From hamster to beauty. The history of all plastic surgeries of Ivanka Trump

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  • This is interesting

At 38 years old (turned 2022), Ivanka Trump looks supremely elegant and stylish. She has well-groomed skin without a single wrinkle, soft brown eyes, always perfect hairstyle and discreet makeup. If you compare her photos taken at different ages, it cannot be said that Trump’s daughter has radically transformed. No, she remained just as pretty and charming, and the light brown hair color, which the lady preferred relatively recently, only emphasized her Slavic roots. However, upon closer examination, changes are still detected, and they clearly affected both the face and body.

How Ivanka Trump's face changed

Surprisingly, our heroine looked charming even with a “hooked” (with an overhanging tip) nose, an expressionless chin and too plump cheeks. The braces, which she wore for quite a long time, did not spoil the image. By the way, there is an opinion that Ivanka had serious problems with her bite, which required orthognathic surgery (cutting of the upper and lower jaws) to eliminate them.

Ivanka Trump before plastic surgery

Experts agree that Ivanka Trump did:

Mentoplasty . This is a plastic surgery that corrects the shape of the chin. The girl either had an implant installed or the volume of her chin was increased with her own fat, i.e. lipofilling was performed.

Ivanka Trump after chin and nose surgery

Removing Bish's lumps. After this operation, Ivanka’s cheek volume decreased due to the removal of part of the fatty tissue. Although there is no consensus here. Perhaps the cheeks have become smaller due to the weight loss of their owner.

Ivanka Trump in her youth and now

Rhinoplasty . Only plastic surgery could rid the nose of a small hump and a curved tip. It was carried out very correctly, through internal incisions. As a result, the nose retained its original shape, but became more elegant.

Ivanka Trump's style: different images of the president's daughter

Lip contouring . Ivanka Trump certainly does this popular procedure, but limits herself to small doses of filler to maintain the natural volume of her upper and lower lips.

Ideal figure: in her youth, Ivanka Trump worked as a model

Nose shape correction

The next point that caused heated public debate regarding changes in the appearance of the famous daughter of the last current President of the United States of America was the girl’s nose. Many photographs from the Trump family archive show that as a child, Ivanka’s nose was not only slightly wide, but its tip was also bent down. By the way, such a girl’s nose cannot be called ugly or spoiling the cute features of the little beauty’s face; on the contrary, it seemed to give her features a special chic and individuality.

Now this part of the businesswoman’s face has undergone changes. Ivanka Trump, whose photos before and after plastic surgery are somewhat different, does not talk about her adventures in beauty institutes. She makes absolutely no comments on any of her own transformations, leaving a lot of reasons for gossip and speculation. But the fact that the nose has become a little narrower is indisputable, but expert opinions differ regarding the curvature of its tip. Many believe that the surgeons only worked on the width, without touching or depriving the young woman of her natural “zest”.

How the figure of Trump's daughter has changed

If in her youth Ivanka had model parameters, then after the birth of three children her figure can be called stately.

Photo of Ivanka Trump in a swimsuit

Let's pay attention to the luxurious bust of a young woman: it is believed that it appeared thanks to mammoplasty and the installation of 450 ml implants.

Pictured: Ivanka Trump at the UN, possibly without a bra

From model to business lady

The girl quickly became bored with her modeling career, in which Trump reached considerable heights. She began to appear less often on the covers of fashion and popular magazines, and then completely stopped devoting time to this activity. Everything is not accidental. It turns out that the famous and influential father decided to entrust the management of his own economic corporation to his daughter Ivanka Trump, whose photo is presented in the article. By the way, the girl was able to fully justify her father’s trust and to this day proves that a woman in big business is real.

Ivanka Trump: age, height, weight, plastic surgery

Date of birth/place of birthOctober 30, 1981 / USA, New York.
OccupationBusinesswoman, writer, model, daughter and personal assistant of Donald Trump.
Height, weight, figure parameters180 cm / 64 kg (in youth) / 96.5-66-91.5 cm (chest-waist-hips).
Confirmed plastic surgeriesNo.
Alleged plastic surgeryRhinoplasty, lip contouring, mentoplasty, mammoplasty.

Daughter of the US President

Since childhood, Ivanka has been accustomed to a luxurious life. Famous parents tried to ensure that the girl did not grow up spoiled, but was able to realize her own potential. The head of the family made sure that his daughter received the best education.

The girl first studied at a privileged closed school, and then entered Choate Rosemary Hall College. After graduation, Ivanka Trump continued her studies at Georgetown University, but two years later transferred to the University of Pennsylvania. After graduating with honors in 2004, she was awarded a bachelor's degree in economics.

Interesting facts about Ivanka Trump

“A talented person is talented in everything.” Ivanka Trump is not only an experienced manager, but also an intelligent business analyst (in 2009 she published a book for business people, which became a bestseller), as well as a designer of jewelry and women's shoes. By the way, Ivanka has admitted more than once that she wears exclusively her own shoes.

This is what Ivanka Trump was like as a child

Happy wife and loving mother . Ivanka Trump took a thorough approach to choosing her husband. He became Jared Kushner, the son of American multimillionaire Charles Kushner. The chosen one's father turned out to be an Orthodox Jew and the leader of the Jewish community of New York. It is clear that he saw exclusively a Jewish woman as a daughter-in-law. Ivanka respected him: she converted to Judaism and began to be called Yael. Now the Kushner couple live in peace and harmony and are raising three children.

Ivanka with her father Donald Trump

Ivanka's husband's ancestors are from Belarus . Jared Kushner is a descendant of Belarusian Jews. His grandparents are from Grodno; they met during the Great Patriotic War in a partisan detachment. This is the family legend, which is confirmed by the regular trips of their children and grandchildren to their historical homeland.

Girl's ambitions

Trump's daughter Ivanka, whose photo can be seen in today's material, was a leader even as a child. Because of her character, she always went towards her goals without resorting to anyone’s help. Perhaps this fighting spirit and fortitude were influenced by the girl’s zodiac sign - Scorpio. But we shouldn’t discount the possibility that she had an excellent example before her eyes: parents who managed to achieve a lot in life. As a teenager, even before plastic surgery, Ivanka Trump was a very pretty girl, which is absolutely natural, given the genetics and external characteristics of her mother.

So, at a young age, Ivanka also tried herself as a model, and the archives still contain some very good photographs. Most likely, if the girl wanted to continue her modeling career, she could very well achieve incredible heights in the modeling business. However, this was not the prospect that attracted Ivanka. She showed greater interest in economics and exact sciences. The girl graduated with honors from the private research University of Pennsylvania as a bachelor, and before that she was an exemplary student in school and college.

Fourth marriage

At the age of 59, Yvonne decided to get married again. Her chosen one was the Italian actor and model Rossano Rubicondi. The man was 23 years younger than his bride. It was rumored that the handsome man wanted to become famous due to the trump card name of his wife. So he wanted to advertise his own TV show. It is unlikely that wise Ivona did not understand this. But even the appearance of love suited her and she was able to buy it.

The magnificent wedding was sponsored by Donald Trump himself, who maintained a warm relationship with his ex-wife. A diamond ring worth $1 million shone on happy Ivona’s finger.

The love boat crashed after four months. Ivona blamed it all on the difference in her and her husband’s lifestyles, and the public on Rubicondi’s betrayal.

Nevertheless, Ivona did not lose anything from the divorce. Thanks to a prenuptial agreement drawn up in advance, her ex-lover did not receive a penny.

Luxurious wedding with her last husband cost $4.5 million

Moving to the West

In 1971, Ivana Zelnicek married Austrian skier Alfred Winklmayr. This allowed the girl to obtain a foreign passport and travel abroad legally. The marriage did not last long, and in 1974 Ivana and Alfred divorced. Moreover, subsequently the celebrity always called her first marriage fictitious.

In 1975, Ivana left Czechoslovakia for Canada to visit her childhood friend, Georgiy Syrovatka, who owned a ski shop in Montreal.

There she managed to sign a contract with one of the best fur companies, and soon her face was already adorning the covers of many local magazines.


Currently, Ivana Marie Trump boasts eight grandchildren. Five of them were given to her by her eldest son. Here are the names of his daughters and sons: Kay Madison, Donald John, Tristan Milos, Spencer Frederick and Chloe Sophia.

Ivanka Trump, the only daughter of a former Slavic skier, made her mother happy with three grandchildren: Arabella Rose, Joseph Frederick and Theodore James. The latter was born right during his grandfather’s election campaign.

All the successors of the star dynasty are healthy, smart and beautiful, as if by choice.

Lady Trump's biography is eventful. America loves Ivona for her endless striving forward, witty statements and inexhaustible optimism.

Ivana at his son Eric Trump's charity event

Ivana Trump: biography (childhood and studies)

The future model, writer, actress and millionaire was born in the Czechoslovakian city of Gottwald (modern name Zlin) in the family of an ordinary engineer. Her parents immediately noticed in the girl the desire to be first in everything and sent her to the sports section. Several years of training, during which Ivana proved herself to be a real fighter, were not in vain, and in 1972 she was selected to the national cross-country skiing team.

In parallel with her sports activities, the girl studied at Charles University in Prague and graduated with a master's degree in physical education in the early 1970s.

A television

The girl’s talents manifested themselves in different areas. In 2006, the daughter of the future president appeared on screen as a participant in the popular reality show “The Apprentice,” produced by Donald Trump. She managed to stay in the project for six issues.

After her debut on television, Ivanka became in demand in this environment. She began to be invited to various television shows not only as a participant, but also as a presenter.

The sexiest


For this photo, apparently featured in a lingerie ad, Maxim magazine placed Ivanka on its list of the 100 sexiest women of our time. And, I must say, she is well worthy of a place in it. But with the appearance of a virtuous wife of the Jewish religion, as well as the daughter and assistant to the President of the United States, this image does not fit well.

Jared's shirt?


Sexy as he is - morning disheveled hair, fingers sexually pressed to his lips, a black bra - hurray, now the whole country knows what color underwear the “first daughter” of America prefers! And this man's shirt!.. There is hope that this is Jared's shirt - but in any case, both he and Ivanka would prefer that this super sexy photo disappear from the Internet without a trace!

Ivanka without makeup

This photo was taken on an airplane when Ivanka and her children were flying to Hawaii on vacation. It is clear that traveling with kids is difficult. Apparently, this is why Ivanka had to abandon her impeccable image. In addition, on this flight, some passenger attacked her with curses, which clearly did not add to Ivanka’s mood. And yet, this is a definite image failure! No hair, no makeup - an ordinary girl from the suburbs settles into economy class, probably also placing her huge carry-on luggage on someone else's shelf! The Kushner-Trump couple is clearly not happy with this image violation!

Donald Trump's favorite gesture


Donald Trump has never been particularly respectful of women. “I grabbed it between my legs and that’s it!” - American feminists will never forgive him for these words. Perhaps because of his bad habits, his embrace with his daughter in this photo looks as if he only at the last moment remembered that this was his daughter, initially intending to grab the sexy pullet in a manner familiar to him. It was inconvenient!


After the divorce, Trump decided to start creating her own perfume brand and clothing line, “Ivana.” She works on most of the collections herself and even goes out with inspections to her garment factories, which operate in many parts of the world.

In addition, the businesswoman created a special television program that helps her sell clothes and accessories of her brand. Ivana Trump also wears dresses and jewelry made only at her own factories, rightly believing that such a decision is the best advertising.

In 2001, in the very center of Rome, she opened a boutique that sells only ultra-short dresses and skirts. Ivana herself loves minis and wears them, despite her advanced age. Although many argue that such clothes suit Donald Trump’s ex-wife very well, in fairness it must be said that her figure is no longer as slender and perfect as in her distant youth.

Pregnant bunny


It’s 2011, Ivanka has been married to Jared Kushner for two years and is expecting her first child, daughter Arabella Rose. But her modeling past doesn’t just leave her behind: the publishers of a famous men’s magazine persuaded Ivanka to take part in a retro photo shoot, reproducing a famous photograph from the 1970s, which featured the famous jeweler Elsa Peretti. But this photograph was perceived by the public not as a piece of art, but as another erotic photo of a former model who could not part with her profession. Yes, Ivanka clearly got excited!

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