Skin secrets: massage lines of the face and neck, how to use them?

Cosmetics and beauty clinic services promise to prolong youth and preserve the beauty of a woman’s face. But who thinks about the technology of applying ordinary cream? It turns out that the result depends on the movements we perform. The massage lines of the face and neck - Langer's lines - are responsible for this. German anatomist Karl Langer first noticed them. A revolutionary discovery in cosmetology is named after him.

Massage lines are the directions of least stretching of the skin. They are located close to blood vessels and are very sensitive to beneficial substances supplied through lymph flows. Having studied their features, women can easily turn everyday facial care into a real cosmetology session.

The meaning of lines in massage of the face, neck, décolleté

It’s not scary if a woman doesn’t know about the location of massage lines on the skin. But if you take them into account during a facial massage, the results will double. First of all, they can be used while applying the cream: the nutrients will be better absorbed and the natural renewal of the epidermis will begin.

During a massage in these directions, the movement of lymph through the channels occurs more freely, which is reflected in the condition of the skin and its color.

The technique is safe, since the skin along these areas is less susceptible to stretching. It is important to determine the lines for facial massage and work them with the necessary effort. The only thing to avoid is dirty hands, strong pressure, rubbing.

Local factors determining the characteristics of scars (created by the surgeon during elective operations)

The surgeon, planning a specific operation, is guided in his choice by extensive information.
With optimal solutions and a high level of surgical technique, primary healing of a surgical wound can be predicted even with exceptional scales of surgery. However, from an aesthetic point of view, primary wound healing does not at all equate to complete success of the intervention. What is of utmost importance is how the scar looks and how noticeable it is.

Clinical experience has shown that the external characteristics of the scar are influenced primarily by the following factors:

Direction of lines

The movement of lymph flow coincides with active lines of collagen fibers, stimulating the skin to natural regeneration. If you use the wrong direction, collagen fibers are destroyed, tissues sag, and tone disappears. This is facilitated by rough transverse movements and incorrectly selected cosmetics. How to avoid such consequences and do a facial massage according to the rules? Features of working with massage lines:

  • We need to move from the center to the periphery and from bottom to top;
  • Smoothness and accuracy are important;
  • The impact on all areas should be uniform;
  • The method should be used regularly.

This approach is suitable for any age.

As a result, lymph circulation increases, swelling will decrease, and the skin will glow with health and beauty. A separate plus is self-confidence: knowing that your face looks amazing affects your mood.

The role of the location of the incision relative to the direction of collagen fibers

Skin is easier to stretch in one direction than in another, and this has been known for a long time. However, these lines have recently been discovered to have an important role.

First, surgeons use these lines to decide which direction to make the incisions in order to create the least noticeable scars. If the incision is made in a direction transverse to the collagen, the risk of keloid scar formation increases.

3 rarest operations in plastic surgery

Cut in the direction of aligned collagen and wounds heal better and produce less scarring. Surgeons currently use either skin tension line maps (of which there are many and often different) or manual manipulation to determine the local orientation of skin tension.

Manual manipulation is often imprecise, and research shows that skin tension line directions differ between.

Line layout

Information about where the facial massage lines are located is a must. Many photos in beauty clinics and fashion magazines will help you understand the exact technology. The diagram of massage lines is a template, on the basis of this the location of your zones is determined, they are marked with a cosmetic pencil. Not only the face is affected, but also the chin, neck, décolleté: every area is important. A classic facial massage will bring more benefits if you take into account the location of the massage lines on the face, and everyday self-care procedures will double the effect.

Recommendations for performing massage

Perform a massage in front of a mirror, at least at first.

If your skin is very dry, use a cream or lotion.

During the procedure, make sure that your jaws are unclenched and your face is relaxed.

All movements are performed gently, without the use of force.

When switching to a new movement, fix your fingers in the previous impact zone for a few seconds.

The movements and procedure for classical massage are the same for any skin type. However, for oily skin, vibration brings the greatest benefit. You can perform a classic massage every day. Once the sequence of movements is mastered, it takes no more than 4-5 minutes.

Where is knowledge about massage lines used?

Where is such knowledge applied? The secret of their properties is used by modest housewives and outrageous celebrities. At home, a reminder will be useful on how to apply the cream to the face along the massage lines, and how often. In beauty clinics, all basic cosmetic procedures are also performed using Langer’s lines.

Interesting: The miraculous fire massage of Ho-Liao.

Cupping massage

An additional option for home plastic surgery is vacuum massage. Tools for cupping massage can be purchased at a pharmacy. The pressure inside the cans creates a vacuum, pulling the skin. Here it is very important to act in the directions of least stretching of the skin, that is, to know the massage lines of the face. The body heals the resulting minor damage on its own, we get a natural renewal of the integument. It is important to feel the pulsating points, with them healing will be effective.

You can read more about cupping facial massage on our website in this article.

How to properly apply cream along massage lines

Moisturizing at night or during the day is important for the condition of the skin, why not enhance the effect? For the cream to be more effective, it must be applied along massage lines. Let's look at this process step by step:

  1. Cleanse your face: use your usual products - milk or lotion.
  2. Wash your face with water and a cleanser: this will remove any remaining dirt and sebum.
  3. Dry your face with a towel and use toner. It is important to leave the skin damp before applying the cream.
  4. Take a small amount of cream: squeeze it out of a bottle with a dispenser or scoop it out of a jar with a spatula. Try not to touch the cream directly with your finger so that moisture from your hands does not get into your cosmetics.
  5. Warm the cream with your hands. This way it will be absorbed much better.
  6. Apply the cream confidently and smoothly. At the same time, move along the massage lines, against the vector of gravity.

Face cleaning

The outer stratum corneum is exposed to the environment and is prone to peeling. After complete renewal of the epidermis, the tissues become tender and the color changes. Cleaning, especially ultrasonic, speeds up the process. Tools for ultrasonic facial cleansing - scrubber, special liquids, consumables. Sound vibrations promote rapid regeneration. Cleaning actively interacts with the skin and therefore it is also important to strictly adhere to massage lines to minimize damage. In addition, if you set the scrubber in the desired direction, the cleaning effect will increase.

Read on about an effective method of facial cleansing - almond peeling.


When the outer layers of the skin wither, it sagging and elasticity is lost. Microcurrents help tighten the skin and should also be used strictly along massage lines. Two electrodes in the device, through which low-frequency currents pass, stimulate metabolic processes in blood vessels and fatty tissue. This affects cells, appearance, and blood circulation increases.

Read more: Darsonval for the face: the essence of the method and technique of performing electric massage

Skin treatment

When treating the skin for systematic rashes and acne, it is also important to apply antibacterial agents along Langer's massage lines. If the skin problem is serious, you need to consult a specialist.

Quality of wound drainage

Wound drainage plays an important role in creating favorable conditions for the course of the wound process. It is not always carried out, and the indications for this procedure are determined by the surgeon. According to modern concepts, wound drainage, depending on its type, should ensure:

The most important particular characteristics of scars are described in the literature, and their main criteria are presented in Table 1. The localization of the scar plays a critical role in assessing its characteristics. First of all, the location of the aesthetic defect (defect) created by the scar largely determines the level of it.

They are used for more accurate comparison of the edges of a skin wound and come in two main varieties: intra- and extradermal. Intradermal (intradermal) continuous suture. The first stitch of the suture begins in the corner of the wound, advancing the needle in the dermal layer of the skin near its edge by 3-5 mm or more (depending on the wound).

The surgeon, planning a specific operation, is guided in his choice by extensive information.

One of the reasons why scars are very noticeable is that they are a different color from normal skin. Discoloration may be caused by erythema, hyper- or hypopigmentation. Erythema usually appears on immature scars, its treatment is described in other sections of this book. In this.


Gymnastics for the face of Anastasia Burdyug: a set of exercises with photos and videos

Discussion: 3 comments

  1. Alla:
    05/31/2019 at 12:16 pm

    I think if a woman is over 40, then such a massage is simply a must. I do it systematically and the skin on my face has become much healthier and more elastic, I like the way I look now.


  2. Natalia:

    05/25/2019 at 11:52 am

    Over the last couple of months I started giving myself this massage, I am delighted, I see that the condition of my skin has improved much.


  3. Elena:

    05/20/2019 at 6:07 pm

    I repeatedly did this massage for myself, but with a specialist, where I really got the desired effect, after all, the person has the correct massage technique, I would not have been able to do that.


How to properly apply cream to face and neck

The cream is applied to clean, warm and slightly damp skin. Clean the massaged area with micellar water, hydrophilic oil, mousses and lotions, and two-phase products. Vitamin tonic is suitable for rinsing. Before performing the massage, part of the nourishing care composition is rubbed into the fingertips.

The amount of product applied is selected individually. An insufficient dose will not be effective, an excessive dose will clog the skin pores and create a specific film. Special delicate creams are used to care for the eye area; the décolleté area can be treated with regular body cream. In this area, massage is done by lightly tapping with the ring fingers.

After applying the cream, you need to let the product absorb. Usually 15-20 minutes are enough for this.

Self-massage technique for the face from Elena Zemskova

Elena Zemskova is the founder and director of the Moscow school “Chiromassage IQ”. Her methods are based on the latest advances in the field of anatomy, neurology and psychology. The school has representative offices in Russia, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia.

According to Elena’s method, massage is carried out in several stages:

  1. Soft stroking, leading to activation of the nervous system, transmitting excitement to the vascular and muscle tissue of the massaged area.
  2. Kneading the deeper layers with your fingertips to influence the lymphatic and blood vessels.
  3. Final passes with the phalanges of the fingers to improve the functioning of the muscular system.

Skin activation is carried out exclusively through massage lines. The movements are performed rhythmically, without strong pressure, avoiding pain. After working through the zone, the movement is fixed at the end of the line for 1-2 seconds.

The school offers three types of facial massage. The first is a short universal express lifting that allows you to quickly restore tone. The second is differentiated corrective massage. The third is decongestant lymphatic self-massage.

Anti-aging products to help massage

According to Alexander Prokofiev, when massaging the face, the most appropriate products are those that increase skin elasticity. Look for:

moisturizing components (hyaluronic acid, chitosan, aloe and algae extract), because skin saturated with moisture is more elastic;

substances that stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin (sugars, biomimetic peptides);

substances that prevent glycation (from ascorbic acid to extracts of rare exotic plants).

Revitalift face cream lifting care, L'Oréal Paris

Day moisturizing face cream “Anti-wrinkle protection, 35+”, Garnier

Combines plant cells of youth with green tea polyphenols. Works amazingly in three directions: stimulates skin renewal, promotes hydration and moisture retention, and reduces wrinkles.

Anti-glycation cream for mature skin AGE Interrupter, SkinCeuticals

Combats the effects of glycation, which reduces skin density, thanks to proxilan, phytosphingosine, and blueberry extract. Returns radiance to the skin, increases firmness and elasticity, strengthens the facial contour, smoothes out wrinkles.

Firming cream against signs of aging at different stages of formation for normal and dry skin Slow Age, SPF 30, Vichy

Skin transformation cream Absolue Premium ßx, Lancôme

Comprehensive skin restoration is facilitated by proxilan molecules and the Bio-Network complex, which includes three active components: soybean, citrus tachibana and lupine extracts. As a result, wrinkles are reduced and complexion improves.

Day cream for all skin types Collagenist V-Lift, Helena Rubinstein

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