Hydromassage is a beneficial procedure for health and beauty

Massages have long been used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. There are many different manual practices. Among them, hydromassage deserves special mention. This is a unique procedure based on the healing effects of water, air bubbles and gentle pressure on the tissues of the human body.

Hydromassage baths can be a real salvation for diseases of the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, severe fatigue or stress. They perfectly tone the skin, relax and soothe. However, hydro and aeromassage also have contraindications. What are the benefits and harms of a hot tub?

Hydromassage procedures: essence and features

Hydrotherapy has been used to treat several conditions for centuries. In modern medical practice, some water procedures are also used to alleviate the condition of patients.

Massage using a water-air mixture is very effective as a therapeutic procedure. It is widely used in salons and medical institutions where hydrotherapy is practiced.

Hydromassage as we know it “officially” began in 1968 when the therapeutic bath was licensed commercially.

The hot tub was created by Candido Jacuzzi and named after him. She helped relieve the condition of one of the family members who suffered from arthritis. Since the mid-twentieth century, home hydrotherapy treatments have been highly valued by many people, and bathtubs with such functions have become very popular.

Hydromassage remains one of the most accessible non-drug remedies that help improve the condition of people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. After procedures in a hydromassage bath, pain in the back and joints goes away, blood and lymph circulation improves. Hydromassage is indicated for osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis and many other diseases

During hydromassage, jets of water mixed with air bubbles apply intense pressure to certain areas of the body. Water is thrown out with force from special nozzles located in different areas of the bath. The direction and intensity of air-water flows can be adjusted.

Depending on the selected mode, you can take water treatments with jet or bubble massage. The first is designed to affect tired muscles, it tones and invigorates.

And the second one perfectly relaxes, relieves stress, and increases metabolism. Bubble massage is often prescribed for diseases of the musculoskeletal system and neuroses.

This massage is called pearl massage because... air bubbles look like pearls. They arise because the air pump supplies jets of heated air into the water. Bubbles rise to the surface and create the effect of bubbling water. Bubble massage is successfully used to enhance the effects of aromatic substances and cosmetics.

What are the benefits of water massage?

In a number of physiotherapeutic procedures, water massage is in second place after manual massage. It is almost as effective, and the healing effects of water are added to the benefits of physical pressure. Pain, fatigue, and tension are felt much less in water.

Hydrotherapy procedures are indicated for decreased immunity, injuries, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous, sexual disorders, gastrointestinal diseases, circulatory disorders, and obesity.

When immersed in a bath, a person is in an environment that itself supports him. The condition is a bit like weightlessness. Due to this, the body's own weight decreases, and the pressure on the muscles, joints, and spine decreases.

Even just being in the water can relieve pain and reduce discomfort, and taking into account the pressure of the jets from the nozzles and improved blood circulation, the effect is enhanced.

Expert commentary on the benefits of hydromassage:

Therapeutic and prophylactic properties

A person feels the benefits of hydromassage already during its implementation. The main thing is to choose the right type of massage, the intensity of the water and air jets, and influence the desired areas of the body. Powerful streams of water stimulate blood and lymph flow. Pleasant warmth relaxes.

The pores of the skin open, and impurities are washed out of them that cannot be removed with regular bathing - remnants of sebum, cosmetics, sweat, dust.

Hydromassage is perfect for people with problem skin, because... improves its condition, deeply cleanses without the use of special products. After the physiotherapy, the skin becomes cleaner and healthier.

The healing effects of water and air jets are enhanced by the effect of chromotherapy. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, it has a tangible effect on a person’s physical condition. Treatment with color has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.

Chromotherapy affects the iris of the eye, models neural signals and promotes the production of certain hormones, bioactive substances, and stimulation of photochemical processes. The effect of chromotherapy is widely used in SPA salons

Treatment of the spine and joints

A variety of water procedures are used to treat diseases of the spine and joints. Their benefit lies in the ability of water to relieve stress from diseased organs. By connecting to a massage with water-air jets, a person receives double benefits: his condition is alleviated, pain goes away, and due to stimulation of blood flow, motor functions improve.

Doctors note the effectiveness of hydromassage for spinal hernia, a disease that gives people a lot of unpleasant sensations. A pinched nerve root causes severe pain. To release it, various types of spinal traction are used.

The same can be achieved with water massage. It gives better results, and the procedure itself is much more enjoyable.

During a water massage, the striated muscles relax, causing spasms to subside. The walls of blood vessels expand, blood circulation is stimulated, the functioning of venous valves improves, and tissues are saturated with oxygen. This helps to alleviate the condition of a patient with an intervertebral hernia.

Hydromassage cannot cure the disease itself, but it reduces the load on the diseased intervertebral disc and inhibits its further destruction.

Water procedures help relieve inflammation, and this in turn relieves pain and reduces swelling. Natural regenerative processes are accelerated.

For intervertebral hernia, hydromassage is used in courses of treatment without surgery. It can become an indispensable assistant, but only a doctor should select the type of procedures

Positive effects on the nervous system

Hydrotherapy has long been used for diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. It gives good results in eliminating the consequences of spinal cord injuries, neuritis, radiculitis, and neurocirculatory dystonia.

An ordinary hydromassage bath cannot replace a doctor, but it can be a good aid in the treatment of many diseases.

Relaxing in warm water under powerful jets, a person experiences bliss, endorphins enter the blood. This is an effective way to combat stress, chronic fatigue, nervousness, and irritability. The languor that people experience after a massage helps them fall asleep soundly.

If you supplement hydromassage with chromotherapy and aromatherapy, you can achieve considerable results in the fight against fatigue, sleep disorders, mental and physical stress

Hydrotherapy in body contouring programs

Intense stimulation of blood circulation helps remove excess fluid from the body. Thanks to this, hydromassage helps relieve swelling and cleanse you of toxins and waste. Such properties of hydrotherapy are valuable for people with excess weight and cosmetic problems.

Losing weight, getting rid of toxins and cosmetic problems, a person simultaneously experiences very pleasant sensations. This made hydromassage extremely popular in salons and clinics; it was included in many programs for weight loss, figure correction, and skin care.

Water massage is even credited with a rejuvenating effect. It is achieved by restoring the water balance of the skin. Natural hydration helps improve its condition

Various types of massages are widely used to combat cellulite. When the body is exposed to powerful jets of water, fats are broken down and muscle tone improves. This helps to shape the figure and remove the “orange peel” on the hips, buttocks, and stomach.

Hydromassage - benefits and contraindications, types

Hydromassage is an effective therapeutic, relaxing and preventive procedure. It is based on the effect of gentle pressure, water and air bubbles on problem areas of the body. To obtain a lasting effect, you must complete a full course of procedures.

What is hydromassage

Initially, hydromassages were used for the rehabilitation of patients after injuries and operations. This procedure combines the effects of baths, thermotherapy and massage. The massage effect is provided by water jets that activate blood and lymph flow. As a result, the elasticity and tone of the skin increases.

Temperature effects are provided by cool and warm water. Changing the temperature helps relieve cramps and relax. A reflexogenic effect is also observed. During the hydromassage, biologically active points are stimulated.

To achieve a lasting therapeutic effect, it is necessary to complete a course of 10-25 sessions. The duration of the first session should not exceed 15 minutes. The total number of massages and their duration are determined by the doctor depending on the characteristics of the patient’s body.

Beneficial features

Water massages are beneficial for the whole body. They help get rid of fatigue, pain and stress. You will feel an improvement after the first procedure.

Benefits of hydromassage:

  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • restoration of normal blood pressure;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • increasing overall performance;
  • normalization of emotional state;
  • muscle relaxation;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pain relief;
  • strengthening motor function.

This procedure will be useful for diseases of the spine and joints. Water massages will not help cure serious illnesses, but they can slow down the development of the pathological process. They will be effective in the presence of a spinal hernia or pinched nerve root. After such an effect, expansion of the vascular walls and normalization of the functioning of the venous valves are observed.

Hydromassages are often used for figure correction. This effect is observed due to stimulation of blood flow and removal of excess fluid from the body.

Aqua massages have a positive effect on the nervous system. This is a great way to get rid of stress, irritability and nervousness.

We also recommend reading about the luxurious Turkish hammam.

Types of hydromassage

There are several types of hydromassage. Main varieties:

  • underwater massage;
  • Charcot's shower;
  • jacuzzi;
  • ultrasonic shower;
  • vibration bath.

Underwater hydromassage

The specialist performs the impact manually using a directed hose. In this case, the patient is in a special bathroom. The massage therapist works on problem areas, thereby eliminating cellulite and swelling. Underwater massage improves the contours of the figure.

Sharko's shower

Impact type procedure. The massage therapist performs a massage using a hose with high water pressure. During this time, the patient should stand against the wall of the shower room. First, a fan jet of water is applied, then the specialist begins to change the temperature of the water. There should be a distance of at least 3.5 m between the patient and the water control panel.

Algorithm for the procedure:

  1. The patient faces the wall. First, water is supplied at room temperature. This is necessary for the person to relax and tune in to the procedure.
  2. At the second stage, the fan jet is replaced with a compact one with low pressure. This is the most effective part of the massage. First, the lower part is processed: legs, buttocks, back, arms and sides.
  3. After treating the back, the patient turns forward to treat the front. The main condition is that the stream should not hit the chest or spine.

Hydromassage: what is it and is there any benefit - Beauty HUB

Water procedures are widely used to maintain and improve health and beauty. Massage procedures are no less popular. By combining the two most relevant procedures into one, hydromassage appeared.

German rehabilitation doctors were among the first to notice the positive effect, who saw an improvement in the well-being of patients, namely normalization of blood pressure, a reduction in the recovery period after injuries, and improved blood circulation.

Thus, hydromassage can be an excellent auxiliary therapy for fatigue, stress, diseases of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems.

The procedure itself involves exposing the body to water-air currents of varying intensity and temperature, which create a massage effect.

Jets of water mixed with air bubbles create intense pressure on areas of the body. Using special settings, you can regulate the direction and intensity of water flows from special nozzles in the bathroom.

Depending on the desired effect, you can get either a relaxing or invigorating massage.

When immersed in a bath, the body is supported by water, due to which its own weight is reduced, which reduces pressure on the muscles, spine and joints.

Water therapy for children

Some types of hydromassage are prescribed to small patients. Of course, this does not apply to procedures such as Charcot's douche. Bubble baths are used to treat babies. This therapy is enjoyable for children of all ages. However, for their treatment it is important to maintain the correct temperature and air pressure.

It is also necessary to regulate the time of water massage. It is not recommended for newborns to stay in a bubble bath for more than 5 minutes. For older children, the procedure takes up to 20 minutes.

Hydromassage is prescribed for children with weakened immune systems. It has a positive effect on the nervous system, so this therapy is often recommended for overly active children suffering from sleep disorders. It is also useful for muscle hypertonicity. This treatment method perfectly copes with nervous and muscle tension.

You should monitor the children’s reaction after the session: if the child is too excited, it is not recommended to do it before bedtime

We must not forget about contraindications. Water massage is excluded in case of exacerbation of any disease or increase in body temperature. The procedure is prohibited if the small patient suffers from cancer and infectious diseases.

Hydromassage: indications, types, effect, benefits

Hydromassage is a physiotherapeutic procedure in which water jets massage the patient’s body. The massage can be performed both in air and under water. In this case, several mechanisms of influence on the body work at once.

  • Massage effect: water jets activate blood and lymph flow, promote the removal of metabolic products from tissues, increase tissue elasticity and skin tone, and reduce the appearance of cellulite.
  • Temperature effect: the water during hydromassage can be cool or warm - depending on this, the tonic and immunostimulating effect or the relaxing, antispasmodic and soothing effect will prevail.
  • Reflexogenic effect: acting on biologically active points, water jets cause a complex of reactions from the autonomic nervous system and thereby stimulate the functioning of internal organs.

The benefits of hydromassage

The powerful complex effect on the body is what made hydromassage so popular.

The benefits of the procedure are obvious: improved blood circulation, activation of trophic functions, removal of metabolic products and excess fluid from the body, increased skin and muscle tone, stimulation of the immune system, normalization of the nervous system.

Hydromassage using mineral water with added salts and specially selected essential oils enhances the therapeutic effect. Hydromassage can also be combined with aeromassage and other therapeutic procedures.

Indications for hydromassage

  • Excess weight
  • Skin laxity, scars, contractures, stretch marks, cellulite
  • Consequences of injuries and operations
  • Congestion, swelling, venous insufficiency
  • Spasmodic phenomena
  • Depressive conditions, chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, nervous exhaustion
  • Gynecological diseases, infertility

Contraindications. Despite the fact that the procedure is as gentle as possible, there is a list of contraindications – relative and absolute.

  • Pregnancy
  • Inflammatory diseases in the acute stage
  • Malignant neoplasms
  • Heart attack and stroke
  • Skin diseases (psoriasis, neurodermatitis)
  • Thrombophlebitis
  • Urolithiasis disease


Despite the obvious benefits of hydromassage, using it yourself without consulting a specialist is strictly prohibited . This is due to the following reasons:

  • If a person suffers from thrombosis, then exposure to water under pressure can cause a blood clot to break off.
  • In case of hypertension, such a massage can cause internal bleeding , especially if the walls of the blood vessels are weakened.
  • In case of infectious skin diseases during the period of exacerbation, the infection can penetrate deep into the body .
  • If a patient has urolithiasis, then overusing jacuzzi sessions can provoke the movement of stones, which in turn can block the ducts.

Another significant disadvantage is the inaccessibility of nozzles for constant cleaning and disinfection. Over time, harmful microorganisms begin to develop in the elements of the hydraulic system. They can cause inflammation not only on the skin, but also in the genitourinary system. Therefore, it is very important to properly care for the font to prevent contamination.
Below we will consider in detail what the main indications and contraindications exist for carrying out the procedure of non-contact, underwater massage and hydromassage in a home jacuzzi.

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