Bride Cream - a new elixir of youth or another scam? Doctors' opinions and real customer reviews

Version of the article for Russia This article is adapted for residents of Russia, the largest country in the world with the capital Moscow. All information in the article “Bride Cream - a new elixir of youth or another scam? Doctors’ opinions and real customer reviews” is provided for informational purposes only; the resource administration is not involved in sales in Russia.

Almost every woman dreams of maintaining her youth and beauty for many years. Modern creams can eliminate even deep wrinkles without surgery. But people are often confused by controversial comments. If you type “bridal cream reviews” into a search engine, we get:

  • a unique anti-wrinkle remedy;
  • another deception and scam;
  • a product that allows you to preserve the beauty and youth of your skin;
  • a common scam to defraud ordinary citizens.

Which of all this is true and what the drug actually is - read on.

Age wrinkles and how to deal with them

After 25 years, the skin begins to fade rapidly:

  • At first, the production of elastin and collagen slows down, and over time, the production of elastin and collagen stops altogether, as a result of which the first wrinkles appear;
  • after 30 years, the skin loses its elasticity, it becomes dry, dull, and the first “creases” appear in the corners of the lips, eyes and forehead;
  • at the age of 40, deep wrinkles, nasolabial folds, and “crow’s feet” in the corners of the eyes become clearly visible;
  • after 50 years, senile pigmentation, sagging, and facial ptosis are added to the listed signs.

You can stop skin aging only by properly caring for it. Everything is important here, from diet and enough rest to proper home skin care and choosing the right cream.

The best inexpensive mattifying creams

Inexpensive mattifying creams usually solve the problems of oily and combination skin locally, without having a therapeutic effect. They give the skin a matte finish and disguise large pores. However, it should be noted that most of them contain antibacterial components that dry out and disinfect inflamed areas.

4 Bielita Pure Green for combination to oily skin prone to breakouts

In the presented subgroup, the Pure Green mattifying day cream primer opens the rating.
The product was produced by the Belarusian company Belita - Vitex, which occupies a leading position in the domestic market. The cream creates the effect of perfect skin by filling all the unevenness and fixing the applied makeup. The primer contains niacinamide and green tea extract, which dry out and relieve inflammation. Wheat germ oil and macadamia glycerin nourish the skin and prevent it from drying out. In addition, the cream contains cactus extract, which saturates the skin with vitamins and microelements. The product tightens pores and masks them perfectly, and also performs a protective function.

The product is packaged in a 50 ml pink plastic jar with a screw cap. The texture of the cream is quite thick, so it is not absorbed too quickly - within a few minutes. Thanks to this consistency, consumption is very economical. The color is white, the aroma is light and quite fresh. Buyers like that after use the skin texture is visually evened out and pores become less noticeable. The product also relieves inflammation well and eliminates oily sheen.


  • Affordable price.
  • Evens out skin texture.
  • Masks large pores.
  • Relieves inflammation.


  • Quite dense texture.

Bielita Pure Green mattifying day cream primer for combination to oily skin prone to breakouts

3 ECO Laboratorie for problem and oily skin

Third place goes to mattifying face cream from the Russian manufacturer of organic cosmetics ECO Laboratorie.
The product is 97% made from natural ingredients, including dyes and preservatives. There are no parabens or silicones in the composition. Natural oils and extracts help restore the water-fat balance in the skin and eliminate unhealthy shine. In addition, the product tightens pores and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The composition includes active ingredients such as extracts of iris, honeysuckle and witch hazel, ylang-ylang essential oil, shea butter and almond.

The cream is packaged in a 50 ml plastic tube; you can also find a bottle with a dispenser. The white cream has a not too thick texture, but it is oily, so it is not absorbed too quickly. After the product settles down, there is no feeling of a film on the face, the foundation lays well on top.


  • Tightens pores, restores water-fat balance.
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • It fits well on the skin without feeling like a film on the face.
  • A good base for makeup.


  • The oily texture takes a long time to absorb.

ECO Laboratorie Mattifying face cream for problematic and oily skin

2 Librederm Seracin Mattifying Day Cream For Oily Skin Seracin

In second place in our ranking is Seracin Mattifying Day Face Cream.
The product is part of a large collection for the care of oily and problem skin, developed by the Russian cosmetic brand Librederm, known throughout the world. Seracin mattifying day cream absorbs excess oil and makes the skin velvety. Sulfur, hydroacid and zinc salt help regulate the secretion production of the sebaceous glands. They also have an antibacterial effect, preventing the development of inflammation. Burdock and grass extracts care for the skin and help restore balance in its cells.

The cream is packaged in a plastic tube with a screw cap, volume 50 ml. The consistency of the product is quite liquid, the texture is light. Many people note a specific aroma associated with the presence of sulfur and zinc in the composition. Buyers like that the cream is completely absorbed without feeling like a film on the face. After it shrinks, the skin becomes matte and velvety. This effect lasts throughout the day, without clogging the pores.


  • Keeps skin matte all day.
  • Doesn't clog pores and doesn't leave a filmy feeling on the face.
  • Quickly and completely absorbed.
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect.


  • Specific smell.

Librederm SERACIN Mattifying Day Cream For Oily Skin

1 Kora Phytocosmetics for oily and combination skin

The leader in the rating among inexpensive mattifying face creams is the product of Kora Phytocosmetics.
This Russian company produces high-quality cosmetics at an affordable price. It also includes Mattifying Day Cream for the face for oily and combination skin. It has a mattifying and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, restoring natural hydrobalance. The cream contains not only components that regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, but also moisturize the skin. Phytoextracts of yarrow, verbena, violet and sage tighten pores and fight inflammation. A natural prebiotic restores the balance of microorganisms, and natural isoquercetin is an effective antioxidant.

The product is produced in a 50 ml glass jar with a screw cap. The product has a medium density texture with a yellowish tint. The aroma is distinctly cosmetic. The cream spreads well over the face and is quickly absorbed, making it a good base for makeup. Buyers like that the product effectively moisturizes the skin, eliminates flaking, and visually evens out the skin texture. Some people note that on very oily skin, shine appears quite quickly. The cream is great for the winter period, thanks to its pronounced moisturizing.


  • Has a pronounced moisturizing effect.
  • Visually evens out skin texture.
  • It has an optimal consistency and spreads easily on the skin.
  • Suitable as winter skin care.


  • May not be suitable for very oily skin.

Kora Phytocosmetics Mattifying day cream for oily and combination skin

Anti-aging Bride Cream - an effective and affordable remedy against age wrinkles

In the fight against age-related wrinkles, it is important to constantly monitor your skin, not only visit cosmetologists, but also provide proper home care. Bride's Cream is a rejuvenating skin cream that can smooth out even deep wrinkles, even out the tone and texture of the dermis, saturate cells with moisture and beneficial elements, and eliminate cosmetic defects.

You definitely need to order Bride Anti-Wrinkle Cream if you want to get:

  • healthy and glowing skin;
  • instant lifting effect without injections or surgery;
  • elastic skin without Botox and tightening;
  • natural oval face in just 1 month.

This is a real elixir of youth with a complex effect, which provides 9 effects at once:

  • moisturizing;
  • strengthening;
  • rejuvenating;
  • smoothing;
  • nutritious;
  • protective;
  • bleaching;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • restorative.

Due to such a wide spectrum of action, the product is suitable for all skin types. This is exactly what cosmetics intended for use at home should be.

Cream composition

The secret of the effectiveness of the Bride Cream is in its recipe. The main active components were:

  • sandalwood extract - eliminates inflammation, allergic manifestations, improves skin tone, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, and has a lifting effect;
  • grape seed oil - saturates skin cells with nutrients, increases its firmness and elasticity;
  • rose oil - has a healing and disinfecting effect, deeply nourishes and cleanses the skin, smoothes out fine wrinkles;
  • sesame seeds - nourish, saturate the dermis with vitamins and minerals, regulate the production of subcutaneous fat, narrow pores;
  • European olive - softens the upper layer of the epidermis, increases the protective function, and prevents the effects of aggressive external factors;
  • white maize - stimulates the production of natural elastin and collagen, nourishes, moisturizes, saturates skin cells with nutritional components, protects from ultraviolet radiation, promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • natural peptides - prevent premature aging of cells, smooth out skin creases and folds, and relax facial muscles.

The drug also contains a biological complex of orgoderm, which well moisturizes, nourishes the dermis, soothes, smoothes wrinkles, and neutralizes the harmful effects of aggressive factors.

How does the anti-wrinkle product work?

Bride's Cream acts like sultan de saba (the famous Turkish anti-aging product), only it costs several times less. If you use the drug according to the manufacturer's instructions, you will be able to achieve amazing results in just one course:

  • cleansed facial pores;
  • absence of inflammatory manifestations;
  • saturating the skin with moisture;
  • smoothed wrinkles, including age wrinkles;
  • relaxed facial muscles;
  • even skin texture and tone;
  • tightened facial contour.

All this can be achieved due to the powerful natural stimulants included in the drug. According to reviews from real customers, Bride Cream restores skin elasticity within 10 minutes after application and gives it a radiant, rested look. To achieve a lasting effect, you must complete the full course of using the anti-aging product.

Does Bride Cream have any analogues?

If you compare Bride's Cream with pharmacy and cosmetic analogues, you will not be able to find a single drug that will be as effective, safe and affordable at the same time. The unique herbal composition has an immediate lifting effect, and with proper systemic use, the active components not only accumulate in tissues, but also trigger the production of natural collagen and elastin, which become deficient with age, which leads to loss of skin elasticity, the appearance of wrinkles and others. age-related changes. In addition, the product is 100% safe.

The famous analogue of Bride's Cream, produced in Turkey - LaSultanedeSaba - can be compared in effectiveness with this drug, but costs several tens of times more. While Bride's Cream does not contain expensive synthetic components, and therefore remains affordable for every woman who dreams of preserving her beauty and youth, be it a concubine of the Turkish Sultan, a simple girl from a Russian village or a business woman living in the megacities of Turkey or Russia.

Features of ozone cosmetics

The use of ozone in medicine is studied by ozone therapy. Skin application of ozone-containing preparations (ozone cosmetics) is one of the methods successfully used in dermato-cosmetology.

Ozone cosmetics have a low, strictly dosed content of ozone (ozonides); when applied to the skin, it does not have a toxic or damaging effect on humans, because ozone (as an active form of oxygen) upon contact with biological structures at the cellular level is neutralized by the body’s own antioxidant defense system.

100 years of experience in the use of ozone-containing preparations allows us to conclude that ozone cosmetics are effective and safe.

Cream Bride: divorce or not

When many good reviews and almost as many negative ones are written about the same product, buyers have to seriously think: is this not a scam, is it possible to make the skin young and beautiful again with the help of one cream, when wrinkles, puffiness, bags under the eyes are already appeared. What do Russian and French cosmetologists think about the Bride's Cream and its ability to rejuvenate, as well as real buyers who have personally tested its effectiveness, read on.

Why do they write on the Internet that this is another scam?

All negative reviews about the drug most often arise for the following reasons:

  1. The user purchased a fake. When you buy a certified composition, you can be sure of its quality. But often, under the guise of a good, effective remedy, unscrupulous sellers slip in a product with a dubious composition, which at best is simply useless, and at worst can also cause harm: cause negative side effects, allergic reactions, and rashes.
  2. The user bought the original Bride Cream with a high-quality composition, but used it incorrectly. The box with the product contains clear and simple instructions from the manufacturer on how to use its product to achieve the most complete and quick effect. If you do not use the cream systematically, forget to apply it to the face, do not first cleanse the pores so that the active components penetrate deep into the dermis, wrinkles will not be smoothed out, the oval of the face will not become clearer, and other cosmetic problems will not be eliminated.
  3. The manufacturer's competitors order negative comments in order to denigrate someone else's product and present their own in a better light.

In reality, Bride Cream is a high-quality certified product that really helps to prolong the beauty and youth of the skin without injections or lifts. Reviews from doctors, dermatologists, and cosmetologists are clear: Bride's Cream is not inferior in effectiveness to either Korean cosmetics, which our women have long loved, or expensive French products, or the well-known analogue la sultane de saba with the scent of roses.

What clinical studies showed

As part of a clinical study, volunteers applied Bride Cream to their faces daily for 1 month, paying special attention to problem areas. After 30 days the results were summed up:

  • 68% of women who took part in the study noted an improvement in their complexion;
  • in 72% of cases, the skin texture leveled out;
  • In 77% of women, fine wrinkles were completely smoothed out, skin elasticity and tone increased.

Every volunteer, without exception, noted that the dryness, feeling of tightness, and flaking had completely disappeared. This indicates 100% hydration. According to doctors, the absence of hormones, antibiotics, or any synthetic components in the Bride Cream recipe makes the drug unique. Among all the anti-aging products on sale, this drug is at the same time highly effective, safe, and affordable.

Detailed results of clinical studies of Bride Cream, photos can be found on the manufacturer’s official website.

How to use Bride Cream correctly

According to the manufacturer's recommendations, Bride Cream should be used daily for 1 month. First, the face should be cleaned of cosmetics, dust, and sweat. You can use any cleanser, lotion, toner. The cream is applied to clean, dry skin in a thin layer, after which it is rubbed in with light massage movements until completely absorbed. Light texture does not leave greasy marks or shine. You can use Bride Cream in the morning under any BB cream or foundation.

Who is the Bride Cream suitable for?

The manufacturer recommends using Bride Cream when the first signs of age-related skin changes or cosmetic defects appear, namely:

  • bags, dark circles under the eyes;
  • acne, skin ptosis;
  • acne;
  • excessive dry skin, flaking;
  • greasy shine;
  • unclear oval face;
  • nasolabial folds;
  • wrinkles, including facial wrinkles, crow’s feet, deep;
  • senile pigmentation;
  • dullness of the skin.

The unique composition of the product is designed to adapt to the condition and problems of the skin. First, the active components have a targeted effect, after which they improve the general condition of the skin.

Does the product have contraindications?

Thanks to its natural composition, the absence of harmful chemicals and hormones, Bride Cream has no contraindications, and it’s not a scam. The only reason why the product cannot be used is individual intolerance to any of the components, which happens extremely rarely, in 1 person out of 1000.

How not to buy a fake

The wide popularity of the anti-aging product has provoked the appearance of counterfeits on the market. When purchasing, ask the seller for a quality certificate for the product, and also pay attention to the name and appearance of the product you are purchasing. That's right - Cream of the Bride (not to be confused with la sultane de saba). Sold in a round white and gold jar, with a gold lid, volume 50 ml. The name on the jar is Bride's Cream (not Sultan de Saba or anything else), as well as a brief description of the problems that the product solves.

If you want to purchase the original Bride Cream without deception, order on the manufacturer’s website or from official dealers. At the moment, Bride's Cream is not sold in regular pharmacies and cosmetics stores, including in Moscow. This is a deliberate step by the manufacturer to keep the cost of its product at an affordable level.


OZODERMIS: cream with ozonides 3% - restores damaged skin (1 tube 80 ml)800 ₽
OZODERMIS: cream with ozonides 5% - restores damaged skin (1 tube 50 ml)750 ₽
OZODERMIS: cream with ozonides 10% - restores damaged skin (1 tube 30 ml)700 ₽
OZODERMIS: foot cream with ozonides 12.5% ​​- ozone treatment and ozone care1100 ₽
OZODERMIS: hair and scalp mask with ozonides 10% - ozone treatment and ozone care1150 ₽
OZONE CREAM: hair mask - ozone growth activator, PV 500 (vacuum bottle 150 ml)2000 ₽
OZONE CREAM: ozone face cream - ozone express care, day cream, PV 500 (50 ml)2200 ₽
OZONE CREAM: ozone face cream - ozone relaxation, night cream, PV 500 (50 ml)2200 ₽
OTRI 6000: ozonated olive oil (25 ml)400 ₽
OTRI 12000: ozonated olive oil (25 ml)450 ₽
OzoneBeauty ®: anti-cellulite massage cream with ozone – PV 30002700 ₽

Where to find Bride Cream of guaranteed quality

To order the original Bride Cream at an affordable price, follow just 3 simple steps:

  • fill out the online application, indicating your name and contact phone number;
  • receive a call from a specialist;
  • agree on the delivery address.

When purchasing Bride Cream on our website, you can be sure of the quality of the product. We are ready to place your order and ship the anti-aging product today. To do this, fill out a short form and wait for a call from our employee. Delivery is carried out in Moscow and all regions of the country.

Composition of ozone cosmetics

The main active ingredient is ozone and ozonides. They provide the excellent care and healing properties of ozone cosmetics. It can also be said that in the manufacture of creams, water with special properties (small molecular structure) is used, which allows ozonides to act at the cellular level. All other ingredients play an important but auxiliary role: they create an “environment” in which ozonides “live” until the moment of use, they maintain the stability and consumer properties of the drugs.

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