Fractor rejuvenation: a new laser lifting technique

With age, the structure of collagen fibers changes. The skin changes density and elasticity, becomes covered with a network of wrinkles, and becomes flabby. The latest cosmetology techniques will help minimize the manifestations of age-related changes on the skin. Fractora rejuvenation is a unique procedure that allows you to get instant correction results through fractional radiofrequency effects on the deep layers of the skin.

Fractora lifting literally changes the age of the skin, freeing it from signs of aging.

Fractor's rejuvenation principle

The Fractor apparatus was developed by Israeli scientists several years ago. The instant result of its use in cosmetology amazed everyone: plastic surgeons, cosmetologists, patients. Numerous positive reviews confirm this.

The essence of the technique is based on the ability of radio waves to affect the deep layers of the skin.

The density and elasticity of tissues directly depend on the condition of collagen fibers. The action of these elements is similar to the reinforcement in a concrete wall. As long as the amount of collagen is sufficient, the skin looks firm and healthy. As soon as collagen fibers lose their strength, the skin takes on the appearance of a bruised apple, becomes covered with wrinkles, and becomes flabby.

The Fractor apparatus, through special attachments, produces radio waves of a certain frequency, which force skin cells to activate the process of reproduction of collagen fibers. Thus, the maximum positive effect of correction and rejuvenation of facial skin is achieved.

The attachments of the Fratkora device have many microscopic needles that act as conductive electrodes. Through them, the impulse penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, creating an oscillating effect.

Depending on the type of attachments (surfaces with twenty and sixty microneedles), the fractora procedure can be performed both locally and on large areas of the body. Due to the fact that the device’s attachments are sterile and are used only once, the risk of skin infection during manipulation is eliminated.

Advantages, harms and benefits of the method

Fractor (reviews about the procedure indicate more benefits than harm from it) compares favorably with other hardware techniques in that:

  • not contraindicated when used on thin skin in the eye area;
  • does not cause a feeling of discomfort (the person experiences slight tingling and warmth);
  • used for various skin types;
  • can be combined with contour plastic surgery;
  • ensures safety thanks to a computerized control system for all stages of RF lifting;
  • does not damage the skin;
  • short rehabilitation period
  • no age limit;
  • equally acceptable to both women and men.

After completing the procedure:

  • the structure of the skin changes, allowing it to look smoother and more well-groomed;
  • pigment spots are lightened;
  • the oval of the face is tightened;
  • skin defects after acne disappear;
  • “jowls” become unnoticeable;
  • “stars” disappear;
  • scars and cicatrices become invisible;
  • the face takes on a fresh, toned appearance.

The effect appears gradually, the final result is not inferior to the condition of the skin after plastic surgery.

Harm to the body can be caused in the following cases:

  • the procedure was performed on persons with an implanted pacemaker and caused malfunctions of both the device itself and the body’s cardiovascular system;
  • high-frequency heating caused tissue burns due to the presence of dentures, shifts or staples;
  • RF pulses caused significant heating of the “gold” and other threads located under the patient’s skin, which provoked a local increase in temperature above the permissible level;
  • violation of hygiene rules and, as a result, purulent formations and swelling.

Indications and contraindications

Lifting fractora amazes with maximum effectiveness and speed of impact on the skin and has a wide range of indications for use. In addition to correcting age-related changes, the use of the Fractor apparatus is indicated for the following purposes:

  • correction of stretch marks on the abdomen, thighs;
  • elimination of hyperkeratosis, decreased skin tone;
  • scar treatment;
  • rejuvenation of the skin around the eyes;
  • eliminating wrinkles above the upper lip;
  • smoothing wrinkles in the décolleté area;
  • neck and face lifting.

Fractor rejuvenation is ideally combined with the following cosmetic procedures:

  • any manipulations to rejuvenate facial skin using hyaluronic acid;
  • mesotherapy;
  • injections of platelet-rich plasma.

Contraindications to the use of the Fractor fractional laser correction device:

  • skin diseases in the acute stage;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • pathologies of the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • the presence of metal implants and a pacemaker in the area affected by the device;
  • hepatitis;
  • inflammation and purulent lesions of the treated skin area;
  • herpes virus rash.

Price of lifting rejuvenation procedure - Fractora

eye area20000rub
lower third of the face25000rub
faceRUB 30,000
necklineRUB 35,000
mammary gland areaRUB 35,000
kneesRUB 30,000
inner thigh45000r
additional nozzle+20000rub


Advantages of the method

The main advantage of using the Fractor apparatus is the long period of maintaining the positive effect. As practice has shown, the results of skin rejuvenation last for several years.

It is also worth noting a number of positive aspects of the new rejuvenation method:

  • minimal list of contraindications;
  • versatility of use, ideal compatibility with other cosmetic procedures;
  • no age restrictions;
  • maximum efficiency;
  • absolute sterility, safety of using the device;
  • minimum period of rehabilitation and recovery;
  • The duration of the procedure is no more than 25 minutes.

This is interesting : practical studies have proven that Fraktor is 40% more effective than the well-known Fraxel laser.

Skin care after the procedure

You can minimize the risk of developing damage and swelling of the skin in areas treated with the Fractor apparatus by adhering to some simple recommendations from cosmetologists:

  • in the first twenty-four hours after the end of the lifting procedure, it is important to avoid prolonged overheating of the skin;
  • you cannot visit baths, saunas and swimming pools;
  • It is better to stop active sports for a while.

Important: after fractor lifting, slight damage to the skin (a trace from the impact of the needle-electrode) and swelling may remain on the skin. Such injuries do not require medical attention and, if you follow all the recommendations of the cosmetologist, go away on their own after some time.

Is preparation necessary for the procedure?

To obtain a visible effect and avoid possible adverse reactions, cosmetologists recommend starting to adhere to the following rules a few days before the lifting:

  • do not use retinoids;
  • do not use exfoliants;
  • do not use various acids and chemicals;
  • avoid open sun;
  • stop using sunscreen.

Before the procedure itself, if it is carried out in the head area, it is necessary to remove all jewelry (chains, earrings, hairpins), and also cleanse the skin of traces of makeup and dirt.

Read the popular article in the category: Black facial cleansing mask: how to make a black mask at home. Recipe, application, reviews.

A course of treatment

The technology of the Fractor rejuvenation procedure includes several stages:

  1. Preparatory stage. The patient removes all metal objects and contact lenses.
  2. The face is cleaned with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol and tonic.
  3. An anesthetic (most often Emla cream) is applied to cleansed skin and distributed evenly. For some clients, a nerve block or tumescent anesthesia may be used.
  4. Forty minutes after applying the anesthetic cream, the specialist, having selected and specified the necessary nozzle, begins the procedure for treating the skin. Depending on the type of area being treated, the duration of the procedure can be from ten to twenty minutes.
  5. At the end of the lifting, the skin is treated with special ointments with an antibiotic and any moisturizer.

Important: the general course of rejuvenation involves three procedures with an interval of 4-6 weeks.


Due to the fact that the issue of electrical influence on the human body is still being studied, doctors do not recommend using RF lifting for:

  • problems with blood clotting;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • malignant tumors;
  • epilepsy and other severe nervous diseases;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • acne;
  • the presence of subcutaneous gold or meso threads, dental pins, staples;

    Fractor is contraindicated if mesothreads or metal implants are installed

  • varicose veins at the sites of the procedure;
  • systemic connective tissue diseases;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin surface;
  • various acute diseases;
  • during previous lipofilling.

There are temporary contraindications:

RestrictionsPeriod of abstinence from lifting
During menstruation3-7 days
After peeling (chemical, laser)12 months
Liposuction at the procedure site12 months
Using botulinum toxin or fillers6 months
Local application of hormone-containing ointments (flucinar, celestoderm)2 months
The use of steroids (hydrocartisone, dihydrotestosterone) in the tablet. or injections 12 months

It is strictly forbidden to carry out RF lifting if there are implanted electrical devices in the body (for example, a pacemaker).

Since the electric field can lead to failure of the implanted equipment and negative consequences for the client, including coma.


Fractor rejuvenation allows you to quickly restore beauty and youth to your facial skin. The result of this procedure will be:

  • clean and smooth facial skin, without any scars;
  • elimination of excess folds of adipose tissue that deform the natural contour of the face;
  • elastic, tightened skin;
  • clear contour of cheekbones;
  • absence of wrinkles around the eyes and lips;
  • tucked chin;
  • tightened skin of the upper eyelid;
  • elimination of enlarged pores.

The result of Fractor lifting procedures is the complete absence of any signs of aging (wrinkles, sagging skin, double chin) and grateful reviews from the patient. The Fractora procedure helps you look ten years younger in half an hour.


Indications for the procedure

Fractor (reviews of the procedure indicate the success of the method) is used in the following cases:

  • decrepit, dull skin;
  • sagging eyelids, appearance of “jowls”;

  • the appearance of wrinkles and nasolabial folds;
  • double chin;
  • edematous, congestive phenomena;
  • enlarged pores;
  • stretch marks after weight loss or pregnancy;
  • unclear oval face;
  • dark spots;
  • scars formed after acne;
  • spider veins;
  • increased sweating due to hyperhidrosis;
  • cellulite.

Although the lifting procedure is considered safe, to exclude individual reactions and side effects, it is recommended to first consult a specialist and determine the advisability of using this method.


Numerous positive reviews from grateful clients suggest the maximum effectiveness of Fractor rejuvenation.

Lydia, 46 years old: “With age, the problem of wrinkled skin has become very important to me. The lifting procedure using the Fractor apparatus was simply a revelation for me. Quickly, painlessly and, importantly, with a very short rehabilitation period. Just three days after the lifting procedure, I was able to surprise everyone with a radiant appearance, toned and fresh facial skin.”

Marina, 36 years old: “The problem of scars on the skin of the face left after chicken pox has been relevant to me for many, many years. Unfortunately, various cosmetic polishing procedures did not give the desired effect. And then a friend told me about Fractor’s hardware rejuvenation. As they say, I had nothing to lose, and I made an appointment with the doctor. To say that I was surprised by the results of the correction was an understatement. Smooth, toned skin, the absence of traces of the disease, gave me back the joy of life, feelings of beauty, and self-confidence.”

Svetlana, 45 years old: “I am the mother of three children. My youngest daughter is only five years old and, of course, I want to look younger. After I was called her grandmother while walking with my little daughter, I thought it was time for action. Fractora rejuvenation became the lifeline that brought me out of the abyss of age-related changes. Just a few procedures, and the skin regained its former elasticity, freshness and youth. The reflection in the mirror gives me self-confidence and the realization that next to my daughter I look like a young mother, and not like an elderly grandmother. My feedback on this rejuvenation technique is only positive.”

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