Is it possible to undergo buccal facial massage for different types of acne?

This question arises not only among those who engage in self-massage. Cosmetologists who actively use facial massage in their practice often face the problem of acne appearing after a massage.

In September 2022, I conducted a super useful webinar on self-facial massage, where, among other issues, I discussed this topic in detail.

If clogged pores or pimples appear after a massage, I suggest you the following algorithm of action.

  1. Wash thoroughly after facial massage
  2. Use massage gel
  3. Slow down
  4. Rashes don't just come from massage.

Features of the procedure101

During the session, the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth are worked on, which contributes to the active development of the facial muscles. Intense rubbing and moderate physical impact activates skin microcirculation and creates a positive effect in the treatment area.

The session lasts about 20-25 minutes. The duration of treatment is usually 10-15 sessions (no more than once a week). The results of the procedure can be assessed after 2-3 sessions.

There are two types of buccal massage, which differ in the direction of the massage therapist’s actions:

  • deep tissue treatment - massage is performed from the top of the cheeks to the lips in a downward direction;
  • sculptural elaboration - involves influencing different areas (from the nose, chin or edge of the lips to the ears).

The uniqueness of the technique is that manipulations are carried out on both sides. That is why it is better to trust buccal therapy to professionals.

Hygiene and care

In a situation where a patient has problem skin, it is necessary to take various measures that are aimed at preventing the formation of a rash. It is required to provide appropriate care for it.

It assumes:

  • Taking 15-minute baths with potassium permanganate. After the procedure, you should not rub the dermis vigorously, as this provokes infection of the skin. It is optimal to dry your back with a towel.
  • Compliance with the sequence of hygienic manipulations. Initially, the head is washed, then the body. This is done to avoid clogging of pores.
  • Wise choice of washcloth. Do not use an overly hard or soft washcloth. Do not use scrubs, pumice stones or other rough devices on affected areas. Avoid visiting solariums. This may cause burns.
  • Avoid using oils for massage. These products contribute to clogging of pores, provoking inflammatory processes.
  • Refusal of tight clothing. This causes increased pressure on the acne itself.

By following the above instructions, it is possible to get rid of unpleasant symptoms in the shortest possible time.

Massage techniques 101

There are different methods of performing buccal massage, including proprietary techniques. Each session necessarily includes the following steps:

  • Stroking. Helps prepare the skin and facial muscles for intense exposure.
  • Warm up (circular movements on the face). Relieves muscle tension and prevents muscle injury.
  • Tapping. Tapping the affected area allows you to prepare the muscles and skin for massage.
  • Vibrations, tingling (external and internal). Improves blood microcirculation and activates regeneration processes.

The main stage of the procedure involves intensive impact on the epidermis and facial muscles (each separately). All manipulations are performed from the far corners of the mouth to the lips. At the end of the session, the massage therapist strokes the skin to relax the muscles and bring them back to normal.


Itching after tanning requires the help of a specialist. If this problem occurs regularly, then you need to visit a dermatologist or allergist.

The doctor will conduct an external examination, prescribe laboratory tests and skin tests. After receiving the examination results, a diagnosis will be made and treatment will be prescribed.

The most accurate information is provided by a photo test. This technique involves irradiating specific areas of the skin for several minutes.

If after some time symptoms of hypersensitivity appear, the diagnosis is confirmed. Additionally, they resort to general clinical and biochemical blood tests.

What effect does the procedure have on the face?

High demands are placed on the technique of performing buccal therapy, since the technique involves force on the sensitive muscles of the face. When performing manipulations professionally, the following positive changes are noted101:

  • even out complexion;
  • improvement of microcirculation of facial muscles;
  • restoration of muscle tissue tone;
  • smoothing out small wrinkles;
  • elimination of hypertonicity of the facial muscles;
  • local reduction of subcutaneous fatty tissue;
  • formation of a clear oval face.

When performing any type of buccal massage, an increase in the elasticity of the epidermis is observed, which in turn helps to smooth out wrinkles and folds. However, a significant drawback of the technique is pain, which is especially pronounced after the first few sessions.


Treatment for a rash on the shoulders will give a positive result only when the original cause of the inflammatory process is identified. Treatment should begin with adjusting the diet.

For these purposes, the following instructions must be followed:

  • Refuse or minimize the consumption of fatty, sweet and fried foods.
  • You need to drink the required amount of liquid.
  • Saturate the menu with vegetables and fruits.
  • Take vitamin complexes that help improve the health of the dermis.
  • Drink kefir daily to remove toxic substances.

Does the procedure have any disadvantages?

Many modern women refuse plastic surgery in favor of a manual method of skin rejuvenation. However, this method of combating aging has disadvantages101:

  • During the procedure, not all facial muscles are worked;
  • hematomas may occur at the site of exposure;
  • the procedure is accompanied by painful sensations.

One of the serious disadvantages of the technique is the insufficient number of experienced massage therapists who are fluent in the technique of buccal therapy. Please note that the final result of the procedure largely depends on the qualifications and skill of the massage therapist.

Could pain be normal?

Physiological pain after a massage may well be the norm, especially if the person previously led a sedentary lifestyle, did not play sports, spent most of the time in a sitting position or did not walk much. In such people, after a massage, a large amount of lactic acid accumulates in the muscles, which is formed in the body as a result of the breakdown of glucose. The result is an effect similar to muscle pain in athletes after long and grueling training, but the muscles of an unprepared person cannot quickly cope with such a load, which provokes the formation of severe pain.

Pain after a massage may be caused by a buildup of lactic acid.

Another cause of muscle pain after a massage is a change in the strength of tonic tension. If the muscles have been in a spasmodic state for a long time, the process of returning them to their normal position will be painful (“the crooked” muscle slowly straightens, freeing pinched vessels and nerve endings). To completely restore muscle fiber, about 3-5 procedures are required.

Discomfort after a massage may occur due to a gradual improvement in the condition of spasmodic muscles.

Normal (physiological) pain has the following characteristics:

  • decreasing intensity after each subsequent session;
  • disappearance of pain within 48 hours after the procedure (may reappear if these are the first sessions);
  • no signs of secondary inflammation (redness, swelling, high temperature, etc.).

After each subsequent session, the pain should become less intense and short-lasting

The maximum intensity of pain is observed after the first session. Despite the fact that already from the second procedure the pain decreases, it can persist for another 2-4 sessions. Complete disappearance of painful sensations is achieved by the 4th-5th procedure. With severe spinal deformities, moderate pain may persist throughout the entire course of treatment, and its disappearance occurs by the middle of the second course (each of them consists of 10 procedures).

What are the indications for buccal massage?

After 30 years, the production of natural collagen and elastin gradually decreases, the skin loses elasticity and tone, which leads to the formation of facial wrinkles. That is why cosmetologists recommend that women after 30 years of age pay special attention to the condition of muscle tissue101.

Before carrying out the procedure, you must consult with an experienced massage therapist who will select the best option for massage procedures. As a rule, buccal massage is performed in the presence of conditions such as101:

  • partial or complete paresis after a stroke;
  • excessive accumulation of adipose tissue in the malar area;
  • sagging facial muscles;
  • decreased skin turgor;
  • severe swelling of facial tissues;
  • decreased clarity of the oval of the face.

Please note that only an experienced massage therapist can determine which type of massage is appropriate for a particular situation.

How to effectively treat back acne

To cure a rash on the back, complex therapy is required. First of all, the factors that provoked the pathology should be eliminated. You should adhere to a diet that excludes fried and fatty foods.

In severe situations, experts recommend the use of antibiotics to help eliminate the rash.

In addition, special zinc-based products can be used to treat pathologies such as rashes on the back and shoulders.

Medications should be used only after consultation with a doctor, so as not to aggravate the situation. Only by following these instructions is it possible to get rid of the disease.

In teenagers

Before you begin treatment for teenage back rash, you need to establish the original cause of the disease.

It is necessary to consult a specialist and conduct a full diagnosis. This will help eliminate diseases of the internal organs.

When there are no dangerous pathological processes, it is possible to use the following therapy:

  • following a dietary diet;
  • compliance with hygiene rules;
  • use of cosmetics of inadequate quality;
  • the use of special medicinal ointments.

A rash on the back of a teenager can be treated at home using salicylic, zinc or chloramphenicol ointments.

In men

A rash on the back in males manifests itself as a reaction of the body to disruptions in the endocrine system, which are associated with an imbalance of sex hormones.

In addition, such a pathology can be a consequence of disorders of the digestive tract, urological diseases and neuralgia.

Among women

A rash on the back in women can be caused by blocked subcutaneous glands. This occurs due to hormonal imbalance within the body, stressful situations, dysbacteriosis or gynecological diseases.

Getting rid of acne is finally possible only with the help of a specialist who will determine the root cause and prescribe appropriate therapy. Often, the prescribed treatment can be supplemented by procedures that are carried out at home.

The use of potassium permanganate will be effective due to its drying effect. In particular, baths with potassium permanganate are useful if you have a red rash on your back.

During pregnancy

There are a large number of folk remedies that help eliminate back rashes during pregnancy, but each of these recipes should be used with extreme caution. They should not contain any aggressive components that provoke allergies.

To avoid side effects and complications, each product should be tested on the skin of the wrist. When the reaction does not appear, the drug can be used for therapeutic purposes. Often these remedies are masks and facial compresses.

How to quickly relieve acne inflammation? The answer is here.

After the massage

Sometimes after a massage a rash may appear on the back, which will be a manifestation of an allergy to various oils. In such a situation, you should abandon the procedure for a certain period or try to replace the oil with which the manipulation was carried out.

Painful rashes in this area of ​​the body are considered common. If even after this the rash does not disappear, you need to look for the root cause of the pathological process inside the body.

Salon treatments

It is possible to eliminate a rash on the back using cosmetic procedures:

  • Chemical peeling. A method for eliminating acne using organic acids and phenols.
  • Laser resurfacing. A technique during which a laser destroys melanin particles.
  • Ozone therapy. Exposure of affected areas to ozone in order to normalize skin cells.

To prevent back rashes from occurring, it is extremely important to take preventive measures. This will make it possible to reduce their number and improve the health of the skin.

Are there any contraindications?

The massage procedure involves a serious impact on the facial muscles, so there are some restrictions on its implementation. Among the contraindications are 101:

  • fragility of blood vessels;
  • acute infections;
  • hematomas and open wounds in the affected area;
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • endocrine, oncological diseases;
  • dermatitis, allergies and skin rashes.

Any type of acne* on the face is a direct contraindication to performing buccal massage. The procedure can only worsen the condition of the skin and lead to an active increase in their number.

Use massage gel

If you wash your face thoroughly after self-massage, but still get rashes, try changing your massage product.

Oils or creams that contain a high percentage of lipids contribute to clogging of pores.

Switch to gel.

For example, you can use a gel moisturizing mask for massage. The main thing is that the gel is sufficiently dense, jelly-like and gives good glide.

For long-term gliding, you can periodically wet your fingertips in water.

Self-massage of the face “Renaissance”, technique #2 – “Waterfall”

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