Warm rejuvenation with facial steam bath

The effect of warm steam effectively warms up, cleanses and softens the skin of the face. To obtain a specific result, various herbal decoctions and essential oils are added to the water. They promote healing, maintain elasticity, oxygen saturation, and normalize water balance. Regular steam bath promotes cell regeneration, healthy skin and improved appearance.

Steam bath for the face and its effectiveness

As one of the stages of the skin cleansing procedure, a steam bath can solve several problems at the same time. Thanks to the unique properties of steam, herbs and oils, the procedure acquires a therapeutic effect.

Main results after exposure to steam:

  • Cleansing. The pore walls soften and the contents are easily removed. The epidermis is cleansed of sebaceous deposits and toxins.
  • Treatment. Steam with microparticles of therapeutic agents soothes irritations.
  • Rejuvenation. Cell regeneration accelerates. A healthy complexion appears. Skin texture improves.
  • Health improvement. Inhalation for the respiratory system is carried out.
  • Aromatherapy. The nervous system is strengthened.

After several steam bath sessions, the skin becomes smoother, lighter and softer. Cells are saturated with oxygen and restore their functions.

Benefits of steam for acne

  • Thorough skin cleansing

Steaming helps active agents reach the deep layers of the dermis. The plus is that after steam you no longer need to worry that the pores are clogged with dirt and the hated pimples will return again. Using steam opens the pores of the skin, removes dirt and kills bacteria that cause acne. Whiteheads and blackheads are also softened and easier to remove.

  • Stimulation of blood circulation

Steaming causes sweating. This dilates the blood vessels, thereby increasing blood flow to the face. Along with blood, oxygen and nutrients are supplied to the cells to the skin, making it glowing and healthy.

  • Skin hydration

Steaming your face moisturizes your skin. When pores are open, they secrete sebum, which moisturizes the epidermis and combats dryness.

  • Improving skin permeability

Steaming improves the permeability of the skin, which allows it to actively absorb the necessary medications. Consequently, the effectiveness of the drug also increases.

  • Stimulation of collagen production

After the steaming process, the face receives an increased amount of blood flow, which leads to an increase in nutrients and oxygen received. This stimulates collagen production, increases skin elasticity, and reduces the depth of wrinkles.

  • Steaming is a relaxation procedure

Exposure to steam during facial treatments causes general relaxation. And if you add aromatic essential oils to water, it not only makes your skin glow, but also causes an overall calming of the senses.

Preparing for steam treatments

The result of the procedure depends on the quality of preparation. Facial cleansing occurs while sitting near a table. The head should be slightly bent over the steam container. Therefore, it is recommended to check the height of the furniture in advance to avoid burns and discomfort.

Before starting, the face is thoroughly cleansed of decorative cosmetics. It is best to wash your face with an appropriate care product. Dry your face with a towel or napkin. Gather hair and secure well. The steam can cause them to fluff up and stick to your face. A convenient device is a shower or solarium cap. If you suffer from stretch marks on your stomach, this article will help.

Who should not do it

Steam baths do not always have a positive effect on the body. They are prohibited for hypertensive patients, asthmatics, those with cardiovascular diseases, pregnant women, the elderly, women during menstruation and menopause.

If during the procedure you feel short of breath, nausea or dizziness, you should immediately stop the procedure, lie down and provide a sufficient amount of fresh air.

It is not recommended to use steam baths for dry skin. They can dry it out even more, so it is better to use compresses, which, if done correctly, will have no worse effect. For this type of skin, the best herbs to use are chamomile, bay leaf, licorice, sandalwood, dandelion or rose.

Steam exposure

In a beauty salon, a steam bath for the face is performed on a special device with several intensity modes. It has a stable base, a compartment for water and special compounds, and a face bowl with high sides.

At home, use any wide container. For example, a 3-liter saucepan. It is better if it is used only for cosmetic purposes. Fill about half the volume with water, bring it to a boil, add decoctions, and place on the table. After the water boils, steam forms in the bowl. The steaming process begins after the face approaches the device, the shoulders and head are covered with a thick towel.

The cape should be spacious enough and completely cover the head, shoulders and water container. The best option is a large terry towel. The dense fabric allows almost no air to pass through and creates the desired sauna effect. After steaming, you need to remove the towel and wash with water at room temperature. It will wash away impurities and stop the process of pore expansion. Instead of a regular towel, it is better to use a paper towel. You just need to gently dry the skin with gentle movements.


After a steam bath, it is recommended to treat the skin with a scrub. It removes keratinized particles and lightly polishes the surface. Don't rub it in too vigorously. Thin areas may be damaged. It is enough to make a few light circular movements.

After cleansing with a scrub, begin applying masks or creams. Skin with maximally open pores absorbs nourishing and moisturizing agents like a sponge. Active blood circulation promotes rapid penetration of nutrients into the deepest layers of the epidermis.


Each skin type requires an individual approach to treatment. The duration and frequency of the procedure depends on the skin type. Dry skin requires gentle cleansing. Fatty is more active. The mixed type involves selective exposure to different areas.


To prepare a medicinal solution for a steam bath, various components are used. These can be herbs, fruits, flowers and leaves of plants. They are usually stored dried. When brewing, you should carefully study the preparation method. Some varieties of plant materials require lengthy preparation in the form of boiling and infusion. Others simply need to be immersed in boiling water immediately before use.

In pharmacies, such preparations are sold in different packaging. Some are packaged in boxes of 30-100 g, others in portioned bags. You can choose a convenient option for a comprehensive collection or a separate item.

How to choose a steam sauna?

To make facial steam baths yourself, you need to choose the right equipment for this. When buying a sauna, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. presence and shape of nozzles. The simplest device has only one cone-shaped nozzle, that is, it can only be used for steaming the face. More expensive models have several attachments that allow you to carry out procedures not for the entire face, but for individual areas, for example, near the ears;
  2. steam supply temperature adjustment. To prevent burns and overheating of the skin, the steam sauna apparatus must have an adjustable steam temperature. In addition, it is recommended that the device be equipped with a removal of excess steam; reviews indicate that procedures using such devices are the most comfortable;
  3. the possibility of using not only water, but also additives in the form of essential oils and infusions of medicinal herbs. A device where you can only fill with plain water will not be as effective and useful as a device with the possibility of using additional substances. Some models have special attachments for aromatherapy;
  4. Some expensive models have not only attachments for the face or inhalations, but also massagers, peeling attachments, and an eyebrow trimmer.

This is no longer just a facial sauna, but a real SPA complex for home care.


Essential oils are usually extracted from the fruits, leaves and roots of various plants. In order for the steam bath oil to completely dissolve, you need to drop it into boiling water. It is enough to do this a few seconds before turning off.

Oils are stored in glass bottles of 10-50 ml. One procedure requires 3-5 drops. Before taking a bath, you should test the body’s reaction to the specific smell of the oil. This can be done by simply leaning over the steam. If there is no discomfort, the procedure will be pleasant.


Lean over the container with caution. When covering yourself with a towel, you need to control the degree of heating. The steam should not burn or cause discomfort. Proper heating resembles the effect of a bath. Gradually, warm air heats the surface of the skin, moisture and slight redness appear on the face.

Your eyes should be closed during the steam bath. This will protect them from burns, allergies and irritation. After taking a steam bath, you should not go outside or use cosmetics. Dust and chemicals can trigger inflammatory processes.


  • High blood pressure.
  • Asthma.
  • Acute diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Intolerance to components.
  • Excess facial hair.
  • Foci of infection and inflammation.
  • Cuperosis.

Despite the simplicity of the steam bath procedure, you should be careful about some features of the body. Sometimes the components of the solution can cause complications of an existing disease.

How to use a facial sauna?

To use the sauna correctly, you need to read the description of the device, but there are some secrets that will not be written in any instructions:

  • for dry skin types, you need to add sprigs of dill, lemon balm, calendula, chamomile, lavender and coltsfoot to the water in equal proportions;
  • for oily types, a collection of willow, linden blossom, rose hips, sage, rosemary, chamomile, and peppermint is excellent;
  • for other types, you can use additives from mint, nettle, birch buds, yarrow, sage, chamomile, nettles and other medicinal herbs.

The steam sauna is very useful, the procedure itself is easy to carry out. Even a beginner will not have any difficulties performing such procedures. A steam bath is prescribed in such cases as:

  • excessively dry skin – once a month;
  • normal skin – once every 10 days;
  • oily, problem skin – once a week.

The steam bath is used in this way:

  • you need to wash your hands, carefully pin your hair on top so that it does not interfere with the procedure;
  • The face is completely cleansed of cosmetics and washed with cool or warm water. If you have aging, sensitive, dry skin, you need to apply a special nourishing cream afterwards;
  • water is poured into the evaporator (a container intended for filling) using a measuring cup (it is supplied in the kit);
  • a nozzle is installed and, if necessary, the steam supply to the face is adjusted;
  • When taking a steam bath, you should keep your eyes closed. Steaming duration is 15 minutes, if the skin is sensitive, then no more than 5 minutes;
  • After the procedure is completed, you need to turn off the power to the device, remove the nozzle after 15 minutes, and pour the remaining water from the container.

Additional bath components

Considering what effect you intend to achieve, it is useful to add medicinal plants in the form of decoctions or tinctures that are prepared in advance.

Decoction recipe

Pour two tablespoons of the plant into 200 ml of hot water. Place on the stove and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. After the time has passed, cover with a lid and leave for 60 minutes, strain.


It is prepared in approximately the same way, pour the herb with the same volume of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes, then decant.

It is advisable to use various essential oils, which have a beneficial effect on the skin and at the same time provide aromatherapy.

Each skin type has its own set of herbs and essential oils:

  • good for dry and vulnerable skin: marshmallow, chamomile, orange peel; chamomile and orange oil (neroli);
  • for excessive work of the sebaceous glands: lemon balm, fennel; essential oils of lemon and heather (juniper);
  • for women over 45 years old with aging skin: Ceylon cinnamon (cinnamon), eucalyptus, nettle, mint and cloves; rosemary oil;
  • for sensitive skin prone to rashes: black currant leaves, burdock root, yarrow; cedar, lemon and bergamot oil.

There are a great many recipe options, but when choosing, be guided by your skin type, purpose and allergies.

The most effective recipes

Of course, it would be stupid to thoughtlessly use medicinal herbs to carry out the procedure in question - there are certain representatives of the plant world that have a specific effect on acne, wen, and so on.

The most effective recipes:

  1. For acne. You need to add lavender, aloe, string, plantain, calendula tincture, chamomile to the bath. Moreover, before adding, you can prepare a decoction at the rate of 1 tablespoon per glass of water, or you can put dry herbs in their natural form in boiling water.

  2. For dry skin. Cosmetologists recommend adding a decoction of oregano, calendula and thyme to boiling water.
  3. From wrinkles. Rosemary, sage and chamomile have a powerful rejuvenating effect. Moreover, they can be used both as independent ingredients and in combination with each other.
  4. From blackheads. Prepare a tincture of nettle or rowan fruits, add 50 ml of it to boiling water and add 50 grams of coarse salt.
  5. For oily skin. Oak, aloe, mint, horsetail, linden have a drying effect and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

The results of steam baths and baths for acne and blackheads will be noticeable after 2-3 procedures. But only regular implementation of the procedures in question will give the expected effect and improve the condition of the skin even with severe problems.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

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Contraindications and indications for facial steaming

The procedures under consideration can and should be performed by all people whose skin has flaws - for example, massive pimples or acne. Cosmetologists assure that steam baths and baths for acne and blackheads can successfully replace expensive facial cleansing procedures in beauty salons - the effect will be the same, and the costs (both time and financial) will be much less.

But since steam procedures have not a superficial, but a deep effect, there are contraindications to their implementation. It is worth remembering some warnings from experts:

  • It is strictly forbidden to give steam baths and baths for acne and blackheads to people with diagnosed diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • Such procedures are carried out with extreme caution for people with any pathologies that occur in a chronic form (consultation with the attending physician will be required);
  • Steam baths and saunas should not be used at elevated body temperatures.
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