Vacuum facial massage with cups: rejuvenation and the effect of cup therapy

Vacuum cans are considered the simplest tool for performing home massage on problem areas and performing wellness treatments. Systematic use of such products leads to improved metabolism, tissue nutrition, a healthy complexion, relief from excess cellulite and pain, and treatment of many types of diseases. But which vacuum jars help achieve the desired effect? How to choose? And which models are considered the best? You will find answers to questions in our rating.

Properties of vacuum facial massage

In cosmetology clinics and beauty salons, the vacuum facial massage procedure is carried out using special jars (usually silicone or rubber). Often, devices are used, on which appropriate attachments are put on. They allow you to dose the degree of back pressure in a pulsating mode, resulting in a static or dynamic effect on the skin.

The process of cupping therapy promotes:

  • stretching and relaxing facial muscles (both facial and chewing);
  • increased blood flow, the skin is saturated with oxygen and nutrients;
  • eliminating congestion and improving blood flow in the veins;
  • regeneration of skin cells and acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • activation of connective tissue cells secreting collagen and elastin;
  • normalization of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • release of toxins and excess fluid, due to which swelling subsides;
  • burning fat deposits in the chin area;
  • cleansing skin pores and increasing its protective properties.

Due to the vacuum effect, the tone of the facial muscles increases.

Tips for choosing

Follow these tips:

  1. Pay attention to the material of manufacture. Rubber and silicone jars are in particular demand. They are considered more durable and easier to use.
  2. Diameter of products. The set should have several sizes to massage different parts of the body.
  3. Number of cans. The more of them in the set, the more varied the massage.
  4. Contraindications. Carefully study the manufacturer's advice. Don't buy jars that will further harm your health.
  5. Reviews. They will help you make the right choice and avoid counterfeits.

What results can be achieved?

The effectiveness of facial massage with vacuum cups has not only been proven by specialists, but also tested over the years. The rejuvenating effect is achieved only with regular procedures and the correct technique. Well, now let's talk about the most important thing - what results you can get:

  • smoothing out fine and deep wrinkles (both facial and nasolabial);
  • evens out complexion and eliminates age spots;
  • increasing skin elasticity - its structure becomes denser and more elastic;
  • narrowing of pores and disappearance of so-called “blackheads”;
  • relieving redness and any skin irritation;
  • reduction or complete elimination of purulent rashes;
  • smoothing bags under the eyes and relieving puffiness;
  • alignment of the facial contour - it becomes more defined and thin;
  • and last but not least - eliminating the double chin.

How to place jars correctly

In order for the jars to give the desired result, they must be placed correctly. This applies not only to the fastening process itself, but also to the location of the cans on the back. There are areas where you cannot bet:

  • spine;
  • angles of the blades;
  • heart and kidney area;
  • birthmarks, papillomas, large moles.

Also, it should not be placed where there are scratches, burns, abrasions and other injuries, bruises, and swelling on the skin. If the procedure is carried out correctly, the marks on the back have a reddish, rather than bluish tint, and disappear quickly. The opinion that bruises after cupping are considered normal is completely erroneous, because dark spots are a consequence of ruptured blood vessels, which cannot in any way be beneficial for health. Now let’s look step by step at how the procedure should be performed.

Step 1. Make sure there are no contraindications, measure the patient’s temperature - if it exceeds 37.5 degrees, cupping cannot be performed.

Step 2. The patient should lie on his stomach, his arms can be extended to his sides, placed under his chest or under a pillow. The main thing is that the position is comfortable, because you will have to lie down for at least 15 minutes.

Step 3. Carefully inspect the jars and make sure that they are all intact. Cracked or chipped edges can damage the skin, and these jars will also allow air to leak.

Medical banks

Step 4. Lubricate the patient's back with massage oil or Vaseline. Do not use a quickly absorbing cream, otherwise bruises will remain on the skin. Visually determine the places where you will place the jars.

Medical Vaseline

Step 5. Make a wick: take a piece of cotton wool, wrap it tightly around tweezers or some kind of metal rod. The cotton wool must be held firmly so as not to fall when burning.

Which jars are best to use?

There are several types of vacuum cans on sale. They come in silicone, plastic, glass, rubber in the shape of a pear, and medical ones with a special-purpose pump. It is better not to buy the last option, because... This product is difficult to use at home.

To carry out massage therapy yourself, you will need jars with different diameters:

  • small (11 mm) - they massage the areas around the eyes, nasolabial and eyebrow areas;
  • medium (22 mm) – intended for intensive impact on the deep layers of soft tissue;
  • large (33 mm) – used in the forehead, cheeks and décolleté.

Vacuum jars of larger diameter can be used not only on the face, but also on the entire body. This is an ideal option if you need to tighten loose and sagging skin, as well as remove excess fat.

For vacuum facial massage, it is best to choose silicone jars.

Comparison table of characteristics

We suggest comparing massage cups using a general table.

ModelNumber of cans, pcs.Manufacturing materialsArea of ​​useSkin typeEffect
Torg Lines Miracle Bank2PVCTherapeutic and anti-cellulite massageAnyAnti-cellulite
MedKit N1818PlasticTherapeutic and anti-cellulite massageAnyFigure improvement, disease prevention
Alpina Plast Cosmetic BV-014Handmade glass, plasticTherapeutic and anti-cellulite massageAnyToning, lymph drainage
My Rules medium hard4Hypoallergenic rubberTherapeutic and anti-cellulite massageAnyWeight loss, toning, cellulite prevention
Vacumag12SiliconeTherapeutic and anti-cellulite massageAnyToning, fighting cellulite
Belberg MB-014Food grade siliconeTherapeutic and anti-cellulite massageAnyElimination of cellulite and fatigue
Beauty3654RubberTherapeutic and anti-cellulite massageAnyToning, giving elasticity

Execution technique

For vacuum facial massage, you need to buy cans or a massager specifically designed for such a procedure. These products are easy to find - they are sold in any pharmacy, you can also order them in a specialized store. You will also need massage or cosmetic oil; regular Vaseline is a good alternative.

Before starting the procedure, clean your face and neck of dirt and cosmetics; it is best to steam the skin over a bath of hot water. This approach will avoid the appearance of hematomas on the skin.

How to do vacuum massage correctly? The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Massage oil is applied to the skin of the face and neck and a silicone jar is placed. Squeeze it lightly so that it sticks to the skin. Do not apply strong suction, otherwise bruises may occur.
  2. It is better to start the procedure from the forehead. With smooth movements, the jar moves along the massage lines without leaving the skin. The movements should be from bottom to top, then vice versa. Next, wrinkling your forehead, from the center to the sides of the temporal zones to the left and right (alternately).
  3. Let's move on to the cheekbones. The jar is installed in the places of the wings of the nose and is directed along the zygomatic muscles to the temporal zones. Try to avoid the eye area.
  4. Gradually we move on to the cheeks. The movements are the same as in the previous version, only the cans are installed in the corners of the mouth.
  5. Massage of the lower jaw area begins from the middle of the chin - with one hand hold the tissues surrounding it, with the other we move the jar towards the earlobes. Similar movements should be made in the area under the chin, where fat deposits most often accumulate.
  6. The process ends with a neck massage. First, from bottom to top - from the collarbone to the sides of the neck, further directions towards the location of the earlobes.

Small jars are used to massage the nose, eyebrow area, upper and lower eyelids. You should not put too much pressure on these areas, especially the areas around the eyes where the skin is very thin and delicate.

Vacuum cans should only be driven along massage lines.

The best medical massage cups

These are one-piece massagers that are convenient to take with you everywhere. They do not take up much space, are most often universal and can be used on all parts of the body.

FASCIQ Silicone Cup Large (Clear)



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

A dense, yet soft massage jar made of hypoallergenic silicone glides easily over the skin. The diameter of 70 mm allows it to be used on any part of the body. The set includes a stylish black bag in which it is convenient to transport and store the massager.

Cup Large can be used with any cream or oil, it is easy to clean and does not change its properties in any way even with regular daily use.


  • Transparency for better control;
  • Convenient size;
  • Safety;
  • No unpleasant odor;
  • Bag included.


  • High price.

A good choice for those who are looking for a massager for all parts of the body, but want to take it with them on trips and trips.

MEDICAL DEVICES Vacuum jars, extended size



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

A massager of the optimal size can be used for anti-cellulite massage, targeting painful spots, and even treating neuralgia with its help. They are convenient for working the large muscles of the back, buttocks and thighs. It gently absorbs the skin without pulling it or creating severe pain.

By holding the jar in hot water you can make it softer, which is important when using it for the first time. The increased diameter will significantly facilitate massage procedures and speed them up. The can has been tested for toxicity and found to be absolutely safe.


  • Soft impact;
  • Compactness;
  • Durability and hygiene;
  • Affordable price.


  • It takes effort to move the can.

This jar is suitable for professionals and amateurs - it can be used to perform self-massage.

ALPINA PLAST Superbank vacuum, 50 mm (3020311082)



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

A vacuum jar with a diameter of 50 mm is used for the entire body except the face. The convenient rubber bladder can be compressed in different ways by adjusting the suction strength. Even a beginner can handle this model, as the kit includes detailed instructions with massage techniques.

The superbank is made of durable medical plastic. It lies comfortably in the hand and moves freely over the skin without injuring it. It does not hurt to massage with it, but sometimes with intensive use, pinpoint bruises may appear on the skin, which quickly disappear.


  • Adjustment of the degree of suction;
  • Safe materials;
  • Ease of use;
  • Clear instructions.


  • The pear may fly away from the jar.

Superbank Alpina Plast is a good alternative to salon anti-cellulite massage.


15 best facial massagers

Cautions and contraindications

Vacuum facial massage can be done at home only on the recommendations of specialists and only in the absence of any serious illnesses. Remember that you yourself are responsible for the final result or consequences of such a procedure. To decide whether to use facial cups or not, check out the list of main contraindications:

  • rosacea and the presence of blood clots;
  • increased fragility of blood vessels;
  • diseases leading to poor blood clotting;
  • inflammation of the facial nerve;
  • infectious diseases and fungal infections;
  • extensive purulent rashes;
  • open wounds and cuts on the face;
  • too thin and sensitive skin.

If you have at least one of the listed ailments, you should refuse vacuum massage on your face. It is better to choose a more gentle anti-aging procedure that will not cause unpleasant consequences for beauty and health in general.

How to carry out the procedures correctly?

The basic principle for any impact on the body is “do no harm.” That is why, before starting self-massage sessions, you should consult with a therapist about the safety of such treatment. If no restrictions are identified, you can safely purchase vacuum massage cups

and begin the fight against imperfections in the body. At this stage, it will be important to stock up on special lubricant - cream or massage oil will do. For glass products, you will also need a medical clamp with gauze soaked in alcohol to burn off oxygen inside the cavity of the vessel. More modern silicone products do not require such effort - they just need to be squeezed tightly and then placed on the surface of the skin.

Regardless of the type of devices used, after they are fixed on the surface of the skin, the massage effect begins. It can be done linearly or according to other patterns (zigzag, clockwise or massage lines). The scope of application is also taken into account. On your back you need to make upward movements, on your stomach - rotational movements in a circle.

Preliminary preparation is also important. For example, if we are talking about anti-cellulite treatment, it is recommended to pre-steam and rub the fabrics in the shower or bath. After this, you can apply lubricant (including special creams with a warming effect) and begin the massage. The duration of exposure is calculated individually; on average, one session lasts no more than 15 minutes. Upon completion of the treatment, it is recommended to wrap the treated area warmly.

Bruises: what to do?

Their appearance during a professional session is considered normal. Bruises are even good, because they represent the destruction of small capillaries, which subsequently forces new ones to form, improving skin tone. But today, even some specialists choose more gentle techniques that do not cause bruising.

When it comes to procedures at home, the story is completely different: we do not recommend allowing bruises to appear. If this happens, then reduce the degree of exposure in subsequent sessions or replace the jars with rubber or silicone ones.

We hope our short excursion into the world of anti-cellulite massage was useful to you! Use tips and life hacks and soon the reflection in the mirror will surprise you! And if you are interested in learning massage techniques not only for yourself, but also in order to help friends and family, change your profession and earn money from what you love, you can learn together with the online and offline courses of the School of Massage Masters!

Author of the article:

Practicing: 15 years, Teaching: 8 years

Lymphatic drainage massage from Elena Karkukli

Elena Karkukli is a face fitness specialist. She founded and became the head trainer of the Faceday Natural Rejuvenation Club. Elena believes that facial gymnastics and cupping manipulations can prolong the youthfulness of the face for many years. Elena Karkukli shows on her face how to manipulate the jars.

She recommends trying it on your hand first and then moving on to your face. Instead of oil, you can apply a nourishing mask and perform the manipulation.

Types of vacuum exposure

Based on technique, duration and location of impact, massage is divided into 2 types.


Assumes a targeted effect. The jar is placed on the selected area and held for 4 - 6 seconds. Then carefully remove and place on the next area to be treated. From session to session, the time is increased by a second. The jar can be kept in one place for up to 30 seconds. This type is chosen when not the entire face needs treatment, but only problem areas (double chin, small irregularities, etc.)


The jar moves over the skin, glides over it. Movements are strictly along the massage lines. You must first apply a special oil or gel. This massage takes less time and is gentle. The chances of side effects such as bruising are reduced several times.

By the way, before starting a cupping massage, it is recommended to study the massage lines of the face.

Which oil to choose for massage

You cannot massage without applying oil. It provides easy glide and is absorbed into the deep layers of the skin. It must be natural and cold-pressed. Oils with additives should not be used. Deodorized, refined, and hydrogenated oils are prohibited. The best oils are: hemp, rosehip and borage.

Almond oil will also work. It is hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic.

It is also possible to use sesame, nut, and apricot kernel oil. However, it is important to take into account your skin type, since the listed oils clog the pores.

Black cumin oil is one of the best oils for the skin. However, it is heavy and it is better to dilute it with other light oils (rosehip, borage, hemp, grape seed). For better results, esters are added to the oil.

Precautions, side effects

If you do the procedure correctly, taking into account contraindications, the result will only bring joy. Side effects and complications are present if:

  • Show excessive enthusiasm (violation of the frequency and duration of sessions, intense impact on unaccustomed skin);
  • Select low-quality material;
  • Do not monitor the cleanliness of the skin and cups;
  • Save on gel and oils;
  • Violate the technique.

Health does not forgive a frivolous attitude towards oneself. Side effects after a vacuum massage, if you neglect the rules and contraindications, are extremely unpleasant:

  • Increased rash, acne formation. Reason: insufficient cleansing of the dermis, instruments, the presence of inflammation and pustules before the procedure.
  • Bruises, hemorrhages. The problem is the fragile capillaries located close to the surface. They appear if the force of impact is not calculated.
  • Swelling appears if the cups are removed incorrectly.
  • Stretch marks. The most unpleasant complication. It appears if manipulations are carried out illiterately, contrary to all the rules.

Experienced cosmetologists usually do not experience side effects after the procedure (unless contraindications are hidden). But spending time at home, especially for the first time, is risky. At a minimum, you need to carefully study the technique, rules of application, and reviews of the procedure.

Neck and décolleté massage

The neck is the first to reveal a woman’s age, so she requires mandatory care, in particular, vacuum massage. Massage technique for the neck and décolleté:

  1. Visually divide these zones into 2 parts.
  2. Grease with oil.
  3. To work on the neckline, take a jar 3 cm in diameter. Place it in the middle of the zone, attach it and move it from the middle to the side. Make 3-4 movements.
  4. Rearrange the jar and repeat the movement.
  5. When working on the neck, do not touch the thyroid gland. Take a medium-sized jar, press the rubber cap, place it near your ear, and move it down 3-4 times.
  6. Move the jar to a nearby area and start moving from top to bottom again.

For the first time, one minute is enough, then you will increase the exposure time, bringing it to 5 or even 10 minutes.

How to prepare the skin?

  • Take a warm bath, use a coffee or honey scrub (provided you are not allergic). Ventilate the room in which the vacuum massage procedure will take place: the air should not be too cold, but in a stuffy room, vacuum massage with cups is also not necessary, otherwise all the impurities and toxins will not “come out” of the body, but, on the contrary, will clog the skin.
  • Apply an anti-cellulite product to the treated area. We'll tell you how to choose it below.

Let's start vacuum cupping massage!

Undesirable consequences

As a rule, there are no negative consequences after the procedure. In rare exceptions, if the massage was performed independently, or there were violations of the technique, the following may be observed:

  • Slight swelling, especially under the eyes;
  • Bruises on the face or minor bruises;
  • Redness of the skin.

All consequences, as a rule, disappear without a trace after 2-3 days.

If the situation has not returned to normal, then consultation with a dermatologist is required.

Contraindications to massage

Massage is contraindicated in the presence of the following diseases:

  • inflammations present on the skin;
  • vessels that are very close to the upper layer, since there is a high risk of injury and the appearance of spider veins;
  • oncology;
  • any skin vascular diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • infectious diseases;
  • heart pathologies;
  • during the period of acute forms of chronic diseases;
  • blood does not clot well;
  • eczema and fungal diseases;

  • colds and other diseases that prohibit increased blood flow.

What is the effectiveness of massage with vacuum cans at home?

Let's look at the reasons. You've heard that cellulite appears due to poor nutrition, smoking, excess weight, and insufficient physical activity. Everything is true, but it is worth understanding the main reason that all of the above leads to - lymph stagnation. This body procedure effectively affects the speed of lymph flow. The effectiveness of the procedure also lies in increasing skin tone and improving blood circulation. Removing waste, toxins, excess water and destroying the fat layer allows those who regularly perform procedures to buy pants a size smaller after a couple of weeks of the course! Do you want this too? This is why the professionals of the School of Massage Masters share important information with you!

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