ABR facial peeling: description of the procedure, features and reviews


ABR exfoliation (or, as it is also searched for on the Internet, “ABR peeling”) is carried out in a course of 6-8 sessions with breaks of 2 weeks.

The procedure itself may involve different times for applying the composition to the skin.

It depends on various factors that the doctor must take into account. In particular, exposure to acids should be minimal in time if the patient is also prescribed certain medications:

  • Enzymes of animal and plant origin (trypsin, papain, ficin);
  • Concentrated ascorbic acid;
  • Retinoids (various forms of vitamin A);
  • Hydroquinone (toxic bleaching agent in cosmetics).

Pre-peeling preparation

Experts recommend evening out the structure of the facial skin before the first session. To do this, a gel based on glycolic acid is used for 5 days before the session. Daily use of the gel will help exfoliate dead cells and prepare the epidermis for better perception of the components of the composition.


The procedure itself consists of the following steps:

  1. Cleansing. This is done using ichthyol or azulene soap (local antiseptics based on resinous rocks and chamomile).
  2. Toning + massage. Performed on the face, neck, eyelids, lips, etc. with tonic lotion.
  3. Exposition. After the first 2 stages, the peeling composition is applied directly to the skin (in the sequence “forehead-temple-ear area-neck-chin-cheekbones-around lips-around eyelids”). You should maintain a distance of 4 cm from the delicate eyelid area.
  4. Repeated exposure. 5 minutes after the first layer, apply the next one (for 20 minutes).
  5. Wash off the delicate structure with a sponge using cold water.
  6. Neutralization. It is not enough to simply rinse with water: you must use a chemical neutralizer, otherwise the acids will continue to penetrate the skin.
  7. Washing the neutralizer. Through another light 10-minute massage, the chemical reagent is eliminated, including the area of ​​the lips and eyelids.
  8. The mask is applied for 20 minutes. Relieves inflammation, whitens, tightens pores.
  9. Toning again with natural chamomile or valerian pigment (azulene).
  10. Application of Panthenol. Helps prevent irritation.
  11. Hydration. Finally, massage the cream into the skin with light patting movements.

All subsequent sessions differ from the first in that instead of tonic, the skin is wiped with preparations based on alpha hydroxy acids.

Post-peeling care

Care after ABR peeling lasts at least 30 days and includes special sunscreen, moisturizers and regenerating agents. Often cosmetologists prescribe creams based on hyaluronic acid to patients to restore the water-lipid balance of the epidermis. Creams with shea butter, phospholipids and ceramides are also good.

The post-peeling stage is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • Large-plate peeling (the skin peels off in large flaps).
  • Peeling after ABR peeling begins on day 2-3 and lasts 1-2 days.
  • Hemorrhagic crusts (similar to those formed after scratching).

It is important to remember that neither crusts nor flaps of skin should under any circumstances be torn off either by hand or using abrasives (scrubs), otherwise scars may form in their place. It is necessary to give the epidermis the opportunity to heal naturally

In the first days after peeling (up to 2 weeks), it is better to refrain from decorative cosmetics, any tanning, visiting the bathhouse, sauna and gym, otherwise the healing process will take longer or serious complications will arise. Protective cosmetics with SPF 50+ are required.

Possible complications

Side effects can be completely avoided if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations. However, an individual reaction can be difficult to predict, and it’s worth being mentally prepared for the likelihood of such manifestations, just in case:

  • Excessive blood flow to the face (hyperemia);
  • Pre-edema state (pastosis);
  • Temporary tissue dehydration;
  • Crust formation;
  • Pustules;
  • Abnormal peeling;
  • Exacerbation of herpes.

Precautionary measures

If you decide to peel at home, you should strictly follow the following precautions :

  1. The composition should not be left on the skin for longer than the time specified in the instructions.
  2. The product should be applied with a brush with natural bristles, and your hands should be wearing rubber gloves.
  3. If the drug gets into your eyes or mucous membranes, wash with clean cold water and seek help from a medical facility.
  4. Do not neglect the rules of the recovery period after the procedure.

We recommend: Subtleties of pre-peel preparation of facial skin

Complications after peeling are possible if the procedure is performed incorrectly, the rules of the rehabilitation period are neglected, or there is an individual intolerance to the composition.

Side effects:

  • scarring;
  • swelling;
  • dryness;
  • redness and itching;
  • ulcers;
  • herpetic rashes.

In order not to provoke side effects, you need to know what contraindications ABR peeling has :

  1. The period of gestation and breastfeeding.
  2. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Exacerbation of herpes.
  4. Skin damage (scratches, abrasions).
  5. Tendency to allergic reactions.
  6. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  7. Skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis).

Holy Land Alpha-Beta Retinol Professional Peeling Chemical Peeling

Combined surface peeling Holy Land Alpha-Beta Retinol Professional Peeling based on fruit acids. Provides immediate results. Does not dry or irritate the skin. Suitable for all skin types, incl. for non-inflammatory forms of acne and seborrhea.


  • Delicate superficial peeling, smoothing the skin surface.
  • Reducing the thickness of the stratum corneum, updating the epidermis.
  • Cleansing and reducing pores.
  • Evens out skin color and texture.
  • Moisturizing the epidermis, increasing skin moisture levels.
  • Smoothing of superficial wrinkles.
  • Activation of microcirculation, vascular strengthening effect.
  • Stimulation of collagen and elastin synthesis.
  • Preparing the skin for deeper peels.
  • Micro-resurfacing of skin with post-acne phenomena.

Active Ingredients:

Complex of fruit acids (lactic, glycolic, citric, malic, tartaric).

L-ascorbic acid has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, improves tissue regeneration, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, and normalizes their permeability. Increases immunity and skin turgor. Slows down melanin synthesis, has a whitening and powerful antioxidant effect.

Salicylic acid has a keratolytic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates the healing of skin damage.

Fig (fig tree) extract has a moisturizing effect, promotes skin regeneration, accelerates the maturation of inflammation and resolves infiltrates.

Papaya extract contains papain, a proteolytic enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of keratin. Papain gently exfoliates dead cells, evens out skin texture, and accelerates the renewal process of epidermal cells. It is well tolerated even by the most sensitive skin. In addition, papain affects the activity of skin enzymes, regulating a number of biochemical processes. All these abilities of papain make it an important participant in anti-age therapy. Home care:

After removing makeup and cleansing the skin, apply 8% peeling to the entire face, including eyelids, and neck for 10 minutes. Rinse off with sponges and warm water. The procedure can be carried out no more than once every 7-10 days. Release form: 100 ml bottle.

What it is?

This peeling came to us from Israel, where the famous company Holy Land produces a variety of cosmetic products. ABR peeling is a medium-acting product, that is, the chemical components contained in the composition penetrate deep into the skin, but without affecting the basal layer. The product helps not only cleanse the epithelium, but also fight cosmetic defects in the form of acne, scars and post-acne

Another important feature of this peeling is internal and external rejuvenation and prevention of premature skin aging.

The abbreviation in the name of the drug refers to the combination of alpha and beta acids with retinol (ABR - “ALPHA-BETA & RETINOL”). The basis of the product is retinol, fruit and salicylic acids, in addition to which the composition contains extracts of chamomile, mint, tea tree leaves, grapes and various soothing oils.

The main components are equipped with the following functions:

Alpha acids
  • gently break down dead and rough cells on the surface of the skin;
  • activate cell renewal and metabolism;
  • tone your face.
Beta acids
  • improve the detachment of old skin particles;
  • clean clogged pores;
  • have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • restores damaged skin;
  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • accelerates collagen synthesis and the process of cell division.

The choice of many women is ABR peeling due to the fact that it achieves a quick effect in the form of mattifying oily skin, eliminating acne, facial wrinkles and other aesthetic flaws.

How to care for your skin after Holy Land peeling

After the procedure, the skin often peels, itches or turns red. When all these uncomfortable sensations pass, a completely different picture appears before the patient. The skin becomes smooth and tightened, the face appears fresh, the tone is evened out, and the visible number of wrinkles is reduced.

Since salicylic acid is so powerful and to achieve results, it is important to ensure proper and regular skin care after exfoliation. Cosmetologists insist on performing certain manipulations throughout the month:

  • Application of regenerating compounds;
  • Distribution of photoprotective cream with SPF from 30+ (especially important in summer);
  • Using softening masks, foams and nourishing face creams.

Cosmetologists do not recommend applying decorative cosmetics for several days

It’s better to start with light makeup, which is important to remove with milk for sensitive skin. During the period of skin peeling, you should not touch your face with your hands and “help” it peel off faster; this process should proceed without intervention

After ABR peeling, there is a risk of pigmentation. To prevent such troubles from happening, you should apply creams with antioxidants. Special creams, which differ from the daily hypoallergenic composition, will help get rid of tightness and dryness of the skin in the first days after exfoliation. Serums made from natural ingredients are also suitable.

In what cases is the procedure indicated?

ABR peeling is a cosmetic procedure that, of course, can be performed independently. But it is necessary to do peeling, following the rules. First, let's look at the problems for which cosmetologists recommend this procedure:

  • with dull complexion;
  • in the presence of small wrinkles;
  • with uneven skin;
  • if enlarged pores bother you;
  • for acne;
  • if acne marks are visualized;
  • with infiltrates;
  • if you are concerned about hyperpigmentation;
  • for spots;
  • with hyperkeratosis.

All these defects can be eliminated if you approach the procedure professionally.

Features of ABR peeling

The Holy Land company positions ABR peeling as a means to restore healthy complexion and texture of any skin type. This drug belongs to the category of chemical superficial-medium action, that is, the chemical mixture penetrates the entire depth of the epidermis, but the basal layer of the skin is not affected.

Thus, ABR peeling through exfoliation removes the upper layers of the skin along with its problems - wrinkles, scars, enlarged pores, pigmentation. Clean, fresh, renewed skin appears without all these imperfections.

This effect is created thanks to the main active ingredients of the composition:

  1. Alpha acids - carefully dissolve old dead particles, accelerate targeted cell regeneration, activate metabolism in the dermis, increasing the overall tone of the face.
  2. Beta acids – promote exfoliation of the epidermis, cleanse pores, have keratolytic and anti-inflammatory properties.
  3. Retinol - eliminates free radicals, helps improve metabolic processes and skin restoration, regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, collagen synthesis, melanogenesis, and the process of cell division.

Thanks to this 3-component formula with the addition of the above-mentioned natural substances, this peeling acquires a high degree of effectiveness and a wide range of applications, solving a number of problems: fine wrinkles, congestion spots, acne marks, hyperpigmentation, dull complexion, enlarged pores, unevenness skin, acne, etc.

Solving skin problems with Holy Land chemical peeling

How does the cleansing procedure with ABR peeling work?

First of all, the skin must be cleaned using special sugar or ichthyol soap. To achieve maximum effect, it is advisable, but not necessary, to apply another Holy Land product to your face - ABR Prepping Lotion. If the procedure is the first, then a surface peeling Alpha Complex Rapid Exfoliator is applied based on the same acids, but at a concentration of 8%. This composition will prepare the skin for deeper effects.

After waiting for 5 minutes, ABR peeling itself is applied to the surface of the face, including the eyelids, in sequence from the forehead to the chin and ears. You can also treat the neck and décolleté area. The last areas to be treated are the areas around the eyes and lips. After 10 minutes, the composition is reapplied and left for another 15-20 minutes. A slight, quite tolerable tingling sensation will be felt.

After the specified time has passed, the mixture is carefully washed off with warm or slightly cool water using a porous sponge or soft sponge. A neutralizing composition is applied to the entire surface of the face and other treated areas for 10 minutes. Then again everything is washed off and dried. The final chord is a special ABR mask, also from the Holy Land series of cosmetic products, which has a whitening and antiseptic effect.

After this, the ABR peeling procedure can be considered complete. The face is treated with a tonic lotion, moisturizer and sunscreen. It is recommended to complete a course of 5-7 procedures with an interval of 10 days.

Patient reviews and cost

Cosmetology offices in aesthetic medicine clinics most often offer ABR peeling using products from Holy Land. The average price in Moscow is about 2,000 rubles. To achieve a lasting result, you will need at least 5 procedures . Therefore, the cost of the course fluctuates around 10,000 rubles.

There are a lot of reviews about manipulation on the Internet, here’s what they write:

  • Lopatina E., 37 years old: "Hello! I decided to share my impressions! The peeling procedure took place a week ago.
    I spent about an hour in the beauty salon and did not experience any pain or discomfort.

    The result is visible after the first session. Fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and excess sebum production has ceased. There is practically no redness left. I am very pleased. I aim to take a full course.”

  • Shishkina Yu., 30 years old : “I have acne and oily skin. ABR peeling was recommended by a friend. The effect is noticeable almost immediately: the pores are clean, there is no inflammation, the complexion is more even, and the skin is soft and elastic. There is only one drawback of the procedure – the high price. But the result is well worth the money spent.”

ABR peeling is a popular modern procedure known for positive reviews. It is used to correct all kinds of skin defects - from the first signs of aging to acne. It is characterized by a delicate effect and minimization of complications. In order not to worsen the skin situation, it is better to entrust the manipulation to a professional.

Professional peelings (PROFESSIONAL PEELS)

They are represented by 6 types of products that have different indications and degrees of effect on the skin. To work with such products, special training is required. Holi Land acid peels are used in beauty salons.

I Alpha peeling (ALPHA PEEL)

The product has a concentration of active substances of 24% and acidity from 3.3 to 3.9. This is a soft peeling for all skin types. It can even be used in pregnant women. The main ingredient is alpha hydroxy acids.

Effects of Holy Land alpha peeling:

  • activation of skin cell renewal;
  • formation of new healthy cells;
  • improving the absorption of caring substances by the dermis.

II Anti-aging peeling (ANTI AGE PEEL)

The drug has a concentration of active substances of 24% and a pH of 3.3 to 3.9. This is a professional product for treating and preventing changes caused by age. It is suitable for any skin type. Its main components are alpha hydroxy acids and grape extract.

Effects of anti-aging peeling Holy Land:

  • delays the aging process;
  • accelerates the synthesis of its own proteins - collagen and elastin;
  • delays the destruction of skin proteins by blocking the corresponding enzymes;
  • creates a lifting effect and strengthens the surface of blood capillaries.

III Peeling balance (BALANCE PEEL)

The composition contains 29% active components, acidity from 3.3 to 3.9. This is a professional drug for eliminating oily skin and treating acne. It contains alpha and beta hydroxy acids, retinol and acai oil.

Action of Holy Land balance peeling:

  • reduces inflammation in acne;
  • suppresses excess sebum production;
  • regulates keratinization processes;
  • fights the spread of bacteria;
  • eliminates pigmentation after acne.

IV Renewing peeling (RENEW PEEL)

The concentration of active acids is 32%, pH from 3.3 to 3.9. This product provides active renewal for both young and mature skin.

Its main components are alpha and beta hydroxy acids, retinol and vitamin C.

V Extra strong peeling (EXTREME PEEL)

The concentration of active substances is 34%, acidity is from 3.3 to 3.9. The product provides significant cell renewal and is used both in young and adulthood.

The main components of Holy Land extra-strength peeling are alpha and beta hydroxy acids, retinol and pomegranate extract.

White peeling (WHITE PEEL)

This is a unique biologically active peptide complex obtained from milk processing. Contains 5% lactic acid and has a pH of 5.3 to 5.6. In addition to lactic acid, the composition includes amino acids, proteins, lipids, enzymes and vitamins. Holy Land lactolan peeling is also a professional product, but it can also be used in home care.

Active substances:

  • milk proteins, casein, lactic acid;
  • cream cheese enzymes;
  • amino acids;
  • kaolin (clay) and mineral salts;
  • vitamin-lipid complex.


  • milk peeling dissolves the intercellular material that retains keratinized layers;
  • accelerates the formation of new cells;
  • creates a uniform skin tone;
  • moisturizes the dermis and improves the structure of skin tissue.

ALPHA COMPLEX or quick cleaning

The drug ALPHA COMPLEX is a surface peeling. The drug is distinguished by a high pH value of 3.5. This helps to quickly remove dead skin particles.

According to cosmetologists, the main advantages of drugs of this class include the following points:

  • it contains not just one, but a complex of fruit acids - glycolic, tartaric, lactic, malic and citric;
  • gentle action;
  • Suitable for all skin types;
  • does not dry out the body;
  • indicated for use in non-inflammatory acne and seborrhea;
  • can be used as a means to prepare the skin for more aggressive cosmetic procedures.

The rest of the positive qualities are similar to the Holy Land line of peelings - evening out tone and cleansing the skin, improving microcirculation, stimulating collagen production.

This medication can be used at home. The skin should be cleaned of dust and residues of decorative cosmetics. Using a cotton swab or disk, apply the drug to the skin of the face.

The maximum duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. After this, remove the remaining peeling with a sponge and wash thoroughly with water.

It is not recommended to carry out the procedure in summer. The ideal time for peeling is autumn, winter and early spring.

Are there any contraindications?

Like any procedure, peeling has its contraindications. Its use is undesirable in the following situations:

  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • presence of severe somatic diseases;
  • intolerance to any component;
  • presence of damage;
  • the presence of dermatological diseases (atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema);
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • fresh tan;
  • tendency to increased photosensitivity;
  • planning for sun exposure;
  • thyroid diseases.

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