Peeling prx-t33: description of the procedure, indications for use

Indications for peeling

A new product from the WiQomed company came to us from Italy, although cosmetologists have recently not considered prx-t33 peeling to be such a new procedure. It’s just that on the Russian market just a couple of years ago it was too expensive, the average price for the procedure reached 11 thousand rubles. Of course, there weren’t many people willing to shell out such sums for peeling, given that you need to complete a full course of several sessions. Then the company held a number of promotions, the price was halved, and prx-t33 peeling began to gain popularity.

In fact, this is an analogue of biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid, in which powerful stimulation of the skin occurs, only more gentle. The skin is renewed and becomes elastic and radiant. But at the same time, the top layer is not damaged, there are no crusts or peeling, which are characteristic, for example, of classic peeling based on trichloroacetic acid.

Peeling is loved by young girls with problem skin and older ladies who prefer high-quality salon procedures with a lifting effect. The procedure is practically painless and does not lead to peeling or redness of the skin. Although, judging by the reviews, everything is very individual, and some clients still feel discomfort during peeling. Yes, there may also be slight peeling for several days.

Peeling is indicated for:

  • Enlarged pores and blackheads;
  • for stretch marks (on the body);
  • scars left after chickenpox;
  • acne and problematic skin prone to regular rashes;
  • seborrheic dermatitis and hyperpigmentation.

In addition, prx-t33 peeling stimulates collagen production. Although this does not guarantee a clear lifting effect (although we are promised that after the procedure, wrinkles will be smoothed out), the fact that the skin will look fresh, well-groomed and rested has been confirmed by thousands of satisfied clients. Peeling is very suitable for preventing aging.

Also, the procedure is especially indicated for those with oily skin, as it regulates the secretion of subcutaneous fat and reduces inflammation.

Advantages and disadvantages

The popularity of the new type of peeling is due to the large number of advantages of this procedure:

  • possibility of peeling at any time of the year;
  • the appearance of results after the first session;
  • lack of rehabilitation period;
  • absence of pain, burning and any discomfort during peeling;
  • lack of photosensitivity – you can sunbathe a couple of days after the procedure;
  • there are no such unpleasant consequences as the appearance of crusts, peeling, swelling and redness;
  • there are practically no age or other contraindications (peeling can be performed from 15 to 60 years);
  • accessibility of the procedure for all skin types.

The procedure also has disadvantages, but they are few.:

  • high cost in comparison with procedures of similar depth of impact;
  • Unfortunately, this type of peeling is not carried out in all beauty salons.

Description of the procedure

It is advisable to carry out prx-t33 peeling in a salon, although the procedure protocol does not require any special skills. But since the composition contains trichloroacetic and kojic acids, there is, of course, a chance of burns if used incorrectly at home. Therefore, it is more reliable to entrust your face and body to a specialist (and prx-t33 is successfully used for the décolleté area, for the arms, abdomen and other parts of the body).

About the prx-t33 peeling, or more precisely the protocol for the procedure, consumption - further.

The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. First, the cosmetologist thoroughly cleanses the client’s skin with special products.
  2. Then dry it with napkins.
  3. Next, using a syringe, prx-t33 is applied to the skin with rubbing movements, the consumption is approximately 1 - 1.5 ml. First on the t-zone, then on the lower and middle parts of the face. Apply a little more product to problem areas and rub it in more intensely. When performing the procedure, the specialist must wear nitrile gloves and work in them.
  4. The procedure takes up to half an hour. The composition is not left on the face, but is washed off immediately after application, then moisturizing cream from WiQomed is applied.

Cosmetologists, depending on the condition of the skin, usually offer clients a course that includes from 3 to 6 procedures with an interval of 7 to 10 days, once a year. But for those with oily skin, a different scheme is usually proposed, since peeling has a stronger effect on them. During the first session, no more than 2 layers of the product are applied (consumption 1 ml), then a two-week break is taken. At the second session, everything is repeated and there is another break for 2 weeks. And only after this cosmetologists begin to adhere to the classic protocol for the procedure.

Important! Individual intolerance to the drug is possible, but unlikely. Before starting the procedure, it is advisable to consult with a cosmetologist and conduct an allergy test by applying a small amount of the product, for example, to the crook of your elbow.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Most cosmetologists are satisfied with the results obtained by using the drug PRX-T33. Among the main advantages are noticeable rejuvenation and an easy rehabilitation period.

Of course, not all experts talk only about positive results. Some note an insufficient whitening effect, but this is where the “complaints” about the drug end.

It is also worth noting that most cosmetologists are of the opinion that PRX-T33 may well replace anti-aging injections , but on condition that peeling is carried out in courses.

Now you know that if you need to do peeling on the eve of a vacation or an important event, you need to choose a procedure using PRX-T33, since this drug does not create unpleasant consequences and does not make the skin hypersensitive to external irritants.

The main thing is to choose a good beauty salon , where they use only high-quality products, and an experienced specialist who can carry out the procedure correctly.


Of course, when individual intolerance to the components of the drug is present, then the procedure is out of the question. And if during peeling the client complains of a strong burning sensation (mild is quite acceptable), then the cosmetologist is obliged to interrupt the session and wash off the product.

However, prx-t33 peeling, according to cosmetologists, is in most cases well tolerated by women, but there are a number of contraindications when it must be abandoned. This:

  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • abrasions and wounds on the skin, herpetic rashes;
  • colds and other infections in the active phase;
  • rehabilitation after any salon procedures and the use of medications that may be incompatible with peeling. In both cases, consultation with a cosmetologist is mandatory.

Important! It is interesting that today prx-t33 peeling is the only peeling of all that has no seasonal contraindications. It can be done both in summer and winter.

The essence and uniqueness of the new method

PRX-T33 is called a peeling, which is not entirely correct. This drug is a dermal stimulant that helps correct not only wrinkles, but also:

  • dark spots;
  • freckles;
  • scars and other skin defects.

The uniqueness of PRX-T33 and its difference from other types of peeling is that this drug stimulates the middle layers of the dermis without having a negative effect on the surface of the skin, due to which there are no side effects and no recovery period.

Skin care after the procedure

The peeling manufacturer claims that there is no recovery period after peeling. Still, for women with dry skin and skin prone to inflammation, it is advisable to adhere to several rules:

  1. Protect your skin from sudden temperature changes: avoid going to the sauna or bathhouse for several days after peeling, and also use a protective cream in winter;
  2. Follow a diet, excluding too fatty and spicy foods from the diet, so as not to provoke the formation of new inflammations;
  3. Use good sunscreens;
  4. Drink plenty of water to restore water balance in the body and reduce discomfort after peeling to a minimum;
  5. Avoid scrubbing at home to avoid further injury to the skin.

While studying information about prx-t33 peeling and the procedure protocol, many are also looking for the answer to the question: “after the session, can baby cream be applied to the skin?” For example, in case of slight redness or peeling. Cosmetologists believe that this is acceptable.

History of the creation of PRH-T33

The drug PRX-T33 was developed by the Italian company GPQ Srl , which produces cosmetics and medical products.

For 10 years, a team of dermatologists led by Professor Rosanna Castellana, specializing in innovative dermatology, searched for the ideal composition of the new drug.

As soon as specialists managed to develop the optimal formula for PRX-T33, the company immediately patented it and brought it to the international market.

Expected effect

Before carrying out a mid-face cleansing, you should understand what result this manipulation can provide, whether the desired effect coincides with the actual one.

The effect after peeling may be like this:

  • compaction and toning of the deep layer of the dermis (due to this, the oval of the face will acquire a clearer contour);
  • normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands, a significant reduction in pores (the gloss disappears, because cleaning dries out);
  • there is a slight tightening effect (lifting);
  • whitening (significant reduction of all types of pigmentation, freckles);
  • treatment of photoaging;
  • evening out the tone and structure of the face (the skin becomes fresher, traces of acne, chicken pox, small scars, scars completely disappear);
  • The upper layer of the skin is transformed: small facial wrinkles, blemishes, unevenness, and roughness disappear. The skin becomes smooth, silky, matte.

Unique composition

The chemical cleaning solution contains only three main components:

  1. Trichloroacetic acid 33% . Stimulates the growth of fibroblasts in the skin, at the same time has an anti-inflammatory effect, effectively cleanses the pores of accumulated sebum, cosmetic residues, microparticles of dirt, destroys pathogenic bacteria that provoke the formation of acne, and increases the elasticity of the dermis.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide 3% . It has a strong antiseptic effect on the treated area of ​​the skin. Upon contact with the epidermis, peroxide promotes the release of a huge amount of oxygen, which mechanically cleanses of all types of impurities. Peroxide fills cells with pure oxygen, which increases the sensitivity of receptors.
  3. Kojic acid . The task of this component is to brighten the treated area. The chemical composition of this acid suppresses the production of melanin. Previously, it was used to remove pigmentation, freckles, remove acne marks, chicken pox, small scars and cicatrices. A long, painful procedure turned into a quick and painless one.

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