How to hide a big nose: choosing a hairstyle, distracting makeup and examples with photos

Modern standards of beauty welcome individuality, and any feature of the facial structure can become a distinctive feature of the image. But it happens that the desired appearance is prevented from creating an overly large nose, protruding ears, a high or low forehead, thin lips or sparse eyelashes. For many girls, nose size is a problem that they want to hide by any means necessary. What if it doesn’t allow you to create the desired image? This article provides several ways to help hide a large nose.

Makeup is a great way to disguise yourself

Subtleties of makeup will help visually disguise a large nose. Contouring and using foundation will significantly improve the situation. Contouring is designed to highlight the necessary areas of the face and make less noticeable those that you don’t want to pay other people’s attention to. Here's how cosmetologists advise applying foundation:

  • Before applying makeup, cleanse your face with tonic;
  • Using a foundation that matches your skin tone, even out your complexion;
  • on the sides of the nose, apply a foundation that will be one or two shades darker than your skin and blend thoroughly;
  • on the bridge of the nose, tip of the nose and the area between the eyebrows, apply a foundation 1-2 shades lighter and also blend well;
  • Apply loose mattifying powder on both sides of the nose; it will smooth out uneven makeup and remove shine, which visually enlarges the nose.

Shading in distracting makeup is very important. Use good brushes to make the transitions between shades of toners as smooth as possible. Without good shading, contouring will only emphasize the size of the nose.

You should remember that hiding a large nose with makeup will be more effective in combination with other cosmetic tricks, which will be discussed below.

Which eyebrow shape to choose

Correctly shaped eyebrows can also hide a large nose. Their correct location and size affect the harmony and expression of the face as a whole. Thin eyebrows are allowed for women with small facial features. And vice versa. Ladies who have too large a nose need to pay attention to the shape, rise, width and length of the eyebrows. Round, expressive ones will balance the overall appearance of the face.

You can visually reduce a nose that is too wide by changing the distance between the eyebrows. It is better to shorten it a little if the nose is wide at the bridge of the nose. If the nose widens at the tip, then the distance between the eyebrows should be increased. A wide but short nose will look more harmonious if the contour of the eyebrows is slightly raised. It should be noted that their color must be made half a tone darker. This will give the face harmony and proportionality.

Shift of emphasis

To prevent a large nose from attracting a lot of attention, cosmetologists and makeup artists recommend shifting the focus to other parts of the face. For example, beautiful eyebrows will distract attention. Experts also advise focusing on the eyes, because it is the gaze that can leave a lasting impression. Another way to distract attention from a large nose is with a hairstyle or haircut. How to hide a girl's big nose with her hair? Which models should you prefer and which tips should you follow?

The right hairstyle

The human face is asymmetrical - this is a known fact. Having a big nose does not always harm your image, you just have to take a close look at yourself. In combination with other cosmetic tricks, a properly selected hairstyle and haircut will help hide this flaw.

It is worth remembering that short haircuts are contraindicated for those with a large nose. Such models only emphasize facial features, focusing all attention on them. It is worth giving preference to options that provide longer hair. Defects in appearance will allow you to hide medium-length hair.

It is important to give volume to the hair so that a large nose does not remain the largest detail of the face. Uneven haircuts, curls, a cascade hairstyle, strands falling on the cheekbones - these are all ideal ways to divert attention from the nose and shift the focus to other parts of the face.

If you don’t have thick hair that can easily create the required volume, don’t despair, there is a way out. Use decorative hair decorations: headbands, hairpins and headdresses are fashionable this season. A hairstyle, well-decorated with accessories, will help distract attention from a large nose. Below is a list of haircuts that will help disguise a large nose.

Haircuts that hide a big nose: basic principles

The main principle of a hairstyle designed to hide the imperfections of the nose is to divert attention from the imperfections of the face. This can create both a beautiful hair color and volume, which is a fundamental factor when choosing a haircut or hairstyle. If you decide to change your appearance with your hairstyle and want to know how to hide a big nose, consider the following factors:

  • the haircut or hairstyle should be voluminous;
  • give preference to hairstyles and haircuts of medium length and below;
  • straight hair and bangs will only emphasize the size of the nose;
  • slight carelessness will shift the emphasis from the nose to other facial features;
  • dark hair color emphasizes the size of the nose, so preference should be given to light shades;
  • hair should always be clean.

How to remove bangs using braids

Probably the most interesting way to remove bangs is a pigtail. It allows you to save time, while giving a woman of any age a special charm. To do this, you will need a small elastic band, varnish and a wide-tooth comb. Weaving methods can be very different. First, you need to comb your hair thoroughly, then grab a strand from the side from the main part of the hair, and then from the bangs. It turns out that one strand will consist of hair from the bangs, the second, located in the center, will consist of hair 1 cm above the bangs and the bangs itself, and the third will be made of long hair. Next, braid the braid, adding alternate hair from the right and left sides to the second strand. Once the hair from the bangs is gone, the braiding ends and is secured with an elastic band. All that remains is to weave the resulting braid into the hairstyle and sprinkle it with hairspray.

You can weave a French braid, the strands overlap on the left and right. For a bohemian style, continue braiding even after the bangs are gone.

Bangs worn with a braid around the head look very feminine. True, this method is only suitable for those who have long enough hair. Start weaving on one side of the head, moving from ear to ear. Weave your bangs into a braid and leave the rest of your hair loose. Video on the topic

Haircut cascade"

Makeup artists recommend paying attention to the “Cascade” haircut of medium length or shorter. The essence of this haircut is in uneven individual strands that fall onto the shoulders and add volume even without special styling. But if you add additional products like styling foams and volumizing mousses, this haircut is the perfect way to draw attention away from a large nose and focus it on the lips and lower face. A cascading haircut is an ideal option for those with a gorgeous smile.

Beauty concept. Experts' opinion

Scientists at the Kyiv Institute of Modern Psychology studied what people mean by the concept of “beauty.” As a result, they came to the conclusion that many people attribute beauty to health. It's hard to argue with that. In a healthy body healthy mind. But no matter how beautiful a woman is, she will always be dissatisfied with her appearance. This infuriates the stronger half. But ladies often forget that if a man became interested in a particular girl and took certain steps towards her, then he had already made conclusions for himself about her beauty. Young people perceive female beauty as a whole, not paying attention to the shortcomings, because of which girls can have complexes. But this fact does not mean that, having acquired a permanent partner, you need to neglect your appearance. A woman must be well-groomed. And even though she has imperfect facial features, sparse hair and bad skin, with some effort, she will be able to attract the attention of potential gentlemen. It is important not to forget that a person is beautiful by his essence, and not by individual elements. You need to love yourself and then everything will be fine.

Bob haircut

Another haircut option for those with medium-length hair is a bob or long bob. How to hide a big nose? Choose the right length and required volume. This will draw attention away from the nose and highlight other parts of the face. Use styling products and a round comb to create the desired volume. A bob haircut is suitable for both curly and straight hair.

Features of care

The main advantage of short and medium hair is the minimum effort when styling. However, sometimes the image gets boring and you want to add some variety. Then use professional styling products or visit a stylist who will tell you how best to style your hair. Professional products include a variety of foams or mousses to increase volume.

If you have short or medium hair, do not forget about the need to constantly update your haircut. This is the only way to keep your ends beautiful and well-groomed.

Hair below the shoulders also needs to be trimmed periodically to maintain the shape of the hairstyle.

For care, choose gentle products that will not damage the hair structure, make masks more often, apply nourishing balms or conditioners, eat right, and give up bad habits.


An undeservedly forgotten technique left in the past by our mothers and grandmothers is perfect as another way to hide a girl’s big nose. A small backcombing at the back of the head will create the necessary volume that will distract attention from the size of the nose. A wide, long or potato nose can be perfectly camouflaged with backcombed hairstyles. In addition, this is an ideal way to visually increase the amount of hair for girls with thin and not very thick hair.

What to avoid when choosing a haircut to disguise a large nose

Hairstyles that hide a large nose should not contain elements that emphasize the central part of the face. For example, all types of bangs. A hairstyle with bangs visually divides the face into two parts, hiding the upper part and drawing attention to the lower part. If you want to hide a large nose, you should give preference to haircuts without bangs, leaving your forehead open. If it is not possible to get rid of bangs, its shape should not be straight. It is recommended to make oblique, torn bangs or lay them to the side.

Perfectly straight hair is also not the best option to hide a big nose. In order for it not to be a problem, you need to give your hair volume. This can be achieved by styling using hair foam, a round comb and a hair dryer. Or curl your curls with curlers.

Also avoid wearing your hair in a tight ponytail or bun. This type of hairstyle puts maximum emphasis on the face, revealing all its advantages and disadvantages to the eye. If the desire to wear such a hairstyle is irresistible, do not make the ponytail too tight, lower it at the base and fluff the hair slightly. In the version with a bun, try to give your hair a casual look, don’t pull it tight, leave a few strands hanging freely.

We found out which hairstyles hide a big nose. Below is a list of actresses and famous women who successfully disguise its size using a few simple tricks.

Photos before and after rhinoplasty

Chronic pathologies are considered limitations:

  • hemophilia;
  • severe renal or liver failure;
  • sexually transmitted diseases (including syphilis, gonorrhea, AIDS);
  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes.

Rhinoplasty has a number of advantages and disadvantages. After the operation, the patient gains self-confidence. The lack of embarrassment in front of others is considered the main advantage. Disadvantages include breathing problems caused by improperly performed surgery.

Girls with a wide nose are offered two types of surgery:

  • back correction;
  • wing correction.

The first type of surgical intervention includes several methods of correction: if the back is high, then it is shortened, if the back is short, it is lengthened, and if the back is wide, it is narrowed, displacing the cartilages.

Correction of the nasal wings is indicated for people with asymmetrical or wide nostrils.

Rhinoplasty is performed using two methods:

  • contraction of the nasal openings;
  • removing excess tissue.

There may be a small seam at the incision site.

There are also 2 methods of rhinoplasty (by type of intervention):

  • open;
  • closed.

Open plastic surgery involves dissection of organ tissue, allowing access to the internal structure. Scars after this operation are more noticeable. With closed plastic surgery, marginal incisions are made. There are practically no scars left after surgery: the arteries are not damaged during the operation.

To eliminate aesthetic defects, a closed type of rhinoplasty is more suitable. To reduce a wide nose, laser intervention is performed.

The operation has many advantages:

  • short rehabilitation period;
  • almost complete absence of edema;
  • minimal risk of bleeding;
  • the most accurate and rapid tissue excision.

In most cases, patients are allowed to go home after 12-24 hours. To minimize the risk of complications, it is necessary to regularly treat the sutures and adhere to a gentle regimen. During the rehabilitation period, you should not go to the pool, wear glasses, sunbathe, or overload the body.

Possible complications include hematomas, edema and hypertrophy. Bruises go away on their own within 45-60 days. Hypertrophy with adequate treatment disappears within 2 weeks.

A big nose is not always a disadvantage

Not all Hollywood stars resort to the services of plastic surgeons. Many popular actresses were able to turn this disadvantage into an advantage. The well-known actress Sarah Jessica Parker has an impressive nose, but this does not make her ugly. Sarah knows better than anyone how to hide a big nose. Most often, she can be seen with a voluminous hairstyle, curled with large curls, freely falling on the shoulders and emphasizing the oval of the face. Sarah also often wears bright makeup, focusing on her eyes.

Lady Gaga, despite her shocking image, is further proof that a large nose does not have to be corrected surgically. At the beginning of her creative career, the singer and actress boldly tried on a variety of images. But still, on the red carpet you can see her in the image of a stylish socialite with well-chosen makeup and hairstyle. Gaga prefers voluminous hairstyles, bright makeup and flashy accessories.

Cate Blanchett certainly has a memorable appearance. The size of her nose is cleverly hidden by her bouffant hairstyles and headdresses. The actress prefers to wear bright lipstick, which not only makes her smile charming, but also shifts the focus to the lower part of her face.

Barbra Streisand's nose is one of the most memorable in Hollywood. The actress and singer refused the services of plastic surgeons, making her nose a feature of her image and instilling confidence in millions of girls.

Singer Cher also has an impressive nose. A unique personality and a very beautiful woman, she is not shy about his size and chooses her hair and makeup wisely. You can learn from the singer how to hide a big nose with a hairstyle. Her big eyes, which Cher pays a lot of attention to, make her image unforgettable. And her big nose doesn’t ruin the magic of her charm.

As you can see from this article, a big nose is not a hindrance to looking perfect. It is enough to follow a few simple tips. And your wonderful nose will become an integral part of your beautiful look.

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