Lip Augmentation: 10 Things You Need to Know Before You Get It done

Services Doctors Results Reviews

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Sharubina Karina Petrovna Trichologist, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Publication date: May 22, 2022

Review date: November 12, 2022

How to create dream lips? True beauty has no age, color, shape, there are no patterns at all - it is strictly individual.

Lips are the part of the face that makes it expressive and sensual. A charming smile can both drive members of the opposite sex crazy and win over strict bosses. Therefore, many girls and women pay special attention to their lips, trying, with the help of cosmetology, to create exactly the lips of their dreams, which, as they believe, nature did not reward them with.

Zhmurina Natalya Borisovna

Director, Chief Physician of “A Clinic” Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

The possibilities of today's cosmetology are endless - with the help of special preparations (fillers based on hyaluronic acid), you can create almost any lips. But before you ask for lips like Angelina Jolie’s, it’s worth remembering again that beauty is not a template. What looks harmonious on the face of a superstar may not suit your individual appearance at all.

Therefore, when deciding to have lip correction, you must first see and hear yourself. And an experienced cosmetologist will help you take a correct look at yourself from the outside, who, based on the patient’s wishes, will give him exactly the sponges of his dreams.

Why do you have to change fillers?

  • if a low-quality and uncertified composition was used that will not produce the required effect;
  • if lumpiness occurs on the facial skin, it indicates that the wrong filler was chosen;
  • when age-related changes appear on the face, it is necessary to use a more effective drug;
  • If an allergic reaction occurs, you must urgently change the type of filler.

What is better - biorevitalization or bioreinforcement?

The principle of action of hyalurnic acid in preparations for biorevitalization and bioreinforcement would seem to be the same. The active substance is gradually released and eliminated from the body over several months, all the while providing a beneficial effect on the skin. It seemed that it would be better to choose one procedure? Unfortunately no.

Hyaluronic acid molecules in biorevitalizants and fillers are modified in different ways. Therefore, the drugs have different densities and perform different tasks.

The goal of biorevitalization is to “water” the skin, improve its general condition and activate self-renewal processes.

The purpose of bioreinforcement is to fill the formed voids, create the desired volumes and partially restore the skin at the injection sites (for example, with regular injection of fillers into the nasolabial folds, their severity decreases).

So it will not be possible to replace one procedure with another. However, the right combination of biorevitalization and bioreinforcement will help make your dreams of a fresh, toned face without defects come true. Only a professional doctor can draw up a course program based on the characteristics of your face, skin condition and your desires to change anything.

Recommendations from experts

The procedure should only take place under the supervision of a doctor and on his recommendation. Choose only those fillers that are not rejected by the body:

  • In order for the filler to produce the desired effect, it must be regularly injected with a new portion of fillers;
  • some compounds can migrate, clogging capillaries and blood vessels. In this case, hyaluronic acid is removed.

The entire procedure for tightening and smoothing the facial skin can only be carried out after an examination by a doctor, who will give recommendations on the choice of filler and will correct the facial skin himself.

Features of biorevitalization

Many people have heard about the important role of hyaluronic acid for healthy and youthful skin. Firmness, elasticity, the presence or absence of wrinkles and other cosmetic defects depend on the concentration of this substance. Hyaluronic acid attracts and retains water molecules, fills with moisture and creates a favorable environment for renewing the collagen-elastin framework that supports the skin.

The amount of hyaluronic acid in the skin decreases with age or under the influence of various factors:

  • bright sun,
  • dry wind,
  • frost, disease,
  • bad habits,
  • ecology, etc.

Conditions for the production of new molecules are deteriorating. The skin becomes dehydrated, dull, and becomes vulnerable to bacteria. The strong network of collagen and elastin fibers stretches, sags, and breaks in places—this is how wrinkles form. Injections of hyaluronic acid, or biorevitalization, help replenish the required amount and restore the natural balance of the skin.

Preparations for lip contouring

Dozens of brands produce hyaluronic acid fillers. The choice is very wide, but, as in any niche, it has its leaders:

  • Restylane Lipp (Sweden). A preparation for volumetric modeling of lips, adapted to intense facial loads. The concentration of hyaluronic acid is 20 mg/ml. The drug contains lidocaine, which minimizes discomfort during injections. The filler is great for creating a “Mona Lisa smile” (raising the corners of the lips). The aesthetic effect lasts on average 8–9 months. During this time, hyaluronic acid promotes the formation of new connective fibers that support the structure of the skin. Thanks to this, even after the drug is absorbed, new wrinkles in the lip area do not appear for a long time.
  • Surgilips (France). A variation of the popular Surgiderm filler, designed specifically for lip contouring. The basis of the drug formula is hyaluronic acid with a cross-linked molecular structure (20 mg/ml). Thanks to its dense viscous texture, the composition is ideal for increasing lip volume, correcting asymmetry and filling deep perioral wrinkles. This is one of the most durable fillers - the cosmetic effect lasts from 9 months to a year.
  • Juvederm (Canada). The range of fillers of this brand is very extensive - several products have been developed for lips alone. Juvederm 24 with a hyaluronic acid concentration of 24 mg/ml is used to contour the lips and fill shallow folds. Juvederm 30 and 30 HV (30 mg/ml) are suitable for volume enhancement. Multifunctional fillers Juvederm Ultra 3 and Ultra 4 contain the anesthetic lidocaine. Cosmetologists love Juvederm fillers for their tractability: they quickly and evenly distribute under the skin without forming lumps. The result lasts 8–12 months.

Fillers from different brands do not conflict with each other: after Restylane is absorbed, you can inject, for example, Juvederm, and this will not affect the condition of the lips in any way. It is impossible to say unequivocally which drug is better: the result largely depends on individual indicators. Many clients try different fillers and end up settling on just one.

Contraindications for all drugs are the same:

  • individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • inflammation of soft tissues in the injection area;
  • viral and infectious diseases in the acute phase;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Why hyaluronic acid?

This substance is found in abundance in the cells and tissues of the human body. The chance of injectable filler rejection is less than 0.1%. Preparations for contouring are made on the basis of artificially synthesized hyaluronic acid, and not animal, which can provoke an allergic reaction. Fillers, unlike implants, dissolve over time, and if nostalgia for the previous volume arises, it is enough to wait a few months. After biodegradation (resorption) of hyaluronic acid, the lip tissue does not sag, there are no scars or other traces of plastic surgery left on it. Moreover, the texture of the lips will improve significantly, as hyaluronic acid stimulates the production of collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity. The substance does not accumulate in the body and can be re-administered after a certain period of time without any harm to health. The lifespan of the filler ranges from 6 to 12 months and depends on the metabolic rate.

Someone will doubt: if lip augmentation has so many advantages, where do the photos with creepy “fish” lips that travel across the Internet come from? The entire trail of negativity associated with lip surgery comes from people who have no sense of proportion, and would-be cosmetologists who agree to any experiments with someone else’s appearance. A professional who values ​​his reputation will not inject a patient with a huge dose of filler, but will competently convey to him why more is not always better.

What fillers will add volume to lips?

If you still need to give additional, in addition to natural, volume to your lips, then you should pay attention to fillers such as Belotero, Restylane and Newvia Organic.


Belotero from the world-famous German concern Merz Pharma is a monophasic gel of the latest generation, which is distinguished by its dense structure and safety during use.

The main components of dermal filler are hyaluronic acid and sodium hyaluronate. The hyaluronic acid molecules in this filler are cross-linked into a mesh polymer, which increases its ability to retain more moisture and initiate skin renewal processes many times faster.

The gel is most often administered using a cannula. This method is considered less traumatic and comfortable for the doctor and the patient. It is possible to perform microinjections using a thin needle.

Belotero products have the ability to distribute evenly under the skin, and the doctor helps the process by gently massaging the treated areas. The mesh structure of hyaluronic acid opens into the skin, creating volume and support for the tissue. This is aimed at quickly achieving a natural effect.

Thanks to good cleaning of the drug, granulomas (nodules resulting from inflammatory reactions) do not appear on the skin. Fillers can be used even in cases of increased sensitivity of the skin.

Belotero is a biodegradable drug, that is, removed from the skin naturally, the risk of complications is practically reduced to zero. The effect after filler injection lasts for more than 12 months.

Belotero Intense is used to enlarge lips. It is also recommended for the correction of deep wrinkles in the lip area. The concentration of hyaluronic acid in it is 25.5 mg/ml. This is a dense filler.

You can also use Belotero Balance. It is also a dense filler and contains 22.5 mg/ml hyaluronic acid. Designed for medium-depth injections to correct wrinkles and increase lip volume.

Restylane Lipp

Filler Restylane Lipp from the Swedish cosmetology company Cumed is already a classic of hyaluronic fillers.

The filler is recommended for those women who want to change the shape of their lips, giving them a beautiful look. Restylane injections are also highly recommended for those women who want to eliminate wrinkles around the mouth that appear with age or as a result of smoking.

Restylane Lipp, which contains hyaluronic acid, saturates the skin with moisture, making lips bright, juicy, and expressive. There are no contraindications to the use of this drug, as it does not cause allergic reactions and is quite well tolerated.

The effect of Restylane Lipp injection can be seen immediately after the procedure, and over time the appearance of the lips will only improve. The final result will be noticeable a week after administration of the drug.

The procedure itself is not complicated and does not require anesthesia. The fact is that the filler is injected using a very thin needle, so the moment of injection is not felt. But if the patient wishes, the doctor can numb the injection site by first treating the skin with an anesthetic.

Restylane Lipp lasts for six months to a year.

Effects of the procedure

The results of injection of hyaluronate-based fillers are:

  • natural lip swelling
  • lip symmetry
  • reducing the visibility of scars
  • brighter and more natural lip color
  • raised corners of lips
  • reducing the severity of skin creases around the mouth

You can see how it looks in real life in the before and after photos. The effect can be assessed only 2 days after the procedure.

How many procedures are needed for this? Although about 20 injections are needed to achieve the desired effect, they are performed in 1 procedure. After 2 weeks, you will need to come for a second examination to our specialist: he will examine your lips and, possibly, add more substances to certain areas.

The results of the injections last up to 2 years. The breakdown of hyaluronic acid accelerates with frequent sunbathing, facial and lip massage, and kissing.

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