Oxygen facial peeling - natural skin care and rejuvenation

Professional body and face care is an important component of the life of a modern person. Stress, unbalanced nutrition, poor environment and other conditions - all this affects the condition of the skin, hair, and nails. Progressive cosmetic procedures help to resist the destructive effects of aggressive external factors.

Our center employs experienced specialists who master all modern techniques. The clinic is equipped with professional equipment for conducting various procedures.

general description

Oxygen facial peeling is a non-contact treatment in which the skin is exposed to a special device. Under a certain pressure, the device sprays dispersed oxygen along with saline solution.

The absence of direct contact with the surface being treated completely eliminates the possibility of injury.

The flow of the gas-liquid mixture not only gets rid of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, but also massages the skin, improves blood circulation, moisturizes, and also saturates cells with vitamins and nutrients.

For more effective action, various microelements and specially selected formulations with hyaluronic and azelaic acid can be added.

How does the peeling procedure work?

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Preparatory stage. A cosmetologist examines the skin of the face to identify possible contraindications and determine a set of drugs for oxygen peeling.
  2. The patient sits comfortably on the couch. The skin of the face is thoroughly cleansed of makeup and impurities, after which the cosmetologist can proceed to the next stage.
  3. Skin treatment with special cosmetic serums. This manipulation allows you to disinfect the surface and prevent the development of possible adverse reactions.
  4. The procedure involves the targeted application of oxygen to the skin. Using a special airbrush device, the cosmetologist directs the jet strictly along the massage lines.

Patients describe their sensations as frequent changes of cold and warmth. First, the skin is penetrated by cold, activating blood circulation processes, and after a few minutes the skin is enveloped by a soft, pleasant warmth.

The salon procedure lasts on average an hour and a half. Oxygen cleansing does not require anesthesia, as it acts on the skin softly, delicately, without disturbing its integrity.

Indications for use

Gas-liquid peeling solves many external cosmetic problems.
If you have dry and flaky skin, the procedure helps saturate it with sufficient moisture and improves color.

If the epidermis is oily, then exposure to oxygen will smooth the surface and eliminate roughness.

This cleaning is necessary if there are:

  • shallow and age-related pigmentation;
  • expression wrinkles;
  • double chin;
  • enlarged pores, acne;
  • swelling and loss of contour;
  • consequences of acne (spots, marks);
  • decreased skin tone;
  • uneven unhealthy complexion;
  • “bruises” and “bags” under the eyes.

Peeling will also get rid of freckles, but the effect will be temporary. After all, the problem is genetic in nature and complete removal is only possible with the help of deep chemical or laser cleaning.

Oxygen peeling for facial skin

Women have always tried to look good, now the cosmetology industry has stepped far forward, there are many ways to tidy up your skin, especially if the issue of cleansing concerns your face.

For women, and for men too, it is important that their facial skin is flawless. Everyone is pleased when you look younger than your age. For example, with the help of oxygen peeling, you can restore elasticity and a healthy appearance to your facial skin. This is the safest method, suitable for all skin types.

Oxygen peeling is a non-contact method of cleansing the skin surface, which can be done both in a beauty salon and at home. The skin is safely exposed to water and oxygen molecules, so the procedure is completely safe. Here the skin only benefits.

Mode of application

The cleaning technique includes several stages:

  1. At the first stage, it is necessary to eliminate all contaminants present on the skin;
  2. At the second stage, exfoliate using additional cosmetics and remove dead cells;
  3. The third stage is the procedure for saturating the facial skin with oxygen.

Everything here is simple, the technique does not cause any difficulties. But after the procedure, blood flow will immediately improve, the aging process will slow down, and facial wrinkles will become almost invisible. This procedure will give anyone an improved skin surface and a wonderful feeling.

Benefits of the procedure

  • The method of cleansing the skin with the Korean cosmetic Missha is completely painless and useful;
  • The cream mask can be used at home, regardless of the time of year and climacteric conditions of the region;
  • The first visible results can be seen after the first session;
  • The cream mask contains only environmentally friendly ingredients, for example, pineapple extract, hyaluronic acid;
  • The procedure does not cause side effects, inflammation or allergic reactions.

Who is the peeling procedure recommended for?

Oxygen peeling is performed:

  1. Fat type. Using this technique, the skin is cleared of unpleasant oily shine, the pores become much narrower, and sebum is produced in less volume than before the start of the procedures.
  2. Acne rashes. After several oxygen sessions, the following improvements are visible:
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • a minimal amount of sebum will reduce acne damage to the skin.
  1. Striae and facial wrinkles:
  • connective tissue, after saturation with oxygen, actively begins to synthesize elastin and its own collagen;
  • specific strengthening of the skin frame;
  • oxygen helps reduce existing stretch marks (lower cheekbones);
  • superficial wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • The procedure additionally works as a lift, as a result of which the facial contour is perfectly tightened.
  1. Freckles and pigmented spots. Exposure to oxygen suppresses melanin production. There is a uniform distribution of granules in the cells:
  • pigmentation decreases;
  • the skin becomes lighter.

Reducing the photoaging process. For beautiful skin, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which prevails in summer, poses a great danger. Due to the increased evaporation of moisture from the heat, the body becomes very dry, which causes premature aging of cells. Oxygen eliminates this problem by saturating the cells, which has a positive effect on the appearance.


The procedure has massaging, transdermal and exfoliating properties.

It eliminates puffiness and swelling of the face, removes facial wrinkles and increases the elasticity of the dermis. The result will be a tightened contour and natural skin color.

The combined technique enhances the efficiency of the process.

Cosmetic centers and beauty salons offer different care options:

  • Peeling and cleansing mask. In addition to oxygen and saline, microgranules with useful substances are used, which are absorbed into the cells as quickly as possible.
  • Triple complex: oxygen, purification, nutrition. This option moisturizes and tones the dermis, making it smooth and elastic.
  • Peeling and nutritional components. Additional medications help achieve maximum results. The most commonly used are azelaic, hyaluronic and kojiic acids, caffeine and vitamin complexes.

The result after gas-liquid cleaning has an accumulative property. A larger number of procedures guarantees a lasting positive effect.

Advantages and disadvantages

Oxygen activates metabolic processes in the body at the cellular level, which has a positive effect on appearance. By saturating the skin cells with oxygen, its condition improves and the aging process slows down.

Pros of oxygen peeling:

  • stops the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria on the skin;
  • soothes irritated skin after aggressive cosmetic procedures;
  • activates the process of collagen production;
  • reduces the severity of wrinkles and folds on the face;
  • nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

Disadvantages of oxygen peeling:

  • the method has not been fully studied, which leaves doubts about its safety;
  • oxygen peeling is not recommended for patients with hypersensitive skin;
  • the positive effect of the first procedures disappears very quickly.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Hygienic and safe process.
  • The procedure is not accompanied by pain or discomfort.
  • A small list of contraindications.
  • Used for sensitive skin prone to rosacea (capillary network).
  • There is no connection to the season. Cleaning can be done in warm and cold seasons.
  • There is no rehabilitation period because it does not cause complications or side effects.
  • Does not reduce immunity. On the contrary, the protective properties of the skin are enhanced.
  • The cost of oxygen peeling is significantly higher than chemical peeling.
  • Not suitable for allergy sufferers. There is a possibility of a reaction to substances and components of nutritional serums.
  • Initial sessions may produce little results.

Is it possible to peel at home?

Oxygen cleaning can be done at home, but you should understand that you cannot achieve the effect of salon procedures.

For cleaning, oxygen cosmetics are used, which not only delicately cleanses the skin, but also enriches it with nutrients.

The quality of oxygen peeling depends on the strict adherence to a certain sequence of all stages of work:

  1. Cleanse your facial skin of dirt and sebum.
  2. Pat your skin dry with a soft towel.
  3. Apply the mask to slightly damp, clean skin. The mask fills the entire surface except for the eyes and lips.
  4. After five minutes, the peeling begins to foam. When this process is completed, gently massage your face with your fingertips. Exfoliated skin particles will roll into small soap balls.
  5. The final stage is washing with clean warm water.

Attention! A slight tingling sensation may be felt in the area where the peeling mask is applied. This is fine.

The procedure takes no more than fifteen minutes.

What equipment is used to perform

Manufacturers offer various devices for oxygen peeling, differing in functional features and technical characteristics.

There are single-function devices that are designed exclusively for this procedure, as well as complex options that solve different problems.

Multifunctional equipment combines techniques that effectively complement each other and maximize the result.

Device overview

Jet Peel, developed by the Israeli company TavTech Ltd, is considered the best.

The model has a narrow nozzle through which the therapeutic mixture is supplied at a speed of 250-300 m/s and a pressure of 8 atmospheres.

The quality of the procedure depends on the distance between the treated area and the device.

  • If the nozzle is moved 2 cm further from the skin, it will undergo a massage, stimulation of regenerative processes and the production of hyaluronic acid will begin.
  • With the removal of equipment by 5-7 cm, active exfoliation of the epidermis occurs. The price of such a device starts from 200 thousand rubles.

The products of the American brand Zemits have proven themselves well:

  • Zemits Hydroluxx (90 thousand rubles);
  • Plus Zemits Leon (75 thousand rubles).

Complex models are distinguished by wide functionality and impeccable quality, but their price is quite high:

  • OxyMesoPeel (212 thousand rubles);
  • Power Peel (RUB 210 thousand);
  • PowerPeel ES-921 N (RUB 219 thousand);
  • Oxygen Jet MED-390 (250 thousand rubles).


Peeling involves standard preparatory procedures. These include complete superficial cleansing of cosmetics and natural impurities and degreasing with tonic.

Further actions of the cosmetologist are as follows:

  • skin disinfection using cosmetic serum;
  • applying the peeling solution to the desired area;
  • surface treatment with an oxygen jet directed along massage lines.

Of no small importance is the serum used, which is selected according to the individual characteristics of the patient. The most commonly used mixtures are:

  • With ascorbic or kojiic acid, vitamins A, E. These components narrow pores, relieve puffiness, smooth out fine wrinkles, reduce pigmentation and activate the regenerative function of tissues.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Kojikovic acid serves as a powerful biochemical bleaching agent. Destroys melanin-tyrosinase, which promotes the deposition of melanin, consequently, the formation of age spots.

  • With azelaic acid. The serum is chosen for problematic acne-prone skin. Azelaine helps improve complexion and lighten it, as it acts on the biochemical processes that synthesize the melanin pigment. Relieves inflammation, normalizes pore function and tightens the upper epidermis.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Azelaic acid is an official pharmacological agent that acts directly on pathogens that provoke the formation of acne. In addition, it stops the keratinization of epithelial skin cells.

  • With hyaluronic acid. The choice in favor of this complex is obvious if the dermis is dry and sensitive. Thanks to its ability to penetrate deep layers, hyaluronic acid retains moisture and restores damaged structure.
  • With ceramides. The serum is indispensable for aging and dry skin, when increased nutrition is needed. Replenishes lipid balance, preventing aging.

Course duration

Long-lasting and lasting results require a course of procedures.

After several sessions, the result may be insignificant, since oxygen cleansing works according to a cumulative scheme.

A noticeable visual effect should be expected after 3-5 manipulations.

To achieve maximum transformation, 10-12 visits are required. You can clean it once a week. The session duration is usually 30-60 minutes.

Healing period

After cleaning with oxygen, there is no recovery period, since the removal of the top layer of the epidermis is carried out in a delicate way.

The event does not require special conditions or restrictions. The only recommendation is to use sunscreen.

The procedure is absolutely safe and can be combined with microdermabrasion, chemical peels, oxygen mesotherapy, electroporation, RF lifting, phonophoresis and electric currents.

Professional cosmetics

Excellent aesthetic results can be achieved using professional lines of cosmetics and care products. We work with Obagi-USA cosmetic products (anti-aging, moisturizing, restorative products), as well as the Egia-Italy, Holyland-Israel, Ultra-Cuticals-Australia lines.

Italian professional cosmetics Egia is a wonderful solution for tired, dry, inflamed skin. All products are created on the basis of natural ingredients and are used for deep cleansing, moisturizing, and nutrition.

The Israeli brand Holyland is also in great demand among patients of different ages.

Especially popular are products for the care of problem skin - those containing retinol and fruit acids.

Australian cosmetics Ultraceuticals are suitable for different skin types. All brand products are based on high concentrations of vitamins A and E.

Precautionary measures

Side effects

Most often, the procedure does not cause complications. In rare cases, minor redness and itching may occur. To eliminate symptoms, you need to use hypoallergenic cream and special washing gels.


  • Oncology;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Exacerbation of herpes;
  • Allergy to the components or substances used;
  • Open wounds on the face, chemical burns;
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

Comparison with other hardware techniques

When comparing oxygen peeling with other hardware techniques, it is worth noting that ultrasonic peeling is not affordable for everyone. Before using it, you should consult a doctor. Laser (aka carbon) cleaning involves applying a mask that contains carbon. It is this substance that can cause an allergic reaction and lead to quite serious side effects. The effect of radio wave cleansing is comparable to Botox injections. But unfortunately, this procedure is quite expensive and not available to everyone.

Photos before and after

Is the procedure carried out at home?

You can do oxygen peeling at home, but you should not expect the same effect as after a professional procedure. After all, the pronounced result is achieved thanks to specialized equipment, which can only be purchased by a certain segment of the population.

An alternative option is cleaning with drugs. Most popular products used at home:

  • cosmetic product Oxy-Peel Skin Renewal System V20 (Switzerland);
  • Missha Super Aqua Oxygen Micro Essence Peeling (Korea);
  • peeling mask Payot Peeling Oxygenant Depolluant (France);
  • oxygen mask Faberlic (Russia);
  • Beauty Style face mask (USA);
  • combined complex Valencia Gio Peeling Gel O2 (Korea).

Service cost

Gas-liquid peeling cannot be classified as a budget procedure. Depending on the equipment used, the price per session may vary.


Beauty salon OkAltufevskoe highway, 8527007 (495) 769‑50-92, +7 (499) 909‑91-07
Beauty Linest. Pokryshkina, 9 2500+7 (495) 414‑26-23, +7 (495) 651‑12-33
Through the Looking Glassst. Kantemirovskaya, 6, building 1 2400+7

Saint Petersburg

NeomedVyborg highway, 5, building 11800+7
Beauty DayObukhovskaya Oborona Ave., 1102300+7
Cosmetst. Rubinshteina, 26 1500+7

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