Facial peeling Hylak Forte + Reviews

The face is the calling card of any woman. That’s why most of them carefully and carefully care for their skin, which is the main indicator of well-groomed skin.

Not everyone can afford visiting beauty salons, buying expensive products, or having a personal cosmetologist.
Very often , women have to do it on their own and carry out facial cosmetic procedures at home also due to lack of time.
Recently, a pharmaceutical drug that is used as a means to maintain beauty, and not at all for its intended purpose, has become popular - this is Hilak Forte (for facial peeling). Reviews about it are only positive.

What is Hilak Forte

The drug is intended to normalize the internal microflora of the intestine, maintain normal water and electrolyte balance, and help strengthen the immune system. Contains a complex of active strains - products of internal metabolism:

  • Escherichia coli;
  • Enterococcus faecalis;
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus.

Among the auxiliary compounds: lactose enzyme, lactic and citric acids, potassium phosphate and stabilizing additives.

Hilak Forte is a drop for oral administration: water-based, with a characteristic sour odor and taste, yellowish in color. Produced in bottles of 30–100 ml, the packaging is equipped with dispenser caps.

Method of action of the drug on the skin of the face

Hilak Forte is used for cosmetic purposes not only in facial peeling, but it is also the main element of cosmetic masks. In both cases, the chemical effect characteristic of such procedures is obtained.

Hilak forte is added to homemade masks to improve their effect on the skin

However, compared to other compositions, it results in gentle and gentle cleansing:

  • dead cells are delicately removed;
  • pores expand;
  • the skin breathes better, and accordingly the upper layer of the epidermis is renewed;
  • metabolic processes improve.

In addition, peeling with Hilak Forte additionally has a moisturizing and whitening effect , the structure and tone of the skin improves, wrinkles are smoothed out, inflammation and acne disappear.

Why is Hilak Forte needed?

The drug regulates the acid-base and salt balance of the intestines, accelerates the regeneration of the epithelium of its walls, normalizes digestive processes, and suppresses the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

Hilak Forte is recommended for stabilizing intestinal function after treatment with antibiotics, abdominal surgery, infectious diseases, dietary disorders, exposure to chemicals, and intoxication. The microcultures, acids and salts present in the drops neutralize negative factors, restore the activity of the digestive tract, and improve the absorption of nutrients and electrolytes.

Can it be used on the face and why?

Hilak Forte contains lactic acid of biosynthetic origin. Thanks to its healing properties, it helps relieve inflammation and restore damaged cells.

The fact is that the effect is only on the top layer of the skin, without affecting the work of other organs, delicately cleansing it of deep impurities. Therefore, the drug Hilak Forte is used mainly for facial cleansing , doing peeling with its help, and the reviews from this procedure are impressive.

The peeling process with Hilak Forte is suitable for home care and does not require special skills.

Note! The big advantage of Hilak Forte is the minimal risk of allergic reactions. Therefore, it is also suitable for sensitive skin.

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For what pathologies is Hilak Forte used?

The list of indications for prescribing the drug includes:

  • intestinal disorders: flatulence, constipation, diarrhea;
  • consequences of radiation treatment, taking sulfonamides and other antimicrobial agents;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • gastritis with decreased secretory function of the stomach;
  • digestive disorders due to climate change (travelers' diarrhea);
  • chronic poisoning with symptoms of intestinal disorders;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • skin inflammatory diseases;
  • recovery stage for salmonellosis;
  • dysfunction and inflammation of the gallbladder.

The drug is used in combination with other medications, complementing their action and neutralizing the body's negative reactions. Therapy must be supplemented with detoxification measures and a special diet.

Feedback from users

With the help of the drug I got rid of blackheads and small pimples. Mixed with tap water. I noticed an improvement after the first use. Sometimes I used still mineral water instead of water. After use, all acne disappeared from the skin, it became very smooth.

I was very pleased with the result. I used the drug on the advice of a friend. I mixed Hilak Forte with night cream. A month later I saw that the skin became more toned and the peeling disappeared. Wrinkles have become less noticeable.

Peeling has a very gentle effect. The skin is not damaged at all. I often use it at home. I use it especially often in winter. By spring, the skin becomes beautiful and well-groomed. The substance is very helpful in getting rid of small wrinkles.

Summing up the information, we can conclude that Hilak Forte facial peeling is ideal for any woman. It is especially valuable for girls with sensitive skin.

How to give Hilak Forte to children

In pediatrics, the medicine is used for children over 2 years of age. In practice, it is possible to prescribe Hilak Forte to infants and newborns: to eliminate pathological regurgitation and prevent its dangerous consequences - aspiration pneumonia. In some cases, drops help eliminate increased gas formation, persistent constipation, bloating and intestinal colic.

  • A single volume of the drug for infants should not exceed 15 drops;
  • a single dose for children from 2 to 12 years old is 20–30 drops;
  • Teenagers can take the medicine in an adult dosage.

In the first days, a three-time dose is recommended. As the symptoms of intestinal disorders decrease, you can reduce the frequency to 2 per day or reduce the dose of drops.


Many women have tried using Hilak Forte for the face as a peeling. To this day, there are no known reviews about the negative consequences of its use .

You should not peel if your skin is irritated or has minor scratches.

However, it is important to remember that any medical drug has contraindications, and Hilak Forte is no exception. However, there are not many warnings, and they mainly concern the procedure itself.

The drug should not be used:

  • if the skin is mechanically damaged, there are small wounds and scratches;
  • if there is intolerance to the components of the drug or a tendency to allergies;
  • if there is a skin disease that manifests itself on the face (chickenpox, herpes, rubella);
  • If you experience any discomfort or irritation, you should avoid this method of skin peeling.

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Use of Hylak Forte in cosmetology

Peeling Hilak Forte is a cosmetic procedure aimed at renewing the epidermis. The composition not only cleanses the skin, but also nourishes and moisturizes it.

Hilak Forte is a pharmaceutical product. Its main task is to eliminate problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract. The medicine also helps normalize the intestinal microflora. The composition contains substances widely used in the cosmetology field. These include lactic acids, fatty acids, and lactobacilli. The drug under discussion is able to neutralize the effect of pathogenic organisms, as well as contribute to the restoration of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Cosmetology specialists have found a completely new use for Hilak Forte. Today, this product is used in beauty salons for peeling. After the session, the skin is moisturized, soft, tender, light and fresh. As testimonials from cosmetologists testify, cleansing the dermis is absolutely painless, and the result is comparable to expensive procedures.

Pros and cons of facial peeling

Since Hilak Forte drops are a product of natural origin, peeling based on such a pharmaceutical preparation is safe for the body and is suitable for almost everyone. The main component is affordable, and its consumption is quite low.

In addition to safety and versatility, the advantages of Hilak Forte as a facial peel include:

  1. Hydration. The composition does not dry out the face, but, on the contrary, nourishes it with moisture.
  2. Out of season. Peeling can be carried out even in the summer, when many other procedures for cleansing the dermis are not recommended due to the risk of increased pigmentation.
  3. Availability. You can purchase it at any pharmacy without a prescription.
  4. Comfort. During the session there are no unpleasant sensations in the form of tingling, burning, etc.

There are practically no disadvantages to the peeling discussed. These include, perhaps, the need for regular procedures.

Answers on questions

Is it possible to apply the product in its pure form to get faster results?

It is forbidden. It is imperative to dilute the main component of Hilak Forte with water.

Can only Hilak Forte be used for the peeling procedure? Will regular Hilak work?

Will do. These drugs, when used for peeling, give the same effect.

Is it possible to carry out this procedure if the skin is dry?

Yes, but for dry skin it is advisable to do such peeling no more than once every 2 weeks.

Progress of the procedure

The procedure does not require any special preparation. The process involves the following steps:

  1. Complete cleansing of the facial skin from decorative cosmetics and impurities.
  2. Steaming the skin using a water bath.
  3. Apply the mixture with massage movements on the face until completely absorbed.
  4. Allow the substance to have its effect for 15–20 minutes.
  5. Wash thoroughly with cool running water.
  6. Moisturize the skin to which the mixture has been applied using face cream.

It is important to thoroughly cleanse the face before applying the substance, and also completely remove it from the skin after peeling, as irritation may occur.


  • Add cream: in order to prepare this peeling, you will need to add a small amount of your face cream to the preparation. You will need 25 grams of cream and 10 drops of the drug. The components must be mixed and applied following the instructions. You can add a drop of your favorite essential oil. To enhance the moisturizing effect of peeling, it is recommended to replace the cream with kefir. When applying the composition, it is strictly forbidden to use it on the area around the eyes. You need to keep it on for at least a quarter of an hour, after which the composition is removed from the face and a moisturizer is applied.
  • To get rid of acne, you will need to mix the drug with purified water in equal proportions. Apply and rinse according to the classic method of using the product.
  • If you need to get rid of pigmentation, then Hilak Forte peeling is the product that will certainly help you! You will need to use kefir in an amount of 75 ml, add 5 drops of the drug to it. The components must be mixed until smooth, then applied in a thick layer to the skin of the face. Leave in this position for fifteen minutes, then remove the remaining product and treat your face with care products. This remedy is effective in the fight against freckles.
  • For a rejuvenating effect, it is recommended to mix 10 drops of the drug with a tablespoon of lotion with a rejuvenating effect. Using a cotton pad, treat your face with this composition and leave for 12-15 minutes, then rinse with water and apply cream.

With Hilak Forte peeling you will not be afraid of skin problems on your face!


Since the lactic acid contained in the preparation has whitening properties, such cleaning is correct for pigmented skin with post-acne spots.

Thanks to its moisturizing function, cleansing is recommended for owners of dry, aging, sagging skin .

The cleansing effect can be useful for the dermis, which is prone to enlarged, often clogged pores .

Problem skin may benefit from the mild antibacterial cleansing effect.

With virtually no contraindications, this procedure can even be performed by pregnant or breastfeeding women.

A special feature of this cleaning is that it is safe to carry out even in summer, when other types are prohibited.

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