The best and most effective face whitening methods at home

Complexion, along with hair and appearance, provides the impression of a woman, her health and grooming. Beautiful skin can be spoiled by harmful factors, various diseases, and external influences. Often, vascular problems reveal spots on the skin, smoking – a yellowish tint, tanning – a reddish tint, diseases of the internal organs – a gray tint. That is why representatives of the female half are faced with the problem of lightening their faces in order to restore their whiteness.

You should consider this procedure if you have:

  • strong pigmentation;
  • got a tan from prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • dark skin;
  • there are consequences of salon procedures;
  • reddish spots and nodules;
  • gray or yellowish complexion.

In such cases, the skin needs whitening and proper care. But it is not at all necessary to sign up for expensive procedures in salons, since there are effective methods for lightening the face at home.

Causes of pigmentation

The problem may be hidden in external or internal factors. As a rule, pigmentation develops gradually. The reasons are:

  • Hormonal changes with age or pregnancy.
  • Intoxication.
  • Action of ultraviolet light.
  • Certain medications.
  • Lack of vitamins.
  • Consequences of skin diseases.
  • Diseases of the nervous system, liver and stomach.

Sometimes you can first try to improve the health of the body, and then take on skin whitening.


Whitening compositions often use various acids and other aggressive components. Their exposure can cause harm in a number of cases:

  1. Extensive inflammatory phenomena - multiple acne, pimples and irritations.
  2. Thin skin with increased sensitivity, dry or chapped.
  3. Skin diseases: papillomas, rosacea, dermatitis, melanoma, vitiligo, keratosis and so on.
  4. Wounds, stitches, injuries, facial injuries.
  5. Recent procedures done at home or in a salon.
  6. Ideal whitening will not only lighten your skin, but will also give a lasting result without side effects.

Traditional whitening recipes

Traditional recipes can whiten your face as much as possible and provide it with a healthy appearance. Herbal ingredients are completely harmless, but you should adhere to certain rules, for example, do not apply to the area around the eyes, and then lubricate with cream.

Hydrogen peroxide

This product is the leader in whitening; it is the simplest and most affordable. The effect of it is truly amazing. Your face will become brighter, cleared of blackheads and redness. The pharmacy sells a 3% solution, otherwise you can get a burn or dry out the skin.

The procedure is done every week, no more than twice. The whitening course lasts a month. The following masks are prepared using peroxide:

  • Yeast. It is a mixture of yeast and peroxide in the proportion of a teaspoon. Apply for about 10 minutes. This product is perfect for dry and normal skin types.
  • Cottage cheese. Mix cottage cheese, yolk and a couple of drops of peroxide. Apply to the face and remove after a few minutes.

When making masks, it is necessary to take into account that peroxide can also lighten eyebrows.

Lemon juice

It has long been known that lemon perfectly brightens the skin, provides a healthy color and eliminates any redness. Rub the juice or use it as a mask:

  • Lemon-honey. Mix honey, lemon juice, olive oil a tablespoon at a time. A watery mixture should form. It is applied to the face with a cotton swab and lightly massaged. This will allow for better absorption. Remove after 15 minutes.
  • Glycerin mask. It is prepared from apple and lemon juices with the addition of a spoonful of glycerin. For the first time, the content of lemon juice is reduced, as it can burn, and then increased.

Lemon juice has excellent whitening properties, smooths out wrinkles and fights premature aging.


Soda is considered a good natural whitening component; it is often used in cosmetology. It is used to create products for oily skin, because soda itself dries out the dermis.

To prepare the mask, soda is mixed with soap, applied to the face with massage movements and removed after 5 minutes.

Baking soda allows you to easily combat acne, oily shine, and enlarged pores.


A remedy that can be prepared even in a village does not need popularity. It is very effective and reliable, as every person who tries it on himself can quickly see. To prepare the infusion you will need:

  • parsley - a bunch;
  • boiling water - a glass.

The ingredients must be combined in a separate container and closed with a lid. The product needs to be infused until it cools down. Then they are allowed to wash or wipe their face with cotton swabs soaked in it.

You can use the infusion 2-3 times a day. The first noticeable results can be seen after about a week of daily rubbing.

Whitening masks and compresses

Natural fruits, parsley, citrus fruits, fermented milk products, clay, ethers will allow you to qualitatively whiten the skin on your face. All these components have a strong whitening effect. In addition to lightening, they nourish and make the skin moisturized.

Berry-honey mask


  • 50 gr. berries;
  • 50 gr. honey

The berries are ground into puree and honey is added. The mass is distributed on a clean face and left for a few minutes, then washed off. Whitening can be carried out daily and is used for various skin types.

Cucumber compress


  • 1 fresh cucumber.

Cuts are made in gauze under the eyes, nose and mouth. The vegetable is grated, placed on a napkin, then on the face. After ten minutes, the compress can be removed. Use daily on all skin types.

Parsley mask


  • 1 spoon of parsley juice;
  • 1 spoon of honey;
  • 1 spoon of lemon.

The ingredients are combined and applied to a previously cleansed face. The mask must be left on for approximately 15 minutes and removed. The process is repeated a couple of times a week. Ideal for combination and oily skin types.

How to speed up the removal of tanning

How to quickly whiten your face after sunbathing?

You can try homemade or store-bought scrubs that contain whitening elements. This method is only suitable if there are no signs of sunburn. Once the swelling, redness and flaking of the skin has been relieved, you can begin the skin whitening process.

There is also a wide range of cosmetics with a whitening effect on the market. These are basically creams that moisturize cells and even out the tone. You need to select the optimal whitening product, taking into account the type and characteristics of your skin.

Whitening infusions

Various herbal decoctions are applied to the face and other areas of the skin for whitening for 10 minutes. Alternatively, a piece of gauze will do.

Parsley decoction


  • 1 tbsp. l. small parsley.
  • 1 glass of hot water.

The greens are poured with hot water and boiled for about 5 minutes. The decoction is removed and infused for 20 minutes. After filtering, pour into a deep container and close with a lid. You should wipe your face with the liquid several times every day.


Well-washed and clean rice is poured with water and left to simmer until cooked, cooled and strained. The skin of the face should be wiped twice daily. You can also freeze the composition. The decoction has lightening properties.

Ice made from the juices of parsley, mint, chamomile in equal proportions, together with cucumber or lemon juice, will help whiten the skin on your face.

Why bleach your skin

Before you understand how to whiten your skin at home, you should understand the purpose of this procedure. The reasons for the deterioration of its color can be very different. As a rule, people think about lightening their skin in the following situations:

  • a large number of age spots, chloasma, freckles or lentigo, spoiling the appearance;
  • too dark tan, which creates the effect of scalded skin;
  • dark skin of the face;
  • the appearance of gray or yellow spots;
  • remaining marks from cosmetic procedures that do not go away for a long time.

All these moments greatly spoil the appearance of the face and the whole body. They make their owners think about improving the condition of their skin and making it more presentable and well-groomed in appearance.

Dairy products for whitening

Any dairy products, for example, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, will allow you to quickly and effectively brighten your complexion at home.

Kefir-honey mask


  • 2 tsp. kefir
  • 1 tsp. honey

The products are mixed into a single mass, then applied with a brush and left for 10 minutes. Then just delete it.

Egg and cottage cheese mask


  • 2 tbsp. l. soft cottage cheese.
  • 1 PC. egg yolk.
  • 2 tsp. sour cream.

Everything is mixed to a single composition without lumps. Distributed over approximately 25-30 minutes. The mask is removed in the usual way. For dull skin, it is better to combine cottage cheese with honey.

Intimate parts

Women quite often look for an answer to the question of how to whiten the skin in intimate places. Such a need may arise in connection with various situations, so there are several options for resolving them.

The most famous and effective masks are those made from white clay. They make it possible to quickly and effectively whiten the skin in intimate places at home. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that with their frequent use, the skin can dry out and undergo unpleasant changes in the form of inflammation and microcracks.

Hydrogen peroxide can also be used to lighten intimate areas, but to do this it will need to be combined with a small amount of regular running water. After soaking a piece of cotton wool with such a liquid, they need to treat the required area for half an hour. There is no need to wash it off from the affected areas in the future, since such a solution does not pose any danger to the skin.

Whitening lotions

In addition to their remarkable lightening properties, lotions can effectively eliminate oiliness.

Milk lotion


  • 3 tbsp. l. sour milk.
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon

Milk and lemon are mixed, they are indispensable for rubbing daily. The product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

Rules for using whitening face masks

Experts are constantly coming up with new effective methods to combat pigmentation and other skin problems. All methods are based on exfoliating agents, vegetable and essential oils, lactic and fruit acids.

  1. If you have an ideal complexion, then mild whitening products will not be superfluous.
  2. It is better to do the mask in the evening.
  3. It is very important to maintain the time correctly; the main thing here is not intensity, but regularity and consistency.
  4. Apply the mask to skin that has been previously cleansed of cosmetics.
  5. It is recommended to rinse off with running water, then wipe with tonic or cream.

Whatever whitening components you choose, you must remember that natural ingredients do not begin to act immediately.
Even if you do not notice results after a couple of procedures, do not be discouraged, but continue to take care. Your reward will be a well-groomed, fair face without pigmentation. Share:

Professional products

If the natural options do not suit you, then doctors can effectively whiten problem skin using iontophoresis. This is a little expensive (in Cheboksary up to 500 rubles per session, and in Moscow - up to 700), but there is a guarantee for a long-lasting effect. Validity period is about a month. Ask cosmetologists in your city how much this procedure costs in their salon. When rinsing off, avoid intense friction; it is better to wet the clay with a washcloth, and then carefully remove the remaining mask.

Often pigment spots are removed using laser peeling, but here a lot depends on the reason for their appearance. Similarly, you can use chemical peeling with fruit acids.

Professional cosmetics will also help you whiten your face. Brands Mary Kay, CS2, Negru produce entire lines for lightening the epidermis. But, of course, the required action can be carried out in the shortest possible time only if an integrated approach is used.

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