Ksenia Sobchak - photos before and after plastic surgery

Ksenia Sobchak has always been a prominent and scandalous figure. She was not afraid to express her opinion, which went against the generally accepted. The TV personality is actively engaged in journalistic activities, trying to obtain scandalous facts in order to voice them throughout the country. Her enthusiasm does not decrease over the years, but her appearance still undergoes changes.

Ksenia Sobchak in her youth had flaws in her face, which she tried to correct; she does not want to grow old even now. The TV presenter does not hide the fact that she had plastic surgery. She speaks openly about some procedures, without trying to hide the truth. What was she like in her youth? And what has changed in her after plastic procedures?


Ksenia’s father was involved in politics for a long time and was the mayor of St. Petersburg. His activities were carried out in the “dashing 90s”, when glasnost became commonplace. It is not surprising that his daughter followed in his footsteps. She received a good education, graduated from MGIMO. As a child, she showed artistic abilities and studied ballet. From 2004 to 2012 she hosted the TV show “Dom-2”, which was not perceived unambiguously by everyone.

The girl’s personal life did not work out for a long time. Her name was then associated with several young people:

  • with Alexander Shusterovich;
  • with Sergei Kapkov;
  • with Ilya Yashin.

But all these relationships were short-lived, and nothing serious came of it. Only in 2012 did she meet her love, Maxim Vitorgan, with whom she married in February 2013.

This is what Ksenia looked like then.

By the way, the couple has now divorced, and Ksenia has remarried. This time for Konstantin Bogomolov.

Popular braces among celebrities

Financially secure people can afford to install any braces to correct their bite, but greater preference is given to inconspicuous designs. Such systems do not spoil the smile and are not conspicuous.

  1. In first place in popularity are lingual systems. They can only be placed in a certain position of the jaw, so for some patients they turned out to be inaccessible.
  2. Ceramic locks are in great demand among public figures.
  3. Recently, stars have been installing sapphire systems.
  4. If you pay attention to teenagers who later became famous, you can often see metal braces on them.

How does Ksenia feel about her appearance?

Ksenia never hid her opinion about female beauty. She believes that for a successful career and happiness in her personal life, a woman should take care of her appearance. Her success in all areas of life largely depends on this.

Although she once said:
“If the Lord God appears now and asks me: “Ksenia, Angelina Jolie’s looks or Einstein’s brains?”, I will choose Einstein.”

Be that as it may, Ksenia decided to change her appearance. First she had rhinoplasty. Afterwards, she received a lot of unflattering comments on social networks. But she's no stranger to it. Sobchak knows how to resist attacks. He is never lost and jokes, including about his appearance.

Who has already undergone treatment

These stars have already gone through the stage of getting used to braces, aching pain and eating food crushed in a blender. And now they delight their fans with beautiful smiles.

Tom Cruise

He followed the old rule: if you want to conquer Hollywood, show not only your talent, but also your attractive appearance. Tom Cruise visited the orthodontist when he was quite old and was not at all embarrassed about it.

Tom Cruise: fixed everything at once

Gwen Stefani

Another star who loves straight, snow-white teeth. In addition, the singer often wears bright red lipstick, which draws attention to her smile. Therefore, in the late 90s, already famous, Gwen underwent treatment from an orthodontist.

Gwen Stefani: both braces and, most likely, veneers

Prince Harry and Princess Eugenie

The grandchildren of Queen Elizabeth II also had to visit an orthodontist at a young age, like many other teenagers. The royal family does not welcome plastic surgery or any other body modifications, but teeth are primarily about health.

Prince Harry had braces around the age of 15

Princess Eugenie of York wore a regular metal bracelet

Gisele Bundchen

Once upon a time, the top model had teeth that were not quite straight. But then fans noticed that Gisele’s smile became perfect, although no one saw her with braces. The secret is that she wore invisible aligners - if we strive for perfection, then in everything.

Aligners are a good way to keep your treatment a secret from others.

Gisele Bundchen: underwent treatment without attracting attention.
Which way to choose - wearing bright and eye-catching braces or invisible aligners - is up to not only the doctor, but also the patient. In terms of effectiveness, aligners are not inferior to non-removable systems, but they are easier to wear, and appointments with the doctor are faster. Therefore, the service is becoming more popular, allowing more and more people to get a beautiful and healthy smile.

Other articles:

Tax deduction for dental treatment in 2022

All stages of treatment with aligners

Implants and orthodontics: why you need to correct your bite first

What “mistake of nature” did Ksenia correct as a teenager?

Ksenia had no complexes about her face. But one drawback was so obvious that it was impossible to cope without the help of a doctor. We are talking about an incorrect bite, which she struggled with for a long time; visiting an orthodontist, she wore special braces on her teeth to straighten her teeth.

She was never able to completely correct this deficiency. However, she smiles freely in photographs and on TV, and the unevenness of her upper teeth is barely noticeable.

Since her youth, the TV personality has found flaws in her own appearance and spent a lot of money to get rid of them.

Ksenia Sobchak - biography

Ksenia Sobchak is a politician, journalist, presenter and even an actress. The girl’s image is quite ambiguous and is not liked by a considerable part of her compatriots. However, since childhood, the girl was prone to shocking behavior, and her name began to appear in the tabloids even before she came of age.

Ksenia was born in Leningrad in 1981 (now her age is 39 years old). At that time, the girl’s parents worked as teachers - her father worked at the law faculty of Leningrad State University, and her mother worked at the history department of the Krupskaya Leningrad Institute of Culture.

Wealthy parents completely surrounded their beloved daughter with attention and tried to use all available opportunities for the girl’s development. Sobchak attended the painting circle operating at the Hermitage, the ballet studio of the Mariinsky Theater, and studied piano.

When Ksenia was 10 years old, her father was elected mayor of the northern capital, which significantly changed the family’s situation. From that moment on, various high officials increasingly appeared in the Sobchak apartment. The girl grew up in the epicenter of political life, which undoubtedly left a mark on her character and thinking.

Did you have chin surgery?

Those who constantly see Ksenia on the screen and in photographs on social networks could not help but notice how her chin changed before and after plastic surgery. Her new appearance became more feminine; it was clearly spoiled by the heavy chin she had inherited from birth. It is clear that the plastic surgery was done professionally.

Sobchak made changes to her appearance in 2011. At this time she was operated on by a German surgeon. This operation is quite complicated.

To make the jawline look softer, the doctor cuts out part of the bone and resurfaces it.

Such intervention in the body is dangerous, but Ksenia decided to do it no matter what. The absence of scars on the face suggests that the operation was done inside the mouth.

Ksenia denies that there was surgical intervention, but outwardly she has changed.

Russian stars who decided to undergo surgery

Many stars have decided to undergo facial and body plastic surgery, and Russians are no exception. Some admit honestly that they made a correction, while others carefully hide it. But not a single small detail or change in the appearance of your favorite celebrities will escape the attention of professionals.

Plastic surgery of stars, whose before and after photos prove the duality of the results of the operation, is quite popular on the Russian stage, theater and cinema.

Victoria Lopyreva

Victoria Lopyreva performed the very first operation on her nose; it became smoother and neater, despite the fact that it was quite attractive before.

Then came:

  • lip augmentation,
  • introduction of specialized threads to maintain the ideal oval face,
  • lifting the lower part of the face,
  • fillers in nasolabial folds.

The chest also underwent surgery. Botox injections are very popular, Victoria also uses it to keep her forehead in perfect condition. Despite the large number of operations she has undergone, Lopyreva still remains the first beauty; her photos do not leave the covers of many magazines. All operations are successful and help me greatly in my career.

Masha Malinovskaya

Masha Malinovskaya had her first operation at the age of 21. After giving birth, she decided to restore her sagging breasts, but the cavities were quite large, and the surgeon recommended inserting implants.

This operation was unsuccessful, Masha ends up back on the surgeon’s table and then wears size 5 breasts for several years. Now the size has been reduced from a size five to a size three – the decision is connected with a return to naturalness. The operation was not successful again - the implants were of different sizes. After the sixth breast surgery, the TV presenter was satisfied with the result.

Unsuccessful lip surgery of the Russian star Masha Malinovskaya. Photos before and after

Malinovskaya had rhinoplasty, she wanted a smaller nose, the result was not the best, but small defects are completely eliminated with fillers. If no one really noticed all these operations, then Masha Malinovskaya’s lips did not leave anyone indifferent.

Gel was pumped into them and additional fillers were injected, which is why the upper lip was unnaturally turned out. Now she has reconsidered her appearance and, due to the return to naturalness, her mouth has become more pleasant and its features more correct.

Ksenia Sobchak

Ksenia Sobchak had her first surgery on her nose, after which the hump disappeared and the tip of her nose rose. The operation was quite successful, the result of which can be seen on her face.

The next step was to inject filler into the lips. Everything turned out badly here, the upper lip rose up, Ksenia was dissatisfied with the result, a year later the filler dissolved and the mouth returned to its previous appearance. Sobchak speaks positively about Botox and does not hide the fact that she injected it.


Natalie never hid her plastic surgery, she did mammoplasty - she changed the shape and size of her breasts, but not with the goal of enlarging, but to return the shape and size after two births. Botox in Natalie's lips pumps up minimally, to give natural volume and maintain natural contours. The singer has been doing cheekbone contouring for a long time and successfully, she likes to stay young.

Done regularly:

  • hyaluronic acid injections;
  • mesotherapy;
  • laser peels;
  • injections of vitamin cocktails.

Eva Polna

All Eva Polna managed to do for herself was lip surgery. The only operation and a very unsuccessful one, the lips look quite repulsive.

Irina Dubtsova

Irina Dubtsova had liposuction after giving birth. She did not decide right away, but the weight did not go away, problems and complexes grew. Of course, after such an operation it is very important to maintain proper nutrition. Mammoplasty has been Irina’s desired operation since she was 16 years old.

Despite the fact that the singer categorically denies the presence of Botox and strongly condemns its use, experts notice its presence in:

  • cheekbones;
  • between the eyebrows;
  • centuries;
  • on the forehead.

It is also noticeable to carry out 3-D modeling of the oval of the face and the shape of the lips.

Yulia Nachalova

Yulia Nachalova also had mammoplasty due to the loss of breast appearance after childbirth, but this operation led to psychological problems. Too large breast size and frequent attention led to Julia having her implants removed. This operation brought new disappointment - an infection entered the body. The girl lay down on the surgeon’s table again, only after that Nachalova was satisfied with everything.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk denies the presence of plastic surgery in her life, but the size of her breasts, which once increased so sharply, does not allow her to doubt mammoplasty. The actress claims that she achieves such a youthful appearance through salon procedures.

But her skin on her neck reveals that the surgeons are still involved in her beauty.

Anastasia also pays special attention to her knees so that she can easily wear short skirts.

Evelina Bledans

Evelina Bledans had breast surgery and regularly receives hyaluronic acid injections and non-invasive hardware procedures. All these interventions by Evelina have not spoiled her at all yet.

Natalia Andreichenko

Natalya Andreichenko performed contour correction of the lips and nasolabial folds with a biopolymer gel, which gave the face a puffy appearance and made the lips look huge. There is a possibility that the actress had blepharoplasty - her eyes became more open, and her eyelids did not droop.

Natalia’s face after surgery looks unnatural and these procedures cannot be called successful, but the actress herself still has a positive attitude towards plastic surgeons.

Anna Khilkevich

Anna Khilkevich categorically denies any surgical interventions, but early photographs of the actress convince us otherwise. At a minimum, the shape of the nose has been changed and the lips have been slightly enlarged. Many people notice breast enlargement, but it is minor. In any case, Anna looks amazing and the plastic surgery did not spoil her at all, but even beautified her.

Ekaterina Varnava

Ekaterina Varnava also denies that she resorted to plastic surgery; her lips are the only thing she does not deny. But she stopped experimenting with them too. Despite all the actress’s arguments, it is still impossible not to notice traces of rhinoplasty. Experts notice traces of lifting of the upper and lower eyelids.

And sharply sharpened cheekbones cause controversy even among professionals - some blame too much weight loss, while others still suggest surgical intervention. Ekaterina still looks beautiful and, even if this is the result of operations, it suits her very well.

Tina Kandelaki

Tina Kandelaki has always been attractive, but she had to adjust some of her facial features.

  1. The nose has undergone changes. Under the influence of rhinoplasty, it became thinner, neater and more harmonious.
  2. The TV personality's lips are regularly treated with hyaluronic acid.
  3. Butoloxin Tina is periodically injected into the area between the eyebrows.

Tina's appearance did not change much after these procedures and with confidence they can be considered very successful.

Elena Letuchaya

Elena Letuchaya maintains her beauty with hardware cosmetology and hyaluronic acid injections, and this is enough for her to keep herself in shape.

But not so long ago, Elena turned to a plastic surgeon, what he did to her was not disclosed, but judging by the pictures it was an anti-aging lifting and, possibly, blepharoplasty.

Nikita Dzhigurda

Nikita Dzhigurda did not hush up anything, unlike the others, but made his operation quite public and open in his characteristic manner. He underwent blepharoplasty (hernias under his eyes were removed) and was quite successful. Now he looks much younger and nicer.

Polina Gagarina

Polina Gagarina tries not to talk about plastic surgery, but experts note traces of surgery. They claim that Gagarina corrected the shape of her face and the shape of her eyes, and removed her cheeks using liposuction. The singer says that her appearance is the merit of her inner voice.

In any case, Polina looks great and the presence of operations is noticeable only to professionals.

Olga Buzova

Olga Buzova, all experts agree on this, has never gone under the surgeon’s knife.

All the changes that happen to her face are beauty injections, so with their help she:

  • slightly enlarged lips;
  • removed wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes;
  • corrected the nasolabial fold and cheekbones.

Some people see rhinoplasty, but Olga’s nose has always been neat, and there are no visible changes on it; however, a slight correction of its tip and septum remains possible, which can be done with the help of fillers.

Despite the desire of some paparazzi to see the “presence of a knife” of a plastic surgeon on her face, everything says otherwise. And after 25 years, most women, especially famous ones, get beauty injections.

Svetlana Loboda

Svetlana Loboda actively uses fillers to give certain shapes to her face, lips, and cheekbones. The presence of Botox in the forehead, nasolabial folds and hyaluronic acid in the eyelid area is visible.

The operation that the singer actually did was breast augmentation, but she enlarged it just enough to give it beautiful contours and a pleasant shape.

Nose correction

By nature, Ksenia has a rather fleshy nose, with a hump on the top line. Now it is absolutely smooth and neat. Fans of the TV personality noticed this change in 2007. Sobchak says that there was no interference in aesthetic terms. However, she does not deny that the shape of her nose was corrected. But this was done not to change the shape, but to make it easier to breathe.

The operation was also performed abroad, although Russian plastic surgeons cope with this problem no worse.

Career Sobchak

Back in 2004, Ksenia Sobchak became the host of the scandalously popular television show “Dom-2”. Probably, it was thanks to the scandalousness that the show became popular, and its presenters, in turn, gained huge armies of fans. Ksenia worked as the host of this show for 8 years, after which Olga Buzova took her place.

Then, in 2007, the girl starred in Timati’s video for the song “Dance”; in 2010, Ksenia hosted the television program “Freedom of Thought” and took part in a program called “Girls”. During her long career, the star took part in many television programs. These also include “Top Model in Russian”, “Who Doesn’t Want to Be a Millionaire”, “Blonde in Chocolate” and others.

In addition, Ksenia has experience in filmography. In 2004, he made his first film debut in a film called “Thieves and Prostitutes.” And in 2008, the TV star played the role of Hitler’s mistress in a film called “Hitler Kaput”, and starred in the films “Nobody Knows About Sex 2”, “Artifact”.

The TV presenter is also the author of several books. At the same time, she presented the country with books entitled “Maxi, glitter, curlers. The ABC of Beauty" and "Stylish Things of Ksenia Sobchak". A little later, in collaboration with the writer Oksana Robski, the star released a certain manual “Married to a Millionaire, or a Top-Class Marriage.”

What Ksenia doesn’t hide

The TV presenter does not deny that she cares about her appearance and does not refuse some procedures.

Botox injections

Sobchak admits that she made injections in the frontal part. She has absolutely no wrinkle between her eyebrows. According to her stories, she went to the procedure with a friend. She allegedly didn't like the effect because she couldn't raise her eyebrows to express emotion. And this is not at all in her character.

Hyaluronic acid injections

The formation of deep nasolabial wrinkles is given to her by nature. Ksenia herself thinks so. Perhaps her excessive emotionality influences her, causing her face to be in constant motion. But the TV personality does not hide the fact that she uses hyaluronic acid injections to maintain facial tone. She monitors the condition of the skin around the eyes. Here, too, one can feel the intervention of a cosmetologist, since “crow’s feet” are completely absent.

Lip augmentation

Ksenia thought that after the procedure her face would become more feminine. But as a result, the upper lip in the middle lifted up, which the woman did not like at all. She expected something completely different. Ksenia herself more than once made fun of changes in her appearance, saying that she began to resemble Masha Malinovskaya, whose appearance was spoiled by the intervention of plastic surgeons. Sobchak no longer began to enlarge her lips with fillers.

Hardware methods

The TV personality does not hide the fact that she enjoys all the advances in the field of cosmetology. She tries everything that makes her face more attractive. Sobchak even posted a photo of a cosmetologist making her a mask.

Ksenia pays attention not only to her face, but also to her figure. She happily says that she eats right, follows a healthy lifestyle, and plays sports. She also does not hide the fact that after giving birth she restored her figure under the supervision of Italian specialists. However, the answer to the question about liposuction is negative.

After the operations, the woman changed not only her face, but also her clothing style. Increasingly, bright feminine suits began to appear on her, unusual for the previous image of a business lady.

The TV presenter keeps herself in shape all the time. You can tell from everything that she doesn’t put taking care of her appearance as a last priority. But most of all, TV viewers are attracted by her sharp mind and ability to think outside the box, which costs much more.

Who hasn't visited an orthodontist yet?

These stars stand for individuality.

Keira Knightley

One of the most beautiful actresses of modern cinema has slightly uneven teeth, but her bite is generally correct. Therefore, a small flaw does not spoil it at all.

Keira Knightley: slight crowding of teeth

Ksenia Sobchak

In Ksenia's early photos you can see that her lower teeth are pushed forward relative to her upper teeth. Mesial occlusion is one of the most difficult to correct (however, it can still be corrected). In the new photos you can see that the teeth meet at their edges, that is, the bite is more likely to be straight. Perhaps treatment was started but not completed.

Ksenia Sobchak: mesial bite

Evgenia Medvedeva

One of the most titled Russian figure skaters has captivated sports fans around the world with her imperfect smile and has no plans to change it yet. Like Keira Knightley, the defect is very small.

Evgenia Medvedeva: dystopia of one tooth

Kirsten Dunst

Kirsten assures that she really likes her protruding fangs (actually they are “twos”) and does not interfere with her career at all - the actress has acted with the best directors since childhood. That's all true, but it should be noted that her teeth actually protrude quite a bit. Strongly protruding fangs that do not fit into the dentition do not make anyone look good!

Kirsten Dunst: dental dystopia

Elena Temnikova

A famous singer with a small diastema. In an interview, Elena said that this feature makes her smile sweet and childlike, so she did not try to get rid of it. But in the future she plans to hide the defect in order to look more mature.

Elena Temnikova: small diastema

Foreign and Hollywood stars who have undergone surgery

Plastic surgery of stars (before and after photos are easy to find in the public domain) is no less popular among foreign representatives of theater and cinema.

Keira Knightley

Keira Knightley slightly corrected her nose and added volume to her upper lip. The actress herself denies that she has undergone plastic surgery, and does not deny that she will ever resort to the services of surgeons.

Megan Fox

Megan Fox first underwent 2 plastic surgeries at the same time, this is breast augmentation and lip volume. After which it was time for rhinoplasty, the nose became narrower, straighter, and the tip turned up.

There is no need to talk about a large number of fillers and Botox; the actress’s face becomes like a doll, despite the fact that plastic surgery is quite successful.

Sharon Stone

Sharon Stone categorically denies surgical plastic surgery on her body, but according to rumors, she recently corrected the shape of her breasts, had 2 liposuctions and 3 facelifts. The actress is 60 years old and this is already the age when, without the help of surgeons, her youthful appearance cannot be restored. All operations are invisible and do not radically change the actress’s appearance.

Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston is simply a fan of plastic surgery. In addition, she regularly performs laser therapy, ultrasound therapy and many cosmetic procedures. The actress admits only to having a nose job.

Moreover, she had rhinoplasty done twice - the first before the launch of the series “Friends”, the second after her divorce from Brad Pitt. Experts are sure that this is not all - there was a breast lift and enlargement.

Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman has always been keen on beauty injections, so much so that sometimes her face simply could not move. Fillers were pumped into the lips, and experts are sure that the actress had cheiloplasty.

If you compare the photo of the young actress with the current ones, you will notice a change in the shape and contour of the mouth. Nicole had her breasts enlarged, but more to restore their firmness. It turned out not entirely natural and overly rounded shapes were noticeable, after which the actress reduced her bust. Rhinoplasty is the most controversial, even if the actress did it, it was done very carefully.

Courteney Cox

Courteney Cox admitted that she had facial plastic surgery 4 times.

The contour of the cheekbones and eyebrows has noticeably changed, and there are fewer facial wrinkles. The last operation was not the most successful and the face became swollen beyond recognition. In connection with this, the actress said that she stops experimenting with her appearance.

Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz had rhinoplasty and lip augmentation. Plastic surgeons also worked on the contour of the face. Without a doubt, the use of Botox and fillers occurs. Her face is no longer so natural.

Lindsey Lohan

Lindsay Lohan is an example of the most unsuccessful plastic surgeries and cosmetic procedures.

The first operation was breast augmentation, the second was the lips, but they looked unnatural due to the large amount of filler.

The facial skin, after prolonged alcohol and drug addictions of the actress, became flabby.

, and to restore her former beauty, she began to use cosmetic injections. They are completely incompatible with alcohol and drugs, and therefore the face became swollen and bloated.

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian had gluteoplasty - buttock augmentation.

In addition there were:

  • rhinoplasty;
  • breast enlargement;
  • liposuction;
  • abdominoplasty.

All beauty injections are used by the Kardashians. Kim looks great and all the operations performed only benefit her, and she does not exaggerate with injections, so she looks attractive and young.

Renee Zellweger

Of all the possible operations, Renee Zellweger only did a breast lift. All other procedures were performed non-surgically.

There were very unsuccessful injections, after which the actress looked completely different than her fans were used to. However, these effects go away over time. Today Rene refuses any surgical interventions.

Aishvaria Rai

Aishwarya Rai decided to bring herself closer to the European type and changed the shape of her eyes. There is talk that Aishwarya changed the shape of her chin and nose, but so far there is no evidence of this. In any case, the actress is beautiful and young.

Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt had blepharoplasty, after which his eyes began to look different. Otherwise, the actor remains at the age of 35 using laser peeling procedures and facial contouring with fillers based on hyaluronic acid. It is possible to use mesotherapy and Botox correction.

Mickey Rourke

Mickey Rourke performed a large number of plastic surgeries on his face to remove the results of his boxing past. His nose was broken in the ring, and as a result, 5 operations were performed on him alone.

They had surgery on a broken cheekbone. Mickey did not end up with the most talented surgeon, and he made several irreparable mistakes. As a result, the actor changed beyond recognition. His career also went downhill - the directors no longer invited him to play the role of “handsome guys”.

Rourke then tried to remove the signs of aging on his face, which caused the facial proportions to be disrupted.

. The last attempt to change her appearance and restore the beauty that she had in her youth took place in 2014.

The results were better than before: the mesmerizing smile returned and the shape of the lips was restored. But it was not possible to return to his former appearance. Mickey Rourke can be called a real victim of plastic surgery.

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