About the causes of acne in women and men. Acne treatment

In adolescence, acne is associated with global hormonal changes in the body. But if it does not disappear at the end of puberty, you need to look for other reasons. Acne is a manifestation of a chronic skin disease in which the ducts of the sebaceous glands that open at the mouths of the hair follicles become inflamed.

The inflammatory process is caused by bacteria present on the skin. The ducts of the sebaceous glands become clogged with excess secretion mixed with particles of the epidermis. This is the environment in which representatives of the skin microflora develop.

Thus, the main reason for the appearance of acne in men is hypersecretion of sebum, which is often associated with excess testosterone in the body. In this case, you should undergo an examination and, if necessary, correct your hormonal levels.

Some men who are keen on sports take anabolic steroids. They also affect the amount of testosterone in the body and can trigger acne.

Demodex folliculorum is an acne mite that lives in the skin of almost every person. When the parasite spreads significantly, a rash occurs. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to take a test - scraping for demodex.

Acne and age

The appearance of acne in men is associated with disturbances in the functioning of the sebaceous glands, namely the production of sebum. At the age of 14–19 years, the main provoking factor in the occurrence of acne is a hormonal surge caused by the period of puberty of the body. At this age, acne occurs in 40–50% of young men.

By the age of 22, the problem of acne remains relevant for only 5% of young people. By age 30, hormonal acne usually goes away completely. At the age of 40–50, acne is found in only 1% of men.

Types of pathogenic elements appearing at 40 years of age

In fact, pimple is the popular name for a dermatological disease, called acne in professional circles. There are several types of acne that can appear in adulthood, depending on the characteristics of the formations, the presence of an inflammatory process and other characteristics.

In dermatology and cosmetology there are:

  • Comedones, which are ordinary sebaceous plugs that clog ducts and pores. If any infection is added to this problem, an inflammatory process begins. Due to the oxidation of sebum on the surface of the plug, it becomes black, which is why such formations are often called blackheads. Such comedones are called open comedones. Closed comedones are a tubercle with liquid fat inside, located under the skin, tightly covered with dead epidermal cells. Squeezing out a comedone located in the upper layers of the skin is not difficult, but its contents must be removed completely, after which the wound must be thoroughly treated with an antiseptic solution to prevent infection.
  • Papules. Such elements are formed if the comedones become infected, which can happen if extrusion is unsuccessful. As inflammation develops, the formation increases in size, becomes red and painful. If you press on the papule, its surface will immediately turn pale, but after that it will quickly restore its previous color. Such a pathogenic element cannot be squeezed out, since it is not mature and, when removed, will continue to develop with more intense inflammation.
  • Pustule. This element is formed during the development of a papule, and is a mature pimple with a white dot inside. It is the appearance of a white spherical element inside the pimple that indicates its maturation and the possibility of removal.
  • Acne of nodular-cystic nature. This is what is usually called pustules that have become severe. In this case, the skin in certain areas is covered with multiple formations that are connected to each other by fistula-type ducts. Such elements are always very painful, and their base is usually located in the deep layers of the dermis, which makes their removal much more difficult. In this case, the person requires professional medical assistance and individual systemic treatment.
  • Pimples are lightning fast. This form of the disease is the most severe and requires urgent medical attention, as well as radical measures. With the development of this disease, very painful and extensive lesions appear on the skin, accompanied by high fever, as well as pain in the muscles and joints. In especially severe cases, a person’s blood composition may change, in particular its leukocyte formula.

READ ALSO: Acne on the back in women: causes, methods and treatments

Provoking factors

  • Genetic predisposition to such skin problems.
  • Hormonal imbalances due to diseases of the endocrine system or hormone therapy.
  • Insufficient sexual activity of a man.
  • Hyperkeratosis, in which there is an increased formation of cells in the stratum corneum of the skin (may be a consequence of intoxication, for example, due to professional activities).
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Lack or improper skin care.
  • Long exposure to the sun.
  • Taking anabolic steroids (they are hormones and can disrupt the balance of the hormonal system).
  • Abuse of sweet and fatty foods.
  • Stress, emotional and physical exhaustion.
  • Skin irritation and penetration of bacteria into the wound after shaving.
  • Subcutaneous mite infestation.
  • Self-squeezing pimples.


Many skin diseases, such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, are genetically determined. Doctors have long noticed that there is a hereditary predisposition to the development of acne. Even during puberty, those children whose parents had similar problems suffer from acne more often. Scientists have found that several genes, including HLA-DRA, are responsible for the development of severe forms of acne.

In this case, the level of testosterone in the blood may be within normal limits, but the skin receptors are too sensitive to androgens, and this feature is due to genetics.

Acne in men after 30 years

By this age, natural fluctuations in hormonal levels should disappear, so the appearance of acne on the face or back is a reason to be wary. A similar picture may indicate a metabolic imbalance in the body and a disorder of lipid metabolism. In addition, after 30 years of age, acne can occur in men due to problems with the functioning of the endocrine system (thyroid and gonads).

The rash can also be a symptom of follicular hyperkeratosis. It is manifested by excessive growth of the stratum corneum of the skin and disruption of the natural process of desquamation of the epidermis. This leads to blockage of the mouths of the hair follicles with epidermal scales. Follicular hyperkeratosis is associated with a deficiency of vitamins A and C.

In addition, the back in men is an area of ​​increased sweating. Sweat irritates the skin and can cause inflammation to appear on it. Against the background of hypersecretion of sebum caused by fluctuations in hormones or metabolic disorders, colonies of Propionibacterium acnes bacteria, the main provocateurs of acne, rapidly develop.

Men over 30 years old should not neglect the problem of acne and self-medicate. Indeed, behind this seemingly harmless symptom there may be diseases that require medical attention.

One of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome

A woman's life is divided into cycles. Changes in the endometrium, ovulation and menstruation are caused by cyclic hormonal changes. A few days before menstruation, many women experience a range of unpleasant symptoms:

  • hardening and tenderness of the mammary glands;
  • mood swings;
  • bloating;
  • headache;
  • deterioration of the skin condition - rashes, pimples, inflammation.

In this case, treatment is not required if the rash is isolated. In severe cases, acne treatment is required to maintain the skin's barrier function and improve aesthetics.

What do pimples on the face mean?

It is believed that the localization of acne can tell about certain problems in the body:

  • acne on the chin indicates problems with the digestive system, high levels of toxins in the body and possible hormonal disorders;
  • rashes around the mouth, especially in spring and autumn, are a sign of decreased immunity due to colds;
  • pimples on the cheekbones and cheeks are possible symptoms of endocrine diseases;
  • black spots and pustules on the forehead may appear due to problems with the gallbladder, pancreas or intestines;
  • acne on the nose occurs due to disruptions in the hormonal system, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as a weakened immune system;
  • rashes in the eyebrow area hint at dysbacteriosis and general intoxication of the body.

Causes of decreased testosterone

  • congenital pathology (Klinefelter syndrome, cryptorchidism)
  • diseases of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus
  • viral parotitis suffered after 12 years of age
  • scrotal injuries
  • increased levels of prolactin in the blood (hyperprolactinemia)
  • aging
  • obesity, diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome
  • lack of physical activity
  • vegetarianism, limiting animal fats in the diet (testosterone is formed from cholesterol)
  • taking medications (anabolic steroids, corticosteroids)
  • stress
  • smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs

Preventing acne in men

To keep your face and body skin clean and healthy, you need to take care of several things. First of all, proper skin care is necessary:

  • You need to wash your face at least 2 times a day (morning and evening), use a mild cleanser instead of soap;
  • remove keratinized particles of the epidermis, excess sebum and impurities using a scrub;
  • to get rid of excess fat, you can use a tonic;
  • To moisturize the skin, special creams are used, for example Clearvin cream.

Eating foods rich in nutrients, fiber, vitamins and minerals helps maintain healthy skin. It is recommended to reduce alcohol, sweet, fatty, and spicy foods in your diet to a minimum. You need to drink more clean water, eat fresh vegetables and fruits. For healthy intestinal microflora it is necessary to consume fermented milk products. This will improve digestion and boost immunity.

For prevention purposes, it is recommended to ensure adequate sleep and rest, spend more time in the fresh air, exercise regularly, give up bad habits and avoid stress.

Regardless of the cause of acne, a man’s skin needs special care. Recently, dermatologists have given preference to natural topical preparations.

Such as, for example, an effective Ayurvedic remedy that contains medicinal Indian plants.

Drawing conclusions

Adult acne can occur for the following reasons:

  • hormonal imbalance, hyperandrogenism;
  • heredity;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • unbalanced diet rich in fast carbohydrates;
  • stress, insomnia, psycho-emotional stress;
  • bad habits;
  • improper and insufficient cleansing of the skin.

Skin is a reflection of internal health.
If a person continues to have acne in adulthood, it is worth taking a comprehensive approach to examining the body. Only then can the true cause be found and eliminated. The treatment of dermatological diseases, including acne, should be carried out by a doctor who will draw up an individual treatment plan. August 23, 2020
Author of the article: dermatologist Mak Vladimir Fedorovich

Rules for skin care at 40 – 45 years old

To prevent acne at this age, it is very important to take proper care of your skin, keeping in mind some important points.

The skin must be cleansed daily using special lotions and tonics that do not contain alcohol. You can prepare them yourself, for example, from decoctions of medicinal herbs. If the skin is very dry and prone to irritation, then to cleanse it it is recommended to use milk without glycerin, which provokes the formation of comedones.

It is important not to forget about moisturizing the skin, using special serums and creams for this, which should be chosen taking into account the characteristics of the epidermis. After 40 years, the skin in most cases becomes dry, very sensitive and prone to irritation. If you forget about daily moisturizing, many tiny cracks form on the surface of the skin, which leads to the development of inflammation and irritation.

In the summer, before going outside, it is recommended to apply a sunscreen protection cream with a UV filter to your skin. This will help avoid pigmentation and unnecessary tanning. In winter, the skin also needs special protection.

In the evening, the skin must be provided with complete intensive nutrition, for which it is recommended to use properly selected cosmetics applied after complete cleansing of the epidermis. The nourishing cream should be applied to the skin without rubbing, like a mask, leaving it for 20 – 30 minutes, after which the residue should be removed with a soft cloth.

READ ALSO: Acne on the face during pregnancy: causes and possible treatment

It is important to remember about masks; they cannot be neglected at this age. To rejuvenate the skin and prevent the formation of acne, as well as to eliminate existing pathogenic elements, masks with cosmetic clay are excellent. For nutrition, add raw chicken egg yolk and honey to the composition. And for hydration, it is recommended to use fresh aloe vera juice.

You should always carry a bottle of natural tea tree oil with you. If you apply this product to a pimple, especially at the stage of its appearance, it will disappear on its own within 8 – 12 hours.

Men also need to take care of their skin, so the choice of shaving foam and skin care products must be approached responsibly. Preference should be given to high-quality shaving accessories and shaving foam. It is best to choose products designed for highly sensitive skin. After the procedure, the skin must be treated with lotion and a cream containing panthenol applied.

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