Atraumatic facial cleansing Holy land - effectiveness, opinion of cosmetologists

Professional facial care will allow you to enjoy impeccable color and velvety texture. To speed up the renewal processes, normalize nutrition and breathing, it is necessary to regularly cleanse the skin. Thanks to effective cosmetics and the experienced hands of a specialist, it is possible to solve aesthetic problems and improve the general condition of the skin. Atraumatic facial cleansing holy land will provide radiance and freshness. The procedure is suitable for all skin types and has no age restrictions. As a result, it is possible to get rid of blackheads and acne, normalize hydrobalance, and restore elasticity.

About the manufacturer

The Israeli brand of professional cosmetics was founded in 1984. Over 30 years, more than 200 products have been created for rejuvenation and healthy skin functioning. The laboratory has its own base; all processes from development to release of the finished product are under strict control. Particular attention is paid to training specialists; drugs are created for cosmetologists, dermatologists, and surgeons. Innovative technologies and high-quality raw materials allow us to solve complex aesthetic problems.

Attention! The formulas include active combinations of ingredients in safe proportions approved for use by the Ministry of Health.

Why should you use this cosmetics?

Holy Land cosmetics, reviews of which can be found on many websites, are produced by an Israeli company that pays great attention to the quality and safety of its products. The entire line of products presented on the domestic market allows people to carefully care for their skin and also has a healing effect. During the work process, the manufacturer places great emphasis not on hiding defects, but on eliminating them. Before hitting retail shelves, each cosmetic product goes through a very long journey:

Indications for use

The procedure is recommended for all skin types. It has no age restrictions and is suitable for dry, oily, normal and combination dermis. Those with problem skin with frequent inflammation, acne, blackheads, and comedones will especially appreciate it. Cosmetologists recommend starting the course from adolescence. The procedure is also effective after 30 years at the first signs of aging, a decrease in the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

Indications for atraumatic cleaning:

  • unhealthy complexion;
  • sebaceous plugs, pimples, blackheads;
  • loss of elasticity, firmness;
  • dryness, peeling;
  • wide pores;
  • lumpy terrain.


It is worth highlighting the manufacturer’s strongest points in comparison with other brands:

  • Unique composition - raw materials consist of active components that are selected all over the world. This includes essential oils and vitamins in simple, easily digestible forms - retinol, coenzyme Q. The composition is selected for each series separately, taking into account the purpose of the product and the characteristic problems of each skin type.
  • The product range is wide - there are series of finished products for home and commercial use within the framework of aesthetic medicine. The market offers product lines for men and women, universal products and series for all skin types - masks, lotions, creams.
  • The ability to use the course at home makes cosmetics accessible to a wide range of consumers. Not every person is ready to spend money on visiting a treatment room. Israeli cosmetics allow you to perform home peeling as comfortably as possible without special skills or preparation.
  • Maintaining effects after salon procedures. The care line of cosmetics is aimed at maintaining the effects after salon procedures. Many products can be used without a prescription, based on the instructions for use.
  • Safety is guaranteed by the presence of natural active ingredients in the composition of all series of brand cosmetics. Thanks to the naturalness of the ingredients, the risk of developing allergic reactions is reduced.
  • Convenience in choosing products - the manufacturer identifies several areas of care cosmetics to make it easier for the consumer to choose a specific product element for themselves. The preparations are divided by purpose, areas of application for each skin type.

Thanks to Holy Land cosmetics, you can create your own care program, including only those components that your skin needs at a specific stage of aging/treatment.


It is difficult to perform multi-step cleaning at home. It's better to consult a specialist. The cosmetologist, after assessing the condition of the skin, will prescribe the optimal program. The procedure is carried out under sterile conditions in a cosmetology office.

This will help prevent tissue infection and possible complications. As a result of professional cleaning, you can achieve the following effect:

  • even skin tone is restored;
  • manages to get rid of age spots and acne marks;
  • pores narrow, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • the relief is leveled;
  • the skin becomes soft, velvety, elastic.

Positive results are observed after the first session. Cosmetologists recommend performing from 4 to 10 procedures every 2 weeks; the number of cleanings depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, as well as the desired aesthetic effect.

Overview of the complex's tools

The protocol includes 9 stages, the duration of the procedure depends on the condition of the patient’s skin, it takes from 1 to 3 hours.


At the first stage, ichthyol soap Double Action Soap is used, which effectively copes with impurities and excess skin secretions. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties, stops the spread of infection. Disinfects the skin, eliminates itching and irritation of the skin. Lightens pigmentation, accelerates the formation of pustules.


  • ichthyol - used to treat skin, accelerate healing processes, antiseptic, analgesic properties are actively used to care for problem skin;
  • Peruvian balsam disinfects, relieves pain, stops the spread of pathogenic microflora, and regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Directions for use : foam a small amount of soap and apply to damp skin. Massage for 3 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Liquid soap is produced in a bottle with a dispenser of 125 ml and 250 ml, the price is 1350 rubles, respectively. and 1950 rub.


A-NOX Face Lotion warming lotion is used it has a disinfectant effect, increases blood flow, and activates lymphatic drainage. Relieves swelling and inflammation, evens out skin tone, dries, and tightens pores. It is used not only in preparation for cleansing, but also during the period of skin restoration after traumatic procedures. Effectively relieves itching, irritation, and pain.


  • isopropyl alcohol disinfects, relieves inflammation, prevents the spread of infection;
  • benzoic acid has a bactericidal effect, soothes irritated, damaged dermis;
  • camphor softens the skin, affects blood flow, relieves swelling;
  • menthol stimulates lymphatic drainage, strengthens thin blood vessels;
  • Eucalyptus oil has warming properties and normalizes cellular respiration processes.

Description of use : moisten a cotton pad and wipe the skin along the massage lines. After the procedure, redness and burning will persist for some time. Available in volumes of 125 ml and 250 ml, you can buy it for 1500 rubles. and 2100 rub.


For the exfoliation procedure, Alpha Complex Rapid Exfoliator is used, a surface peeling based on fruit acids. Effectively removes dead skin cells, evens out the color and structure of the skin. It has a lifting effect, prevents the appearance of acne, and eliminates pigmentation. Enhances the effect of moisturizing and nourishing care products.


  • a complex of fruit acids, including lactic, citric, salicylic, ascorbic acid, removes keratinized epithelium, removes toxins, oxidants, stimulates renewal processes, lightens pigmentation;
  • pomegranate extract increases cellular immunity, prevents oxidation processes;
  • blueberry extract saturates the skin with microelements and blocks melanin synthesis;
  • green tea extract has antioxidant properties, removes toxins and metabolic products, refreshes the skin, evens out color.

Application - using a brush, spread a thin layer on the face, following the direction of the massage lines. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm water. Sold in a glass bottle with a dispenser, cost 100 ml - 3020 rubles.


At the fourth stage , the softening lotion A-NOX Solution is used, which effectively cleanses the sebaceous ducts, narrows and frees pores from impurities. Relieves redness and burning after exfoliation and the use of a warming tonic.

Note! It has an antiseptic, antibacterial, sebum-regulating effect. Effective use for oily, dry seborrhea.


  • arnica extract saturates cells with B vitamins, improves cell nutrition, stimulates microcirculation, accelerates the resorption of milia, fights swelling due to improved lymphatic drainage;
  • witch hazel extract tones the skin, moisturizes, tightens pores;
  • chamomile extract has anti-inflammatory properties, eliminates flaking and dryness.

Application - apply a small amount of lotion to the face, massage in circular movements for 3 minutes. Particular attention is paid to problem areas with comedones and milia. The product is not washed off. You can buy 125 ml for 2300 rubles.

After treating the skin with lotion, Aloe gel , moisturizes and soothes the skin. Accelerates healing and restoration processes, has antiseptic properties.


  • aloe leaf juice is a natural biostimulant, stimulates healing processes, cell regeneration, and increases immune properties;
  • collagen and elastin restore sagging skin and prevent the formation of wrinkles;
  • vitamins A, E prolong the youth of the skin, protect the skin from aggressive environmental factors;
  • plant extracts saturate the skin with minerals, organic acids, and restore hydrobalance.

Application - apply a thin layer after the softening lotion, cover with nylon strips, wet wipes on top, leave for 10 minutes. Sold in tubes of 70 ml and 250 ml, the price is 1,700 rubles, respectively. and 3000 rub.


With an atraumatic procedure, this stage is absent; it is prescribed for oily skin with acne and sebaceous plugs. Manual cleaning is carried out and ultrasonic peeling may be used. The cosmetologist, using tools and equipment, carefully treats each area of ​​the skin, removing the contents of sebaceous plugs, comedones, and acne. The patient may feel discomfort and pain associated with the removal of deep milia.


It is carried out with a low alcohol content Double Action Lotion. It has disinfecting and disinfecting properties and removes residual sebaceous secretions. Promotes rapid skin regeneration after cleansing. Tightens pores, tones and refreshes color, removes toxins and oxidants.


  • alcohol disinfects, prevents inflammatory processes;
  • citric acid tightens pores, whitens pigmentation;
  • oils of clove, eucalyptus, mint help restore the integument, regulate the secretion of glands, and activate blood flow;
  • camphor refreshes color, relieves redness, inflammation, and prevents the formation of acne.

Application - moisten a cotton pad, wipe the skin along the massage lines, avoiding the periorbital area. You can buy 250 ml for 1,560 rubles.


Lactolan Cream Mask from Holi Land is suitable for all skin types. The product has a regenerating effect, restores the skin after atraumatic cleansing or peeling. The mask nourishes, moisturizes, refreshes the skin, helps restore moisture balance, makes it soft and elastic. Irritation and painful sensitivity go away, peeling and tightness are avoided during the recovery period after cleansing.


  • milk proteins restore the skin and stimulate renewal;
  • lactic acid maintains hydrobalance and prevents the appearance of pigmentation;
  • enzymes and microelements protect the skin from the action of free radicals and increase immune properties.

Application : Apply a thick layer, avoiding the eyelid area, cover with a warm compress on top. Remove any remaining mask after 10 minutes. You can buy 250 ml for 3200 rubles.


To accelerate tissue regeneration after cleansing, A-Nox Mask is used. The mask has a drying, anti-inflammatory effect, relieves swelling and redness. Tightens pores, evens out color, improves skin structure.


  • kaolin whitens, tightens pores, has a detox effect, regulates sebium synthesis;
  • zinc oxide relieves inflammation, activates healing processes;
  • salicylic acid blocks the development of pathogenic microflora.

Application : Apply a thick layer along massage lines. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. You can buy 125 ml for 1600 rubles.


The emulsion restores the skin after cleansing. The use of Double Action Hydratant Emulsion prevents dryness, flaking, the appearance of age spots, and scars. Protects covers from the influence of aggressive environmental factors. As a result, the color and structure of the skin improves, the face looks fresh and well-groomed.


  • mineral oil softens the skin, maintains hydrobalance, restores protective barter;
  • stearic acid increases cellular immunity, protects tissues from ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes;
  • deionized water is effective for restoring inflamed dermis and accelerates tissue healing.

Application : Apply a thin layer of emulsion, do not rinse. You can buy 60 ml for 1220 rubles.


At the last stage , DOUBLE ACTION Powder is applied, a powder based on plant extracts. Perfectly mattifies the face, tightens pores, protects the skin from external factors. Soothes the skin after sunburn, cleansing, peeling, chapping, and is effective for rosacea and dermatitis.


  • oat extracts saturate the skin with B vitamins, restore a healthy, even tone;
  • wheatgrass extract improves lymphatic drainage, removes swelling and redness;
  • Echinacea extract has antibacterial and bactericidal properties, prevents the appearance of acne.

Application : Apply a thin layer using a puff or brush. Buy 45 gr. possible for 1400 rubles.

My Holy Land. Time-tested care favorites


Many already know that I am a big fan of Israeli skincare in general and the Holy Land brand in particular, so it is not surprising that as part of the flash mob I want to talk about my favorite products from this particular brand.

All these products have been my favorites in skin care for several years now and help keep my capricious, imperfect skin in good condition.

Holy Land Azulene Lotion

Holy land Azulene Lotion is an alcohol-free base lotion for all skin types. My absolute favorite among moisturizing lotions and toners for over 3 years. The action of the lotion is aimed at cleansing, moisturizing and toning the skin.

The lotion is part of the Azulene line for sensitive skin and contains azulene, a biologically active substance obtained from chamomile flowers, which acts as a natural antiseptic, soothes, relieves irritation, and prevents the dilation of small blood vessels.


The composition is as simple as possible. Among the useful ones are azulene and allantoin, which also have a disinfecting, soothing and wound-healing effect.

There were some preservatives, but this is a common practice for Israeli brands, since the products contain active ingredients in their compositions.


: 250 ml.

The texture of the lotion is turquoise-colored liquid water with a pleasant, unobtrusive aroma.

I use the lotion 2 times a day after washing my face to restore the skin’s pH and tone. By the way, I apply it with my hands, without using cotton pads. This helps me significantly reduce my product usage.

Every time I apply the lotion, I’m surprised how this simple water gives such an effect. The lotion perfectly moisturizes and restores the skin, preparing it for subsequent care, soothes and relieves irritation, removes the feeling of tightness and flaking.

In addition to a good moisturizing effect, the lotion perfectly cleanses, refreshes and mattifies the skin. It becomes soft, velvety, without excess shine.

What I love about Holy Land lotions is their versatility. In addition to its main purpose - moisturizing and toning the skin, I use this lotion as a basis for diluting alginate masks. Thanks to this method, the skin becomes especially soft and moisturized.

I consider Holy Land Azulene Lotion one of the best moisturizing lotions and recommend it as a basic product in skin care of any type.


10/10 rating

3 years, 2 rubles/day use



Holy Land Alpha Complex Face Lotion

Another favorite from the Holy Land brand.

Holy Land Alpha Complex Face Lotion is a peeling lotion with fruit extracts that promotes skin renewal, shrinks pores and evens out skin texture, has a toning and tightening effect. Acts as a safe superficial peeling.


: 125 ml.

Composition: (special block)

Active ingredients: lactic acid, blueberry extract, sugar cane extract, sugar maple, orange, lemon, date, witch hazel extracts.

The composition also contains alcohol, which is at the end of the list, so its concentration is minimal and it does not have a significant effect on the skin.

The lotion is a slightly oily liquid with a yellowish tint. The smell is weak, with a slight sour note. Despite the slight oiliness, the lotion does not leave any stickiness.

I use the lotion mainly in the autumn and winter due to the presence of fruit acids in the composition.

I apply it to the skin with a cotton pad immediately after washing my face. When applied, a slight tingling and redness of the skin is felt, which is explained by the action of acids, so sensitive skin, as well as skin prone to rosacea, should use the lotion with caution. The unpleasant sensations pass quickly, within a few minutes.

I advise you to use the lotion at night, as after application the skin feels noticeably tight. It becomes polished and highly shiny.

I use lotion 2-3 times a week, but I don’t recommend it more often, as it dries out the skin a little and can cause flaking.

The lotion works from the first use. I apply it at night and wake up in the morning with soft and smooth skin. The lotion perfectly renews the skin,

significantly improving complexion, smoothes out fine wrinkles and overall the skin becomes fresher and more radiant.

Regular use of lotion helps to slightly tighten pores and reduce oily skin. It becomes less oily and stays matte longer.

Also, using lotion has a positive effect on post-acne marks. Due to the action of acids and light exfoliation, they pass much faster, and the skin texture itself becomes more even. The lotion copes well with the problem of closed comedones, which dissolve when used.

Holy Land Alpha Complex Face Lotion is perfect for those who are just starting to get acquainted with acids or are looking for a light acid peeling for the skin.


10/10 rating

2 years, 2 times/week use



Holy Land A-nox Face Lotion

The most controversial lotion, which is not suitable for everyone, but if you use it correctly, the result will only please you.

A-nox Face Lotion is a warming lotion based on isopropyl alcohol. It disinfects, activates microcirculation, helps reduce swelling and inflammation, smoothes the skin surface, and dries.


(special block
The active components of the lotion are isopropyl alcohol, benzoic acid, camphor, menthol, eucalyptus oil.

The consistency of the lotion is clear liquid water with a strong alcohol-menthol aroma.

There are several options for using this lotion, but I want to warn you right away that the product is very active and aggressive, so it should be used only after consultation with a cosmetologist.

So, my options for using lotion:

  • Like regular lotion

After washing my face, I apply the lotion to a cotton pad and wipe my face with it. After application, a very strong tingling and burning sensation is felt on the skin, which is simultaneously accompanied by the cooling effect of menthol. This is how the warming effect of the lotion manifests itself. At this moment, the skin becomes hot and cold. This lotion is contraindicated for those who have rosacea!!!

The burning sensation of the skin lasts for 3-5 minutes, then it subsides and the skin becomes red. The redness subsides after 15-20 minutes.

As a result of this effect, the lotion cleanses well and tightens pores, lightens blackheads and dries out inflammation.

But most of all I love this lotion for its ability to dissolve post-acne marks, which disappear almost immediately after using it.

  • As one of the stages of home peeling.

I do Holy Land chemical peels at home according to the protocol, so A-nox lotion is one of the important steps. I apply it after washing my face before applying pre-peeling lotion. Thanks to its warming effect, the lotion opens the pores and prepares the skin for peeling.

  • Precisely for inflammation

For those with sensitive skin, I advise you to use this lotion spot on. It dries out inflammation well and has a healing effect on acne, accelerating its healing and removing traces of it.

I really love this lotion for its positive effect on inflammation, so I recommend it to those with oily problem skin.


10/10 rating

2 years, 1 ruble/week use



Holy Land Alpha-Beta&Retinol Day Defense Cream

My basic day cream for the autumn-winter period, a replacement for which I could not find.

Holy land cosmetics Alpha-Beta&Retinol Day defense cream

-moisturizing smoothing protective cream with fruit extracts and vitamins. Its action is aimed at evening out skin tone and texture, and helping protect it from adverse environmental factors. The cream contains chemical and mechanical UV filters, therefore it is intended for use during the day and serves as an excellent base for makeup.


: 50 ml.



Active ingredients - aha acids (glycolic, lactic, citric), bha acids (salicylic), magnesium ascorbyl phosphate (vitamin C), retinol, green tea extract, blueberry extract, sugar cane, sugar maple, orange, lemon.

The sunscreen filters here are combined - chemical (Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Benzophenone-3) and physical (titanium dioxide). Protection level - spf 30.

The cream is pink-peach in color, medium thick, with a pleasant cosmetic aroma, with a slight hint of citrus.

Easy to apply and spreads perfectly over the skin.

Absorbs quickly without leaving a greasy film.

The cream does not cause any discomfort or burning when applied to the skin, despite the presence of acids in the composition. After application it is not felt at all on the face.

The cream moisturizes the skin well without causing oiliness. After using the cream, the skin is velvety, soft and pleasant to the touch.

The cream copes well with oily shine and mattifies the skin for 5-6 hours.

Regular use of the cream improves complexion and evens out tone. Thanks to skin renewal due to the action of fruit and salicylic acids, the skin becomes fresher, more nourished and radiant, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out.

The cream does an excellent job of protecting against the sun. It has a sun protection factor of spf 30 and this is enough to protect the skin from September to May. The cream does not whiten the face, as many sunscreens do, and does not conflict with makeup.

For me, Holy land cosmetics Alpha-Beta&Retinol Day defense cream is an ideal base cream that combines a healing effect and sun protection.


10/10 rating

2 years, 3 rubles/week use


Water (Aqua), Isopropyl Myristate, Cetyl Alcohol, Vaccinium Myrtillus (Bilberry) Fruit Extract, Propylene Glycol, Cetearyl Alcohol, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Benzophenone-3, Saccharum Officinarum (Sugar Cane) Extract, Glycerin, Acer Saccharum (Sugar Maple) Extract, Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange) Fruit Extract, Citrus Medica Limonum (Lemon) Fruit Extract, Glycolic Acid, Lactic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate, Retinol, Camellia Sinensis (Green Tea) Leaf Extract, Talc, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride , CETYL PhOSPHATE, GlyCERYL STEARATE, CETEARIL GLUCOSIDE, PEG-100 Stearate, CETYL Palmitate, Titanium Dioxide, Dimethicone, Ethylhexylglycerin, Pentarythrityl tetra-di-di T-BUTYL HYDROXYHYDROCINAMATE, FRAGRANCE (PARFUM), Alpha Isomethyl Ionone, Benzyl Salicylate, Butylphenyl MethylPropal Citronellol, Eugenol, Hexyl Cinnamal, Hydroxycitronellal, Hydroxyisohexyl 3-Cyclohexene Carboxaldehyde, Linalool, Phenoxyethanol, Iron Oxides (CI 77491/77492/77499).

Peeling with lactic acid Holy Land White Peel with Lactic Acid

White Peel replaces Lactolan peeling. It is my absolute favorite and a must have for skin care.

White Peel peeling is created on the basis of active components obtained from whey processing and cheese fermentation. It is a soft superficial peeling, does not have a mechanical effect on the skin and does not injure it.

With regular use, White Peel restores, smoothes and moisturizes the skin, evens out its tone, stimulates cellular turnover and eliminates congestion.


: 70 ml.


: (special block)

Active ingredients: albumin, hydrolyzed milk proteins, casein, cheese, lactic acid, calcium caseinate.

The peeling is very thick and dense in texture, with a delicate milky shade.

Despite the density, it is perfectly distributed over the face and is used economically.

The aroma of the peeling is incredibly tasty. Smells like a cheese and milk delicacy)

This peel has many uses.

It can be used as gommage. For this

I apply the peeling in an opaque layer to cleansed skin and after 15-20 minutes I simply roll it off my face. I must say that I don’t particularly like this method, since the peeling is frankly bad.

I prefer to use peeling, activating the action of enzymes, so I apply it in a thin layer on the skin and for it to start working, I put a hot towel on my face and lie there for 20-30 minutes. After that, it can be rolled up like a gommage, just rinse with warm water or massage your hands with water and then rinse off. The latter method enhances the cleansing and moisturizing effect of peeling.

Peeling perfectly cleanses the skin of dead cells, tightens pores, making them less noticeable.

In addition to cleansing, it moisturizes and restores the skin incredibly well, removing redness, making the tone more even, and the skin more fresh, nourished, elastic and hydrated.

I also use this peeling during the chemical peeling procedure, and at different stages. I use it at the very beginning before applying a chemical composition to open the pores, facilitate the penetration of fruit extracts and enhance the effect, or after to soothe and moisturize the skin, facilitating the recovery period.

White Peel peeling is all-season and very soft, so it is suitable for any skin type. I recommend it to absolutely everyone as a universal product for both cleansing and moisturizing the skin.


10/10 rating

3 years, 1 ruble/week use


Propylene Glycol, Kaolin, Albumen, Hydrolyzed Milk Protein, Casein, Cheese, Methylcellulose, Calcium Caseinate, LacticAcid, Phenoxyethanol, Parfum, Alpha Isomethyllonone, Butylphenyl Methylpropion, Citronellol, Geraniol, Hexyl Cinnamal, Linalool.

We can talk endlessly about the brand and its products, so I’ll tell you about other products next time)

How do you feel about the Holy Land brand? Have you tried something?

My name is Svetlana) Have a great mood everyone)


Skin care after cleansing

The atraumatic procedure differs from other types of cleanings in the absence of a recovery period. The next day after the procedure, there is no redness, swelling or feeling of tightness. The face looks fresh, well-groomed, and has a flawless matte tone.

To maintain the achieved results, you should follow simple rules:

  • during the first hours, limit touching the integument;
  • for facial care, use professional Holi Land products, selected according to your skin type; the set should include a cleansing gel, toning lotion and moisturizer;
  • makeup can be used the next day, but you need to use products with an anti-comedogenic composition, which can be found in the catalog of professional or medicinal cosmetics;
  • despite the possibility of carrying out at any time of the year, before going outside, be sure to use a sunscreen emulsion with a high SPF factor;
  • During the course, you must refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages, visiting the sauna, beach, bathhouse, solarium, swimming pool, or gym.

Are there any contraindications?

Any type of exfoliation, even the most gentle one, has a number of contraindications. Holy Land is no exception. If you intend to do this type of cleansing, make sure it is indicated for you.

Peeling should not be done if:

  • any diseases in the acute period;
  • high degree of phytosensitivity;
  • pathologies associated with the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • if you have to be outside a lot;
  • taking dermatotropic type drugs (only six months after the end of treatment);
  • herpes, if it is in an active phase;
  • diseases of the dermis;
  • skin injuries;
  • lactation or pregnancy.

If you have any doubts about the possibility or impossibility of exfoliation, it is better to first consult with your family doctor and cosmetologist. Remember about such a factor as individual intolerance. Test the product on your skin first to make sure that the product will not cause allergic or other reactions.

Where to buy and how much does the whole set cost?

It is recommended to purchase on the official website of the company. Representatives will answer all questions, provide information about expiration dates and product certification. It is not recommended to buy a full set of products, which includes about 10 products, the cost of each varies from 1200 rubles. up to 3500 rub.

For home use, experts recommend purchasing a DOUBLE ACTION Set for oily skin, including ichthyol soap, drying lotion and moisturizing cream, costing 4,790 rubles. You can also buy the A-NOX kit for problem skin, which includes sugar soap, spot gel and moisturizer. Price - 4900 rub. There is a set for home cleaning, consisting of 7 products, you can buy it for 10,500 rubles.

Important! Before purchasing, you should still visit a cosmetologist; products must be selected individually depending on your skin type and the objectives of the procedure.

Reviews from cosmetologists

We carefully studied reviews of Holy Land peeling left online by experts. We offer you some of them:

Marianna, cosmetologist, 12 years of experience:

“Just look at the official website of the Holy Land company to understand that this is a serious competitive manufacturer in the beauty market. I’ve been working with Holy Land for a long time and I think its main advantage is modulation. Almost all products can be used in combination with each other and with drugs from other companies. Also, many products manufactured under the “Holy Land” brand are used by plastic surgeons in rehabilitation measures after plastic surgery.”

Evgeniya, Director of the Beauty Salon, 9 years of experience:

“I order Holi Land cosmetics directly from Israel. Working with drugs from this company is one of the main directions of our salon, which we switched to about 3 years ago. A preliminary analysis of the results obtained from using various means was carried out, as well as a questionnaire survey of clients. It was found that the Holy Land line of all that we use is the most promising and in demand. Since at that time, in conditions of fierce competition, it was necessary to focus on something significant, the team decided to choose this particular brand. After 3 years, we can confidently assess the then, partially intuitive change in orientation; we were right. Now we have a large flow of clients, which makes us think about expanding our business.”

Svetlana, cosmetologist, 10 years of experience:

“I am in private practice, so I am forced to narrow the range of drugs I use. Naturally, I give preference to the best. I discovered Israeli peelings not so long ago. I tried it on myself and those closest to me. To say that I was satisfied is to say nothing. An excellent brand, modern and effective. All components are harmoniously selected, which allows you to achieve stunning results even with gentle concentration. The only thing I can advise women: there is no need for amateur activities. When it comes to peeling, leave it to a specialist.”

Evdokia, cosmetologist with 15 years of experience:

“Over the years of my practice, I have used many cosmetic products of different types, manufacturers, compositions, etc. Holy Land is one of my favorite brands. If the patient chooses it, there will be no problems with either exfoliation or the recovery period. A very promising company with great potential and a successful future.”

Tatyana, cosmetologist, 7 years of experience:

“Not all peelings can be considered problem-free. The advantage of Holy Land is that there are not as many contraindications as other types, the effect is soft and gentle. This is high-level professional cosmetics, using which cosmetologists are always confident in the result.”

This is only a small part of the opinions of cosmetologists about peeling. An analysis of a large number of reviews showed that the vast majority of cosmetology specialists have a positive attitude towards Holy Land peelings.

Is the procedure done in the salon?

This popular procedure can be performed in many beauty salons and aesthetic medicine centers. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of a cosmetologist; the final result will depend on the professionalism of the master. The average cost in the capital's salons is from 3,500 rubles. up to 4000 rub. for 1 sessions. The number of required procedures is determined by the cosmetologist.

When using professional cosmetics on your own, it is difficult to achieve a pronounced effect. Implementation of the protocol will be difficult without training. You can maintain normal skin condition, but in case of severe cosmetic imperfections or dermatological diseases, the help of a specialist is required.

How to distinguish a fake?

World-famous manufacturers, whose products are in great consumer demand, are constantly forced to fight the dominance of counterfeit goods. Every buyer who decides to purchase Holy Land brand cosmetics should know how to distinguish the original from the fake:

  1. If at a retail outlet the price for such products is set too low, then this point should alert the buyer. Professional cosmetics with high quality and healing properties cannot be too cheap.
  2. It is necessary to carefully study the label. You should pay attention to the place where this cosmetic product was manufactured. It is worth noting that Holy Land products are manufactured only in Israel. If a different country is indicated on the label, then it is definitely a fake. Also on the packaging there must be an inscription that the cosmetics are produced on the basis of a permit received from the Ministry of Health of this state.
  3. You need to pay attention to the barcode. If the label contains the numbers 729 (indicated at the beginning of the barcode), it means that the country from which the cosmetics arrived is Israel.

Attention! If the buyer is offered cosmetics by Internet portals that supply them directly from Israel, then he should refuse to purchase. Holy Land products are produced separately for their country and for Europe. This is due to the fact that Europeans have different skin, so a different composition of natural ingredients is selected for them.

If women and men decide to switch to using Holy Land brand cosmetics, then they should purchase it from trusted retail outlets. As a rule, these are large stores that directly cooperate with official importers of Israeli cosmetics. They must have all the certificates confirming the high quality of the products and compliance with international sanitary and epidemiological standards. The purchased original cosmetics will help women and men solve age-related problems, eliminate all visible defects, and strengthen the walls of capillary vessels.

Precautionary measures

Despite the atraumatic nature of the procedure and all-season use, there are contraindications:

  • herpes;
  • violations of the integrity of the integument, burns;
  • dermatological diseases in the relapse stage;
  • individual intolerance.

The procedure can be carried out in the summer, during the period of solar activity. There are no restrictions on the use of cosmetics by expectant mothers. Rarely, side effects occur in the form of peeling, redness or worsening acne. They go away without consequences if you take proper care of your face. It is not recommended to carry out cleaning on your own to prevent side effects. You should only trust your face to a professional.

Who are Holy Land products intended for?

“Holi Land” cosmetics are intended for men and women of all ages (from 16 to 70+ years) who want to take care of their facial and body skin and carry out rejuvenating and wellness procedures.

The cosmetic company employs technologists, pharmacologists and biochemists who try to extract maximum benefit from the ingredients, giving the client the opportunity to use it in a cream or lotion. According to reviews, after using the products, many users note a noticeable improvement in skin tone and color.

Dermatologists testing products at the manufacturer’s company check the quality of gels, masks, and serums daily so that the end consumer gets the desired result.

Pros and cons of a cleaning kit

Before you sign up for the procedure, it is worth learning about its advantages and disadvantages.


  • atraumatic, painless conduction;
  • reduced risks of side effects;
  • it is possible to use the home kit yourself;
  • suitable for different skin types;
  • has no age restrictions;
  • there is no rehabilitation period;
  • allows you to choose means to solve individual aesthetic problems;
  • the result can be assessed after the first session.


  • coursework required;
  • high price;
  • the procedure can only be entrusted to an experienced cosmetologist;
  • Session duration is from 90 to 120 minutes.

Most popular episodes

On the domestic market, Holy Land cosmetics, manufactured by an Israeli company, are presented in more than 25 series. The following are very popular among representatives of the fair half of humanity:

  1. KUKUI. Designed for those with normal skin. Used by women who need to additionally moisturize their skin.
  2. SUNBRELLA. The cosmetics series is designed specifically for those ladies who spend a lot of time under the open sun.
  3. A-NOX. It is used by those people who have very sensitive skin that is very susceptible to all external irritants.
  4. AGE CONTROL. Indispensable for women who have noticeable primary changes (age-related) on their skin. Regular use of products from this series will allow them to regain the lost radiance of youth.
  5. BE FIRST. The manufacturer cares not only about beautiful women. This series was developed for the male half of the population, who pay due attention to their appearance.

    Holy Land cosmetics - professional Israeli cosmetics

Opinion of cosmetologists

On forums, experts discuss the effect of atraumatic cleaning.

The cosmetologist writes that he prefers to work with Holy Land cosmetics.

The specialist recommends using soothing Holy Land masks according to the cleansing protocol.

The cosmetologist recommends procedures for caring for problematic combination dermis. He writes about the good therapeutic effect of Holy Land cleaning and home care from this brand.

Reviews from those who have used Holy Land

Chemical peeling by Holy Land has not been ignored by women who have repeatedly resorted to this highly effective product. An analysis of patient reviews showed that about 75% of women have a favorable attitude towards the described line of cosmetics.

It is impossible to deny the presence of negative reviews: 7% and neutral – 18%, when women were undecided about the exfoliation performed. Negative reviews are direct evidence of an unprofessional approach to peeling. Some of the women who wrote a negative statement did not purchase Holy Land, but its counterfeit analogue. From which we can conclude that it is best to purchase on the manufacturer’s website or its dealers.

If you want to get excellent results from using Holy Land, contact professionals in salons. Find out how the cosmetics used were purchased. If everything is done correctly, your skin will glow with youth and beauty for a very, very long time.

Patient reviews

There are mostly positive reviews on the Internet about cleaning Holy Land.

The user writes about the good results of the procedure, applied at the stage of preparation for peeling.

The review describes a good cleaning result even in the presence of rosacea.

The participant writes about the unprofessional conduct of the procedure. When following the protocol, cleaning gives good results.

The review describes a negative experience with cleaning, the result lasts only a week, after which rashes are observed again.

The principle of action and effectiveness of Holy Land peeling

Exfoliation, even of a superficial type with a low concentration of acid, is always traumatic for the face. If you are going to sacrifice yourself, you want the result to be as effective and lasting as possible.

These are the qualities that Holy Land peeling has. Note that this is only one product from the laboratory’s promising line. In her arsenal you will find many tools that will allow you to maintain your skin in good condition.

Holy Land chemical exfoliants have a number of important advantages:

  • the manufacturer's collection contains all the necessary auxiliary preparations for preparing the skin for the procedure and post-peeling care;
  • a combined epidermal-dermal effect is created;
  • does not have toxic properties;
  • suitable for all types of skin;
  • universal in terms of the age of patients, older women and girls can use them;
  • do not cause injury if used correctly;
  • combined.

Holy Land offers a selection of products for gentle exfoliation. The most popular are two products: ALPHA-BETA & RETINOL Professional Peeling (ABR) for medium-deep impact and ALPHA COMPLEX Rapid Exfoliator for quick and effective cleansing.

The principle of action of exfoliants is as follows: its active substances penetrate deep into the epidermis and restore order there, removing everything unnecessary and unnecessary that prevents the skin from breathing and renewing itself. As a result:

  • the stratum corneum becomes much smaller;
  • the surface of the treated area is made smoother;
  • previously enlarged pores become less noticeable;
  • Collagen and elastin begin to be actively produced;
  • the epidermis is renewed;
  • wrinkles are leveled out or disappear altogether;
  • blood vessels become stronger, capillary walls become denser;
  • microcirculation is activated;
  • cells receive missing moisture;
  • pigment spots resolve;
  • inflammatory rashes become less pronounced.

All this is achieved through a gentle, non-traumatic effect on the skin. Holy Land exfoliants are often used as preparation for more traumatic deep peels.

When describing peelings from Holy Land, one cannot fail to mention Super Lotion, which can dissolve comedones. This is an excellent preventive product that will not be out of place both in the cosmetic bag of a young girl and in the cosmetic bag of a mature woman. The lotion dries and cleanses pores, reduces the concentration of sebum accumulated under the skin, treats inflammation, prevents peeling and gives the skin peace.

As a result of using Super Lotion, the skin becomes soft and smooth. The lotion is good to use to prepare for the peeling procedure.

This is interesting! Acids were used to renew facial skin in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. The Egyptians advanced the furthest in this direction. The Greeks and Romans successfully used lemon, grapes and sour milk.

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