Facial cleansing with nitrogen: what is the effectiveness of the procedure for different skin problems

Cryomassage of the face with liquid nitrogen is used in cosmetology to solve certain problems and for the purpose of non-surgical skin rejuvenation. The technique is also used to improve the general condition of hair, strengthen hair follicles and combat alopecia. Nitrogen cryomassage helps fight cellulite and other figure imperfections.

At the Healthy Family clinic, experienced cosmetologists will help you choose the most effective methods for solving your health problems and eliminating external imperfections.

Features of the use of liquid nitrogen in cosmetology

Liquid nitrogen is a colorless, transparent liquid with a boiling point of -195.75 °C. Due to its unique properties, the substance is used in various branches of medicine, including for the treatment of hair, skin, and the fight against imperfections in appearance. Only a qualified specialist should use liquid nitrogen, especially if removal of benign growths is required.

Patient reviews

On the Internet you can find mostly positive reviews from patients who have experienced the effects of cryo-cleaning.

The user writes about the good results of therapy in the fight against demodicosis.

A participant writes about the better effect of cryotherapy compared to expensive chemical peels.

The user indicates that the result of the procedure depends on the experience of the cosmetologist.

But there are patients who are disappointed with the effect of the procedure. The participant writes about the lack of results; the procedure did not solve the problem of inflammation.


Cryomassage is used according to indications:

  • age-related skin changes, the presence of facial wrinkles;
  • tendency to inflammatory processes;
  • consequences of gravitational ptosis;
  • low rate of regeneration of damaged cells;
  • pigmentation;
  • disruption of the sebaceous glands;
  • tendency towards fabric, presence of acne marks;
  • course of demodicosis;
  • unfavorable external manifestations of plastic surgery, the presence of edema.

In recent years, cryomassage has been actively used for rejuvenation and combating age-related changes. The procedure must be carried out in a cosmetology clinic, only by experienced specialists who have undergone special training.

Care instructions after cleaning

Cryotherapy is a safe, atraumatic type of cleansing. Recovery is quick; during the first 24 hours, slight swelling and redness are possible. To consolidate the aesthetic effect, you should follow the recommendations of a specialist:

  • for cleansing, use soft foams and gels without aggressive components;
  • treatment of problematic oily skin continues at home, the cosmetologist selects the optimal care program, including cleansing, toning, moisturizing;
  • after the procedure, scrubs, gommages, nourishing and moisturizing masks will help speed up skin restoration; it is advisable to choose products from a professional or therapeutic line;
  • To prevent pigmentation and protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, it is necessary to use a cream with a high SPF factor.

Important! During the recovery period after the procedure, you should not visit the sauna, solarium, swimming pool, or gym; there is a high risk of tissue infection.

The principle of cryomassage

Facial cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen is based on treating the skin using an applicator with a wooden stick and a cotton swab. Experts use liquid nitrogen, which is stored in a closed container. Using an applicator, the cosmetologist applies the product along the massage lines, avoiding contact of the active composition with sensitive areas in the eye area and nasolabial triangle.

Cryomassage differs from the classic use of liquid nitrogen to remove tumors. The method involves short-term and not deep exposure. Liquid nitrogen can be used spot-on to solve certain skin problems. The specialist does not rub the product into the fabric. Possible slight burning sensation.

When cells come into contact with liquid nitrogen, biochemical processes intensify, narrowing of blood vessels occurs, which subsequently expand with a noticeable improvement in blood circulation and metabolic reactions.

Treatment of some forms of alopecia.

In case of oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp with hair behavior phenomena, as well as in cases of alopecia alopecia, liquid nitrogen has a beneficial effect, subject to the simultaneous use of general methods of influencing the body as a whole (restorative treatment, vitamin therapy, etc.). Liquid nitrogen in these cases is used in the form of a scalp massage. In this case, the applicator is placed parallel to the surface of the skin and with light rotational movements the scalp is massaged down the partings. The duration of treatment of each area is 3-5 seconds until a small skin settlement; at the end of the cryomassage, persistent erythema appears. The procedure takes on average 10-20 minutes (cryomassage of the entire scalp).

With nesting baldness

Only the area of ​​baldness is treated with liquid nitrogen intermittently for 1-2 minutes. The procedure is repeated after 2-3 days, the course requires 15-20 procedures. After a month of break, the course of treatment must be repeated. In total, patients receive 2-3 courses. It should be remembered that the low temperature of liquid nitrogen causes dryness and brittle hair, so during the treatment you should carefully monitor the condition of sebum secretion. In addition, when performing cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen, it is necessary to take into account the general condition of the patient. Hypertension, epilepsy, vasospasms are contraindications for cryotherapy on the scalp, face, etc.

The liquid nitrogen treatment method is simple, accessible and can be successfully used in cosmetic and dermatological institutions. The great advantage of the method is that liquid nitrogen does not cause the formation of keloid scars, is low in pain, and has high therapeutic efficacy.

Rehabilitation period

After the cryomassage procedure, the clinic’s specialists will tell you in detail about the rules of skin care and the prevention of complications. After half an hour, if there are no complaints about your health, you can go home. Direct contact of treated skin with ultraviolet rays is prohibited. Experts recommend using sunscreen or special moisturizers.

A natural reaction is the persistence of edema and hyperemia for several days after nitrogen cryomassage. Light peeling of the skin may also occur, which can be relieved with moisturizers.


Liquid nitrogen, cryotherapy, cryomassage

Liquid nitrogen for acne, pimples

Acne treatment at the Acne and Skin Rehabilitation Clinic is a comprehensive technique. It involves cleansing the skin using a special procedure using liquid nitrogen, which fights the inflammatory process and leads to healthier skin. Our task is to eliminate the cause of acne and cure its consequences. The clinic has specialized in the treatment of acne since 1993. The extensive experience of our doctors will allow us to achieve a positive effect in acne treatment in most cases.

What is liquid nitrogen acne treatment?

To understand how liquid nitrogen works for acne, you need to look inside the skin during the appearance of acne on the face. With acne, there is an inflammatory focus in the dermis, which provokes more and more new pimples. The use of only home remedies solves the problem superficially, so even if you have achieved an improvement, this is usually a temporary result and the acne becomes active again and again.

What happens when treating acne with liquid nitrogen?

Liquid nitrogen affects the skin with cold, while blocking nerve impulses. Due to this, peripheral blood supply improves, metabolic processes are accelerated, which allows the inflammatory infiltration of acne to resolve and normalize sebum secretion. When treating acne with nitrogen, the effect is not only on acne, but also on the source of inflammation. Cold affects the skin formations, and you see how acne on the face decreases. And this is what you were striving for.

Why do we choose liquid nitrogen for acne treatment?

The peculiarity of treating acne with liquid nitrogen on the face is that it affects all skin causes that lead to the appearance of acne. Local cryotherapy is an excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of complications after acne in the form of scars and spots. Treatment with liquid nitrogen is very gentle, which is especially important for people with severe acne. All our patients gain clear and healthy skin after cryotherapy.

Results of acne treatment with liquid nitrogen

Already after the first sessions of cryotherapy, an improvement in skin condition is noted. After the liquid nitrogen procedure, sebum secretion is significantly reduced, the face “comes to life” - it becomes fresh, inflammatory elements are reduced.

Cryotherapy price

Liquid nitrogen for acne works independently, without requiring any equipment or expensive drugs to help. Cryotherapy treatment is an affordable and effective procedure. And the price-to-result ratio will surprise you. Come visit us at the Clinic. Many of our patients have already gotten rid of acne, there are no more pimples on their face and there will be no more acne.

Liquid nitrogen, cryotherapy in cosmetology

Facial cryomassage with liquid nitrogen

Facial cryomassage, facial cryotherapy is the fastest and most comfortable cosmetic procedure. During the procedure, only a thin surface layer is cooled, so the slight cooling with liquid nitrogen is very pleasant for the patient.

10-15 minutes after the procedure, the patient feels a rush of warmth to the face - as if something had opened in the skin and it was breathing. Similar to chemical peeling, massage with liquid nitrogen helps exfoliate the surface layers of the epidermis and the birth of young, healthy cells. But with cryomassage this process is more physiological and gentle.

After cryomassage, the face becomes pink, as if glowing from within. In addition, liquid nitrogen wonderfully cares for the skin and helps prevent its aging.

Indications for cryomassage, cryotherapy:
  • decreased skin turgor and elasticity, first wrinkles;
  • anemic skin with poor blood circulation;
  • swelling, pasty skin, including after cosmetic plastic surgery;
  • seborrheic, porous, oily skin with increased sebum secretion;
  • rosacea, acne vulgaris and comedones;
  • preparation for cleansing, cosmetic massage, peeling of patients with problem skin due to the powerful absorbent and anti-inflammatory effect of nitrogen;
  • a combination of mature aging skin, prone to pimples and scars, along with a violation of its elasticity and the formation of wrinkles.


  • Cryomassage has the following contraindications:
  • malignant tumors;
  • rosacea;
  • pregnancy;
  • increased body temperature;
  • herpetic infection;
  • skin damage;
  • any infectious diseases and inflammatory processes in the acute stage;
  • presence of cold allergies.

Additional Tips

  • Treatment with liquid nitrogen is quite effective and affordable. However, you should not hold it on the eve of any important events. It's better to do this in advance.
  • After the procedure, it is advisable not to go anywhere, especially if it is too cold outside at that moment or, conversely, too hot.
  • Although peeling of the skin is a completely normal, and indeed necessary, reaction to the procedure, if such exfoliation is too intense, you can use some kind of moisturizer. If you continue to feel discomfort, it is better to consult a specialist.
  • As dermatological practice shows, if mechanical facial cleansing is done, then the procedure can also be carried out using liquid nitrogen. It will cool irritated skin and thereby soothe it. With this combination of two procedures, the effect is very good.

So, the use of liquid nitrogen in the treatment of pimples and blackheads is an effective and proven method. This treatment method is painless and quick. The results also become noticeable soon. And the procedure itself is quite affordable, because it does not require any special equipment or equipment.

So, if you no longer want to see such annoying pimples on your face in the mirror, turn to cryotherapy for help.

Indications and contraindications for acne cold treatment

Indications for cold therapy for acne are as follows:

  • post-acne that developed as a result of lack or incorrect treatment;
  • infiltrative acne, which is accompanied by pain, severe redness and swelling of the skin.

When prescribing a procedure, you must remember about contraindications to the use of cryotherapy. Among them:

  • the presence of acute infectious and inflammatory diseases in the body;
  • hyperthermia (high temperature);
  • allergy to cold;
  • neurological, mental disorders;
  • blood pathologies;
  • systemic vascular diseases.

Also, cryotherapy sessions are contraindicated for patients with exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Results and consequences after cold treatment of acne

If the procedure technology and possible contraindications are followed, the likelihood of complications developing is minimal. Immediately after cryotherapy, hyperemia and moderate swelling of the treated area are possible. This is a normal skin reaction. As a rule, these manifestations disappear after a few hours.

Treatment results are visible after just a few procedures. The inflamed areas dry out and disappear completely over time. Skin looks healthier and more elastic. Repeated skin rashes after cryotherapy, as a rule, do not appear.

The duration of the treatment course is determined individually. On average, a cryotherapy course includes 7–10 sessions. One procedure lasts no more than 10 minutes. To achieve more lasting therapeutic results, other cosmetic procedures and general treatment methods may be prescribed in parallel with cryotherapy sessions.

Is it possible to do facial cryomassage at home?

It is possible, but liquid nitrogen is replaced with ice cubes to reduce the risk of skin burns. Before the procedure, you need to cleanse your face. The session is performed in a circular motion, devoting more time to problem areas. Duration: 5 minutes. To increase the effect, add herbs or citrus elements to the ice cubes.

Cryomassage can be combined with other procedures for rejuvenation and treatment of skin diseases. The effect of liquid nitrogen or ice cubes “calms” the upper layers of the epidermis, removes complications and visible redness.

Cryomassage of the face is a cosmetology session that relieves a person of imperfections on the skin. Customer reviews are mostly positive: the effect is noticeable after 5-6 sessions. The procedure of exposure to liquid nitrogen produces a tonic effect on the skin, smoothing and rejuvenating it.

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