Massage with wooden roller massagers: features and health benefits

Cellulite is a problem familiar to almost every woman. Unpleasant lumpiness on the skin can occur not only in overweight girls, but also in slender girls. There are many methods for getting rid of cellulite. The most effective is massage. Modern aesthetic medicine, thanks to advanced equipment, allows us to solve this problem in the shortest possible time. The most popular method is vacuum roller massage . At our Cleo Line Center, specialists work with the French Starvac device. The device is recognized as one of the most effective in the fight against cellulite.


Vacuum roller massage successfully copes with the following problems:

  • Cellulite. Orange peel appears due to a whole range of reasons. First of all, this is the result of impaired blood and lymph circulation. Vacuum roller massage improves metabolic processes in tissues and restores their trophism (nutrition). The cause of cellulite is eliminated - the skin becomes smooth and beautiful.
  • Stretch marks (striae). After the procedure they become less noticeable. More recent stretch marks disappear completely.
  • Swelling. Massage helps normalize lymph flow. As a result, the swelling that causes aging and distortion of the figure goes away.
  • Flabbiness and sagging skin. Vacuum roller massage improves skin nutrition. Its functions are restored and collagen synthesis is activated. As a result, the elasticity and firmness of the skin improves, it tightens, which also corrects the silhouette.
  • Fat deposits. After the procedure, their volume will decrease, which will significantly sculpt the figure.

As a bonus, vacuum roller massage helps maintain muscle tone. This is especially important with a sedentary lifestyle.

The visible effect is noticeable after the first session! The third or fourth procedure consolidates the result.


To achieve the desired effect in the shortest possible time, you must use the roller trainer correctly. There is no special massage technique with it, but it is worth noting that the movements should not be too intense, there is no need to press on the skin with all your might, since excessive compression and injuries only worsen blood circulation, and we need to improve it.

How to use a massager Therefore, all movements should be smooth, you can apply a little pressure, but not too much. For the best effect, you need to take a warm shower or bath before the session so that the skin becomes soft and warmed up. The procedure can be performed on dry skin, or lubricate it with anti-cellulite cream or oil. The duration of the massage should be at least 15-20 minutes, otherwise there will be no effect. After a massage session, it is necessary to carry out an anti-cellulite wrap with a folk remedy or with a special cream from the store. The fact is that after 20 minutes of exposure to hard rollers, active decomposition of fat begins in the subcutaneous fat layer, and blood circulation improves. If at this time you help the body break down and remove fat, the effect will appear much faster. It is also worth noting that you can use a roller trainer to get rid of cellulite. Essentially, this is the same massager, only larger and electric. It can be used to massage problem areas or the whole body if desired. Both the massager and the exercise machine are equally effective in the fight against cellulite; the main thing is to use the device regularly and in combination with other effective methods.


Like most procedures, vacuum roller massage is not advisable in some situations. It is worth abandoning this technique in the following cases:

  • For the period of pregnancy and lactation.
  • In the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, hypotension, ischemic heart disease, recent heart attacks).
  • Thrombophlebitis or tendency to thrombosis.
  • In the presence of inflammatory processes on the skin or its traumatization in the area of ​​influence of the massage device.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Acute infectious diseases.
  • Presence of neoplasms (oncology).

Today, vacuum roller massage is a computerized complex that allows you to select treatment parameters in strict accordance with the assigned tasks, individual characteristics of the skin and subcutaneous fat. From aggressive, “breaking” dense fat deposits, to gentle, relaxing, used in SPA programs.

The handpiece of the device, with which the massage is carried out, is a small chamber into which the skin fold is drawn in using a vacuum. Rollers moving in different directions inside this chamber ensure the subcutaneous fat tissue is kneaded in different directions. The dynamic, pulsating action of the vacuum enhances the effect.

Before a vacuum roller massage session, you will need to put on an individual “endermological” suit made of elastic fabric on your body. It ensures the hygiene of the procedure, painless sliding of the manipule over the skin, and prevents its excessive stretching.

Operating principle of vacuum roller massage

The technology of vacuum roller massage is as follows: during the procedure, the patient’s body is massaged with special rollers through an individual suit. As a result of this action, a skin fold is created, while the first roller captures it, and the second roller smoothes it out. This mechanical process is accompanied by a constant supply of vacuum. As a result, revolutionary changes occur in skin cells: intensive collagen synthesis begins in the subcutaneous layer, and a new skin frame with the correct structure is formed. Microcirculation and lymphatic drainage are enhanced, all congestion is eliminated, and most importantly, cellulite is destroyed! Vacuum roller massage sessions are painless, safe and provide visible results in a short time. Vacuum roller massage procedures have a minimum of contraindications. In addition, they have a relaxing and calming effect that helps overcome stress. The procedures do not cause side effects or discomfort. After the procedures, there is a visible decrease in body volume even without weight loss. Completing the program does not exclude the use of any other technologies. Moreover, combining endermology vacuum-roller massage with body wrap, ultrasound cavitation, and myostimulation significantly enhances the effect.

Indications for vacuum roller massage:

· reduction in body volume; · figure correction; Visible elimination of cellulite; · elimination of swelling; Improved skin elasticity; · breakdown of local fat deposits; · lymphatic drainage; · improvement of blood circulation; body contour modeling

Side effects that can occur with vacuum roller massage do not differ from the side effects of manual lymphatic drainage massage.

• Moderate swelling of soft tissues can sometimes occur due to increased flow of lymph into the intercellular space with insufficient function of the lymphatic vessels. Such swelling is possible after the first procedures; during the course of vacuum-roller massage, the function of the lymphatic vessels is restored, and swelling no longer occurs.

• A slight chill after a vacuum roller massage can be caused by mechanical irritation of skin receptors that increase the tone of the sympathetic nervous system. This reaction can be observed in people with autonomic dysfunction (previously this diagnosis was called vegetative-vascular dystonia). A cup of hot tea, drunk after the procedure, makes it easy to cope with such chills.

• A special suit, put on the body before the procedure, reliably protects the skin from mechanical damage. But in people suffering from increased capillary fragility, minor hematomas and petechiae may appear (petechiae are intradermal hemorrhages that appear in the form of pinpoint, reddish spots that do not disappear when pressing on the skin). They do not require treatment and go away on their own within a few days. But you need to inform the doctor about their appearance; so that he can adjust the intensity of the procedure on particularly sensitive areas of the skin, and, if necessary, refer you for an examination to make sure there are no diseases accompanied by reduced blood clotting.

Contraindications to vacuum roller massage:

— Oncological diseases — Neurological disorders — Pregnancy (fraught with premature termination of pregnancy) — Rash, cuts, injuries and abrasions on the skin — Problems with veins, for example, varicose veins — All kinds of hernias, as well as adenomas, lipomas and phlebitis — Infectious diseases - Fever.

The duration of the vacuum roller massage course is from 10 to 12 procedures, 2 times a week. Upon completion of the course, a maintenance procedure once a week. Procedure duration: 45 minutes

Types of roller massagers

Tape massagers. Surely everyone could see such massagers at their parents and grandparents. Thanks to their shape, they allow you to massage hard-to-reach areas of the body.

Compact massagers. These massagers are small in size, which allows you to take them anywhere. Using the product it is convenient to massage any muscle groups.

There are massagers that are designed specifically for feet . These massagers are intended for floor use. To work the muscles of the entire foot, the massager is equipped with special rollers. For this type of massage, sliding movements of the legs back and forth are suitable.

There are thousands of ways of self-massage in the world. However, the main thing is to do it regularly.

Self-massage with a tape massager

  1. Back massage. The hand that is located above the shoulder should move to the side with each slight movement. Having made 5-6 gestures in this way, you need to change the position of your hands.
  2. Lumbar and back massage. The massager must be placed parallel to the lower back. With gentle movements, begin to move it from left to right, while gradually lowering and raising the massager along the back. It is enough to do only 8-10 repetitions to feel lightness.
  3. Neck massage. This type of massage is also performed using horizontal movements. The massager needs to be moved gradually down to the shoulder blades, while you can smoothly tilt your head back and forth. It is enough to do the massage for one minute.
  4. Abdominal massage. The massager must be placed and moved diagonally to the body, while making 6-8 movements on the left and right. However, the area around the heart should be avoided.


Most girls speak positively about the effectiveness of roller massagers, but only if they are used in parallel with diet and exercise. Then the process of eliminating cellulite goes much faster. If you use only devices, the result is minimal. The quality of the skin, of course, improves, but the cellulite tubercles remain.

Regardless of the presence of cellulite, ladies note that such sessions are very pleasant. They perfectly relieve fatigue, relax, and improve your mood. It does not take much time to organize procedures. Wooden rollers can be used while taking a shower.

You should not expect that roller massagers will become a panacea for the appearance of cellulite. They are auxiliary means of achieving an ideal figure. When used correctly, the devices have a general healing effect not only on the skin, but also on the entire body. Cosmetologists recommend including manipulations with devices in weight correction programs.

The effect of vacuum roller massage on the body:

  • Lipolysis (fat burning);
  • Lymphatic drainage (increasing lymph flow and removing stagnant fluid and toxins from tissues);
  • Activation of blood circulation (improving cell nutrition, stimulating their growth and renewal);
  • Reducing the appearance of cellulite;
  • Losing excess weight;
  • Skin tightening;
  • Restoring body contours after childbirth;
  • Relieving tension after physical activity;
  • Relieving swelling;
  • Prevention of varicose veins;
  • Health-improving and restorative effect;
  • Strengthening the body's metabolic processes.

Expected Result

Getting rid of cellulite is a long and painstaking process. In addition, this problem requires an integrated approach. Cellulite will not disappear in a week. Most often, it takes at least a month to get rid of it.

The rate of fat reduction depends on:

  1. Maintaining healthy eating principles . Moreover, this is not maintaining a diet for a week; the principles of proper nutrition should be maintained for life.
  2. Physical activity also helps reduce the spread and worsening of cellulite. Even a short walk at a brisk pace in the park, or refusing to use the elevator, will give a positive result.
  3. Regular massage in reasonable quantities with mandatory rest periods can restore silky and smooth skin.

If all these conditions are met, you can get rid of cellulite in 1.5-2 months. Next, it is necessary to maintain the result, since there is a threat of recurrent skin imperfections.

General idea and principle of operation

The anti-cellulite massager is designed to improve the condition of the skin in problem areas of the body through regular pressure on the skin and mechanical destruction of fat cells.

The difference lies in the material of manufacture, appearance and cost. The most expensive models are made of natural ebonite, the cheapest massagers are plastic. However, you should not focus only on price. Often, the cheapest option may be perfect for a certain skin type.

What is this device? A hand massager consists of a handle and movable rollers. On some samples, the surface of the roller is strewn with non-sharp spikes.

What goals do users of anti-cellulite massagers pursue:

  • destruction of the concentration of lipoic (fat) deposits;
  • cleansing the skin from keratinization;
  • increased lymph and blood circulation;
  • improving skin quality.

How a vacuum cellulite massager works and how to use it correctly. Come here if you are interested in whether cellulite occurs on the buttocks of men.

At this address read how anti-cellulite abdominal massage with cups is carried out at home.

Review of popular models

Manual roller massagers are produced by many companies. Models vary in price, depth of penetration into the layers of the dermis, and duration of the therapeutic effect. Let's take a closer look at the main characteristics of several popular devices.

BRADEX roller (KZ 0240)

Ergonomic, original design bends the entire body. Movable rubber rollers effectively smooth out cellulite tubercles, tone the skin, making it smooth and elastic. Gives the skin a healthy, toned appearance.

The massager does not slip during the procedure. The device does not require power sources and is suitable for use in the shower. The special shape of the handle allows you to comfortably place the device in your hand. It, like the body itself, is made of high-strength plastic, which ensures the durability of the massager. Bradex KZ 0240 does not require special care other than regular thorough cleaning.

Attention: It is not recommended to place the device in the dishwasher. High temperatures can cause rubber structural elements to become deformed.

Manipulating the massager leaves a pleasant sensation, since it does not cause pain (if you do not put too much pressure on it), relieves muscle tension and fatigue.

BRADEX roller (KZ 0485)

The device consists of ten wooden rollers with protrusions of different lengths. They instantly relax muscles, activate peripheral circulation, and calm the nervous system.

The device has a shape that is convenient for massaging any part of the body. Suitable for simultaneously kneading both feet or palms. The compact massager is convenient to carry in your purse and take with you on trips. If desired, you can organize procedures in the workplace to relieve stress.

BRADEX KZ 0485 is immediately ready for use; you do not need to assemble it yourself. Natural materials last a long time and give pleasure when in contact with the covers.

The device is very easy to use. You need to carefully roll the rollers over problem areas. To wash your feet, the massager must be placed on the floor. Sitting on a chair, put your feet on it. Move them forward, then back, lightly pressing on the spines. Work your palms in the same way. Such techniques will have a relaxing, healing effect on the entire body.

Torg Lines Reflex

The device is used both in medical institutions and at home. It intensively targets areas with cellulite. It has a complex effect on the skin and muscle fibers.


  • improving performance;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • activation of metabolism;
  • stimulation of the immune system;
  • restoration of natural blood flow;
  • removing excess fluid from the intercellular space.

With the help of the Torg Lines Reflex multifunctional massager, you can not only smooth out cellulite tubercles, but also get rid of intracranial pain by rolling a prickly roller over your head.

TianDe body roller (90152)

The device helps massage the body without exerting excessive effort. It is equipped with nine rollers that rotate 360 ​​degrees. Can change direction without having to bend the wrist.

TianDe kneads the deep layers of the dermis well, smoothes the skin, returns softness, elasticity, and silkiness to them. Relieves nervous and muscle tension. Relieves fatigue after a busy day at work.

An additional advantage of the device is its convenient design, which completely follows the contours of the palm. A durable clip securely fixes the massager on your hand, preventing it from slipping during the session.

Roller massager features pros cons

Hand-held anti-cellulite devices consist of a working part with movable wheels made of various materials attached to it:

  • wood;
  • rubber;
  • plastic;
  • silicone;
  • metal;
  • stone

The surface of structural elements can be smooth or covered with teeth, convexities of various shapes and lengths. For ease of use, the devices are equipped with durable, comfortable handles.

The main advantage of roller massagers is their ease of use with fairly high efficiency of the devices. Their use does not require any special skills. If you follow the technique of performing the procedure yourself, it is quite comparable to the impact of the hands of a professional massage therapist.

Other benefits include:

  • restoration of skin structure;
  • muscle relaxation;
  • versatility;
  • one-time purchase instead of paying for each session in the salon;
  • relieving fatigue;
  • achieving results without making serious efforts.

The disadvantages of roller massagers include:

  • painful procedure if the device is used incorrectly;
  • lack of quick effect;
  • the likelihood of bruising in girls with thin dermis;
  • the need for regular sessions.

The downside of home massage devices is a fairly large list of contraindications that should be taken into account.

After the procedure

Effective wraps at home according to folk recipes will help you quickly get rid of cellulite. Such products are not only effective in the fight against orange peel, they also tone the skin, make it smooth and velvety, and have a healing effect on micro cracks that a roller trainer could leave on the skin. The most effective recipes for wraps after a massage:

  • Honey. You need 2 tbsp. dilute mustard powder with 3 tbsp. liquid warm honey, add 1 tbsp. sea ​​salt and 1 tsp. 3% apple cider vinegar. Mix the mixture well and apply to the skin, wrap it with cling film on top and put on anti-cellulite breeches; instead, you can just lie down under a thick blanket or put on warm trousers. The long procedure should last 30 minutes; if a strong burning sensation occurs, you should not endure it, you must immediately remove the product and rinse the affected area with warm water, lubricate it with anti-cellulite or moisturizing cream.
  • Coffee. You need to prepare a jar of coffee grounds, warm them up a little and add 2-3 tbsp to the mixture. honey, a few drops of olive oil and orange essential oil. Apply the resulting mixture to problem areas, rubbing in a circular motion for 10-15 minutes, after such a massage with coffee mass, you need to wrap your body with cling film and lie down on the sofa, the duration of the procedure is 30-40 minutes.
  • Clay and algae. Clay wrap is very effective against cellulite, and for a better effect, you need to add Laminaria algae powder to the mixture. Both ingredients can be purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetic store. It is not difficult to prepare the composition; you need to mix clay and algae powders in equal proportions and dilute them with warm water or milk. The consistency of the massage should resemble a cream and not spread. The resulting product should be applied to the skin for 40 minutes, wrapped with film on top and put on anti-cellulite underwear or lie under a blanket.

It is best to carry out massages and wraps before going to bed, so that after all the procedures you can lie down under the blanket and rest, in which case the muscles will be in a relaxed state for a long time, which will help the fat cells to dissolve and exit through the circulatory system without hindrance.
You can also use anti-cellulite breeches for better effect. You should not repeat the procedures every day, as the skin needs time to recover; 3 procedures per week will be enough. If you do a roller massage every day, then irritation may soon appear on the skin, then all cellulite treatments will have to be postponed until complete recovery. Share:

Advantages and disadvantages

Vacuum action has the following advantages:

  • gives quick and visually noticeable results;
  • deeply affects the skin, muscle and tissue structures;
  • has a multi-purpose focus (increases muscle tone, improves the condition of the dermis, breaks down fats, removes toxins and excess water);
  • serves as a universal method for the face and any parts of the body;
  • provides cosmetic and health benefits;
  • shows stable and prolonged results after the course.

Among the disadvantages of the method, one can note only the relatively high cost. In addition, you need to remember the need to consult with a doctor about whether LPG massage can be done for a particular person.

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