of which conducting channels in cell membranes open, and active substances from cosmetics flow through them freely. This technology has been known for more than a quarter of a century and is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. Such intensive absorption of cosmetics leads to deep nutrition and hydration of the skin at the cellular level, stimulation of the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen.

EMS (electric myostimulation) is the stimulation of the skeletal muscles of the face, which are responsible for a tightened and clear contour, a relief oval of the face and the line of the cheekbones. With age, these muscles become deformed and sag, resulting in persistent wrinkles and a double chin. Myostimulation helps eliminate these signs of aging, enhances metabolic processes and blood microcirculation, tightens sagging muscles, restoring a youthful appearance to the face.

Exposure to high-frequency biocurrents improves the functioning of the peripheral circulatory and lymphatic systems, giving a pronounced tonic result. With this effect, you feel warmth, improve metabolism in tissues, and enhance the detoxification effect. The biocurrent method is used for non-surgical face lifting, eliminating wrinkles, and removing swelling.

Light therapy or, as it is also called, chromotherapy is an intense effect on skin structures using light of different colors. Light of different wavelengths has been proven to have multiple effects on the skin, restoring its natural functions. Mezolight combines different emission spectra (red, pink, orange, blue), which you can choose according to your skin type.

Pink spectrum (and pink pulsating) has a wavelength of 700±10 nm, and is designed to improve the tone of dull skin. This light mode increases skin elasticity, improves complexion, and stimulates tissue function. The red spectrum with a wavelength of 620±10 nm acts on fibroblasts - cells that produce collagen and elastin. As a result, the intercellular matrix improves, the skin tightens, becomes denser and more elastic. The blue spectrum with a wavelength of 415±10 nm is designed for oily, mixed and porous skin. It reduces the activity of harmful bacteria, relieves inflammation, normalizes pore diameter, increases local immunity, and soothes irritated and rosacea-prone skin. The orange spectrum has a wavelength of 590±10 nm, improves the energy function of the skin, increases the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, so it is ideal for atonic, dry skin with age-related changes.

Depending on the drugs administered, non-injection facial mesotherapy achieves the following effects:

  • Increasing skin tone and elasticity, reducing sagging.
  • Skin hydration – improving hydration of all layers of the epidermis and dermis.
  • Treatment of hyperpigmentation.
  • Modeling the oval of the face using lipolytic drugs, for example, with excessive deposition of subcutaneous fat on the cheeks, chin, cheekbones.
  • Preparation and rehabilitation after surgery, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, laser skin resurfacing.

Non-injection mesotherapy is recommended to be carried out on prepared skin , after removing the layer of keratinized cells (ultrasonic cleansing, microdermabrasion, etc.). Electroporation goes well with other methods of aesthetic cosmetology - massages, facial cleansing, etc.

To achieve a long-term effect, a course of 7-10 procedures is required , as well as maintenance sessions in the future. The maintenance course is recommended to be carried out once a month. Rhythm of treatment with Non-injection mesotherapy, one to two procedures every 5-10 days, depending on the problem.

After just 1 month of using the Mezolight device:

  • Increases the production of collagen and elastin by skin cells
  • The facial contour becomes clearer and more prominent, the cheeks and double chin are tightened
  • The “habitual” muscle spasm that provokes the formation of wrinkles is eliminated
  • The effectiveness of using cosmetics increases many times. Attention! It is prohibited to use the device on dry skin; it is necessary to use special water-based gels, applying them in combination with active serums
  • The skin looks younger and fresher, it glows from the inside!
  • The results of clinical studies recorded a decrease in wrinkle depth by 32%

The Mezolight device is convenient to use both at home and on trips, because it runs on a battery and does not take up much space. It is enough to devote just a few minutes a day to your skin performing procedures, and within a month you will see amazing results!


  • Using a pacemaker
  • Pregnancy
  • Oncology
  • Presence of skin sensitivity disorders (pain and temperature) in the area of ​​application of the device
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin, injuries and dermatological diseases (eczema, dermatitis, burns, fresh scars)
  • Acute inflammatory processes, pustules

Manufacturer : Gezanne ITC/Gezanne I.T.S. Saint Avertin, 39 rue des Granges Galand/Saint Avertin, 39 rue des Granges Galand, France/France. Warranty period is 1 year from the date of sale.

Non-injection mesotherapy

A low pain threshold or too sensitive skin is not a reason to refuse a rejuvenation procedure, because painless, gentle techniques are already available today. Non-injection mesotherapy solves the same cosmetic problems as classical mesotherapy, but it is carried out with comfort for the patient, without injections and a rehabilitation period.

What is unique about the procedure?

The task of mesotherapy is the delivery of certain monopreparations or cocktails to the dermis or subdermis by injections. This is done to improve the condition of the skin, cure acne, rosacea, get rid of scars and enlarged pores, and also solve other cosmetic problems. With the advent of non-injection techniques, it has become possible to obtain the same results without damaging the skin!

The serum contains oxygen, which means the procedure has a double effect. Poor ecology, active and passive smoking, air conditioning, computerization - all this leads to oxygen starvation of cells. Therefore, by receiving oxygen in this way, the skin will certainly react and become healthier!

A fortified cocktail for mesotherapy is prepared individually for each patient

How is the procedure performed?

  • The procedure does not require special preparation, but for safety reasons it is better to avoid other cosmetic procedures, such as peelings or injections, for two weeks before the procedure.
  • Non-injection mesotherapy is carried out using equipment for gas-liquid peeling - an Israeli-made device.
  • A special nozzle under pressure contactlessly directs fine particles of a biologically active drug with oxygen onto the skin - a hypoallergenic meso-cocktail. A supersonic air jet (speed up to 300 m/sec) and a high-speed flow of microdroplets penetrate inside without a needle and have a rejuvenating, moisturizing and nourishing effect.
  • The mixture is a cocktail of microelements, amino acids, coenzymes, and other substances, selected individually depending on the patient’s aesthetic defect or problem.
  • After the session, there may be slight redness of the treatment area, which disappears on its own within half an hour.

Non-injection mesotherapy that does not leave papules is an ideal option for express lifting before an important event

Who is recommended for non-injection mesotherapy?

The procedure will be a real discovery for those who are afraid of injections and avoid injection marks. It is recommended for those who have already reached the age of 20, with the following goals:

  • rejuvenation;
  • fight against age-related changes - wrinkles, atrophy, age spots;
  • acne treatment;
  • skin hydration;
  • lifting effect;
  • elimination of fine and deep wrinkles;
  • lightening hyperpigmentation;
  • removal of dilated vessels;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • scalp hair restoration;
  • treatment and prevention of cellulite.

The secret to the success of non-injection mesotherapy is the complex effect of mesococktail and oxygen

Are there any contraindications

Despite its low-traumatic nature, this type of mesotherapy is not performed:

  • for acute infectious diseases and acute inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • for bleeding disorders;
  • for severe somatic diseases;
  • for oncology;
  • with heart rhythm disturbances and in the presence of a pacemaker;
  • if you are allergic to the components of the drug.

Lactation is a relative contraindication to non-injection mesotherapy: the doctor makes the decision

Results and frequency of procedure

A vitaminized cocktail will moisturize the skin and remove wrinkles, restore elasticity and improve color. Active substances that penetrate inside activate the sebaceous glands and increase the protective barrier. After the full course, there will be no traces of fatigue on the face, circles under the eyes will disappear, the skin will become smooth, silky and toned.

A course of non-injection mesotherapy includes 5-7 procedures at weekly intervals. Sometimes the number increases to 10, and the frequency – up to two times a week. In the future, to maintain the effect, it is recommended to undergo one session every 4-6 weeks. The results after a full course last for six months.

After a course of non-injection mesotherapy you will have a healthy glow and natural beauty

Benefits of non-injection mesotherapy

  • The procedure is absolutely painless – patients feel pleasantly cool.
  • There are no allergic reactions, since meso cocktails contain only hypoallergenic components.
  • Quick effect - noticeable after the first sessions.
  • Highly effective in solving many cosmetic problems.
  • Lack of rehabilitation period.
  • Compatibility with other procedures.

Just recently, this seemed like a fantasy. Today it is no longer necessary to get injections to get rid of wrinkles, improve skin color and elasticity, or solve other aesthetic problems. Thanks to the innovative method of non-injection mesotherapy, you can take care of your skin effectively and comfortably!

Injections can wait - there is an alternative to “beauty injections”!

Mesoporation is a modern popular method, successfully used for rejuvenation procedures around the world, deservedly called mesotherapy without a needle. The effect of mesoporation: elastic, fresh, well-hydrated skin is visible after the first procedures, since the active ingredients of cosmetic cocktails reach the required depth thanks to pulsed modulated ionized electromagnetic waves. The special cosmetic cocktails used during the procedure penetrate to the required depth, as in a mesotherapy procedure, without compromising the integrity of the skin, without causing painful or other unpleasant sensations, and without red spots or bruises. After the mesoporation procedure, the skin glows with health and freshness.

A course of mesoporation procedures will help eliminate age-related changes, tighten and strengthen the oval of the face, smooth out fine wrinkles, and improve skin color and tone.

Especially for mesoporation, specialists from the Mesoderm pharmaceutical laboratory have created a rejuvenating facial cocktail “SuperLift”

. The high concentration of carefully selected active components of the SuperLift cocktail provides a visible rejuvenating effect, since the active components penetrate deep into the skin and have a rejuvenating effect. The Mesoderm lifting cocktail consists of several active components that literally bring your skin back to life, restoring its energy potential and neutralizing the effects of free radicals. The drug contains such effective components as DMAE, hyaluronic acid and nucleic acids - all the necessary components to ensure youthful skin.

The MezoLight device is based on a combination of the most modern technologies, thanks to which you can carry out facial skin care and correction procedures at home. The mesoporation kit includes the Mezolight m9900 device and the SuperLift Mesoderm cocktail (5 ampoules * 5 ml), so you can immediately begin the rejuvenation procedure!

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