Tatyana Denisova before and after plastic surgery. Hot photos, biography

Tatyana Denisova is a young and purposeful choreographer and teacher who, while still a student, founded her own ballet troupe, JB ballet. The dark-haired beauty, famous for her work both in Russia and abroad, who provoked an entire Instagram scandal after the appearance of her photos before and after plastic surgery, and the mentor of “Dancing” became a role model, and her bright career was a symbol of unprecedented perseverance and hard work.

Brief biography and personal life

Tatyana Denisova (photos before and after plastic surgery are shown below in the article) was born in February 1981 in the westernmost part of Russia, the city of Kaliningrad, into the family of a sailor and a teacher. At the age of 2, little Tanya moved with her parents to Sevastopol, where first, at the request of her parents, she began attending the rhythmic gymnastics section, and from the age of 10 she changed it to classical dancing.

Carried away by her classes, Tatyana diligently trained modern dance movements at home, and learned the basics of classical steps during classes in the studio. Deciding to continue her studies, the girl entered the Academic Choreographic School named after the Order of Lenin and the Red Banner, beating out three dozen other talented applicants at the entrance competition.

After completing her studies, Tatyana returned to Ukraine, where she became a student at the Kyiv National Institute of Culture and Arts, and also continued working with her dance group, created in her teenage years.

Having become a university graduate, Denisova begins to work with the Kyiv ballet, while simultaneously holding the position of teacher in one of the departments at the Kiev Variety and Circus College, when foreign experts pay attention to her work. A talented choreographer is invited to work in Germany, where Tatyana becomes the director of JB ballet, made up entirely of Ukrainian dancers.

In 2009, Denisova appeared on television as a judge on the “Everybody Dance” project. Working on Ukrainian television until 2016, the choreographer took part in all 9 seasons of the project, becoming its permanent judge. In the same year, after the show closed, Denisova was offered to change country and job, becoming a mentor for the show “Dancing”, which aired on TNT.

Replacing Yegor Druzhinin, who left the project, Denisova presented herself as a bright and tough mentor, working only with the strongest and brightest dancers. From the very first seasons, the Ukrainian specialist began to be accused of biased judging, as well as the fact that Tatyana gives places not to talented, but to attractive-looking contestants. A negative reaction from the audience was also caused by the departure of everyone’s favorite Druzhinin, for which Denisova was blamed, albeit undeservedly.

Until 2022, Tatyana was part of the “Dances” team, where she not only worked with students, but also demonstrated her own dancing skills. At the end of the same year, the project expanded its geography and returned Yegor to the number of mentors. In 2022, the creators of the show announced the start of the final season. Tatyana Denisova does not like to talk about her personal life, noting that many memories cause her great pain.

It is known that the choreographer’s first husband was aerial acrobat Ilya Strakhov, with whom Denisova gave birth to a son, Lev, in 2009. Soon after the birth of the child, the couple separated, and in 2011 the “Dancing” star entered into a relationship with Alexander Krivoshapko.

Tatyana Denisova, photo with Alexander Krivoshapko.

Despite the significant 12-year age difference, Tatyana and Alexander were very happy together, and even entered into a legal marriage. Unfortunately, the official registration of the relationship could not guarantee family well-being, and the future life of the spouses looked more like a “minefield” rather than a “safe haven.” In the fall of 2012, the couple broke up, and Tatyana plunged into deep depression.

During the 9th season of “Dancing,” Denisova was credited with an affair with her colleague Radu Poklitaru, but the rumors were not confirmed by either party, and the choreographer became more attentive to the gossip surrounding her personal life.

In 2022, Tatyana was suspected of being pregnant. This time she was credited with an affair with Garik Rudnik, but the rumors were again not confirmed.

What happened to Tatyana Denisova and what she looks like now: photo

After the closure of the Ukrainian project “Everybody Dance!” Tatyana Denisova became a mentor and choreographer for the fourth season of the Russian show project “Dancing” on the TNT channel. However, in 2022, she began to have serious health problems. The dancer was hospitalized with a threatening diagnosis - a suspected stroke.

“38 years old, friends... Yesterday I almost had a stroke. A note exclusively about health and self-love. There is no need to sympathize,” Tatyana Denisova wrote sharply then, adding profanity.

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Tatyana Denisova was hospitalized

Immediately after discharge, the choreographer returned to work. Her ward even became the winner of the 5th season of the “Dancing!” project. Now Tatyana Denisova is preparing for the new season of the dance show and is successfully leading the JB ballet dance group. She began to pay more attention to her health and rest.

And although the dancer rarely appears on social networks, sometimes new pictures appear on her Instagram page. Look what Tatyana Denisova looks like after her illness:

What Tatyana Denisova looks like now: photo

Let us remind you that we previously wrote about how Tatyana Denisova’s former colleague on the project “Everybody Dance!” Vlad Yama brought out his beautiful wife.

Watch the video on the topic:

Let us remember that Potap previously hinted that he and Kamensky would have a child. He posted a short video from his meeting with Sergei Babkin on his official Instagram page. The artists greeted each other backstage and exchanged several warm and friendly phrases. Alexey congratulated Sergei on the birth of his son Elisha and shared his own thoughts about fatherhood.

Also read Clutch’s exclusive material about the new host of the 10th season of the vocal show “X Factor” Dasha Tregubova. She shared with us her secrets of recovery after a day of filming on the project and told us how this work affects her body as a whole.

“A big and strong man comes to my house for 1.5 hours,” says the star. The continuation of the fascinating story was told by the stars via the link.

Note that Dasha Tregubova is a famous Ukrainian actress and TV presenter. She has enormous experience, because for several years she has been involved in many other projects of the TV channel. In particular, Tregubova acted as a permanent expert on the “Everything Will Be Good” and “Battle of Psychics” programs. In 2017, she hosted the popular show “This Moment One Year Later.”

More interesting materials can be read at.

Appearance and figure parameters

Tatyana Denisova (before and after plastic surgery, photographs of the choreographer show changes in the shape of the nose) is known for her bright appearance, unapologetic character and shocking antics, which made the luxurious brunette one of the most “scary” judges of the dance project.

Figure parameters:

Height165 cm
Weight48 kg
Chest – waist – hips88-60-87
Bust volume90V
Bust size2
Clothing size42-44
Shoe size38
Hair colorBlack (natural – dark blond)
Eye colorGrey
NationalityUkrainian (born in Russia)
Appearance typeEuropean

New heights in art

Creative activity in Kyiv began with working on ballet and teaching choreography (ballet) in college. Already at this stage, the girl’s talent was noticed. Tatyana moved to Germany at the suggestion of one of the foreign agents and transported the group. Today her team performs abroad, impressing the world community with their talent, training and beauty. In addition, she works on various shows - television and circus in different European countries.

In addition, the TV presenter also works in Ukraine, hosting a dance show and helping participants learn and improve their skills. She is engaged in similar activities in Russia.

From numerous interviews, fans of the star learned that her favorite styles include “disco” and “Broadway”. She loves classic rock bands (Queen) and famous pop masters (Elton John), focuses on famous world dancers and is prone to various kinds of experiments in art and choreography.


Tatyana Denisova (before and after plastic surgery photos indicate the painstaking work done by the choreographer on her face) is one of the secretive people who advocate an active lifestyle and giving up bad habits, but the star of “Dancing” herself prefers to entrust the sculpting of her face to professionals.

Tatyana, who did not comment on changes in her appearance when comparing photographs taken in early periods, was suspected of undergoing plastic correction.

So, according to experts, choreographers accomplished:

  • rhinoplasty, which allowed her to narrow the slightly wide bridge of her nose and acquire a more elegant respiratory organ;
  • removal of Bish's lumps, which sharpened the cheekbones and gave the face refined, graceful contours;
  • lip shape correction with hyaluronic fillers.

Tatyana's fans persistently advocate the wonders of contouring and the play of light, promoting the natural beauty of the idol, but plastic surgeons do not agree with them, arguing that although light and makeup can turn even a round face into a sophisticated oval, Denisova often appears in photographs without makeup , and her thin nose and full lips do not disappear anywhere.

The photo shows that an additional line has formed around the choreographer’s lips, completely unlike a pencil and smoothly connecting to the skin, which invariably happens when using hyaluronic fillers. Tatyana herself does not comment on rumors about her appearance, considering it beneath her dignity to answer ridiculous questions from journalists, and at the same time stirring up interest in her person.

How Tatyana Denisova's face changed

The girl's nose causes the most controversy. In the photo in her youth, Tatyana Denisova has a rather large nose with a “fleshy”, even forked, tip. Another characteristic feature is the relatively small distance between the base of the nose and the outer contour of the upper lip - this catches the eye when our heroine smiles (the tip of the nose literally “lies” on the lip). Some of the choreographer’s fans believe that the organ of smell has not changed at all and has retained its natural proportions, but many are confident in rhinoplasty.

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This was Tatyana Denisova in her youth

Having compared the photos of Tatyana Denisova before and after the proposed operation, we find that her nose began to look more graceful. Its back clearly narrowed, and the tip decreased in volume and rose slightly (just a little, but this was enough for the distance between the upper lip and the base of the nose to visually increase). With a “new” nose, Tatyana Denisova’s graceful face has become more harmonious.

Tatyana before and after plastic surgery?

Appearance after plastic surgery

Photos taken before and after plastic surgery by Tatyana Denisova clearly demonstrate serious changes in her appearance.

The positive effect of the operations remains undoubted, turning the famous choreographer into a luxurious woman who looks at most 25 years old, although Tatyana has almost reached the 40-year mark.


In February 1981, Tatyana Viktorovna Denisova was born into the family of a sailor and a teacher. When she was 2 years old, the family moved to Sevastopol, where Tanya’s father was offered an interesting job.

The dance biography of Tatyana Denisova began here. Initially, she was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, but after the first number to the song of Alla Pugacheva, her parents seriously thought about sending their daughter to a dance club.

Young Tanya began practicing choreography professionally at the age of 10. In class, she studied classical and ballet dance techniques, and when she came home, she enthusiastically repeated the movements of the then youth idols - Britney Spears and Madonna.

Beauty secrets

Tatyana Denisova (before and after plastic surgery, photographs of the choreographer became a successful PR stunt that caused an entire Instagram scandal) authoritatively believes that any woman can look stunning if she puts some effort into it.

The choreographer is sure that the secret of beauty is to love and be loved, not to eat junk food, to lead an active lifestyle and to play sports at least 2 times a week.

Skin care

Considered one of the most beautiful women in Russian show business, Tatyana Denisova carefully takes care of the beauty and health of her skin. The choreographer’s professional care includes masks, peelings and cleansing, as well as mandatory six-month courses of biorevitalization and mesotherapy, which nourish tissues with vitamins and prevent early aging.

Laser resurfacing helps Tatyana hide visible skin unevenness, small pimples and activate collagen production, smoothing out tissue and removing the stratum corneum. To prevent age-related changes, Denisova also practices botulinum toxin injections, but tries not to abuse the drugs, injecting them into the forehead and nasolabial triangle.

Another secret of Denisova’s ideal figure is the obligatory seaweed wrap and lymphatic drainage massage, which shapes the contours of the body and removes excess water from the body.

For self-care, Tatyana uses serum and cream with hyaluronic acid, applied every day before going to bed, as well as masks with gold threads, which quickly tone tissues and relieve puffiness. As a lover of tanned skin, Denisova cannot imagine her life without bronzer and self-tanning cream, but she tries to refrain from visiting the solarium, fearing that such procedures, in addition to the chocolate tint, will provoke the early appearance of wrinkles.


The most important thing in nutrition for Tatyana Denisova is a minimal mix of products when preparing a dish and a clearly defined composition of the food. The choreographer’s favorite cuisine is Soviet, since Denisova does not share Russian and Ukrainian cuisine, and the taste of borscht, mashed potatoes, cutlets or fried chicken reminds her of her mother and childhood.

For herself, the choreographer chose dietary, low-calorie, kosher food, prepared from natural products with a minimum amount of spices. Porridge in the morning, low-fat broth soup for lunch and a piece of chicken or fish with salad for dinner - this is the diet that Denisova became addicted to in her youth.

All food consumed by Tatyana must be steamed, baked or even fried with a minimum amount of oil and must have a clearly defined composition of one, maximum two components. As for drinks, Denisova prefers plain water, natural fresh juices and green tea with milk, and always starts her morning with a cup of coffee.

Tatyana does not drink packaged juices and carbonated drinks, trying to limit the amount of carbohydrates in her diet. According to Denisova, when visiting different countries, she tries to choose restaurants with high-quality and tasty cuisine and once she likes the establishment she never changes. So in Germany, the choreographer became addicted to mussel soup in tomato sauce and wine, seasoned with garlic.

Tatyana does not like exotic cuisine, noting that she has also tried frog legs, but was not delighted with such food. Various delights, according to Denisova, are alien to the Russian mentality, like the desire to eat a dog.


Choreography and dancing for Tatyana Denisova is not only work, but also life, to which she tries to devote every free minute. In addition to dance movements, the choreographer must visit the gym 3 times a week, where he actively exercises on cardio equipment and conducts strength training, and also swims in the pool. Tatyana also calls the secret of her beauty an active lifestyle that does not allow her to relax and “become fat.”

The star of dance show business also has her own set of exercises for the beauty and slimness of her legs, which she developed for herself immediately after giving birth, subsequently posting it on her Instagram page. Tatyana is sure that by following a special program, within a week you can notice significant changes, and in a month your legs will take on an incredibly slender and toned appearance.

Plastic surgery

Tatiana's stunning appearance and youthful skin is not only a woman's good genetics. There is no reliable information about surgical intervention. According to experts, she underwent several plastic surgeries. Because choreographer Denisova has changed a lot in appearance after plastic surgery. The choreographer looks much younger than her peers at the same age. Salon cosmetic procedures alone are not enough to get rid of age-related changes on the skin.

Denisova's fans come to her defense. In their opinion, the woman did not resort to plastic surgery, and the secret of her youth lies in proper makeup. Permanent makeup made her lips more expressive, and highlighting certain areas visually made her nose smaller.

The rumors about plastic surgery are confirmed by Tatyana’s sudden lull in the spring of 2017 on social networks. After she posted a new photo online, fans noticed how much the choreographer’s appearance had changed. It was this situation that fueled rumors about plastic surgery.

If we compare the last photo with earlier photographs, the changes in Tatyana’s appearance are obvious. It is noticeable that in my youth my cheekbones and nose were fuller. In photo 2022, the oval of the face has become more refined. The most controversial procedure is nose surgery. The star denies its existence. In her youth, her nose was quite large with a forked tip. When smiling, it seemed as if the tip of the nose was resting on the lip. In the latest photographs, the nose began to look more neat: the back narrowed, the tip became smaller and shorter and rose slightly upward. After rhinoplasty, Denisova’s face began to look more harmonious.

The volume of the choreographer's lips causes a lot of controversy. This sensual shape can be achieved by contouring with hyaluronic fillers. Early photographs of Denisova show that her lips were thin and gave her face excessive severity. The final touch to changing the woman’s appearance was the removal of Bish’s lumps.

Every young girl can envy the choreographer’s slender and fit figure. Tatyana looks perfect in any outfit. In the photographs where she is photographed naked, not a single flaw is visible on her body. In an interview, the woman talks about how every woman can look the same. According to her, the secret of her beauty and youth lies in self-love, proper nutrition, an active lifestyle and regular exercise. But skeptics do not believe her words and accuse her of lying. They claim that Denisova had breast surgery. Therefore, she can afford to wear revealing outfits with a deep neckline.

Photo sessions

Tatyana Denisova is known on the Russian stage for her outrageousness and amazing combination of extravagant, provocative audacity and fragility included in every dance movement. The talented and unprincipled choreographer, who loves to provoke the public, conducted a provocative photo shoot in 2019 against the backdrop of a helicopter, openly showing off her beautiful, slender body in a provocative “naked” outfit.

Provocativeness is the middle name of Tatyana, who in 2015 surprised her fans with the appearance of completely naked photographs in the water. The choreographer argued her decision to go naked by saying that a woman is able to understand and accept her body only by completely undressing in front of the mirror and the world. Thus, having taken off all her clothes, Tatyana, according to her, encouraged herself to work on her body, and also cultivated looseness and freedom in herself.

The choreographer’s Instagram is a huge collection of various video blogs and stories telling about the activities and personal achievements of the dance show star. There is also a huge number of provocative photographs of Tatyana, taken both independently and for the purposes of another PR campaign.


At the end of last year, a new photo appeared on Denisova’s social networks, where she was without makeup and in a hospital bed. As the dancer herself admitted, it was almost a stroke due to extreme fatigue. More precise details of her diagnosis remained behind the scenes, but the celebrity did not look very good.

About the personal life and children of Denis Matrosov.

In addition, the girl published a touching video in which she asked everyone for forgiveness for her bad character. This scared the fans even more. Today everything is fine with her, she continues to work as part of the large-scale project “Dancing” on TNT.

Achievements and interesting facts

Tatyana Denisova, who earned the nickname of the most unprincipled mentor of “Dances,” became widely known not only in her homeland, but also abroad, as a talented director and choreographer of many dance and circus European show programs.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Tatyana draws inspiration for her work from the compositions of Queen, Elton John, Bon Jovi, Nickelback, Guns'n'Roses, as well as the work of dance masters Cyd Charisse, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Rudolf Nureyev, Karina Smirnoff, Slavik Kriklivy.
  2. Denisova has not performed as a dancer for a long time, preferring to be a show director and evaluate her work from the audience. Tatyana is sure that in order to become a dance star, talent alone is not enough, you also need to have certain skills in controlling your own body, without which an impressive result is unlikely to be achieved.
  3. Denisova is periodically compared to Yegor Druzhinin, and is also accused of his removal from the post of mentor of “Dancing”. In fact, there is nothing similar between the choreographers, both in their biography and in the principles of work; moreover, Yegor left the project for reasons beyond his control, and Tatyana is completely innocent of the fact that she was invited to take an already vacant place.

  4. Denisova chose the phrase as her life credo: “You can only count on yourself,” and over time she developed a strong immunity to any aggression.
  5. The choreographer has a tattoo on his body, made in 2011 as a sign of love for her second husband. Later, Tatyana’s wife called the date of birth stamped on her hand a mistake, since everything passes and you should not leave any phrases, words or dates on your body.
  6. Tatyana calls herself a “universal soldier,” noting that for her there are no barriers in dance style. In her work, she is not afraid to mix classical elements with the latest dance styles, but, like any master, she has her favorites. For Denisova, disco and Broadway are her trump cards, helping her to fully open up and show all the facets of her skills.
  7. In the show “Dancing,” the choreographer is known for her demanding nature, and not all dancers agree to work. Her students often groan during training, but outside the set they are friends with their mentor, noting his professionalism.
  8. Tatyana Denisova is a talented dancer and choreographer, the permanent mentor of the “Dancing” show, known for her strong, unprincipled character and love for entertainment and shocking. The beautiful Ukrainian, who has achieved enormous success in her short dancing career, and who, with one photo on Instagram, has caused divisions into supporters and opponents of plastic surgery, works only with the strongest dancers, each time introducing something new, bright and completely different from her previous movements into the program.


  1. It is difficult to suspect strength and steel of character in this beautiful, petite woman. She seems fragile and tender, and few can see behind this deceptive image the perseverance and enormous will to win.
  2. During her short career, Tatyana has achieved enormous success. Having created her own dance group while still a student, she conquered Ukraine. She danced herself and was a choreographer.
  3. Her choreography is not suitable for everyone, only strong dancers. Each time she brings something new into the production that distinguishes her dances from others. She is strict and demanding of dancers, but outside of work she is friends with many of them.


In 2022, Tatyana Denisova’s only son, Lev, will turn 10 years old. He goes to school, plays football, studies serious music, and plays the piano. Becoming a great musician is not part of his plans, but he would like to dance professionally. His mother considers Levushka a cheerful and positive child and would like him to receive a Western education, which she considers more fundamental. When asked if she has any more children, the choreographer replies that maybe they will appear in the future.

Why is rhinoplasty needed?

Of course, waiting for the operation is exciting, and the state after it cannot be called pleasant. So why do people agree to suffer?

  • to fix the nose after an injury;
  • to get rid of complexes;
  • to breathe freely;
  • to get the role you have long dreamed of;
  • to feel attractive.

Looking at photographs of Tatyana Denisova, it is impossible to say for sure whether Tatyana had a nose job. This woman is not deprived of beauty, so why improve what is already beautiful?

Tatyana herself neither confirmed nor denied the rumors that appeared. However, Tatyana Denisova is an original person. She loves to surprise the public, which maintains constant interest in herself. Let this question remain a secret to everyone. Each person has the right to decide for himself how and what is best for him to do.

Dance show on TNT season 5

This season of the competition, the choreographer took on the role of a mentor. Her team to the song “Forget-Me-Not” in the final caused a flurry of emotions from the audience. The dance mixed twerk, voguing and even tectonics. It was powerful, fun and youthfully mischievous. Before the dance began, the jury members were clearly unhappy when forget-me-not crowns were placed on their heads, but at the end of the performance the judges were impressed by the performance. Miguel admitted that for the first time at the competition he had a genuine interest in choosing the winner.

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