Atraumatic facial cleansing with Holy Land at home

Why do you need facial cleansing: features of the atraumatic procedure

The face requires regular cleansing of dead cells, sebaceous plugs and blackheads. All these shortcomings prevent the skin from breathing and absorbing nutrients. Our clinic offers different types of cleansing: chemical, laser, vacuum and atraumatic facial cleansing. During the consultation, the cosmetologist will identify skin problems in each specific case and choose the appropriate procedure option. To carry out manipulations without damaging the facial skin, new technologies and modern equipment are used. As a result, our clients receive clean skin without redness, swelling and new acne.

Who should use the procedures?

The procedure using Holy Land cosmetics is truly one of the most effective for cleansing the skin. Despite this, not everyone should immediately go to the salon - for minor defects, you can get by with milder preparations.

It is recommended to carry out manipulations for the following problems:

  • abundant scatterings of blackheads;
  • acne;
  • rashes;
  • enlarged pores;
  • uneven complexion;
  • skin sensitivity.

You can do the procedure if you have excessive dryness - after using Israeli preparations, the sebaceous glands normalize their work. It is recommended to cleanse the skin when the dermis is depleted - in the process, the nourishing and moisturizing components of the products penetrate through the enlarged pores deep into the tissues of the epidermis, saturating them with the necessary substances.


Atraumatic cleansing is recommended for people whose capillaries are located too close to the surface of the skin. They can be injured during a mechanical procedure.

Facial cleansing will solve the following problems:

  1. Cuperosis.
  2. Acne.
  3. Acne.
  4. Black dots.
  5. Scars after pimples or acne.
  6. Severe dryness of the skin.

These defects are best treated with an atraumatic procedure. With mechanical contact, the infection spreads across the surface of the skin. After such cleansing, special care is required. You should not use any cosmetics for several days. It is prohibited to visit the solarium, swimming pool or sauna.

What products are usually used

Atraumatic cleansing with the help of Israeli Holy Land skincare cosmetics is carried out using drugs from the same line. Their list and rotation is prescribed by a specialist.

As a rule, the following means are used:

  • ichthyol soap;
  • warming lotions;
  • peeling preparations;
  • softening lotions;

  • moisturizing gel;
  • disinfectant lotions;
  • restorative and regenerating masks;
  • tightening mask with a lifting effect;
  • restorative emulsion;
  • powder with plant extract.

Features of atraumatic cleaning

During the process of atraumatic cleaning, the skin surface is not injured. The procedure uses special multi-phase cosmetics that exfoliate cells, cleanse the epidermis and dissolve sebaceous plugs. The products used are from the Israeli company Holy Land. These are natural and hypoallergenic products containing fruit acids.

There is no pain during the procedure.

Atraumatic facial cleansing Holy Land: personal experience

Cleanliness is the key to health

I’ve been wanting to get my face cleaned at a salon for quite some time—probably two years. This idea was prompted by a conversation with Dasha Time4Beauty, the owner of absolutely flawless skin, in my opinion, who told me that she regularly gets it cleaned at the salon, although her skin is not at all problematic. I then thought that perhaps I had never tried this in vain, since this procedure is performed not only by people with acne and skin problems. But I somehow didn’t have enough time, and I only got around to it quite recently, this summer. But now I’m ready to share my impressions.

There are two types of cleaning in our salon: ultrasonic and atraumatic. The first one is easier, but I was curious to clean myself, as they say, properly. The second option, atraumatic cleaning, is done using products from the Israeli brand of professional cosmetics Holy Land, which I generally trust - the brand is well-known and many salons work with it. That's why I chose this particular cleaning.

First, of course, they washed me - nothing special, I don’t see the point of dwelling on this stage in more detail. Then we wiped the face with lotion preparing for peeling, and then applied the peeling roll itself.

It is based on acids (glycolic, lactic, citric, malic, salicylic, etc.), it is kept for about ten minutes under the film, and then removed from the skin using rolling movements. When applied, the skin stung noticeably - not as bad as during glycolic peels, of course, but still. True, the cosmetologist immediately warned me that this feeling would soon pass, and she did not deceive me: very quickly I stopped feeling the burning sensation. I didn’t see my face during the process, but the cosmetologist, after washing off the peeling, said with satisfaction that the skin was flushed, as it should be.

After exfoliating dead cells, the skin had to be warmed up to open the pores. Nowadays, everyone has given up steaming with real steam, since it is not harmless to the capillaries, so the skin is also heated chemically: with a special lotion and then with a mask. The lotion contains camphor and menthol, and when they wiped my face with it, it felt like my skin was on fire.

It was just terribly hot and stinging! Of course, wiping takes a little time, but I could barely stand it. Plus a pungent smell, of course.

The cleansing mask that was applied to me later was made on clay, and it was also kept under film: this way it does not dry out, plus the pores open up and better release everything that has accumulated in them. It feels like a mask, it doesn’t feel particularly strong on the skin, it doesn’t sting, although it also smells strongly of camphor.

But after this mask comes the turn of a Uno spoon (or something like that), with the help of which comedones are squeezed out. I would never in my life have decided to do this on my own (the most I can do is cleansing strips, but they don’t require much directness), but I trusted the cosmetologist. Actually, I experienced the effects of such a thing for the first time in my life, and I can’t say that it was pleasant. It started from the forehead, and it was real torture. I lay with my eyes closed, and it felt like a dozen birds were pecking at me with their beaks. Right down to the skull, apparently. To hollow out my brain, which gave me the idea to go for a cleanse. I cursed everything in the world.

Oddly enough, on my nose, where I actually had “black dots,” it didn’t feel so painful—on the contrary, it was quite tolerable. Interestingly, the cosmetologist did not touch the areas on both sides of my nose at all - my pores there are enlarged, but they manage to remain clean (ever since I became acquainted with the Super Lotion Holy Land lotion - I wrote about this quite a long time ago). In general, the process hardly took more than 5-7 minutes, although I could be wrong: it’s difficult to navigate time when you’re being tortured. But the cleaning was not over yet; there were still several stages ahead.

First, the skin was wiped with an anti-inflammatory lotion—camphor again, by the way, as well as mint and eucalyptus extracts: the whole office smelled of eucalyptus, in my opinion. Otherwise, the lotion is completely normal, not stinging.

After this, I was given a pore-tightening and anti-inflammatory mask with clay, zinc and allantoin. This mask was kept on for about twenty minutes, so I was able to take a nap.

The application of cream and sunscreen can be omitted, since, again, there is nothing special here. Well, the most awaited moment for me is looking in the mirror. After the squeezing stage, I was ready to see a completely disfigured face, but no: there were small red dots here and there on the skin, as if it had been poked with needles, but without swelling, redness around or any other horrors. Naturally, it was difficult to assess the condition of the pores, so I waited until it healed. The points passed the next day or so, without any traces or scars.

As I was warned, I was not left completely without blackheads, but they became much, much smaller. And the rest were somehow completely invisible. That is, I looked at myself and for the first time I was able to agree without exaggeration with those who used to tell me: “What are your points, don’t make them up!” Although, of course, there is always such a masochistic act as looking at oneself in a magnifying mirror: frustration and depression are then definitely guaranteed.

On the other hand, the skin clearly began to produce more oil. It was obvious, and quite understandable: she was dried, exfoliated, tormented in every possible way, so she, worried, took action. Not to say that her general condition has become worse, but she has to blot her skin with matting wipes more often, and this is uncomfortable. This way you can end up in a vicious circle: the skin becomes oilier, you will have to clean it more often, and it will again become oily. I won't abuse it.

My verdict is that this cleansing is not such a necessary thing if the skin is not problematic. I will also try ultrasonic cleaning, at least to have an idea about it, but these procedures are unlikely to become part of my regular routine.

Have you tried salon cleaning?

And what are your impressions?

P.S. I selected the means with which I illustrated my story based on rough guesses - of course, lying with my eyes closed, I could not see which jars were used to smear me. But it seems to me that I am not mistaken.

How is it carried out?

Cleaning is performed once every few months. The result obtained lasts for a long time, since fruit acids help normalize metabolic processes.

The procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Cleansing the skin surface from impurities.
  2. Gentle peeling.
  3. Warming up with oily solutions.
  4. Application of the drug from HolyLand.
  5. Skin cleansing.
  6. Toning the face with lotion.
  7. Distribution of nourishing cream and application of antibacterial powder.

On our website you can sign up for a consultation with a specialist. An experienced cosmetologist will conduct a diagnosis and select the best cleaning option.

Advantages and contraindications

Among the main advantages of atraumatic facial skin treatment are:

  • the ability to treat sensitive skin and problem areas, since the procedure is carried out gently without any mechanical impact;
  • complete removal of comedones, acne and impurities;
  • applying masks and special solutions eliminates injury to skin areas, prevents the appearance of inflammatory processes, redness and swelling on the face.

There are practically no contraindications to the atraumatic method of cleaning. It can be performed by people of different age groups and with any skin type, including very dry and sensitive skin.

Main contraindications:

  • allergies to the drugs used;
  • skin hypersensitivity;
  • individual intolerance to the drugs used.

The result lasts for a long time. To completely get rid of old acne, it is recommended to carry out the procedure once a month. People with oily skin are advised to cleanse their face once every three months; for normal skin, twice a year will be enough.

Cosmetologists will tell you how the procedure goes

Facial cleansing with cosmetics from the Israeli company Holy Land takes place in several stages. This can take up to 3 hours, regardless of the problem. Without a preliminary consultation, the cosmetologist must certainly explain how the skin is cleansed and tell in detail about each stage.

Step-by-step description of cleaning using Holy Land preparations:

  1. The cosmetologist cleanses the face with special compositions from residual cosmetics, impurities, and layers of fat. The active components of the drugs are citric acid or surfactants, which do not cause irritation and have a gentle effect on the epidermal tissue.
  2. Application of peeling based on salicylic and fruit acids. It removes keratinized particles of the dermis and loosens the top layer of the skin.
  3. A warming lotion containing camphor, menthol, and alcohol is applied.
  4. The plant-based product is distributed in an even layer on the face; to increase the effect, the skin is covered with a film.
  5. Atraumatic cleaning is carried out - the product is removed, while simultaneously cleansing the skin of comedones and removing plugs from sebaceous pores.
  6. A mask is applied to help close the pores. To increase the impact, a film is placed on top of the composition, which increases the temperature.
  7. Toning is carried out with lotion, soothing irritation and relieving pain.

If necessary, a cosmetologist can use a mask based on collagen and aloe to regenerate dermal tissue. This usually depends on the sensitivity of the skin.

Each stage, application of products, removal of compositions is strictly controlled by a cosmetologist. If side effects occur, the procedure is stopped immediately. Thanks to the mild, gentle composition of the drugs, complications occur extremely rarely, but a lot can depend on the sensitivity of the skin.


Tatyana, 30 years old: I went for a cleaning after reading good reviews on the Internet. The procedure is quite long, but the result is worth it. After so many manipulations, I expected to see a red face with swelling, but everything turned out to be not so bad. Just a few red dots where comedones are squeezed out, but overall the complexion is even in tone. The dots disappeared the next morning, no scars remained.

Olga, 27 years old: I have enlarged pores and a lot of blackheads. After the procedure, the skin became noticeably more even and smooth, the number of comedones decreased, but I cannot say that they disappeared completely.

Marina, 33 years old: I liked the result after atraumatic cleaning more than after ultrasound. I couldn't achieve this at home. This is now a must in my skin care routine. I do it about once every 2 months.

Victoria, cosmetologist: the main active element of the cleansing system is the acidic “ABR peeling”. It cleanses the skin without damaging it. The action is completed by LACTOLAN Peeling Cream. The remaining means are auxiliary. Together they create skin that doesn't require foundation.

WE RECOMMEND: Prepare your own hydrophilic oil for washing

Facial cleansing with Holy Land cosmetics is an effective procedure that allows you to cleanse your skin without damaging it. But it should only be done by a certified cosmetologist. In the future, you can maintain the effect by using products from this brand at home. But to decide what you need for this, the LACTOLAN Peeling Cream cream mask or the exfoliating PEELING CREAM, you need to consult a specialist. There are a lot of different products in the line, and making a choice on your own is really difficult.

Execution method

The procedure is done in stages:

  • the skin is cleansed with gel;
  • apply a soft scrub while massaging;
  • steam, performing vaporization, or use a channel-expanding composition;
  • treat the skin with an antiseptic;
  • perform mechanical cleaning of the most problematic areas;
  • apply the gel and carry out ultrasonic manipulation, moving the nozzle over the entire surface;
  • wipe it with an antiseptic, apply an anti-inflammatory mask;
  • Remove the product and apply moisturizer.

To learn how combined facial cleansing is performed, watch this video:

Laser cleaning

As with dry cleaning, the main task here is to remove the stratum corneum and cleanse the pores. Only this is done not with the help of peeling, but with a special device. By the way, laser cleaning is very good for smoothing scars and cicatrices on the skin, as well as for smoothing out shallow wrinkles and removing age spots. But all this will not go away at once, so you will need to carry out cleaning sessions several times. This option is perfect for people with porous and oily problem skin, as well as those who want to cure acne. The result will be noticeable after 2-3 procedures. Important point! In addition to the fact that this procedure, like ultrasound, cannot be performed for cardiovascular diseases and in the second half of pregnancy, it is also contraindicated for people under 25 years of age.


  • Atraumatic cleansing is an opportunity to effectively cleanse the skin without injuring it. There is no stage of skin steaming during which the capillary network is injured. Does not cause pain, unlike mechanical cleaning. Unlike ultrasonic cleaning, it gives a more noticeable result.
  • There is no rehabilitation period. The next day, you won't see a bright red face in the mirror, as you do after an aggressive chemical peel.
  • Suitable for people with different skin types. If necessary, the cosmetologist can carry out the procedure locally, for example, clean only the T-zone, without affecting those areas where the skin is more sensitive: the area around the lips, cheeks.
  • Allows the cosmetologist to adjust the procedure protocol to the client’s needs. The effect is noticeable after the first use, but if the skin is problematic, you can take a course of several procedures. The recommended frequency is from 4 to 10 sessions, once every 2 weeks.

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Expected effect from the procedure:

  • Eliminates comedones, acne and post-acne; makes acne less pronounced.
  • Tightens enlarged pores.
  • Eliminates flaking and a feeling of tightness, restores normal tissue moisture.
  • Reduces the thickness of the stratum corneum, making the skin more toned and elastic.
  • Regulates the process of sebum formation.
  • Normalizes microblood flow and cell trophism - improves skin color.
  • Makes small wrinkles, scars and areas of disturbed pigmentation less noticeable.
  • Visually, the effect of atraumatic cleaning is comparable to a SPA session or a Photoshop effect.

Are there any contraindications?

Despite the abundance of new products on the cosmetic front and the use of the latest methods of facial cleansing, there are no procedures or products that would not have contraindications. If you look at Holy Land cosmetics and carefully study the prohibitions on its use, you will find out that it is not recommended for everyone.

Prohibitions on the use of Israeli drugs:

  • herpes;
  • negative skin reaction to some components of the products;
  • severe skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema);
  • keloid scars;
  • purulent acne;
  • wounds, burns.

Ladies suffering from excess sebum on the dermis should approach the procedure with caution. Deep cleansing of the pores can lead to the fact that the activity of the sebaceous glands will increase several times, the skin will constantly be covered with a thin, untidy film of fat. You will have to wash your face or use cleansing lotions much more often.

Do you know? In the salon, the specialist must first test the product for tolerance. After the procedure, the cosmetologist can recommend Holy Land compositions to consolidate the result. Cosmetics purchased for use at home must also be tested - apply 3-5 drops of the drug to the delicate skin of the elbow or wrist and wait 2-4 hours. If the body does not give alarm signals in the form of itching, rashes, burning, you can use the compositions without fear.

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