Rehabilitation after non-surgical SMAS face lifting

More and more women understand: in order to remain young and beautiful, it is not at all necessary to go under the surgeon’s knife.

In addition, on the Internet you can find so many photographs of celebrities who decided to rejuvenate themselves with the help of surgery - but it turned out, to put it mildly, not very well.

You may be interested in: Facial contouring with hyaluronic acid - we can do without surgery

And this comes with a long recovery period and a lot of side effects from medications.

Of course, an alternative to surgical methods was found a long time ago, and this is contour plastic surgery using hyaluronic acid . This method allows you to rejuvenate quickly and without rehabilitation, and the results are sometimes no worse than from plastic surgery.

But we girls are not so easy to please, are we?

We don’t want to look like we have pumped lips, overly prominent cheekbones or a huge chin after a filler injection.

What do girls really want?

But we want our beauty to remain natural, and no one can even see under a microscope that we spent a little time with a cosmetologist. Those around us just need to notice how we have become younger, prettier and fresher.

This procedure was proposed to us by Mauricio de Mayo, who claims to have discovered unique facial codes. 8 lifting points , a new technique in contouring.

According to the creator, the procedure will help restore the missing volume, tighten the oval, eliminate sagging skin and emphasize naturalness.

What we will see after the procedure:

  • "Traces of fatigue" have been eliminated.
  • High pronounced cheekbones.
  • Clear oval face.
  • The skin is dense and elastic.
  • Less noticeable nasolabial folds.
  • The corners of the lips are raised.

At the same time, the face will maintain its proportions and will not lose its naturalness.

The procedure is suitable for young girls who want to correct and improve any areas of their skin. But adult women will be no less surprised by the results.

Summer improvement: “8 points lifting” procedure

How to tighten the oval of the face, reduce nasolabial folds and tame facial expressions in an hour? We sent our reader to the Beauty Trend clinic.

Our spring-summer improvement is in full swing: Yana tightened her oval shape with Botox, removed age spots and capillaries, Yulia got rid of blood vessels, Olya is fighting belly fat with LazerJazz.

As part of the same project, we sent one reader to the Beauty Trend clinic for the “8 point lifting” procedure. The method was invented by Brazilian plastic surgeon and cosmetologist Maurissio de Mayo. The point is to inject fillers and Botox into certain points, and in one visit to the doctor, make your face younger and fresher.

Natalya pulled out the lottery ticket. Natasha is 36 years old; in her application she wrote that she carefully monitors her skin, but cannot cope without a specialist magician: “My son is 19, and I’m used to the fact that we were perceived as brother and sister. But lately something has gone wrong :) So it’s time to take action. A couple of years ago I injected Botox and put in fillers. Since then, of course, they have dissolved. And now I don’t like the oval shape of my face, wrinkles on the forehead and under the eyes, and nasolabial folds.”

BEFORE the procedure

BEFORE the procedure

BEFORE the procedure

BEFORE the procedure

Dr. Svetlana Lvovna Artyukhina, who, by the way, studied with Maurissio de Mayo, promised to take Natasha’s wishes into account: “I am going to reduce the nasolabial folds and return sagging cheekbones to their place, making the oval of the face clearer. I won’t add extra volume - shadows must remain on the face, otherwise it will become flat. We will inject a small amount of filler into the lips - they will look more harmonious. I’ll treat the forehead and area around the eyes with Botox, but in such a way that lively facial expressions remain.”

Natasha likes everything. True, she is a little worried about her lips - will they look like silicone dumplings? Svetlana assures, under no circumstances: “I am against hyper-correction and unnatural faces.”

After applying the Emla anesthetic cream, Svetlana injects Juviderm Voluma filler into Natalya’s cheekbones. It is designed specifically for correcting the mid-face area.

Svetlana Artyukhina: “The cheekbones will pull the oval along with them, it will become clearer.”

“If you put the drug on the cheekbone, it will attract less water, and we will avoid hypervolume.”

Let's move on to the lips. Natasha is still noticeably worried.

The doctor uses Juviderm Smile filler, it is soft and flexible, created specifically for this area.

This is what lips look like when filler was injected only on the left side.

Svetlana: “The effect is now a little more pronounced - due to swelling. In a week, when it subsides, the volume will become even more delicate.”

But Natasha suddenly said: “And I like it that way!”

Using the same Juviderm Smile filler, the doctor lifts the corners of the lips and removes emerging wrinkles on the chin.

Then Juviderm Volift smoothes out the nasolabial folds.

We're done with fillers, let's move on to Botox.

Svetlana applies markings with a pencil - on the forehead and area around the eyes, and gets down to business: “I remember Natasha’s wishes to keep her facial expressions moving. I myself believe that a face should be alive.”

During the last injections, Svetlana and Natasha joked like old girlfriends.

Immediately after the procedure, Natasha looks like this:

Immediately after the procedure

The doctor says we need to wait until the swelling subsides and the fillers and Botox settle in, and gives recommendations: two weeks without baths and saunas. Then stop by for a checkup.

But it’s already clear that Natasha really likes it. Do you often suffocate in the arms of your cosmetologist?)

Svetlana Artyukhina: “Looking at my lips, no one can say that there was any intervention: I left all the natural folds. Due to the fact that the cheekbones were lifted, the face became more triangular. The oval is clearer, the overhang of the nasolabial fold has decreased. With the help of Botox, we relaxed the muscles on the forehead and around the eyes, the wrinkle between the eyebrows immediately disappeared, the light began to be reflected differently, and the face looked fresher.

In my opinion, everything worked out perfectly, but we need to evaluate the result in two weeks.”

Natasha: “Before submitting my application, I looked at Svetlana’s work. I liked them, so I had a rough idea of ​​what kind of result to expect. During the appointment, the doctor inspired trust and respect. She very interestingly said that if you remove all the shadows on your face, it will appear flat. In general, the atmosphere in the office is captivating - I didn’t think it was possible to get so many positive emotions during the procedure.

Now my lips hurt a little. There are no other unpleasant sensations. So great! I didn’t know it was so easy to lift the corners of your lips. I thought it was difficult. Well, how can you make your lips look so natural?”

Natasha arrived at the follow-up meeting in heels and with bright lipstick (which, alas, had to be washed off for an objective before/after assessment).

Result after two and a half weeks:

Svetlana Artyukhina: “Everything is great! The patient is happy, which means the doctor is happy too. The effect of fillers will last approximately 18 months, Botox will last from six months to a year. Lips - six to seven months. Everything is individual and depends on facial expressions. The more active it is, the faster the drugs will dissolve.”

Natasha: “I really, really like it. Although, maybe add a little more volume to the lips? :)"

And once again - “Before” and “After”.

The price of the “8 points lifting” procedure is from 40,000 rubles. (depending on the amount of drugs administered).

Klinina "Beauty Trend": Moscow, st. Lesnaya, 6, bldg. 1.


Where will they inject?

According to the protocol, the doctor will inject filler into 8 strategic points - or, as Mauricio himself called it, MD-codes.

1st and 2nd point - inserted in the cheekbone area. Here, the filler will help eliminate the severity of nasolabial folds and highlight the outlines of the cheekbones - this will instantly give a youthful appearance.

3 point - will help eliminate voids under the eyes, which give a “tired” look.

4th point - the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle; according to cosmetologists, this will further improve the condition of the fold, complementing the effect of the first point.

5th point - the injection is made in the corners of the mouth, creating filler support and lifting them. As a result, the “sad” facial expression goes away and the woman looks happier :))))

6th point - filling volume at this point can immediately erase 5-10 years on the face. With age, the chin decreases slightly in volume and can even become deformed, which is why we see the “jowl” effect when all the soft tissues slide onto it.

The 7th point —the lower third of the face, and in particular the corner of the jaw—also tends to lose shape. The doctor, by injecting a minimal amount of the drug, will help remove this defect - and at the same time eliminate sagging skin in this part of the face.

8th point - elimination of sunken cheeks. They not only give you a gaunt look, but can also cause sagging skin and wrinkles in adjacent areas. Filling the area with gel will help restore natural contours.

Men, by the way, also go for the procedure because everything looks very natural.

Advantages of SMAS lifting UTIMS

The cosmetic procedure SMAS lifting Utims is characterized by several advantages:

  • activation of increased production of collagen and elastin fibers;
  • lack of special training, with the exception of stopping taking anticoagulant drugs and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • safe when used even on sensitive skin;
  • removal of local fat deposits;
  • reducing pigmentation and evening out skin color;
  • restoration of the elastic and elastic structure of the dermis;
  • tightening of loose skin;
  • formation of clear contours of the face and body.

The undeniable advantage of ultrasonic lifting is the possibility of year-round use without restrictions and rehabilitation.

When will we see the result?

The best thing about the procedure is that the results can be seen instantly. The doctor will show it periodically during the procedure to make sure you are happy with everything.

And now - drum roll: the effect will last from 1.5 to 2 years ! Despite the fact that the budget will have to be invested less than with the conventional filling technique. On average, 2-3 syringes of hyaluronic acid are used.

So, girls, who wants to look naturally young, attractive and well-groomed - go for a procedure with a good doctor!

What is the essence of SMAS lifting Utims?

The SMAS lifting Yutims procedure is based on the use of high-frequency focused ultrasound HIFU.

The main properties of the new HIFU technology are:

  • penetration into the subcutaneous layers without damaging the epidermis;
  • possibility of repeated procedures;
  • precise local impact on target cells without affecting healthy cells.

The operating principle of the ultrasonic unit is hyperthermia, which triggers the body’s own synthesis of collagen and elastin.

The duration of neocollagenesis ranges from 12 to 16 weeks. That is why the first results of SMAS lifting become noticeable after about a month.

In addition, ultrasonic waves have a detrimental effect on fat cells, providing a simultaneous lifting effect with liposuction.

What techniques exist for “beauty point” massage?

If we are talking about treating the facial area, then the origins of this tradition must be sought not in our country, but in the East. For the first time, such techniques began to be used in India, Japan, Korea and China . What techniques exist for “beauty point” ? According to countries of origin, three areas of acupressure can be distinguished:

  • Chinese zhong technique
  • Japanese shiatsu technique
  • Korean technique su-jok
  • Indian marma technique

Read an article on our website about massage of the face, head, lower back, and heart . You will learn about special techniques for rejuvenation, healing and help with specific problems.

However, all these techniques are focused primarily on influencing biologically active points of the body. In this respect, they are all similar to each other. If you want to give yourself a massage, will it be possible to target specific points? How will they affect your condition? Let's look at this issue in more detail. Read on.


  • “A cosmetologist recommended Voluma Juvederm to correct nasolabial folds. Deciding to have filler injected was not as scary as having plastic surgery. I have been pleased with the results for almost six months now. Of course, over time the procedure will have to be repeated.” Lina, 46 years old
  • “I never liked the shape of my cheekbones. To choose a correction option, I had to study information on the Internet and consult at the clinic. The doctor advised me to try the Voluma Juvederm filler, which gives a reversible result. This method is suitable for those who want to improve the shape of their cheekbones, but are not ready to install implants.” Victoria, 27 years old

The duration of the effect depends on the characteristics of the body and the lifestyle that a person leads. The Juvederm line of products includes various products that are designed to solve many problems with appearance: from eliminating bags under the eyes to replenishing the volume of lips, cheekbones, etc.

Materials taken from


With age, a person's appearance undergoes changes, which are primarily reflected on the face. Cosmetology products, fillers, which are an alternative to plastic surgery, help solve the problem. One of these products is Voluma Juvederm, which you can read more about on

The use of Juvederm Voluma can improve the appearance of the following areas:

  • nasolabial folds;
  • cheekbones;
  • cheeks;
  • chin area and others.

The product, packaged in sterile 2 ml syringes, contains three components:

  1. Hyaluronic acid, responsible for replenishing volume, providing hydration and promoting tissue regeneration processes.
  2. Phosphate buffer is a substance responsible for stabilizing hyaluronic acid, helping to maintain the effect of the injection longer.
  3. Lidocaine is an anesthetic drug.

All components of the filler are included in the optimal dosage, allowing injections without additional pain relief.

Beauty point massage: side effects

Each patient turns to a massage therapist with his own specific problem. And naturally, everyone needs an individual approach: some need help to relax after excessive stress, while others, on the contrary, need to be given lost tone. Both goals are quite achievable with the help of a “beauty point” massage, which you can learn to do at home yourself. The main thing is a competent approach to solving the problem.

Are there possible side effects when using such procedures? In fact, if you follow all the rules of massage and apply light pressure to the desired points, then any consequences are excluded.

  • The only downside is possible slight pain when pressing on biologically active zones.
  • However, such sensations are quite tolerable, and the positive effect of completing the necessary course is really worth it.

Of course, if you are worried and afraid to perform the treatment yourself, then it is better to contact an experienced massage therapist. But believe me, massage techniques can be learned at home, then you can perform it for yourself and your household.

Important: The main thing is to press lightly and learn to determine the location of the points. But this can be done simply according to the diagram map, which is published above in the text.


The filler is introduced in accordance with generally accepted techniques. One of them is called “Eight Points of Lifting”. It is based on holistic processing of the face at the corresponding points located in the lower part of the face:

  • on the cheekbones;
  • on the chin;
  • nasolabial folds.

With this treatment, the effect of the procedure is complex, allowing you to harmonize the face for a fairly long period - up to one and a half to two years. There are the following lifting points:

  1. L1. Zygomatic arch.
  2. L2. Zygomatic eminence.
  3. L3. Anteromedial part of the cheek.
  4. L4. Nasolabial fold.
  5. L5. Labial-marginal fold.
  6. L6. Premaxillary groove.
  7. L7. Angle of the lower jaw.
  8. L8. Parotid and submalar areas.


The result of the injection of the Voluma Juvederm filler and how well the procedure itself and subsequent recovery will go depends largely on the patient’s compliance with a number of rules. At the stage of preparation for manipulation, it is necessary to be especially careful when taking medications. It is especially important to avoid the use of aspirin and vitamin C.

After the procedure, you should not use cosmetics for at least 12 hours. You need to try for a few days:

  • spend less time in the sun;
  • do not massage or squeeze your face;
  • do not stay in very hot rooms;
  • avoid temperature changes.

Saunas and baths are banned for half a month.

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