Which facial massage oil is best to use for different skin types?

Self-massage is one of the simplest and most effective ways to rejuvenate the skin. It will add elasticity, and remove the double chin, and smooth out wrinkles, and return blush, and correct the oval of the face. But in order to ensure smooth gliding of your hands and not stretch the skin, it must be done using a special cosmetic oil.

What the right oil for facial massage should be, how to choose it taking into account your skin type, how to use it and what rules you need to follow during the procedure, read our article.

What are the benefits of using oil during massage?

When we select a massage oil, we want to achieve two goals:

  • achieve light sliding movements that do not injure the skin;
  • saturate the cells with the maximum amount of valuable substances.

You can follow the path of least resistance and buy a factory bottle with the inscription “oil massage”, but you need to be sure of its quality: look at the color, consistency, composition. After all, unscrupulous manufacturers can add cheap mineral oil, artificial flavors, and other chemical components that are not good for the skin.

Therefore, we recommend using mono-oils and mixing them yourself immediately before the massage. Moreover, by preparing the mixture according to an individual recipe, you can collect all the best that base oils and esters can give specifically to your skin.

What effect to expect from oils

Depending on the type they are:

  • actively moisturize, add firmness, elasticity, density;
  • tone, nourish, soften, make the skin velvety and fresh;
  • accelerate blood microcirculation and improve metabolic processes;
  • improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands and lighten age spots;
  • smooth and promote the production of your own collagen;
  • even out the complexion and give it a healthy glow;
  • have anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating effects;
  • increase protective functions, remove traces of lack of sleep and fatigue.

Our body well absorbs vitamins, microelements, phytosterols, lipids, squalene and other benefits contained in the natural formulas of natural oils.

Brief rules for massage with oil

In order for the skin to receive maximum benefits, the procedure must be carried out correctly.

If the bottle is in the refrigerator, you need to take it out in advance so that the contents reach room temperature. Thoroughly cleanse your face of decorative cosmetics, residual sebum, street dust and dirt. At the same time, you can slightly steam the surface of the skin so that the pores open and the cells absorb more valuable substances.

You should pick up the product little by little, onto your fingertips, and rub in gently and gradually, moving along the massage lines and trying not to stretch the skin. If a mixture is used, we advise you to prepare it immediately before the procedure so that it does not lose its properties.

There is no need to wash your face after the session. The oil should be completely absorbed into the skin.

But remember that this is still not a product for daily care. It is better to use it no more than two or three times a week, and the rest of the time - a regular cream according to your skin type.

Top 5. Indiale with black cumin

Rating (2021): 4.53

114 reviews taken into account from resources: Ozon, Wildberries

Effective fight against aging Regular massage with this oil will make the fight against age-related changes more effective. It smooths out wrinkles and restores elasticity.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 370 rub.

  • Volume: 30 ml
  • Country: India
  • Skin type: for all types
  • Active ingredient: vitamin E, black cumin
  • Effect: rejuvenation, color improvement, restoration

Indian black cumin oil has a pronounced anti-aging effect. With regular use, fine wrinkles are slightly smoothed out, the skin becomes more elastic and nourished, velvety to the touch. The texture of the oil is quite light, you don’t have to wash your face after a massage or remove excess, it is completely absorbed by the skin. For this reason, it can be used instead of a night cream. There are no complaints about the composition - all the components are natural, the quality is really good. But before purchasing, you need to keep in mind that the product has a bright, specific aroma with oriental notes. Some compare it to geranium, incense, and not everyone likes it.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Good results from use, skin is nourished and velvety
  • Completely absorbed, no need to rinse or remove excess
  • Light texture, can replace night cream
  • Natural composition, excellent quality product
  • Ideal for facial massage, optimal consistency
  • Specific smell, not all customers like it
  • There are individual reactions in the form of skin irritation

What oils can you use for massage?

Which oil is best to use for facial massage, since there are so many of them? Basic and essential, combined oil mixtures. Let's deal with everyone one by one.


They are a squeeze of seeds, grains, seeds or other parts of various fruits and can be liquid or solid. The latter are also called batters. Before use, you need to mash them in your hands so that the piece melts slightly, or warm it up in a steam bath. The most useful are those obtained by cold pressing.

Here are a few common options and their effects on the skin:

  • peach - protects from negative external influences, tightens, softens;
  • apricot - fights inflammation, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • almond - improves complexion, increases tissue elasticity, smoothes;
  • grape - renews, cleanses clogged pores, prevents acne;
  • jojoba - smoothes wrinkles, has an antibacterial and antioxidant effect;
  • argan - deeply nourishes, moisturizes, rejuvenates, works as an antiseptic;
  • olive - saturates with vitamin E, delays aging, gives a beautiful glow;
  • wheat - improves metabolic processes, refreshes, heals, evens out.

Any base oils can be used in their pure form for care. But taking into account the fact that the natural texture of batters is very dense and viscous, it is better to use them in a mix with liquid ones.

Essential oils

These are volatile substances with a pronounced aroma, which are contained in flowers, stems, seeds, and roots of plants, and are released using steam distillation technology. When exposed to direct sunlight, they oxidize; long-term contact with air is also undesirable.

Here are some examples of the effect of esters on the skin:

  • jasmine, rose - have a serious anti-aging effect;
  • eucalyptus, mint, chamomile - cleanse, soothe, eliminate inflammation;
  • cedar, thuja, fir - model the oval of the face, restore elasticity;
  • orange, grapefruit, lemon - rejuvenate, slightly whiten, tighten pores;
  • ginger, cinnamon - regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, tighten, strengthen blood vessels.

Important! Under no circumstances should you use pure essential oil for facial massage! They are too concentrated, so applying them alone can cause irritation. Only together with the basic ones, adding literally a couple of drops to a portion.

Combined formulations

A mixture of base and essential oils gives a double effect: the first prepare the face for massage, warm up and relax; the second, concentrated ones, deliver valuable elements deeper.

Here are some tested mixes:

  • 25 ml of jojoba and 1 drop of lavender - relieve irritation, soothe, nourish, even out;
  • 2 tsp macadamia, 2 drops each of geranium and sandalwood - rejuvenate, moisturize, soften;
  • 1 tsp grape, 3 drops of jasmine - renew, improve complexion, cleanse pores;
  • 1 tsp almond, a drop of bergamot and lemon - lighten, increase elasticity.

Top 2. DNC "12 Herbs Extract"

Rating (2021): 4.57

491 reviews taken into account from resources: IRecommend, Ozon, Wildberries

Effective oil at an affordable price. At a low cost, this oil has excellent cosmetic properties. Massage with it helps to significantly improve the condition of the skin.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 300 rub.

  • Volume: 55 ml
  • Country Russia
  • Skin type: for all types
  • Active ingredient: plant extracts
  • Effect: nutrition, toning, moisturizing

The Russian manufacturer pleasantly surprised customers by offering them a worthy alternative to expensive products. The light oil has a completely natural composition; it is impossible to find fault with any component. The smell is faint, slightly herbaceous, neutral. The oil perfectly functions as a massage product, nourishes and moisturizes the skin well, gives a slight anti-aging effect, slightly smoothing out fine expression wrinkles. In reviews, some women write about improved skin texture with long-term use. The texture is quite light and absorbs without residue, so it can be used instead of night cream. The only drawback is the inconvenient dispenser in the form of a spray.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Good composition, contains only natural ingredients
  • Affordable price with economical use of funds
  • Efficiency, improves relief, nourishes, moisturizes
  • Almost odorless, suitable for all girls
  • Absorbs well, can be used instead of night cream
  • Not very convenient spray dispenser
  • Some women find the oil too heavy

See also:

  • 10 Best Oils for Body Massage

Rules for selecting oil for massage

It would seem that it makes no difference which oil to use for facial massage, as long as your hands glide well. But in fact, during the procedure it works as a full-fledged cosmetic product, because we drive it into the heated skin for several minutes.

If you choose the wrong oil, it can cause an allergic reaction, clog pores, cause blackheads, irritation or rashes. Conversely, if you use the right massage oil, it will give the facial skin all its valuable properties and significantly increase the tonic and rejuvenating effect of the massage session.

Therefore, you must follow an important rule: use only the oil or oil composition that is suitable for your skin type.

You also need to pay attention to:

  • naturalness of the composition;
  • sufficient shelf life;
  • quality of packaging.


Ready-made massage mixtures can be additionally saturated with vitamins and plant extracts, and consist of several types of oils, but they should not contain chemicals.


Do not forget that the shelf life of the product is reduced after opening. Expired products should never be applied to the face! You can get burns, allergies and other troubles.


Choose glass containers rather than plastic ones. In it, any cosmetics retain their valuable properties longer. It is ideal if the bottle is made of dark rather than transparent glass.

Top 7. OrganicTai Face massage oil Green tea, jojoba & sweet almond

Rating (2021): 4.43

18 reviews from resources were taken into account: Otzovik, Ozon, IRecommend

The largest volume Among massage oils, this product is distinguished by an increased bottle volume. A 120 ml bottle lasts a very long time.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 920 rub.

  • Volume: 120 ml
  • Country: Thailand
  • Skin type: oily, normal
  • Active ingredient: green tea
  • Effect: color improvement, nutrition

Unlike other cosmetic oils for massage, this product is available in a large bottle - 120 ml. Therefore, the cost seems high only initially; one package will last for a very long time, even with daily use. The oil is one of the now popular Thai cosmetics; it has a completely natural composition, a light aroma and a pleasant consistency. Excellent for all types of massage - both with hands and with the help of special devices. The results from use are excellent - swelling is reduced and facial tone is evened out. But on very oily skin, without prior cleansing, oil can cause acne.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Large bottle, lasts a long time
  • Designed specifically for facial massage
  • Natural composition, good quality oil
  • Delicate aroma, liked by most buyers
  • There is an effect - removes puffiness, improves color, nourishes
  • Causes acne to appear in some women

How to choose oil according to your skin type

We have prepared detailed information on how to choose oil for facial massage for girls with different skin types. Look for your option and stop aging!

Dry skin

People with dry skin often complain of an uncomfortable feeling of tightness, flaking, and itching. In this case, it is better to choose one of these oils:

  • coconut;
  • olive;
  • argan;
  • avocado;
  • Macadamian.

Thanks to the fatty acids in the composition, they will help deeply moisturize the skin. Additionally, you can add myrtle or rose esters to them.

Oily skin

The main task for oily skin is not to increase the activity of the sebaceous glands and not to clog enlarged pores. The following oils are suitable for her:

  • hemp;
  • apricot;
  • sesame;
  • jojoba;
  • grape seeds.

They are rich in linoleic acid, which has the ability to reduce fat and prevent acne. And you can combine these oils with esters of rosemary, cypress, thyme, bergamot and any citrus fruits.

Normal skin

Normal and combination skin is the most common type. For them you can use the following natural oils:

  • almond;
  • olive;
  • apricot;
  • grape;
  • shea (shea).

Their effect will be enhanced by esters of lemon balm, calamus, juniper, and nettle.

Problem skin

Girls with problem skin need oils that have antibacterial properties and will help get rid of inflammation. For example:

  • watermelon seeds;
  • hazelnut;
  • rice bran;
  • tamanu;
  • rosehip.

And if you need to even out your complexion or lighten age spots, combine these base oils with lemon, tangerine, orange, and grapefruit esters.

Sensitive skin

For such skin we choose light oils:

  • wheat germ;
  • peach;
  • pistachio;
  • cherry pits;
  • avocado.

They can be used together with esters of chamomile, lavender, basil, rosewood, and geranium.

Aging and mature skin

Which facial massage oil is best for women after 35-40 years of age?

The oils that will benefit the most are:

  • black currant;
  • jojoba;
  • wheat germ;
  • avocado;
  • flaxseed

It’s great if esters of neroli, sandalwood, rosemary, sage, and rose are used together with them.

This mixture will saturate the cells with essential vitamins and valuable acids, make the skin softer and more elastic, smooth out the first wrinkles and slow down the aging process.

Top 4. Bielenda Argan Face Oil

Rating (2021): 4.54

833 reviews from resources taken into account: Yandex.Market, Ozon, Wildberries, IRecommend

The most popular Hydrophilic oil solves two problems at once - cleanses and nourishes the skin. Therefore, it is especially popular among women.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 390 rub.

  • Volume: 140 ml
  • Country: Poland
  • Skin type: for all types
  • Active ingredient: hyaluronic acid
  • Effect: cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition

This is one of those hydrophilic oils that is suitable not only for washing, but also for preliminary massage. It has a pleasant consistency, light aroma, and spreads well over the skin. But most importantly, it allows you to simultaneously carry out two important skin care procedures - massage and washing. The oil is washed off quite easily and leaves a pleasant feeling on the skin. Regular use of the product makes it more hydrated, nourished, smooth and tender. In the reviews, girls give hydrophilic oil a plus for its large volume at an affordable price. Consumption is moderate, the bottle lasts a long time. But there is also a big disadvantage - the composition is far from ideal; mineral oil comes first in it.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Double benefit – massage and cleansing of the skin
  • Pleasant, light, unobtrusive aroma
  • Affordable price for large volume
  • Easy to wash off, pleasant feeling on the skin
  • Perfectly nourishes, softens and moisturizes
  • Not very convenient dispenser, dispenses a lot of product
  • Not the best composition, contains mineral oil

Contraindications and precautions

First of all, before using any oil at home, you should check yourself for possible allergies. That is, apply a small amount of oil or mixture to the inner bend of the elbow or the skin of the wrist and leave for several hours. If there is no itching, burning, redness or other discomfort, you can use it on the face.

In addition, massage therapists do not recommend self-massage with any oil if the skin is inflamed, has unhealed acne wounds, mechanical damage, or severe rosacea. Serious dermatological problems will also be a contraindication.

You should use esters with caution during pregnancy and if you have difficulties with the cardiovascular system: not every oil is allowed, talk to your doctor.

Common combinations

To get the best results from a facial massage with oil, you can combine several types of them and get a good mixture. As a rule, one or more essential oils are added to the base composition. The most common combinations include:

  • Shea, grapefruit, rose;
  • Jojoba, lemon balm, sage;
  • Olives, lavender oil;
  • Almond, bergamot, lemon;
  • Mango, cypress, orange.

There are countless combinations. Based on them, you can create various oil mixtures that will bring many benefits.

Recipes for mixtures of base and essential oils for facial massage

For dry skin:

  • mix 15 ml. (2.5 teaspoons) avocado oil (can be replaced with any oil for dry skin) with essential oil of neroli, jasmine, rose (5 drops in total).
  • mix avocado oil 2 tablespoons. spoons with essential oil of rose and geranium, 5 drops of each.

For oily skin:

  • mix 15 ml. (2.5 teaspoons) of grape seed base oil (you can take any other oil for oily skin) with essential oils of lemon, tea tree and lavender (5 drops in total).

For combination (mixed) skin type:

  • mix 15 ml. (2.5 teaspoons) peach kernel base oil (you can take any oil for combination skin) with essential oils of rose, lavender, bergamot (5 drops in total).
  • Jojoba oil 3 table. spoons with essential oil of chamomile, lavender, neroli, 3 drops of each.

Before the massage, you need to remove makeup from your face, wash with a mild cleanser, and pat dry with a soft cloth. You can sprinkle a decoction of rose leaves. And then apply a sufficient amount of oil on your palms, warm between your hands. Only then apply to your face.

Can I use a regular massage product on my face?

Facial skin is especially sensitive and prone to allergies. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of massage composition for this area. It should be natural with a minimum of additives. You can use baby oil, as these products usually have a good composition.

Conventional massage products often contain a large number of additives and also have a cooling or warming effect, which can negatively affect the delicate surface of the face.

Possible alternatives

Some types of massage do not involve the use of oils. The effect is applied to dry, cleansed skin. Sometimes it is necessary to abandon the use of oily substances due to individual characteristics and existing problems of the body.

Instead of oil for the procedure, it is permissible to use talc (baby powder), any neutral cleanser (cosmetic milk, cream, soft gel for washing). An alternative to massage oil is often a similar cream.

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