Fraxel laser Fractional facial skin rejuvenation in Moscow

The TORI aesthetic medicine clinic invites you to visit the fractional photothermolysis procedure at a reasonable price. This is a very soft, comfortable and effective method of skin rejuvenation and restoration, which is suitable for correcting any area of ​​your body.

The procedure is performed by certified cosmetologists with more than 5 years of experience. To carry it out, modern equipment is used - the latest generation erbium laser.

Using this method, you can get rid of facial wrinkles, eliminate the effects of post-acne, age-related skin changes, stretch marks, age spots and make post-operative and traumatic scars almost invisible.

What is fractional photothermolysis

Fractional photothermolysis is a method of skin rejuvenation and restoration, during which problem areas of the skin are subjected to a targeted, dosed effect of a laser beam. The latter penetrates the skin to a depth of 1.5 to 5 mm and warms the tissue up to 60°. As a result, the structure of protein molecules is disrupted and tiny thermal damage is formed.

This activates the repair (restorative) properties of cells. They are restructured, the synthesis of collagen and elastin is launched, which provides a pronounced and completely natural lifting effect.

The essence of the procedure

In the process of fractional photothermolysis, the laser beam is split into a wide range of microbeams (fractions). At the point of exposure to such a light beam, microthermal damage occurs. As a result, a thermochemical process is launched that restores the structure of cells.

Its external manifestations are that the skin turgor improves, it becomes elastic, radiant and toned. Scars, pigmentation and other consequences of pathological changes in cells disappear.

Immediately after the procedure, the patient's skin in the treatment area is strewn with tiny red dots. Essentially, these are microscopic, rather deep burns. In this case, the effect of large-scale thermal damage is completely absent, as if very hot water fell on an area of ​​a similar area.

Microdamages after laser photothermolysis are absolutely painless and do not require special care.

Splitting the beam into microbeams provides an effect similar to classic laser resurfacing. However, the effect is so gentle that the patient does not require pain relief during the procedure or any rehabilitation. During fractional photothermolysis, the laser does not act on a single “spot”, as during grinding, in which entire layers of cells are removed, but forms microscopic “notches”, as a result of which the process of natural regeneration is activated.

How do lasers differ and which one to choose for the PT procedure?

Let's take a closer look at the CO2 laser. This laser is more used for removing warts, papillomas, moles and is used in surgery. CO2 laser beams penetrate deeply into the skin, damaging (coagulating) underlying tissues, which can cause some complications, such as hyperpigmentation, scars in the form of a “gauze” or “mesh” effect, significant tissue swelling and a long recovery period.

Surgical laser cannot be used to treat areas with very thin skin: décolleté and neck, upper lip, upper and lower eyelids, hands. But the erbium laser does an excellent job of this; it is also called a “cold laser”, since this laser has virtually no coagulation (damage) zone, and therefore a short rehabilitation period, a high degree of safety, and the absence of dividing lines in the area of ​​influence. Our device is so safe that it is possible to treat the pre-ciliary edge of the eyelids without eye protection, and the effect is comparable to surgical eyelid surgery.

The average period of complete rehabilitation is 6-8 days - this is comparatively less than after using a CO2 laser. A lasting noticeable result is observed after one procedure!

How does the procedure work?

As mentioned above, the fractional photothermolysis procedure is very comfortable:

  • The patient sits on a comfortable soft couch.
  • The cosmetologist cleanses the skin in the treatment area from contaminants (dust, sweat), if necessary, performs makeup removal and treats the area with an antiseptic.
  • The device is configured in accordance with the objectives of the procedure.
  • The specialist treats the problem area using a special nozzle. The maximum that the patient experiences is a feeling of intense warmth and tingling. The depth and power of the impact can be adjusted during the process if necessary.
  • At the end of the procedure, the cosmetologist disinfects the treated area and applies a light soothing cream to it.

Indications for fractional rejuvenation

  • Reduction of depth and complete correction of wrinkles;
  • Reduction of pore sizes;
  • Correction of gravitational ptosis;
  • Restoring skin elasticity;
  • Removal of pigment spots;
  • The need to remove traces of post-acne, scar changes and stretch marks;
  • Getting rid of hyper- and atrophic, postoperative and post-traumatic scars;
  • Improvements in skin structure and color.

Benefits of the procedure

Fractional photothermolysis of the face and body has a number of advantages compared to other hardware techniques:

  • compatibility with all skin types, including dark skin;
  • delicacy and physiology - can be used in any area of ​​the body, including bikini, under the eyes and other delicate areas;
  • quick and easy recovery period (2-5 days);
  • no age restrictions;
  • long-lasting lifting and healing effect (3-5 years);
  • moderate painlessness;
  • solution to most cosmetic problems in just 20-40 minutes;
  • absolute safety (impossibility of causing infection or injuring tissue);
  • pronounced effect after the first session;
  • noticeable improvement in appearance due to restructuring of the dermis and renewal of the collagen matrix.

After the procedure, you will not need to make significant adjustments to your usual lifestyle, and decorative makeup can be applied as early as the third day.

Where to get fractional laser rejuvenation in Moscow

Contact the aesthetic medicine clinic in Moscow “Absolut Med” near the Airport metro station in the Northern Administrative District, which uses innovative technology - the MCL-30 Dermablate erbium laser. This laser can be considered a revolution in aesthetic cosmetology.

NamePrice for 1 procedure
Fractional photothermolysis - face23 000 ₽
- face, neck27 000 ₽
- face, neck, décolleté30 000 ₽
- buccal area10 000 ₽
- neck10 000 ₽
- neckline10 000 ₽
- upper eyelids4 000 ₽
- lower eyelids4 000 ₽
- paraorbital region7 000 ₽
- perioral region5 000 ₽
- chin area7 000 ₽
- nasolabial triangle5 000 ₽
- nose3 000 ₽
- forehead8 500 ₽
Fractional photothermolysis-body
- Hands7 000 ₽
- stomach (1 zone)7 000 ₽
— back (1 zone)7 000 ₽
- lateral thigh7 000 ₽
- back of the thigh7 000 ₽
- inner thigh7 000 ₽
- anterior thigh7 000 ₽
- one full thigh12 000 ₽
- shoulders7 000 ₽
- shins7 000 ₽
- mammary gland12 000 ₽
- buttocks12 000 ₽
- forehead8 500 ₽
Fractional photothermolysis (per 1 ₽
Laser facial resurfacing30 000 ₽
Laser resurfacing of the eye area9 000 ₽

Recovery and care after the procedure

The rate of tissue regeneration after fractional photothermolysis depends on the depth and power of laser exposure.

In order to speed up your recovery after the procedure, we recommend that you adhere to the following recommendations:

  • treat the skin with a light, pore-free nourishing cream;
  • wash with water at room temperature, do not rub the skin, do not use hard sponges;
  • do not use peelings and scrubs for 2 weeks;
  • spend less time outdoors in sunny weather in the first 2-3 weeks;
  • Before going outside, even on a cloudy day, use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30;
  • do not visit the solarium or take sunbathing for 2 months;
  • do not visit the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool for a month;
  • do not wear compression garments when performing the procedure on the body;

Fractional laser: price

Fraxel prices in Moscow for procedures differ depending on the treatment area and the type of fractional laser itself. Below we have indicated the cost of the procedure using the Fraxel restore device. Depending on the severity of skin changes, 3-5 procedures may be needed to achieve the desired result.

Fractional laser: procedure price

  • the entire face, including eyelids, will average 25,000 - 30,000 rubles,
  • only crow's feet near the eyes - about 4500-6000 rubles,
  • nasolabial triangle - about 6000 - 8000 rubles.

Possible complications and consequences

Our patients have never contacted us with complaints of side effects. However, in general practice the following cases are very rare, which mainly occur due to the incompetence of the specialist or when the patient has contraindications to the procedure:

  • Thermal damage to the skin when the recommended parameters of laser exposure are exceeded. In this case, it is recommended to use drugs with anti-inflammatory and epithelializing effects and prevent hyperpigmentation.
  • Mild hyperemia (redness of the skin due to blood flow to the treated area), which goes away without a trace within 1-2 days.
  • Local swelling, which also goes away on its own within the first 24 hours.
  • Light flaking and dry skin, which can be eliminated with a nourishing cream.
  • A slight burning sensation that goes away on the day of the procedure. To reduce discomfort, you can apply an ice compress or put on a hydrogel mask.

As we said above, the listed side effects are usually consequences of unprofessional conduct of the procedure. When undergoing a procedure at the TORI aesthetic medicine center, you are insured against such unpleasant surprises.


Since FF is a new technique, our results should be considered preliminary. The long-term side effects and benefits of the procedure need to be clarified. To confirm our results, it is necessary to conduct a series of long-term studies on a larger number of patients with various forms of skin diseases. The parameters of the FF procedure must be constantly refined to improve the final result and minimize patient discomfort and costs. According to the author, there is still no information on the effect of FF on erythema and telangiectasia.

Types of fractional photothermolysis

Fractional photothermolysis comes in two types:

  • Ablative. The laser affects only the upper layers of the skin, at a depth of up to 1.5 mm. After the procedure, tiny wounds similar to red dots are visible on it. As a result of microdamage, the process of collagen and elastin production is launched, and the process of powerful cell regeneration is activated. The skin is noticeably tightened. Recovery takes a little longer than using a non-ablative method, but the effectiveness is slightly higher.
  • Non-ablative. The laser affects the middle layer of the dermis (3-5 mm). Damage to the epidermis is so minor that it is invisible to the naked eye. Microthermal treatment zones are formed under the skin. As a result, the middle layer of the dermis is restructured and renewed. The first results can be seen two weeks after the procedure - wrinkles will gradually begin to smooth out. A pronounced effect will occur in a few months.

Non-ablative fractional photothermolysis is effective in preventing premature aging. The procedure is recommended for use at the age of 25-40 years.

High-quality and effective rejuvenation using the Fraxel device

During the procedure, the skin is exposed to two types of laser at once - thulium and erbium, which carefully treat all microzones of the problem area. The pulses penetrate deep into the skin, where elastin and collagen fibers are formed, on which the attractiveness and youthfulness of the skin largely depends. Natural renewal processes are launched, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin takes on a fresher and more attractive appearance.

Benefits of the aesthetic procedure:

  • Minimum recovery period.
  • Instant results.
  • No pain - apart from a slight tingling and burning sensation, you will not feel the slightest discomfort.
  • Atraumatic - during the procedure the stratum corneum is not injured and a crust does not form. You can immediately return to your normal lifestyle.

Feedback from our patients about fractional laser photothermolysis is extremely positive. We invite you to visit our cosmetology clinic and experience the effectiveness of the rejuvenating technique. The procedure is performed by experienced and attentive doctors. To make an appointment, call the contact phone number!

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