What Tatyana Denisova looks like after plastic surgery

Choreographer Tatyana Denisova has built a stunning career at the age of 40. A bright and spectacular woman, the director of a dance school and her own troupe. The public is more concerned not about her successes, but about her appearance. At first glance, this naturally beautiful woman has not changed much over the years. But when comparing what Tatyana Denisova looks like before and after plastic surgery, it is noticeable that there was a correction. According to the public, she has had a lot of plastic surgery.


Tatyana was born at the end of winter 1981 in Russia in the Kaliningrad region. Dad was a naval employee, and mother was a kindergarten teacher. Soon after her birth, the family was forced to move to Sevastopol due to her father’s work. At the age of 5, the girl began doing rhythmic gymnastics. Over five years of study, she achieved stunning results and won the hearts of the public. She was predicted to have a successful sports career.

At the age of ten, after a heart failure, the girl left sports and became interested in dancing. Parents supported their daughter's new hobby. From that moment on, she began attending classical choreography classes at a dance studio. She honed her modern dance technique from Madonna's video clips. The girl had no friends. Because while other children were busy playing, she was dancing.

After school, Tanya entered the Choreography School named after. A. Ya. Vaganova in Leningrad. There were thirty people per seat. Denisova successfully passed the entrance exams, but due to family circumstances she never graduated from college.

Later she entered KNUKIA in Kyiv. At the age of 21, she performed on the big stage with her own ballet. She was engaged in teaching and taught students at the Variety and Circus College.

In 2004, at the invitation of the German impresario, Denisova moved to Cologne with her ballet “JB”, where she headed a dance troupe. She toured all over the world for a long time. At the age of 27, Tatyana decides to end her dancing career and devote herself to the work of a choreographer. The woman made the right choice when choosing choreography. Her ballet continues to operate in Germany and is recognized throughout the world.

Upon returning home, she was offered to become a jury member in the dance show “Everybody Dance.” After success on Ukrainian television, the choreographer was invited to the “Dancing” show on TNT, where she currently works.

Here is a recording of one of the last episodes of the show:

She also continues to personally stage the repertoire for the JB ballet troupe, and for this she travels to Germany every year. Her ballet employs participants from the “Dancing” show.


After graduating from the Sevastopol school, Tatyana entered the then legendary Leningrad Choreographic School named after Agrippina Vaganova. The competition was huge - 30 people per place. Nevertheless, the young Ukrainian dancer was able to pass it. Ideal body proportions and incredible hard work helped Tatyana study very well and attract the attention of teachers. But, unfortunately, she never managed to graduate from this university - due to family circumstances, she had to return to her homeland. The biography of Tatyana Denisova takes an unexpected turn.

The girl graduated from the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts with honors. But even there she managed to stand out and prove herself - at the age of 21 she organized her own dance group, where she simultaneously danced and choreographed numbers. The team successfully performed at various city festivals and intra-university events.

Personal life

A woman’s temperament also manifests itself in relationships with men. She is intolerant of her partners and does not turn a blind eye to their shortcomings. Proud, strong and confident, Denisova easily charms the people around her. But only a handsome man with a good sense of humor can win her heart.

Tatyana's first husband was the acrobat Ilya Stakhov, whom she met while working in Germany. In this marriage she had a son, Lev. Their relationship did not pass the test of the touring life of both spouses. They divorced, but were able to maintain warm friendly relations.

Tatiana’s second husband was Alexander Krivoshapko. They met on the TV show “The X Factor,” where the woman was a judge and the young man was a participant. The new chosen one was 12 years younger than Denisova. This relationship was full of scandals and high-profile breakups. Soon after registering the marriage, the couple officially divorced. The breakup was painful for both spouses. After the divorce, the ex-spouses do not communicate.

After breaking up with her second husband, Tatyana Denisova decided not to advertise her personal life anymore. Therefore, her fans can only guess whether their favorite’s heart is free or not. In November 2022, the woman reported that her third marriage was in the past.

How the figure of the mentor of the show “Dancing” has changed

Tatyana Denisova has a graceful figure that suits any outfit perfectly.

Tatyana Denisova has model figure parameters

The choreographer loves creative experiments: she spent one of the photo sessions in the shower, and another while swimming in the lake, where she appeared naked in the spray of water.

Tatyana Denisova in stage costume

Plastic surgery

Tatiana's stunning appearance and youthful skin is not only a woman's good genetics. There is no reliable information about surgical intervention. According to experts, she underwent several plastic surgeries. Because choreographer Denisova has changed a lot in appearance after plastic surgery. The choreographer looks much younger than her peers at the same age. Salon cosmetic procedures alone are not enough to get rid of age-related changes on the skin.

Denisova's fans come to her defense. In their opinion, the woman did not resort to plastic surgery, and the secret of her youth lies in proper makeup. Permanent makeup made her lips more expressive, and highlighting certain areas visually made her nose smaller.

The rumors about plastic surgery are confirmed by Tatyana’s sudden lull in the spring of 2017 on social networks. After she posted a new photo online, fans noticed how much the choreographer’s appearance had changed. It was this situation that fueled rumors about plastic surgery.

If we compare the last photo with earlier photographs, the changes in Tatyana’s appearance are obvious. It is noticeable that in my youth my cheekbones and nose were fuller. In photo 2022, the oval of the face has become more refined. The most controversial procedure is nose surgery. The star denies its existence. In her youth, her nose was quite large with a forked tip. When smiling, it seemed as if the tip of the nose was resting on the lip. In the latest photographs, the nose began to look more neat: the back narrowed, the tip became smaller and shorter and rose slightly upward. After rhinoplasty, Denisova’s face began to look more harmonious.

The volume of the choreographer's lips causes a lot of controversy. This sensual shape can be achieved by contouring with hyaluronic fillers. Early photographs of Denisova show that her lips were thin and gave her face excessive severity. The final touch to changing the woman’s appearance was the removal of Bish’s lumps.

Every young girl can envy the choreographer’s slender and fit figure. Tatyana looks perfect in any outfit. In the photographs where she is photographed naked, not a single flaw is visible on her body. In an interview, the woman talks about how every woman can look the same. According to her, the secret of her beauty and youth lies in self-love, proper nutrition, an active lifestyle and regular exercise. But skeptics do not believe her words and accuse her of lying. They claim that Denisova had breast surgery. Therefore, she can afford to wear revealing outfits with a deep neckline.

Everybody dance!

And in 2009, Tatyana accepted a tempting offer and became a member of the jury in the top-rated Ukrainian show “Everybody Dance!” The talented dancer not only judged the participants along with Vlad Yama, Alexey Litvinov and Francisco Gomez, but also managed to choreograph numbers for the most promising participants in the television project. She mainly specialized in the Broadway and Disco areas.

In Tatyana Denisova’s personal biography, this period marked the beginning of her television career. For many years she was a permanent member of the jury in this program; in addition to her, honored choreographers Radu Poklitaru and Konstantin Tomilchenko appeared there. From the second to the final ninth season, Tatyana did not leave the project and truly became its symbol. Only Vlad Yama lasted one season longer than Tatiana.

Tatyana Denisova now

The woman continues to hide information about her personal life. Fans are not satisfied with ignorance, and they themselves attribute new novels to her. She was credited with a relationship with fellow dancer Radu Poklitaru. Later, rumors appeared about pregnancy from Garik Rudnik. After some time, the information was not confirmed. Lev remains the only child and often accompanies his mother on film sets. But due to excessive busyness, Denisova had to shift the upbringing of her son to her mother. The choreographer herself admits that she would like to have another child.

In August 2022, Tatyana was hospitalized with a suspected stroke. The diagnosis was not confirmed, and the choreographer quickly returned to the “Dancing” show on TNT.

The woman regularly posts new photos on her Instagram page. They show that Tatyana Denisova looks gorgeous before and after plastic surgery. Therefore, we can only hope that the choreographer will continue to delight his fans with talented performances and beauty.

How Tatyana Denisova dances: contemporary, Broadway, dance, twerk - the “universal soldier” of the dance floor

One can argue for a long time about the naturalness or artificiality of Tatyana Denisova’s external data. But the fact that she is an incredibly beautiful, creative and talented woman is an indisputable fact. She is often called the "Queen of Dance" and considers herself a "universal soldier."

She can perform almost any dance style; there are no barriers for her in the world of dance. The scope of her talent is amazing - she successfully copes with the most difficult classical dance steps and is not afraid to experiment with the latest dance styles. But she has her favorites - disco and Broadway. The choreographer can open up fully in them and invest all his creative energy.

Labor and creativity - the formula for success of Tatyana Denisova

Tatyana Denisova has been accustomed to selflessly working on her image since childhood. While still a very young girl, she endured the strict and grueling schedule of dance school with steadfastness and dignity. At the same time, she came up with productions herself, sewed costumes and edited musical compositions when there was no computer processing of music, and cassette or reel-to-reel tape recorders were available.

The new image of Tatyana Denisova has caused a lot of controversy, but her talent and determination leave no doubt. She dances beautifully and puts on stylish and complex performances. At the same time, despite his busy schedule, he manages to find time for his beloved son, Leo.

No matter how vigorously the question under the heading “Tatyana Denisova - photos before and after plastic surgery” is discussed on social networks, this wonderful choreographer always remains a style icon in the dance world. She keeps up with the times, constantly masters new directions in dance, always keeps herself in good shape and remains a professional in her field.

In conclusion, we suggest watching a video selection about the life and work of Tatyana Denisova.

Dancing on TNT

A new milestone in Tatyana’s career was her invitation to the jury of the famous Russian television project “Dancing,” broadcast on the TNT channel. Along with Denisova, the creative performances of the participants were invited to evaluate the famous dancer Philip Chibiba, who is better known as Pacman, the star of the Mikhailovsky Theater ballet Ivan Vasiliev and the soloist of the Bolshoi Theater ballet Kristina Kretova.

After Yegor Druzhinin’s project left the jury in 2022, his place was taken by Tatyana Denisova, whose biography and personal life are now of interest to many. The Ukrainian woman’s principal rival in the project was the famous showman and dancer Miguel, who has been producing productions since the very beginning of “Dancing.” Last August, mentors began holding all-Russian castings and selecting future participants.

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