Shiatsu massage - a magical Japanese technique for health and youth

In this article you will not read anything about massage lines and classical movements, because here we will talk about shiatsu - a technique that involves influencing only points on the client’s face and body. We talk about how the Japanese technique allows you to get rid of pain, excess weight and age-related changes in facial skin.

Is it possible to lose weight by targeting a specific point for a minute a day? How to reduce the depth of wrinkles and tighten the oval of the face using self-massage? You will find the answers to these questions below!

Features of Shiatsu massage technique

As you already know, shiatsu is a point technique. In order to learn how to perform such a massage effectively, you need a good knowledge of anatomy + it is important to undergo training from a practicing master. We'll tell you how to choose it at the end of the article. The technique is based on the rules of acupuncture, only instead of needles the master’s fingers act. One of the features of the shiatsu technique is the ability to treat pain that even medications and traditional massage techniques do not help.

Royal points

There are areas on the surface of the skin, pressure on which can replace a full-fledged lifting performed in beauty salons. Such points are called royal, and they include:

  • Tenyo - makes the complexion healthy, relieves the face and neck from swelling.
  • Koryo – eliminates sagging cheeks, smoothes out unwanted wrinkles.
  • Sokkoku – has a skin tightening effect.

The principles of pressing the royal points are practically no different from the standard ones. Using the pads of three fingers, synchronously press the two royal points for 7 seconds. You can also use your little fingers.

Benefits of Shiatsu massage

Masters who master the technique of shiatsu massage open up enormous opportunities for solving common problems of patients: pain, insomnia, age-related changes, reduced immunity. Shiatsu massage helps everyone: from women suffering from facial rashes to men who want to eliminate problems with potency.

Benefits and indications

Shiatsu acupressure facial massage not only improves collagen production, but also normalizes blood flow and improves muscle tone. Therapy promotes the following changes:

  • Slowing the aging of facial skin.
  • Gradual disappearance of dark circles and bags under the eyes.
  • Reducing the number of facial and nasolabial folds.
  • Acceleration of lymph outflow.
  • Strengthening exchange processes.

Japanese acupressure, unlike European techniques, is able to restore the youth of the face for a longer period.

Facial exercises can not only rejuvenate the skin, but also speed up recovery for the following conditions:

  • Active headaches.
  • Regular insomnia.
  • Problems with emotional and psychological states.
  • Prolonged fatigue.
  • Mimic nervous tics.
  • Initial symptoms of a cold.
  • Excessive irritability.

All these unpleasant manifestations can be eliminated thanks to the relaxation that occurs during the procedure. And as you know, many diseases manifest themselves precisely because of stress.

Shiatsu acupressure for face

Is it possible to perform self-massage using such a seemingly complex technique? Certainly! This shiatsu massage procedure will give results: it will improve your complexion, get rid of morning puffiness, slightly reduce wrinkles and creases, and calm the nervous system.

  1. The procedure is performed on cleansed facial skin without the use of oils. The exposure time for each point is 5-7 seconds, three approaches. The angle between the finger and the treated area is 90 degrees.
  2. To begin, use your fingertips to work all areas of your face using light patting movements.
  3. The forehead area is worked with three fingers of both hands (index, middle, ring). Place them on a horizontal line above the eyebrow. Press on these points for 5-7 seconds. Then step back 1 cm upward and work a parallel line. Then up again. There will be 4 such lines on each side.
  4. The next area is the eyebrows. Three points: the beginning of the eyebrow, the middle and the end. The impact is performed with the ring, middle, and index fingers of both hands.
  5. The outer and inner corners of the eye are worked with the index fingers.
  6. Use circular movements with three fingers on the bridge of the nose (between the eyebrows).
  7. The following movement will help with bags and bruises under the eyes: press three points with three fingers:
      1.5 cm below the outer corner of the eye;
  8. 1.5 cm below the inner corner of the eye;
  9. 1.5 cm below the center of the lower eyelid.
  10. Use your index finger to work the area above your upper lip. Do not forget that the angle between the finger and the face area should be perpendicular.
  11. The area of ​​the wings of the nose - on both sides with the index fingers
  12. “Grab” your earlobes with two fingers and hold for 5-7 seconds. Repeat three times.
  13. By analogy with the previous points, work on the corners of the lips and the area under the lower lip.
  14. To get rid of drooping facial features, act on three points located along the lower jaw bone.
  15. The last accent is the point located between the collarbones. Exposure to it will calm the nervous system.

Dangerous! Do not act on the point if there is a mole at a distance of 1 cm from it!

Preparatory moments and nuances of therapy

Before starting the procedure, the specialist evaluates the patient’s appearance, the condition of his skin and physique, identifying problem areas.

Then he feels the points located in the recesses of the joints and tendons, in the places where large vessels pass and between muscle fibers. As a rule, an experienced massage therapist does not have any difficulties with this.

During the procedure, the specialist uses his own hands - fingertips, phalanges, palms. The use of additional tools is also practiced. A shiatsu massager can consist of metal balls or sticks.

On average, a therapeutic course consists of 10 procedures and each time the pressure increases.

Contraindications to Shiatsu acupressure massage

This effective technique will be useful to most of your clients and almost every person who wants to practice self-massage. But there is a list of contraindications, the presence of which can make the shiatsu massage technique hazardous to health:

  • The presence of inflammatory processes, oncology;
  • Phlebeurysm;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Open wounds and abrasions;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Blood clotting disorders.

Who is indicated and contraindicated for neck and back massage?

It is known that the cervical area is one of the most important in the spine, since it is in it that nerve endings of a special nature are concentrated. They are responsible for vision and hearing, swallowing, breathing, smell, almost all human senses, the “command posts” of which are located in the brain. The neck also allows the brain itself to function uninterruptedly, supplying it with oxygen through blood vessels. Finally, thanks to the neck, a person can turn or tilt his head. Therefore, if there is a problem in the cervical area, a person’s life significantly loses quality.

Cervical spine

Cervical-collar massage can help those who work at a computer. They simply need it, every day. If it is not possible for someone to give you a relaxing massage, learn how to do self-massage.

Massage is necessary for people working at a computer

Important! Especially if you have a sedentary job at a computer, are over thirty and have a crackling neck - this is incipient osteochondrosis, which can only be cured with a special complex, including daily massage.

Orthopedic chair

Headaches can also be cured with conventional massage techniques, because when a headache occurs, it occurs mainly with congestion in the cervical area, which is “dispersed” by massage.

Massage or self-massage will help eliminate congestion.

Massaging the back of the neck will help prevent the appearance of vision problems or, in any case, slow down the age-related processes of its deterioration with its constant increased activity.

As for the back, that is, the thoracic spinal area, there are even more reasons for massage. These include scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis (including their prevention), and pinched scapular nerves. Also, the areas that are therapeutically affected by back massage include the gastrointestinal and genitourinary.

Massage is useful for diseases of the spine

Indications for neck and back massage:

  • headache, including the nature of migraines;
  • high visual activity;
  • hair loss on the head;
  • pimples and acne;
  • increased pressure in the arteries;
  • chronic or episodic insomnia;
  • neurasthenic disorders;
  • manifestations of neuralgia;
  • stressful situations;
  • static muscle position;
  • accumulation of fatigue;
  • prevention and manifestations of osteochondrosis;
  • initial degree of arthrosis;
  • scoliotic deformities and their prevention;
  • lordosis;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • scleroderma;
  • chronic form of colitis;
  • weakening of sexual function;
  • recovery after injuries and operations.

Massage is useful for patients during recovery from injuries, as well as for the prevention of various diseases

If you want to learn in more detail how to perform a therapeutic massage for the back, familiarize yourself with its technique, you can read an article about it on our portal.

Massage pillow for neck and shoulders


If in any of the above cases massage will help to recover, restore health or prevent illness, then if performed with contraindications, the effect will be the opposite and sometimes unpredictable.

The procedure cannot be performed in the following situations:

  • the presence of a cancerous tumor;
  • thrombosis or other systemic blood disorder;
  • presence of hemostasis;
  • hypertension;
  • elevated temperature;
  • inflammatory process;
  • purulent inflammatory process;
  • dermatosis;
  • chronic infection;
  • radiculitis in aggravation;
  • active neck and back injuries.

It is worth getting a doctor’s opinion about the possibility of taking a massage course.

Important! If during the massage you feel unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations that border on pain, the session should be stopped. This type does not include only the sensation of pressure during certain techniques with pressure, but even with pressure it should not be painful or unpleasant.

Speed ​​up your metabolism in 1 minute a day: Shiatsu massage for weight loss.

Japanese traditional medicine is based on the influence of individual points of the body on entire body systems. The knowledge of doctors of several centuries was combined in the technique of shiatsu massage, aimed at reducing body weight and accelerating metabolism. Impact just a few points, and the weight loss process will accelerate: without grueling physical activity and medications.

  1. The first point is a bone on the inside of the leg, located just above the foot. Massage it for 30 seconds.
  2. The second point is the bridge of the nose. Exposure time: 30 seconds.
  3. Using stroking movements, relax the back of your neck. Stroke the top of your head. Perform these movements for as long as you want: the longer, the more you can relax. This is necessary in order to calm the body, get rid of the influence of stress and balance the work of all internal organs.

Magic points: we treat diseases without doctors and drugs!

Practicing masters of shiatsu massage techniques help their patients get rid of serious illnesses without the use of medications - this is a feature of traditional Japanese medicine. Of course, novice specialists should work together with their treating doctors, but the result of a shiatsu massage will be positive in any case! We list the points whose impact will have an impact on entire systems of the body:

  • The point located 5-6 cm below the navel is responsible for the energy balance and moral state of a person.
  • Impact on the earlobes will help get rid of nervous tension. Massage them for a minute, and insomnia will have no place in your life!
  • Massage your temples and bridge of your nose to increase your focus and energy.
  • The effect on the popliteal hollows will have a beneficial effect on the health of the back - the pain will become less or completely go away.
  • Simultaneous pressure on the center of the forehead and chin will help get rid of hot flashes, pain, discomfort, cramps during menstruation or menopause.

Massage of the cervicothoracic area

It is noteworthy that when massaging the neck, especially independently or unprofessionally, massage in the sternum area is usually neglected. And most of the causes of pain in the cervical area originate in the chest.

In addition, after this procedure:

  • the work of the heart muscle improves;
  • the delivery of nutrients to tissues is activated;
  • the back muscles relax;
  • capillaries open and oxygen-containing cells work at full capacity;
  • blood pressure equalizes;
  • and, in most cases, the neck pain stops.

    Massage helps relieve back and neck pain

Important! The basic principle of back massage is to perform sequential movements, performing certain techniques, moving along the venous blood flow, and not against it, and bypassing the lymph nodes. Simple, isn't it?

Stages of back massage

The massage techniques are the same as when performing a massage of the neck and collar area. Patting the muscles with palms curved like a “bucket” may be added. There is no need to pat shoulders or bones.

  1. Always start with light superficial stroking. You need to stroke absolutely the entire back with both hands, starting from the lower back, moving up to the shoulders, then going back down. In the shoulder area, movements can be intensified, while maintaining softness.
  2. Then the pressure increases significantly, and the ribs of the palms are used to stroke the area on both sides of the spine. The shoulders are rubbed with a full open palm.
  3. After this, the hands move to the sides and skin-grabbing movements are carried out, going from top to bottom.
  4. The shoulders are stretched in a circular motion.
  5. The intensive middle part of the session involves moving upward from the lower back, grasping the skin with the pads of all fingers except the thumbs. Using both hands, massage first one side, then the other. The spine is not affected.
  6. The pressure intensifies in the shoulder area. They can be massaged longer than the rest of the back area, since it is the shoulder girdle that receives the maximum load and tension during sedentary static work.
  7. Point vibration is carried out along the entire back, especially along the shoulders.
  8. The massage movements are intensified again, you can work the upper back with your fists, maintaining some distance from the spine.
  9. The session ends with patting and stroking the entire back from bottom to top and a sensory soothing passage with the fingertips.

Video - How to properly massage the cervical-collar area

If you want to learn in more detail how to massage using an electric massager for the neck and back, you can read an article about it on our portal.

Representatives of what professions would benefit from learning shiatsu massage techniques?

  1. Massage therapists - you can add a new technique to your price list. Masters who master this technique stand out from competitors who can only perform classic massage options.
  2. For spa industry professionals, this relaxing treatment will delight your guests.
  3. For cosmetologists - any beauty procedure works more effectively if it is complemented by sessions aimed at relaxing the body and getting rid of cramps.

The secrets of shiatsu massage are also useful for those who want to help family and friends by giving a massage after a hard day at work. Shiatsu self-massage for the face is a good opportunity to start controlling the costs of cosmetologist services.

special instructions

Shiatsu or quick gymnastics for facial rejuvenation will be more effective if you follow simple rules and precautions.

Japanese Shiatsu massage should last from 20 to 25 minutes, taking into account the preparatory stage. After therapy, you will feel a surge of warmth and energy that will saturate the skin of your face.

To make it easier to relax, experts advise turning on calm music or lighting scented candles.

If suddenly during gymnastics you feel a sharp pain, stop the procedure immediately. Such discomfort may indicate improper execution of the technique or the onset of an inflammatory process in the skin.

Why doesn't shiatsu massage always help?

If the master does not have an experienced teacher, if he decides to study the technique on his own, then his procedures may be ineffective or even lead to negative results. Why is that? Shiatsu is a specific massage technique that requires excellent knowledge of anatomy. It is important to know every point perfectly and be able to accurately find it on the client’s face or body. How to achieve this? Learn from the experience of a professional practitioner.

The school of massage masters gives each student such an opportunity. Visit our website to meet specialists who want to impart their knowledge of Shiatsu massage and more to you!

Author of the article:

Practicing: 15 years, Teaching: 8 years

Gynecological massage – what is it?

Like regular body massage, gynecological massage is a manual (or hardware) effect on the pelvic organs. The method is aimed at improving blood supply and lymph movement in the female organs of the reproductive system. However, despite the rather narrow focus of the procedure, it affects not only the area of ​​application, but also the entire body, providing a general healing effect.

A massage from an experienced gynecologist will normalize blood circulation in the arteries and veins, relieving the problem of blood stagnation. Helps cope with urinary problems, for example, strengthens it, and can improve metabolic processes. Of course, this brings great benefits to the female reproductive system and helps eliminate many gynecological difficulties. In particular, uterine massage is used for conception when its stimulation is necessary.


How to do it yourself at home? The main element of the shiatsu massage technique is pressure, carried out in three ways:

  1. The pads of the thumbs.
  2. Simultaneously with the index, middle and ring fingers.
  3. Palm.

You should not make sudden movements . There is no need to “scroll” the skin over the points, as this can lead to the appearance of even more wrinkles. When operating with both hands, it is important to ensure that the pressing force is the same in both hands.

Shiatsu massage is most beneficial in the morning , after waking up. This procedure will take no more than fifteen minutes, but the effect will last for the whole day. Before you begin the acupressure procedure, you should prepare a little:

  1. Cleanse your face with lotion.
  2. Warm the skin over a steam bath for five to seven minutes to relax the muscles and blood vessels.
  3. Five minutes before the procedure, apply cream to your face.
  4. Light the aroma lamp, play calm music and relax.

The therapeutic effect of lower limb massage.

Massaging the lower extremities has therapeutic effects:

• Improved blood circulation; • Improving lymph outflow; • Relieving muscle spasms and, as a result, eliminating pain from muscle tension; • Relaxation and relief from fatigue; • Stimulating tissue nutrition by improving the movement of blood and lymph; • Strengthening muscles and increasing muscle tone; • Relieving anxiety and improving well-being as a result of eliminating spasms and pain.


Like any other type, a wellness massage for the eyes is not recommended for a person’s general serious condition , which can be caused by chronic, colds and viral diseases.

Also, eye massage is contraindicated for the following disorders and diseases :

  • trauma to the skin in the eye area;
  • high body temperature;
  • severe chronic pain that can only be relieved with medication;
  • any dermatological diseases that appear in the eye area;
  • tendency to bleeding due to blood diseases;
  • oncological tumors (both malignant and benign).

Attention! These exercises are contraindicated in severe arterial hypertension and a tendency to rapid mental fatigue.

For these reasons, it is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting a massage to improve your vision.

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