Donald Trump prefers Slavic women: What Trump’s first wife looked like in her youth and what she is like now at 71

Some biographical facts

The famous Ivanka Marie Trump was born on October 30, 1981 in the family of Donald Trump and his first wife, Czech model Ivana Zelnichkova. The first wife gave birth to two more sons for the future president.

Childhood and studies

Ivana Marie Zelnichkova was born on February 20, 1949 in the town of Gottwald (now Zlín) in the Republic of Czechoslovakia. From an early age she showed great ambitions, alien to the simple family of an engineer. Her parents noticed the girl’s ability for athletics and her desire to be the first in everything. In order to direct them in a peaceful direction, they sent Ivan to the sports section. The little girl skied confidently, and at the age of 6 she won her first victory in the competition.

At the age of 12, Ivana entered a sports boarding school. Its squalid surroundings and harsh conditions, worthy of a military academy, greatly strengthened the girl’s character. As a teenager, Ivana competed in tournaments throughout Europe. In 1967 she entered the Faculty of Education at Charles University in Prague. This did not stop her from continuing to ski. She once stated that she was selected as an alternate for her country's ski team at the 1972 Olympics. This statement has nevertheless been questioned due to its legitimacy. After graduating from university, Ivana received a master's degree in physical education.

Charles University, where the future businesswoman, writer and wife of Donald Trump received her higher education

Daughter of the US President

Since childhood, Ivanka has been accustomed to a luxurious life. Famous parents tried to ensure that the girl did not grow up spoiled, but was able to realize her own potential. The head of the family made sure that his daughter received the best education.

The girl first studied at a privileged closed school, and then entered Choate Rosemary Hall College. After graduation, Ivanka Trump continued her studies at Georgetown University, but two years later transferred to the University of Pennsylvania. After graduating with honors in 2004, she was awarded a bachelor's degree in economics.

Meeting with Donald Trump

In the end, the modeling business brought Ivana to the USA. She moved to New York in 1976. Almost immediately after this, the model had a fateful meeting with Donald Trump. Ivana talks about her with humor. That evening she came with friends to a fashionable establishment in the capital. There were no free tables. A tall, blue-eyed, blond man volunteered to help the company. The model then told her friends that this coin has two sides. Yes, they will now be seated at a table, but they will have to sit with this guy. To the girl's surprise, the gallant stranger did not join them. After paying the company's bill, he waited outside in his limousine to take everyone home. Perhaps this behavior won the heart of Ivana Trump. They started dating. A year and a half later, the romance resulted in a luxurious wedding.

Model career

A young beauty from a famous family decided to start a career as a fashion model in 1997. Her first professional photos appeared in Seventeen magazine. After a successful debut in glossy magazine, Ivanka Trump began to receive many offers from representatives of other famous publications.

Having matured, the girl decided that the modeling business in her life should fade into the background. She began to learn the basics of business and tried herself as a writer. Her first book, which was published in 2009, was on the business bestseller list for several months.

Lady in Red


This photo is the most striking example of poor clothing choices by a politician's daughter. This photo was taken during Trump's election campaign. In it, Ivanka looks quite formal... except that she didn’t calculate the transparency of the fabric. The next day, it seems, the entire American yellow press was discussing this dress. Failure, nothing to say!

A television

The girl’s talents manifested themselves in different areas. In 2006, the daughter of the future president appeared on screen as a participant in the popular reality show “The Apprentice,” produced by Donald Trump. She managed to stay in the project for six issues.

After her debut on television, Ivanka became in demand in this environment. She began to be invited to various television shows not only as a participant, but also as a presenter.

Ivanka Trump now

During the nationwide quarantine imposed by the US presidential administration amid the coronavirus pandemic, Ivanka, along with her husband and children, broke self-isolation to travel to New Jersey to celebrate the Jewish Passover. Accusations of hypocrisy and double standards rained down on the presidential assistant, since earlier Trump herself had called for refraining from contacts.

In 2022, Ivanka actively participated in her father's election race. Thanks to organizing a fundraiser, she managed to collect more than $35 million. Thus, the assistant to the current US President broke the record of Barack Obama, who in 2014 raised $3.8 million in one day of the election campaign. But despite Ivanka’s efforts, her father had fewer donations than from rival Joe Biden.

The results of the vote, which took place on November 3, were shocking for the current head of state. The presidential adviser spoke out about the vote count, pointing out that illegal ballots should be ignored. She recalled that only legitimate elections are the basis of American democracy.

The Trump campaign filed lawsuits in states where Biden was declared the leader in the polls.

Personal life

There were no fleeting short-term romances in Ivanka Trump's life. In 2009, the girl married the famous businessman Jared Kushner. Before tying the knot, the lovers dated for a year.

Now the presidential heiress enjoys family life and runs a common business with her husband. The couple had three children.

Moving to the West

After the entry of Soviet troops into Czechoslovakia, Ivana panicked, realizing that she would have to spend her whole life behind the Iron Curtain. And she found the only way out - in 1971 she formalized a fictitious marriage with a foreigner. It turned out to be the Austrian Alfred Winklmayr. This marriage helped the girl obtain a foreign passport and leave the country legally. After 3 years, the couple divorced.

In the mid-70s, Ivana came to Canada to visit her friend, the owner of a sports store in Montreal. At first she worked as a ski instructor. Then the beauty signed a contract with a large fur company and graced the covers of popular local magazines.

Second marriage

Ivana Trump in her youth, as well as today, was distinguished by a great thirst for success and the ability to achieve it. She was not the kind of woman who turns billionaires into millionaires. Vice versa! It was in his marriage to Ivana that Donald Trump carried out his most successful projects, including the construction of the Grand Hyatt Hotel, a casino in Atlantic City and the Trump Tower skyscraper in Manhattan.

Moreover, she took important positions in her husband’s companies. For example, Donald made her president of the Trump Castle Hotel and Plaza Hotel. Moreover, for the management of the last enterprise in 1990, Trump was awarded the title “Hotelier of the Year.”


Unfortunately, the Trump family idyll was destroyed by the appearance of Donald's mistress. Ivana’s loving husband has had affairs before. But this time everything was more serious. He fell in love with model and actress Marla Maples. The 28-year-old rival turned out to be very persistent. She directly stated to Donald’s wife: “No matter what you do, he is mine.” As for Trump himself, he cited Ivona’s excessive passion for business as the reason for the cooling of feelings. Perhaps this alienated them.

Offended by the betrayal, Ivana filed for divorce. She competently drafted a lawsuit and it helped her become even richer. The divorce turned out to be loud. Thanks to him, Ivana became famous as a woman who managed to sue her ex-husband for an amount greater than what was specified in the contract. The amount of compensation amounted to 25 million dollars. Given the bankruptcy that Donald found himself in at the time, this amount was especially impressive.

The court's decision

So, in 1992, a lawsuit was filed. Ivana had one of the best lawyers in the country, who was able to skillfully handle the case, as a result of which she sued the billionaire for an amount that was several times higher than what was written in the marriage contract. No one knows the exact figure, but there are rumors that thanks to the court decision she has become $20 million richer.

The children of Trump and Ivana, of course, remained with their mother, but she allowed them to meet with their father. In addition to money, she received a ranch in Connecticut worth $14 million, the right to use the family estate in Pam Beach and 5 million for its maintenance. All of America supported the brave Czech woman who decided to teach her traitorous husband a lesson. Ivan also kept all the gifts given to her by her ex-husband, including jewelry. By the way, after the divorce, each of the spouses wrote a book: it is about how to properly divorce your husband, and he wrote an appeal to men about how to divorce without significant losses.

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