Facial rejuvenation: the most effective procedures - TOP best

From this article you will learn:

  • Benefits of systemic facial care
  • Facial skin care depending on skin type
  • Age labels for cosmetics
  • 6 stages of systemic facial skin care
  • The importance of using cosmetics from the same company

The face is a woman’s calling card. Everyone strives for perfect skin. Even, smooth, beautiful and well-groomed - this is the dream of many. You can make your dream come true if you know the secrets of proper care.

A balanced diet, adequate sleep and, of course, systemic cosmetic care are the best options for the face to achieve perfect skin. Only complex procedures will achieve the expected effect. Read on for the secrets of perfect skin.

Benefits of systemic facial care

Wrinkles are the first sign of aging. The reason for their appearance may be active facial expressions (facial muscles perform more than 15 thousand contractions daily), loss of moisture and collagen. At first, wrinkles appear in the form of so-called crow's feet in the eye area. If you do not perform systematic cosmetic facial care, deeper and more noticeable folds and furrows will form.

Another sign of skin aging is sagging, or ptosis. This phenomenon is a consequence of decreased keratin production in epidermal cells. Plus, the process of sebum formation, a special skin secretion secreted by the sebaceous glands, is disrupted. All this together makes the face dull, flabby and reveals the woman’s true age.

It's not just your face that needs to be taken care of. The skin of the hands also needs protection, because it is this part of the body that most often comes into contact with aggressive cleaning agents, is in the cold and under the scorching sun. Therefore, care should be more thorough. You need to choose not only those cosmetics that provide protection, but also nourishing, moisturizing and rejuvenating hand creams.

The following factors also affect the condition of the skin:

  • Photoaging. This process is caused by damage to the skin from sunlight. It appears in the form of pigment spots on the face, shoulders, and arms.
  • Hormonal changes. During menopause, the female body undergoes a global restructuring. First of all, the level of estrogen decreases, which is responsible for the condition of the skin.

No one is immune from age-related changes. However, you can maintain healthy and glowing skin for a long time if you use systemic cosmetic facial care. This includes a balanced diet, exercise, timely cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the skin.

Using Botox to improve health

Botox not only improves your appearance, but also adds health. This drug can be used to relieve some health problems. The most popular health procedure using Botox is relaxation of the jaw muscles. Sometimes it happens that the jaw muscles are too tense, which causes them to hurt.

If you get Botox injections, you will no longer suffer from pain and tension. Due to jaw clenching, teeth are often injured, so the procedure will also help save them. With the help of Botox, the transmission of nerve impulses is blocked, the muscles relax. In addition, Botox is now used to treat migraines and eliminate sweating.

Facial skin care depending on skin type

The selection of skin care products should be carried out in accordance with its type. In cosmetology, there are normal, oily, dry and combination skin types.

  • Dry skin

This type is ideal for young girls. The face looks smooth, toned, silky, pores are invisible. But with age, problems appear in the form of peeling, irritation, and a feeling of tightness. On dry skin, the first wrinkles appear first.

Moisture loss can occur for several reasons. This includes genetic predisposition, lack of nutrients in the body, chronic diseases, and dehydration. The main disadvantage of dry skin is its increased sensitivity. After using incorrectly selected cosmetics, a feeling of discomfort occurs, rashes appear, even dermatoses. Owners of this skin type should take care of sufficient hydration. It is necessary to exclude regular soap and harsh makeup removers and cleansers from everyday use.

To ensure dry skin looks decent at any age, you should take care of careful care and additional nutrition of the epidermal cells.

  • Oily skin

This skin type causes a lot of trouble for girls. Enlarged pores, acne, oily shine - all this looks unattractive. Increased secretion of the sebaceous glands causes clogged pores, black spots and inflammation appear on the face, epidermal cells stop receiving adequate nutrition, and the blood supply to the integument is disrupted. Oily skin reacts very sensitively to hormonal fluctuations, so puberty becomes a real problem for owners of this type. With age, the condition of the integument changes, and the skin most often approaches a mixed appearance.

The benefits of oily skin include the delayed appearance of wrinkles. The secretions of the sebaceous glands seem to protect the upper layer of the epidermis from moisture loss, sudden temperature changes and other negative influences. And shortcomings can be easily corrected if you choose the right systemic cosmetic treatments for the face.

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  • Combination skin

This is the most common skin type. It is easily recognized by the presence of areas of the epidermis of varying fat content. Most often, the face is distinguished by an oily T-zone (nose, forehead, chin) and drier temples and cheekbones. This is due to uneven functioning of the sebaceous glands.

But even those with a combination type can look perfect if they take care of quality care. To maintain the beauty of the skin, several cosmetic products are used at once. These are cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing compositions that reduce oiliness, relieve rashes and irritation, normalize blood circulation, and restore a healthy complexion.

Over the course of life, skin type can change. The combined one is replaced by normal and then dry. After 30 years, the skin requires special attention, because it is during this period that active age-related changes in epidermal cells begin. It is important to start proper care in a timely manner; this will ensure an attractive appearance for many years.

  • Normal skin

Everyone wants to be perfect, but, alas, this skin type is extremely rare. It is characterized by a healthy complexion, sufficient hydration, elasticity, absence of dryness, rashes, acne, clogged pores. Epidermal cells are well supplied with nutrients, which provides the necessary protection. The face of those with normal skin is fresh, well-groomed, and youthful.

But no matter how perfect you look, you shouldn’t forget about comprehensive care for your face and body. Without proper support, the work of epidermal cells is disrupted, which is especially evident in cold weather. As a rule, skin care consists of gentle cleansing, sufficient hydration and nutrition.

Procedures that allow you to correct the relief of the body

The body can be corrected both through surgery and cosmetology. However, most people give their preference to cosmetology. For example, you can attend a procedure such as body correction with lipolytics. During this procedure, you will be injected with a special drug into problem areas, which will force the fat in these areas to dissolve. The injections contain special substances that cause adipose tissue to rapidly disintegrate.

For those who want to change their body greatly, there are surgeries. During the operation, cells will be removed from problem areas and, if desired, they will be introduced into those areas that you want to enlarge. Of course, not everyone decides to undergo surgical intervention; it is much easier to resort to cosmetology, it is not so dangerous.

Age labels for cosmetics

Age markings are often indicated on creams. What does it affect and why should you not use anti-aging products during adolescence?

The condition of the skin, regardless of its type, changes over the years. Accordingly, systemic cosmetic facial care also requires changes.

  • At the age of twenty , when old age and the first wrinkles seem like something very distant and unreal, internal transformations at the cellular level are already starting in the body. The maturing of the skin will not appear soon, but it’s time to take preventive measures. The basis should be adequate hydration and nutrition. After 25 years of age, care is supplemented with cosmetics for the sensitive area around the eyes. At a young age, cells function well, which allows the body to use its own resources and be content with regular cleansing and light moisturizing of the skin.
  • After thirty the skin undergoes significant changes. The level of collagen and hyaluronic acid noticeably decreases, all of which negatively affects the condition of the epidermis. The face becomes dull, flabby, the first wrinkles appear, which is especially noticeable by the age of 35. The skin loses elasticity and firmness, so at this stage it is important to take care of your appearance. First of all, this should be protection from UV rays, which lead to dehydration and the appearance of age spots. This is followed by support with cosmetics containing collagen and hyaluronic acid.

  • The age of 40+ is marked by an active struggle for beauty. By the age of 45, the oval of the face changes for the worse, and pigmentation increases. Wrinkles become deeper and more noticeable; they affect not only the area around the eyes, but also the nasolabial triangle. For skin care, heavy artillery is used in the form of products with peptides, retinol, and rhamnose.
  • By the age of fifty , menopause occurs, which means that the body experiences a powerful hormonal revolution. The own resources of the epidermal cells are practically depleted, so from this moment on, maintaining beauty is completely dependent on compensatory care. The contours of the face undergo significant changes, the skin becomes dry, thinner, and prone to irritation. At this age, powerful anti-age products are used to saturate the cells with moisture and essential collagen.

Vitamin injections

Vitamin injections for health and youth began to be offered in the USA back in the 1970s, and later such procedures gained great love from Hollywood stars. In the last couple of years, the trend seems to have been reborn - its renaissance was greatly facilitated by famous top managers from Silicon Valley, who saw vitamin droppers as another tool for increasing productivity. Today, “detox without rehab” is carried out in clinics and salons with a wide range of price tags, some offer a concierge service - the doctor will deliver the IV to your home.

How it works.

WHO recommends taking vitamins only as prescribed by a doctor, when there is a deficiency confirmed by tests.
The specialist will be able to select the desired composition, form and duration of administration. But taking vitamins in any form “just for health” is basically pointless. There is no evidence of the effectiveness of such self-medication. A healthy person doesn’t need a detox either: the body will remove all excess on its own, and this process cannot be accelerated. The vivacity and “charge of energy” that consumers of such services feel is most likely a placebo effect; science does not explain it in any way. Therefore, vitamin droppers can really work and fulfill their direct function - to replenish vitamin deficiencies, and therefore improve the condition of the body. But you should sign up for this procedure only if prescribed by a doctor and after undergoing tests. Getty Images

The importance of using cosmetics from the same company

Systemic cosmetic facial treatments involve the use of products from the same brand. After all, modern compounds are complex chemical compounds that can react with other substances. When developing a line of products, the characteristics of each component are taken into account, minimizing the risk of allergies or inflammation after use. In addition, all formulations complement each other, ensuring the greatest effectiveness.

When using creams, tonics and scrubs from different companies, be prepared to deal with the unpleasant manifestations of conflicting cosmetics. It is almost impossible to determine which substance caused an allergic reaction or skin irritation. At best, the condition of the epidermis will remain unchanged. But is it worth the money spent? Therefore, it is recommended to initially select a line of skin care products from one brand. Moreover, the modern cosmetology market offers a huge selection for all ages and skin types.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best specialists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

Natural lip augmentation

Huge, swollen lips have not been in trend for a long time. Nowadays it is fashionable to slightly enlarge lips. They should look as natural as possible. People have long stopped resorting to strong magnification. We believe the best lip shape is the one you have. You can enlarge them slightly, but you should not change the natural shape of your lips.

Effective rejuvenation at home

Options for home rejuvenation against the backdrop of all modern methods are not only inferior, but generally humbly receding into the distant past. Not a single mask or beauty gadget can work a miracle, the maximum is adequate cleansing and moisturizing. The most offensive thing in this case is the lost time. Removing formed creases and making sagging skin denser is three times more difficult. There is no need to talk about the financial component and time costs.

Effective rejuvenation at home is more of a fantasy. However, we should not forget that, for example, adequate physical activity, a balanced diet, self-massage, working with posture - these are things that are available to absolutely everyone at home, and will definitely have an extremely positive effect on one’s appearance and, in particular, the face.

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