Why the oval of the face “floats” and the most effective methods for correcting it

Have you ever struggled with neck fat without success? That thick neck catches your eye every time you look at yourself in the mirror? Poor lifestyle and unhealthy food make the problem of double chin and neck fat more and more pressing.

Are there simple tricks and exercises that can help you get rid of neck fat and slim down your face with ease? Of course yes. Do you want to know how to remove fat from your neck and chin? Then you have come to the right place.

The main reasons why the oval of the face “floats”

Age-related changes

Skin aging is the most common cause of changes in facial contours. Most often this is expressed after 35 years. The production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin, begins to decrease.

Weight fluctuations

If extra pounds appear, the skin, accordingly, stretches. In case of sudden weight loss, it begins to sag because it does not have time to adapt to the new volumes.


The main causes of edema can be a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, and bad habits such as alcohol and smoking. All this retains fluid in the body and swelling develops. Since water metabolism is disrupted, the contours of the face become rounded, and the skin becomes looser.

Improper skin care

If your skin is not cleansed and moisturized enough, it will begin to show signs of aging very early. Moreover, it is important to remember that the choice of skincare products should be based on a specific skin type. This will help achieve maximum effect from cosmetics and prevent your skin from aging early.

Incorrect posture

Constant slouching can lead to more than just spinal curvature. This also leads to the fact that the oval of the face becomes more drooping, the cheeks begin to sag, and the corners of the lips begin to droop down.

Exposure to direct sunlight

Ultraviolet radiation has a very adverse effect on the skin. Due to prolonged exposure to the sun, the skin ceases to produce enough collagen and this leads to rapid aging.

Rules for performing facial massage for weight loss

Most massage techniques aimed at losing weight on the face include the following techniques:

  • Stroking. The master usually begins and ends the massage with stroking. Movements are performed strictly along massage lines. They are done in the direction from the center of the forehead to the temples, from the nose to the ears, in the area around the eyes in a circle, starting from the edge to the nose and around the mouth.
  • Tapping. They are also performed in the direction of the massage lines. Tapping is done with the fingertips.
  • Patting. Claps should be soft, frequent, and done in the direction of the massage lines.
  • Tingling. Manipulations of this kind are performed with the middle and index fingers. A correctly performed procedure should not cause pain or discomfort in the patient.
  • Kneading. Manipulations are performed in a circular motion at a slow pace. The skin of the face is massaged with the pads of the fingers, and the neck and décolleté with the edge of the palm.

Before starting a facial slimming massage, the cosmetologist cleanses the face of decorative cosmetics and other contaminants. Some techniques involve the use of essential oils or massage creams, which provide a more pronounced effect. There are techniques that are performed using talc or generally performed on dry skin. After the consultation, the cosmetologist will determine a personal plan of procedures that will allow you to solve all the tasks.

How to correct a swollen oval face

What can you do at home?

First, prevention is the best cure. The better the quality of your skin, the longer your facial contour will be clear and even. And you can improve the quality and density of your skin yourself with daily and proper care. Retinol is recommended as an anti-aging component - it affects both the dermis, triggering collagen formation processes, and the epidermis, stimulating cellular renewal processes. Currently, retinol is a very popular anti-aging component and for good reason - its effect is noticeable and pronounced, but it is important to remember about the peculiarities of its use, because it irritates the skin and if used incorrectly, complications can occur (it will be especially difficult to deal with vascular problems). Retinol is always applied at night; its use should always be accompanied by the use of SPF during the day.

Another important ingredient in skin tightening is vitamin C. Not only does it have vascular strengthening and brightening effects, but collagen formation processes also cannot take place without it! Even when taking collagen internally, you must make sure that you consume enough vitamin C, because otherwise all your efforts are in vain! By tightening the skin, vitamin C has a lifting effect and significantly improves the quality of the skin.

What can be done in a cosmetologist's office

Massages and microcurrents

They give a good effect and are also able to relieve the lymphatic system, preventing the formation of edema. It is important to follow the course and regularly.


Stimulates cellular renewal processes. Cosmetologists often encounter patients’ fear that peelings thin the skin, but when done correctly, they, on the contrary, thicken and renew the tissue.

Mesotherapy and biorevitalization

An excellent way to influence the dermis - they stimulate collagen formation processes, saturate the skin with amino acids - the building material of proteins, and replenish the deficiency of hyaluronic acid. It is also important to follow the course of these procedures.


A popular procedure, during which it is especially important to pay attention to the qualifications and working methods of the specialist. When tissues sag downwards, as a rule, the corrective method of choice will be not to work in the lower third of the face (not filling the nasolabial folds), but, first of all, to fill the deficit in the areas in which it has formed, that is, in the temporal and zygomatic areas. In any case, everything is individual and when installing fillers, it is extremely important to take into account the patient’s personal data, so look at the work of the cosmetologist you are contacting, read reviews, and ask what actions will be taken in case of failure. And, of course, for this procedure you can only consult a doctor!

Hardware techniques

Currently, the most popular type of oval restoration devices are ultrasonic face lift devices (non-surgical SMAS lifting). The principle is based on the fact that ultrasonic waves penetrate to a depth of 5 mm, causing targeted thermal contraction and tissue tightening, which leads to tightening of not only the skin, but also subcutaneous fat. As mentioned above, we are all individual and only a doctor can determine whether this technique is right for you after an individual consultation.


A surgical facelift can give an amazing result; in case of pronounced tissue prolapse, surgical intervention can help eliminate the problem, however, it is important to remember that here, too, a lot depends on the qualifications of the surgeon, so choose a specialist carefully. And let me remind you that the operation will not affect the quality of the skin in any way, so you should not wait for pronounced age-related changes to undergo surgery in the hope that it will solve all the problems at once.

Cost of facial slimming massage

To achieve maximum effect, the cosmetologist will advise you to undergo a course of procedures consisting of 8 – 15 sessions. The cost of one session in Moscow ranges from 1,000 – 5,000 rubles. The price depends on the chosen method, the intensity of the study, and the number of tasks to be solved. Massage therapists and cosmetologists at the International Hemostasis Clinic offer their clients the most suitable massage techniques, because before drawing up the program they conduct a thorough examination and devote enough time to the client to solve all the tasks.

You can check prices and get more detailed advice by calling +7 (495) 106-90-74 or filling out the feedback form. Our administrators will call you back immediately and answer all your questions.

Face massage

Lymphatic drainage facial massage for swelling

Lifting facial massage

Is it possible to correct gravitational ptosis with massage?

Facial massage is one of the main ways to maintain facial muscles in tone, which also helps improve skin condition, facial tone, and make the oval of the face and cheekbones clearer. During the procedure, muscles that are tense during the day and even during sleep relax. For example, one chewing muscle presses on the molars with a force of up to 90 kg. If this tension is not relieved, then habits such as involuntary clenching of the teeth, grinding them down, tics, headaches, and changes in the shape of the face may appear. When muscles are tense for a long time, that is, they are contracted, blood and lymph circulation in them decreases, metabolic products accumulate, inflammation and fat deposits may appear, this will lead to increased signs of facial aging. Facial massage is the only and natural way to get rid of such tension and its manifestations.

In addition, it has a lymphatic drainage effect, enhances the tone of the lymphatic vessels, lymph circulation in them, as a result of which the content of toxins and metabolic products in the tissues is significantly reduced, excess intercellular fluid (edema) is removed, that is, lymphatic drainage in the tissues is improved. Facial tone noticeably improves with a course of lymphatic drainage massage at any age. In order for the results of the massage to last for a long time, it is recommended to undergo a course of 10-14 procedures, once a week, and then a maintenance procedure once every 2 weeks.

Where to begin?

The most important thing is to set yourself up to achieve a specific goal. When you finally decide to change, make sure that your goal is achievable. Remember that it is impossible to quickly lose weight overnight or a few days after starting exercise and dieting. Instead of setting ambitious goals for yourself, it is advisable to look at things soberly.

You need to consult with a specialist, especially if you don’t know where to start losing weight.

When you gain weight, fat deposits are located in different parts of the body such as the thighs, abdomen, shoulders, calves and neck. If fat accumulates in other parts of the body in excess, then experts recommend acupressure therapy. However, this type of therapy is not applicable to the neck area. Therefore, there are no shortcuts to getting rid of neck fat.

You can tone your neck muscles, which will visually make it thinner. And our advice will help you with this.

What types of anti-aging massage exist?


Sculptural massage deeply works the facial muscles, maintains their tone, which tightens the oval, eliminates the double chin, smoothes wrinkles in the forehead and eyes, evens out skin tone and removes puffiness. Recommended as prevention at the age of 25+ and ideal for 30+.


During this type of massage, attention is paid to facial and chewing muscles, which improves blood microcirculation, strengthens facial muscles, restores facial skin, increases the elasticity and strength of muscle fibers.


One of the most powerful massage techniques. The effect is noticeable after the first massage - blood flow will increase, the movement of lymph will be activated, which removes toxins from the body, and muscle fibers will gain strength and elasticity.

Walks in the open air

Have you ever thought about how important oxygen is for our skin? Constantly sitting in front of a computer, a large amount of dust, carbon dioxide - all this has a destructive effect on the body as a whole, and the skin of the face is the first to suffer, since it is not protected. That is why, if you want to lose weight in your face and look younger, you need to find time every day for walks in the fresh air. Ideally, go to the forest, where the air is always healing. But if this is not possible, then you need to take a walk along a quiet street or park for at least an hour before going to bed, give your skin a rest and absorb the oxygen it needs.

Causes of fat

It is possible to quickly remove fat from the neck and chin if there are no disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.
Fat folds in the cervico-facial area arise due to physiological and pathological reasons. Therefore, before you start getting rid of such deposits, you need to find out their nature. You need to consult with doctors and undergo the recommended examination.

Pathological causes

Signs of obesity on the neck and face can cause the following diseases:

  • Hypothyroidism is a pathology of the thyroid gland, leading to a deficiency of thyroxine and triiodothyronine in the body. These hormones take an active part in the breakdown of fats and stimulation of metabolism. When they are insufficiently produced by the thyroid gland, these processes slow down, which becomes the reason for the development of obesity, including in the front of the neck.
  • Itsenko-Cushing syndrome (hypercortisolism) - occurs due to excessive production of endogenous cortisone by the adrenal glands, a hormone that accelerates the breakdown of proteins and the formation of fats in the body.
  • Lipodystrophy - with this disease, the subcutaneous layer of fat is not distributed evenly over the face - most of the fat cells are deposited at the base of the neck.

Obesity of the neck can provoke illiterate treatment of certain diseases that require hormonal therapy, for example, long-term uncontrolled use of corticosteroids. When the cause lies in abnormal health conditions, the fight against excess fat should begin with establishing an accurate diagnosis and taking therapeutic measures.

Physiological reasons

If you are overweight, some of the fat will be deposited in the neck and face.
If there are no significant deviations in health indicators from the norm, you should pay attention to the physiological causes of cervicofacial obesity. Experts include:

  • Heredity. As a rule, body type is passed down from generation to generation. If among your ancestors there were people with a short, thick neck, this trait can be passed on to your descendants.
  • Menopause (menopause) causes disruptions in hormonal levels, which can also make a woman’s neck excessively thick.
  • Unhealthy lifestyle - physical inactivity, excess high-calorie foods in the diet, frequent stress, poor sleep.
  • Incorrect posture, which is sometimes observed in adolescents. Adults may also slouch and pull their head into their shoulders, which makes the neck appear short. The folds of fat that form on the front of the neck in women are called “rings of Venus.” In men, they most often appear at the back, taking on the appearance of a scruff or hump.

Pathological causes of cervicofacial obesity require medical attention to eliminate them. If a fat neck and double chin are caused by any physiological factor, the deviation from the norm does not require treatment and can be corrected with the help of cosmetic products, diet and gymnastics.

How to get rid of jowls on your face using cosmetic methods

The results of such techniques are shown only in the early stages of the formation of cheek ptosis. With timely intervention, it is possible to stop the progression of ptosis and reverse already formed changes. At SM-Clinic, doctors can offer several techniques aimed at eliminating jowls. Each of them has features, indications and predicted results. Thanks to their extensive experience, our doctors will select the technique that will best solve the problem.

RF lifting

Monopolar radiofrequency exposure is aimed at stimulating collagen production. It is the collagen frame that supports facial tissues and prevents them from sagging. Usually performed at a young age.

Contour plastic

It involves correction with fillers - special fillers made on the basis of hyaluronic acid. After the procedure, the skin density increases, it tightens, ptosis becomes less pronounced and noticeable. But this technique is not suitable for everyone; before performing it, you need to evaluate your individual reaction to the drugs.

SMAS lifting

Ultrasound effect on the muscular aponeurotic layer of the skin. And if previously smas-lifting was carried out exclusively surgically, today it is a non-surgical technique.


These are injections of hyaluronic acid-based drugs into the hypodermis. The effect of the procedure is not only in getting rid of jowls, but also in rejuvenating and moisturizing the skin. Rehabilitation after the procedure takes several days, and the redness disappears in 2-3 hours.

How to remove jowls and tighten the oval face with threads

Removal of jowls without surgery is carried out by introducing biocompatible threads (mesothreads), which can be absorbable or not. The threads are inserted using special needles.

Even if absorbable threads are used, after absorption, a strong collagen frame remains in their place. And the effect of the procedure lasts for several years.

The effect of the procedure can be enhanced by combining it with liposuction..

Is it possible to remove cheeks or correct cheekbones without surgery?

If the unaesthetic swelling is in no way related to the structural features of the skull, first of all, it is necessary to adjust the diet - give up junk food and products that cause swelling, follow a sleep and rest schedule. Often these three points lead to weight fluctuations and facial puffiness. However, it will take a long time for the body to return to normal and get used to the new regime.

The most effective non-surgical way to change the contours of soft tissue is through exercise that increases the underlying muscle layer. But, alas, in the case of cheeks and cheekbones, this method practically does not work. The fact is that there is very little muscle tissue in the cheeks and on the cheekbones. This means, firstly, it will be difficult to train them to any noticeable extent, and secondly, the visual effect will turn out to be completely insignificant, even if you put maximum effort into it.

An effective way to quickly remove chubby cheeks from your face or create beautiful cheekbones is plastic surgery. Such intervention, depending on the planned scope of correction and tasks, can be carried out in various ways:

  1. Injections of filler preparations for the cheekbones.
    In this case, the SM-Plastic specialist models their new form by introducing artificial filler substances through subcutaneous microinjections.
  2. Lipofilling for cheekbones.
    The principle of operation of this technique is similar to the previous one, but here the patient’s own adipose tissue acts as a filler. Its use allows you to reduce the risk of immune conflicts and rejection to zero.
  3. Removing Bish's lumps.
    Bisha's lumps are encapsulated fatty formations located between the buccal muscle and the superficial muscles of the face (masseter, zygomaticus major and minor) on each side. Named after the French anatomist and physiologist Marie François Xavier Bichat. These formations have three lobes - anterior, middle and posterior. The anterior lobe surrounds the excretory duct of the parotid salivary gland; the middle lobe occupies an intermediate position between the anterior and posterior, located above the upper jaw and significantly reduced as the child grows older; the posterior lobe is directed from the infraorbital groove and the temporal muscle to the upper edge of the mandible and, further, to the ramus of the mandible. These formations are believed to play an important role in sucking and chewing, especially in infants. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that the lumps undergo significant reverse development as the organism matures. It is also assumed that fat bodies provide muscle glide, facilitating the act of chewing. In addition, it is believed that Bisha's lumps provide a shock-absorbing protective function, protecting sensitive facial muscles from injury. In adulthood, they have different sizes; for some, their presence does not affect the contour of the face; for others, the lumps create excess volume and the cheeks look swollen.
  4. Various types of thread lifting.
    With their help, you can simultaneously tighten the sagging soft tissues of “tired” or, conversely, chubby cheeks and form a new, clearer and more attractive contour of the cheekbones.
  5. Plastic surgery of the chin, cheekbones and cheeks.
    Such interventions usually involve the installation of silicone implants. These implants are selected according to individual parameters, based on preliminary 3D modeling of the future contours of the patient’s face. In order to make cheekbones or remove cheeks, the operation is performed through incisions in natural skin folds or through the oral cavity. This means that postoperative scars will be either completely hidden from view of others or practically invisible. This intervention is a full-fledged, albeit minimally invasive operation, and therefore, to perform it, the patient is placed in the inpatient department of the SM-Plastic clinic, and the procedure itself takes place under general anesthesia.
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