Vacuum massage for breast enlargement and health: what is it and how to do it

Vacuum massage has been used as a treatment for over 5,000 years. During this time, we learned a lot about the beneficial effects of a rarefied environment on the body: due to the pressure drop in the problem area, the number of functioning capillaries increases 45 times, blood circulation accelerates 5 times, and lymph flow increases 7 times. Even the composition of the blood and the crystal lattice of cells change.

Such metamorphoses affect the root cause of diseases, fight inflammation, spasms, swelling, and pain. Surprisingly, every year the possibilities of this treatment procedure and the range of its applications are only expanding. For example, vacuum breast massage has recently appeared, supporting a woman’s health and helping her solve some aesthetic problems. We invite you to take a closer look at the pros and cons of this technique.

Thematic material


What is the purpose of the procedure?

The American Roger Khoury was the first to suggest massaging the chest with a vacuum. Working as a plastic surgeon, he encountered many women who wanted to enlarge their bust. To get closer to the ideal, ladies turned to methods dangerous to their health: they made painful injections, took dubious drugs, and had silicone implants implanted. The device created by the doctor became a worthy alternative to painful procedures, immediately fell in love with the fair half of humanity and is now widely used for breast enlargement.

A small bust is not the only reason to undergo a vacuum procedure. This type of massage will be beneficial for:

  • Asymmetry of the glands, which most often appears during lactation due to uneven attachment of the child or is hereditary.
  • Sagging breasts due to changes in tissue structure, loss of tone of the already weak, few muscles in this part of the body.
  • Preparing for the birth of a baby and upcoming lactation: to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, cracked nipples, prevent the development of mastitis, foci of inflammation and stagnation in the mammary glands.

  • Disorders of the menstrual cycle and libido of a woman.
  • Slowing down metabolic processes at the cellular level.
  • Inflammation of breast tissue.
  • Breast tenderness or tenderness.
  • Flabbiness and sagging skin.

The procedure is considered an excellent prevention of the appearance of tumors, cysts, and mastopathy.

Expected results

The female breast consists of different anatomical structures: connective tissue, mammary gland with ducts, deep-lying muscles, blood vessels. The size of the bust is determined by fat cells. Their condition depends on the amount of nutrients absorbed and female hormones carried through the bloodstream. If the supply is disrupted for any reason, the development of the mammary gland is suspended. The elasticity and shape of the bust depends on the condition of the muscles, ligaments, and skin.

When the breast is pulled into the cup under the influence of a vacuum, amazing metamorphoses begin to occur in its structures:

  1. First of all, the blood flow increases. This fact alone contributes to a visual change in bust size: blood vessels dilate, blood plasma leaks into nearby tissues, causing them to swell.
  2. The structures of the gland are saturated with nutrients and oxygen.
  3. Metabolic processes are accelerated.
  4. Increased lymph flow removes waste products from the body.
  5. The production of female hormones – estrogens – is activated.
  6. Ligaments are strengthened.
  7. Tissue regeneration is stimulated, improving the appearance of the skin.

The pressure difference causes the mammary gland cells to stretch, and the fluids to be evenly distributed throughout the entire volume. As a result, the breasts become larger, firmer and firmer.

According to massage therapists, daily fifteen-minute procedures can enlarge the glands by 40%.


The female breast is a particularly sensitive and vulnerable organ. Any uncontrolled or too aggressive external influence can greatly harm health and even be fatal.

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination, including by a gynecologist and mammologist.

Self-appointment or recommendations from a friend are excluded in this case. It is important to remember that vacuum breast massage is prohibited when:

A good specialist will refuse to perform the procedure:

  • Girls under 18 years of age whose glands are in the stage of active growth: excessive pressure often causes the development of pathological changes in the tissues.
  • For nulliparous women, accidental trauma to the breast ducts can lead to mastitis.
  • Ladies over 35 years old during hormonal changes in the body: aggressive exposure increases the risk of tumors and cysts.
  • For expectant mothers in the second half of pregnancy, as pressure changes are very dangerous for the fetus.

There is still debate about the advisability of massage during lactation. Some doctors claim that using a vacuum will increase milk production, prevent sagging tissue, and remove stretch marks that appeared during pregnancy. But most doctors oppose the procedure, arguing that breast structures become especially sensitive when breastfeeding. The slightest injury to them invariably leads to the development of mastitis.

Possible complications

Despite the prevailing opinion about the benefits and complete safety of vacuum breast correction, this procedure also has opponents. They all unanimously say that deep and intense massage is dangerous for the delicate mammary glands, and warn patients about the possibility of complications. First of all, we are talking about:

  • excessive stretching of tissues, which leads to even more sagging breasts and the formation of stretch marks;

  • hematomas remaining after the procedure;
  • pathological vasodilation;
  • the appearance of blood clots;
  • poor circulation in other parts of the body due to a strong rush of blood to the problem area;
  • ruptures of breast tissue;
  • development of stagnant and inflammatory processes in case of injury to structures.

Many doctors believe that the claimed effect of strengthening the pectoral muscles is just a marketing ploy. These structures are located so deep that the vacuum has no effect on them. And the expected breast enlargement, in their opinion, is nothing more than temporary swelling caused by excessive blood flow. To maintain the visual effect, you need to constantly repeat aggressive massaging, which is dangerous to health.

How a woman recovers after a vertical breast lift*

The length of hospital stay is usually only a day. The next day after plastic surgery, a dressing is performed to remove the drainage, and during this procedure the condition of the tissue is assessed. If there are no alarming symptoms, the patient is discharged home. For pain that may occur after mammoplasty, a woman, on the recommendation of a doctor, can take painkillers. You should also treat the seams with antiseptics daily to prevent infection. The doctor prescribes routine examinations.

Rehabilitation after breast correction with a lift includes some rules:

  1. You need to wear compression support garments. It is not removed for six weeks (even at night), and then put on before physical activity. After the installation of implants for female breast augmentation, the period of wearing underwear is longer.
  2. You should not shower for 4-5 days.
  3. During the first two weeks, you should not sleep on your stomach or side, or raise your arms.
  4. It is prohibited to visit solariums, baths, saunas, and ponds for a month.
  5. Physical activity is prohibited for two to three months.

In order for the recovery to be fairly easy, it is necessary that the patient follows the recommendations given by the doctor.

*This information is of a general nature. You will receive more detailed information during a consultation with your surgeon.

How much does the procedure cost?

It should be noted that such massage is in great demand in salons in Moscow and St. Petersburg. As you know, demand creates supply. On average, one procedure costs 1,500 rubles. The cost of a session depends on the prestige of the institution, the qualifications of the artist, and the equipment used. When paying for the entire course, as a rule, the price is reduced by 10%.

Performing massage at home

Until recently, this procedure was carried out exclusively under the supervision of doctors. Today it is possible to purchase compact vacuum devices for use at home and massage the mammary glands yourself. Complications will not arise if the woman strictly adheres to the algorithm of actions.

Preparatory stage

Before using the vacuum massager for the first time, you must:

  1. Carefully check your health status and consult with your doctor about the advisability of the procedures.
  2. Carefully read the instructions supplied with the device.
  3. Wash jars or bowls with warm, soapy water.
  4. Take a shower.
  5. Rub the bust with light circular movements.
  6. Apply a special firming cream.

It is better to perform a massage while lying down, relaxing as much as possible, in a calm, cozy atmosphere.

Main part

The actions at this stage depend on the type of massager. If you are using a vacuum pump, then:

  1. Choose a bowl that is the right size.
  2. Place it on the mammary gland and press firmly against the skin.
  3. Create a vacuum inside by pumping out the air. The breasts should increase by a couple of centimeters.

  4. Hold the position for 5-7 seconds.
  5. Release the pressure by opening the valve.

Such manipulations are repeated for 15 minutes on each mammary gland.

If you have a Brava system, then:

  1. Apply the massage hemispheres so that they lie in a circle at some distance from the chest.
  2. Check the tightness of the fit: there should be no gaps between the body and the massager.

  3. Firmly attach the tubes connecting the massage bowls to the batteries.
  4. Secure the design by wearing a fabric bra on top with a front clasp, the size of which is adjustable with buckles on the shoulders.

The convenience of the massager is that it can be worn at night or worn during the day: the device is not at all noticeable under clothing.

Conservatives can use cupping for massage. To do this, choose a device of a suitable size, always with an elastic protective ring. The impact is carried out on nearby areas, moving from the center of the chest to the armpits, avoiding intense suction and without affecting the mammary gland itself.

Final stage

At the end of the session, it is recommended to calm the disturbed tissues with light manual stroking of the chest, performed clockwise. Afterwards, you need to cover your chest with a sheet and rest for 15-20 minutes.

What is cupping massage and its history

Cupping therapy or cupping massage is an ancient method of treating body pain. Cupping is performed by placing cups on selected areas of the skin and creating sub-atmospheric pressure using heating or suction. The Eber Papyrus (1550 BC) from Ancient Egypt is one of the oldest medical manuscripts to mention this therapy.

The technique is part of numerous ancient healing systems such as Chinese, Unani, Traditional Korean, Tibetan and Oriental medicine. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates wrote extensive descriptions of the use of cupping. He described two different types of cups: one with a narrow opening and a long handle, and the other with a wider opening. The first type was used to remove fluid accumulation from the body, and the second type was used to treat pain in a local area of ​​the body. Cupping therapy was a popular historical treatment method in Arab and Islamic countries. It was recommended by Eastern and Muslim doctors such as Ibn Sina (980–1037), Al-Zahrawi (936–1036) and Abu Bakr al-Razi (854–925).

Al-Zahrawi described the sites for cupping and illustrated the instruments for pain relief with the help of diagrams. Further, the practice of cupping massage spread to Italy, and then to the rest of Europe (between the 14th and 17th centuries, during the Renaissance). At that time, cupping was very popular in Italy for the treatment of gout and arthritis.

Which massagers to use

Despite the fact that they began to massage the breasts with a vacuum quite recently, the market is already flooded with devices and devices that allow you to easily perform the procedure in salons and at home. Here's a quick overview of the most popular ones:

  • The Brava system is a device for home use. It consists of two bowls that fit tightly to the body. The air is pumped out of them by a built-in mini-pump powered by batteries. The entire structure is held in place by a fabric bra with a zipper and volume adjusters.

It is recommended to wear it for 10 hours at a time, day or night. One of the disadvantages is the lack of clinical studies during the development of the device.

  • A vacuum pump is the most popular massager for breast enlargement, equipped with one or two cups with a manual pump. During the procedure, the glands are placed inside the dome, where a vacuum is created using a rubber bulb. Normalize the pressure by opening the safety valve.

  • Pangao Breast Enhancer is a corset-shaped massager, inside of which there is a built-in microcomputer that controls pulsed vacuum supply. You only need to put on the device correctly and use it in accordance with the instructions.

  • Celluless beauty is a very compact device. It is a removable vacuum jar with a comfortable handle, inside of which a pump and power supply are located. Infrared radiation enhances the healing effect of the procedure.

  • Nova NV600 is a professional multifunctional device that is often used in salons. Equipped with a special attachment for breast massage. Allows you to adjust the strength and frequency of pulsed vacuum.
  • IB-8080 is another professional device that can increase breast size, change the shape of nipples, and restore elasticity to ligaments. The action of pulsating vacuum during the procedure is complemented by vibration, electromagnetic waves, and infrared radiation. You can work with one or two banks at the same time.

Which device to choose is up to you. The manufacturers of each of these devices guarantee an increase in the bust by at least one size. When this happens - in a week or in a month - will depend on the individual characteristics of your body, the effort and perseverance applied. In any case, a good attitude, great desire and patience will definitely lead to the long-awaited result.

Types of cans and principles of their operation

Traditional jars are made of clear, thick glass, pear-shaped and small in size. Modern products are more varied in shape and size (from 1 to 8 cm in diameter), and they are made not only from glass: silicone and polymer models are very popular and easy to use. To create a vacuum, polymer flasks are equipped with special valves or pumps, and in silicone models, the vacuum is formed by compressing and straightening the can tightly attached to the skin. There are flasks with magnets, which, together with vacuum massage, have the effect of magnetic therapy.

Type of cansDescription

Standard medical

Material – glass. The edges of the product are thickened, and there are special rough grooves on the surface of the jar to prevent slipping during operation. Diameter 6 cm, volume about 50 ml. Place using heat.

Combined vacuum jars

The body is made of polymer glass, the upper part is made of polyvinyl chloride. The diameter of the product is 5 cm. The vacuum is formed by compressing the balloon; the force of impact can be adjusted.

Silicone massage cups

Solid silicone jars with a diameter of 22 to 65 mm. Place by squeezing and unclenching the product, placing it tightly against the skin. The degree of impact is moderate, jars are more intended for cosmetic and anti-cellulite procedures.

Vacuum pneumatic cans

They are made of plastic, the diameter of the container is from 26 to 65 mm. The set includes a vacuum pump. Products can be supplemented with removable magnetic attachments. Using a pump, you can easily control the vacuum level.

Vacuum massage cans

Regardless of the type of cups, they all work according to the same principle: a vacuum is formed inside the flask, the skin is retracted, and blood flow increases. This, in turn, provokes the movement of lymph, stimulates cell metabolism, and relieves muscle spasms. Proponents of this technique are confident that vacuum exposure is effective not only for respiratory diseases, but also for back pain, neuralgia, migraines, and insomnia. In addition, cupping massage is used in beauty salons as an anti-cellulite remedy.

Prices for vacuum cans for massage

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