Rating of the best devices for RF lifting in 2022

Cosmetologists widely use RF-lifting devices in their work. These devices have different prices and sizes. Can be used both at home and in beauty salons. We will look at the best RF lifting devices and make a rating.

What are RF lifting devices used for?

Complexes of procedures with RF lifting devices are recommended if you have:

  • Mimic age wrinkles;
  • Bags under the eyes;
  • Scars or scars;
  • Loose skin;
  • Residual marks after childbirth and with sudden weight loss;
  • Photoaging (decrease in skin elasticity under the influence of ultraviolet radiation);
  • Deformations of the oval face;
  • Post-acne;
  • Decreased skin elasticity;
  • The appearance of a double chin.

The RF lifting device affects the production of collagen and elastin in the skin. In addition, high-frequency waves penetrating the lower layers of the skin slightly heat them. Heating affects old and stretched “springs” of collagen. As a result, they are reduced and new ones are added. The skin is tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out, the oval of the face becomes clear, as in youth. Under the influence of HF exposure, blood vessels pump blood better, metabolism and skin cell renewal accelerate.

Types of devices

RF lifting devices differ in design and method of exposure to the skin.

They are:

  • Monopolar – 2 electrodes are used to treat problem areas. Can heat the skin up to 60°;
  • Bipolar - more gentle effects and lower heating temperature (up to 45o);
  • Matrix – a matrix of electrodes in the form of small needles is used;
  • Combined – simultaneously use several types of RF radiation;
  • Multipolar – several electrodes (at least 3) with different types of energies.

The effect of high-frequency waves on the body

Common people consider this method a novelty in cosmetology, but this is a misconception. Radiofrequency effects on the body became known to scientists more than a hundred years ago. In 1905, the German scientist Nagelshimid and his Czech colleague Zeinek conducted research on the method of treatment with high-frequency currents. Their attention was drawn to the fact that RF radiation has a pronounced thermal effect. The technique was called diathermy.

After a series of studies, scientists came to the conclusion that this method is effective in treating spasms of blood vessels, ureter and bile ducts, various neuralgia, pain in muscles and joints. Diathermy was first used in cosmetology in 2001. Scientists have developed an electrode with a reduced penetration depth of radio waves: the bulk of the energy in this case is absorbed only by the skin.

How to choose the right device

In addition to RF lifting, the devices have additional functions that complement and enhance their effect.

These are the procedures:

  • myostimulation - treatment of facial muscles with weak electrical impulses;
  • microcurrents - weak currents with certain characteristics restore the physiological processes of the skin and subcutaneous layers;
  • iontophoresis - supplying rejuvenating serum deep into the skin;
  • disincrustation - influencing the secretion of the sebaceous glands by turning it into soap and high-quality cleansing of pores from grease and impurities;
  • vibration massage - massage of the skin with micro-vibrations in order to tonify and strengthen skin cells;
  • chromotherapy - exposure of the skin to visible light radiation to accelerate rejuvenation or soothe skin cells;
  • skin cooling with built-in systems that reduce skin sensitivity.

The RF lifting device is selected based on its parameters. This:

  • scope of application of the device - universal or for specific procedures;
  • the presence of additional functions - not only lifting, but also entire skin care programs;
  • availability of adjustments and intensity levels;
  • speed of the procedure - the less time, the more intensive the processing and the faster the result;
  • radiation frequency;
  • design and user convenience during procedures;
  • manufacturer's warranties;
  • price.

Knowing the parameters, you can choose what is right for you, focusing on the ratio of all parameters.

Top 4. Gezatone m1601

Rating (2021): 4.42

98 reviews taken into account from resources: Otzovik, Ozone, Beauty-shop

The most popular Gezatone massagers are well known to connoisseurs of hardware massage, so do not be surprised by the popularity of this device. All major online stores sell it, many reviews have been written about it and a lot of questions have been asked from those interested in purchasing.

  • Characteristics

    Price: 11,750 rub.

  • Country: France (manufactured in Taiwan)
  • Purpose: rejuvenation, antiage care
  • RF output frequency: 1MHz
  • Power source: mains 220 W
  • Features: 3 kHz mechanical vibration, smooth power control

The device is interesting because, despite its compactness, it is capable of carrying out full-fledged radio wave lifting of the face and body. For this purpose, it provides 4 modes: Lifting with an increased output frequency of microcurrents (1.2 MHz) and temperature control, Exercise and LiftingUP - with pulsed supply of current packs, 0.1 and 0.2 Hz, respectively, and Smoothing - to create vibration oscillations to complete the procedure with a unique smoothing. They say about this mode that it is practically not felt. But the model is praised for its other characteristics - the speed of appearance of noticeable results, ergonomics, and versatility. According to reviews, those who switched to home care after salon procedures recouped their purchase in the first month and a half.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Ease of Management
  • Good selection of programs
  • Detailed instructions in Russian
  • Fast payback
  • No special gel included
  • Works only from the network
  • Little perceptible vibration

The best RF lifting devices

We offer TOP 7 devices for cosmetic procedures.


RF Blac Box (NV-CR300) Takes seventh place in the rating. Device for professional and home use. Equipped with two nozzles:

  • For treating delicate skin around the eyes (periorbital area);
  • To smooth out wrinkles and eliminate defects on the face.

After processing, users note as:

  • Signs of photoaging are removed;
  • Deep wrinkles become smoother;
  • The oval of the face becomes clear;
  • The skin becomes elastic.

A convenient device, without major drawbacks, for use at home and in beauty salons. The procedures are painless and pleasant. There are no contraindications. Based on bipolar action. Perfectly fights cellulite and fat deposits. Great for women of all ages, but most effective in helping women over 30 years old.

ISO 0834

It ranks sixth in the ranking. The device is intended for professional use in spa salons and beauty salons. Compact using bipolar and multipolar technology. There are replaceable attachments and the ability to select a mode for different skin types. The device is safe to use and easy to maintain.


  • The tangible result from the first time only intensifies afterwards;
  • No anesthesia required;
  • Absolutely safe, does not violate the integrity of the skin and eliminates burns;
  • Can be used at any time of the year for people with any skin type;
  • Comfortable in hand;
  • The power level is adjustable.

After using the device:

  • Visible reduction of wrinkles and smoothing of skin texture;
  • The number of fat cells is significantly reduced;
  • The skin on the face, around the eyes, in the neck and décolleté area is tightened;
  • Lymphatic drainage and regenerating effects appear.

Gezatone m1601

It ranks fifth in the ranking. The device generates radiofrequency vibrations that produce electrical myostimulation of the skin, affecting its deep layers.

After the procedures:

  • the volume of fat cells decreases;
  • blood circulation and lymph flow improves;
  • collagen fibers contract;
  • the growth of collagen and elastin fibers in skin cells increases;
  • wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • the double chin is removed.

The myostimulation device is excellent not only for correcting the face, but also the figure, skin of the neck and décolleté. Simultaneous exposure to vibration and the spectrum of red radiation enhances the movement of blood and lymph in the deep layers of the skin and relieves spasms of facial muscles.

The device should be used together with a protective gel, which protects the skin from overheating and provides maximum effectiveness.

Youth Activator Illumination

On the fourth line of the rating. The device is designed for those who want to prolong the youth of their skin. Uses both infrared radiation and radio frequencies. The complex effect improves facial skin tone, and radio frequencies penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. Together they give excellent results. The device is compact and easy to use. Powered by batteries. Designed for home use. To enhance the effect of application, use together with Activator Contouring Serum.

Not recommended for people who have:

  • Hypertension;
  • Diabetes;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • Oncological diseases.

Gezatone m1605

It occupies the third line of the rating. This device is one of the most successful combinations of technologies for creating microcurrents and radio wave lifting. Perfectly smooths out wrinkles, tones well and reliably strengthens, provides a pronounced lifting effect. It's no secret that after 25, a woman notices that wrinkles begin to appear near the lips and eyes, the contour of the face begins to spread, and the skin becomes not as elastic as before.

Microcurrents have a gentle effect on the skin, restore cell activity, improve metabolism in the facial skin, restore blood and lymphatic vessels, and improve blood supply to skin cells.

Advantages of use:

  • Increased elasticity and overall skin tone;
  • Blooming complexion;
  • Reducing the depth of wrinkles;
  • Double chin removal;
  • Tightening of scars.

The effect of application is visible the first time, but that's not all. After a few weeks, the lifting effect will increase with each use of the device. This is due to an increase in collagen synthesis, due to which the skin framework will be formed and strengthened.


  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • infectious and viral diseases;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • oncology;
  • acne and post-acne;
  • sun tanning or visiting a solarium.

Bionic RF

It occupies second place in the ranking. A portable domestic device using bipolar or multipolar technology. Each has its own nozzle. Used in many beauty salons and spa centers. The presence of multi-channel exposure and correct settings make the procedure effective and painless.

It is recommended to use a nozzle using bipolar technology at the first stage. This technology works to great depth. Gently and carefully improves the tone of skin with increased thickness of subcutaneous fat.

It is recommended to process:

  • stretch marks;
  • lower jaw;
  • periorbital zone (the area around the eyes including the eyelids and palpebral fissures).

The device is very good:

  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • tightens the skin, reduces its swelling;
  • returns freshness to the face;
  • moisturizes the skin and fills it with energy;
  • improves facial skin metabolism.

The device has a convenient and intuitive interface, a wide range of adjustments, and a compact, modern design.


  • high price;
  • careless and illiterate use can lead to burns;
  • To achieve the effect, you need to undergo a full course of procedures;
  • has contraindications.

ReadySkin nanoSkin

The ReadySkin nanoSkin device is on the first line of the rating. Its technical parameters provide professional skin care capabilities at home.

Has 5 operating modes:

  • RF lifting;
  • EMS (electrical muscle stimulation);
  • ENI – electroporation (exposure to current allows active components to penetrate inside without any pain);
  • ION cleaning;
  • cooling to tighten pores.

Combined use with a special gel helps achieve the best results.

Depending on the parameters, processing is possible:

  • faces;
  • neck;
  • shoulders;
  • belly;
  • décolleté areas;
  • thighs and buttocks.

Its advantages:

  • face lift;
  • increases skin elasticity and firmness;
  • reduces the depth and number of wrinkles;
  • evens out the relief and reduces acne and post-acne;
  • improves complexion;
  • all procedures are tolerated painlessly;
  • take comprehensive care of the skin of the entire body;
  • convenient to use, has a stylish design.

The device runs on batteries. It has smart control over the skin temperature in the treatment area and regulates it itself. Compact, very convenient and easy to use. The price/quality ratio is the most optimal.

Top 10. Welss WS 8008 “Time Machine”

Rating (2021): 4.05

5 reviews from resources taken into account: Ozone

Combined action The peculiarity of this device is its ability to influence the area of ​​the face and body using the method of electromyostimulation, thermolifting and massage at the same time. The procedure is intensive and lasts about 20 minutes.

  • Characteristics

    Price: 3300 rub.

  • Country: China
  • Purpose: smoothing wrinkles
  • RF output frequency: 1MHz
  • Power source: battery, 220V network
  • Features: modes can be run simultaneously

In 10 sessions of lifting and electromyostimulation using this model, you can correct the oval of the face, smooth out the lines of the double chin, and reduce age-related changes in the skin. There are 2 modes for choosing the type of massage. To fix the result, the manufacturer recommends completing the entire recovery course and, if necessary, repeating it after 3 months. The device is miniature and works without being connected to an electrical outlet, so you can easily take it with you on the road. Users are happy with the device, many bought it to replace the outdated WS 7030 model. The only drawback that is often criticized is the wide body, which makes it difficult to work closely on the nasolabial folds.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Ease of use
  • Battery and mains operation
  • 1 year warranty
  • 2 operating modes
  • Few reviews
  • Marriage happens


Fractional RF lifting is generally safe, but there are contraindications. Who is not recommended for hardware lifting:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people with epilepsy, cancer and autoimmune diseases;
  • persons with pacemakers and increased sensitivity to light;
  • those undergoing therapy with photosensitizing drugs.

And among the temporary contraindications, we note periods of exacerbation of acne and rosacea, active allergic or inflammatory processes in the treatment area.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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