What lip shape is in fashion now photo 2022 ideal examples

“Duck” lips are no longer in trend!
A fashionable shape is one that looks natural. Sometimes they say that fashionable lips have a “wetness effect.” How to achieve it? Usually, with the help of fillers, which only slightly increase the volume of the lips, fill them from the inside, and, if necessary, remove asymmetry. Preparations based on hyaluronic acid (fillers) provide long-term results in changing the shape of the lips. To make the skin of the lips shiny, smooth, improve tone and give them that fashionable “moisture effect”, fillers based on unstabilized hyaluronic acid are used. And to give the desired shape and volume - on a stabilized basis. forma_gub_(4)

Fashionable lip shape 2021 photo trends

The ratio of the size of the upper lip to the lower lip should tend to be 1:2, that is, visually the lower part is twice as large as the upper. The best option. No matter how full the lips are in the middle, they must converge at the corners in a 1:1 format and become approximately the same. This helps to avoid distortions typical of artificial spoilers. A clearly defined area called the "Cupid's bend" at the top of the lips. Everything together forms the same “three-point system” - cosmetologists, makeup artists and plastic surgeons just need to build a strategy for their work, starting from these basics. With any lip correction, you should strive to preserve their natural appearance, this is an axiom. The catch is that the term “natural” itself has evolved over time, and the perception of what is considered clearly “artificial” and what is “normal” has changed. And the key parameter today, according to Esho, is maintaining the curve of the Cupid when forming the lips. Or its creation for those who were deprived by Mother Nature.

Lila Moss

The daughter of the well-known Kate herself became a recognizable model. The girl has plump lips of a non-standard shape - they are what make her appearance innocent and doll-like. Unlike most of the girls in our selection, Lila does not like bright makeup - the famous heiress considers youth and freshness to be the best decoration.

What lip shape is considered ideal photo 2022

For a long time, girls have been trying to enlarge their lips: with the help of paint, lipstick, gloss, menthol (causes blood flow and slight swelling), and eventually it came to injections. Plump lips - at any cost, men like it so much! Californian plastic surgeons even came up with a formula for ideal lips: the lower one should be 2 times (we're not kidding) more plump than the upper one. This is the standard used by most plastic surgeons in the United States.

The “classic” lip shape suits absolutely everyone and therefore remains in demand. Such lips should be symmetrical, with equal fullness and a clear contour of the red border. The size of the upper and lower lips should be the same. By the way, this uniform is a Hollywood classic, so they are for those who are ready for the “red carpet” every day. “French lips” are a new trend in the world of facial aesthetics. French lips look natural and natural, just a thin hollow appears on the bottom. The actual shape of the lips remains practically unchanged, but the impression of fuller and fresher lips appears. They say that this method of correction came from Paris, when a gel to add volume is injected using a special technique, in microdoses, into the red border of the lips, giving them fullness.

“Angel Wings” One of the most exquisite forms, which may seem a little childish or capricious. Plump lips with a clear contour, a pronounced tick on the upper lip, which after plastic surgery becomes more elongated. This shape is similar to the wings of angels by the voluminous central part of the upper lip and narrower parts on the sides.

“Pearlique” The most popular shape: the lower lip is larger than the upper lip. This effect is achieved by focusing on two “drops”. If we compare this form with “angel wings”, then it is directly opposite to them. Gives the face softness and the smile becomes more attractive.

“Ruby” For the brightest girls who are not afraid to express their feelings - volume and contour at the same time. It is ideal for girls whose distance from the base of the nose to the chin is quite large.

Kylie Jenner

Yes, we all know that Kylie is not the biggest fan of going natural. But how many girls do you know who managed to harmonize their appearance so successfully with just injections? The youngest of the Kardashian-Jenner clan should not be reproached for her excessive passion for cosmetology - especially since she looks truly amazing.

Which lip shape is the most beautiful photo 2022 trends

Women's lips are always visible. According to psychologists, it is this part of the face that men first pay attention to when assessing a woman’s sexual attractiveness. To see this, just remember the famous actress Angelina Jolie. It is she who is considered by the entire male population of the planet to be the standard of femininity - she has plump, beautiful lips. The star’s photo often appears in plastic surgeons’ offices, as many girls come to the appointment in the hope of getting the same lips that drive the men around them crazy. But it should be understood that surgical intervention is a rather risky step, since the success of such an event directly depends on the professionalism of the doctor.

The slightest mistake can cause even natural and naturally attractive lips to turn into a swollen and absolutely ugly cake. In addition, not a single artificially introduced material under thin skin, be it silicone or hyaluronic acid, can provide an enlargement effect close to natural. Therefore, upon careful examination, it will immediately become clear to others that the magical transformation is the result of the influence of “beauty injections.”

Lindsey Wixson

Lindsey is a real icon for those who are partial to the strange type. At the beginning of her career, her appearance was called complex and incomprehensible, and some tactless people even said that the future star had a “bee-bitten mouth.” However, her non-standard shaped lips helped the girl to be remembered by both viewers and designers - and eventually become a real legend in the fashion industry.

What lip shape was fashionable in past centuries photo

Fashion affects not only the length of skirts and hair color. Beauty standards also follow her trends. The languid sophistication of the 20s, the emphasized femininity of the 50s or the bright madness of the eighties - looking at the images of past decades is incredibly interesting. And it’s even more fascinating to notice how women’s faces transformed. And since lips are considered the most expressive part of the appearance of beauties of all times. Egypt - small and graceful sponges. For this purpose they were painted in dark colors. In Medieval Europe, humbled by the spirit of strict religiosity, beautiful lips meant strict, thin, tightly compressed.

Over time, when carnal laws began to dominate over church laws, plumper and more sensual lip shapes began to come into fashion. The 20s of the last century were marked by a fashion for neat, thin lips, painted along the inner contour or even less. In the 20s, the lip shape called “rosebud”, invented by Max Factor, settled in the arsenal of coquettes for a long time. Until the 1940s, lips that were not painted around the edges, but accentuated in the center with dark lipstick, could achieve several effects at once: highlighting the mouth and reducing its size. After the war, women wanted to look spectacular. Therefore, dark small lips were rejected in favor of a large and bright mouth.

Adut Akech

The most sought after model of 2019-2020 has very, very large lips. They are the main “highlight” of the dark-skinned beauty. It is thanks to her voluminous lips that Adut looks like a living doll.

What lip shape is suitable for a round face photo 2022

A round face has a smooth, smoothed contour and approximately the same distance from the center of the face to any point on the contour. The widest part of the face is noticeably narrower along the line of the lower edge of the eyes, the line of the middle of the forehead and jaw. A round face shape is often mistakenly defined by overall fullness, when the round shape of the cheeks and the blurred contour of the chin create the impression of a circle. When determining yourself, pay attention to the proportions: a round face has a ratio of length to width of the face of 1.3 or less, often close to 1. There is no pronounced chin, often it is rounded, the forehead is proportionally low.

Due to the violation of proportions, facial features (eyes, mouth, nose) may look disproportionately large relative to the size of the face, or vice versa - small, and the main attention is drawn to the cheeks. When using eye makeup, you should avoid long arrows. On a round face, makeup with an emphasis only on the eyes, or on the eyes and lips at the same time, will look good. When applying makeup for a round face, do not use a lip liner. Its use can visually make the face larger. For the same reason, it is better not to use dark and bright lipstick; for a round face, transparent or pearlescent lip gloss is more suitable. In the case when you decide to use lipstick, you should pay attention to discreet colors and desaturated shades.

Ugbad Abdi

The first hijab model to be included in the top ten most sought-after girls in the fashion industry. As a newcomer, she walked on the podium with real legends - and held her own no worse than those who had twenty years of experience in participating in shows. Ugbad is, of course, an incredibly beautiful girl - and one of the main advantages of the model is her plump lips.

Irina Shayk

Irina has a bright, sexy and at the same time slightly exotic appearance. It would seem that anyone could call the most famous Russian model in the world unattractive?

However, during her school years, the beauty had to endure humiliation - in particular, because of her plump lips. Due to the mockery of envious classmates, the future model did not understand for a long time that her lips were one of her main advantages, and tried to visually make them smaller.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

The famous model and wife of Jason Statham is an impeccable beauty. Millions of girls all over the world are trying to be like Rosie. Huntington-Whiteley is the owner of plump, sexy lips, however, we cannot say with confidence that this is natural beauty.


“Bad girl Ri-Ri” absolutely deservedly regularly takes first place in the ratings of the most beautiful people on the planet. Bold and sexy, Rihanna truly has a bright, memorable appearance. Of course, absolutely everything about her is beautiful - but her plump, clearly defined lips deserve special attention.

Gisele Bündchen

The Brazilian, who was the highest paid model in the world for about 15 years in a row, is certainly a very attractive woman. Giselle has a characteristic, strict, noble beauty. The model’s clearly defined, sensual lips do not steal all the attention—they only successfully complement Giselle’s look.

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