What is lip microblading and step-by-step instructions on how to do this procedure

Lip microblading is a new development among tattoo techniques. This method not only differs from the well-known permanent makeup, but can even compete with it in quality. With the help of microblading, you can emphasize or, as an option, correct the shape of your lips, thereby adding brightness and expressiveness to your face.

Lip microblading

Microblading is a manual technique. The depth of pigment introduction is only 3 mm, and after this the pigment retains its brightness and saturation for a long time. The procedure is carried out with a special blade in the form of a spatula. This allows you to completely get rid of the fuss with lipstick and pencil, while maintaining a completely natural appearance. This method and depth of injection speeds up rehabilitation, and it lasts a maximum of 30 days.

The procedure is considered completely manual

Differences between microblading and traditional tattooing

A common myth among lay people is that these two lip terms imply the same procedure. But in reality these techniques are different.

For regular tattooing, only one needle is used. When microblading, a specialist uses handpieces with many needles.

Typically, microblading requires a lot of needles.

Interesting ! Unlike classic tattooing, with this procedure the dye is injected shallowly. Thanks to this, complications are minimized and the labial skin is not injured.

This procedure is as safe as possible and causes almost no pain. When a bunch of thin needles enters the skin, there is very little discomfort. But when applying a tattoo, more significant pain is felt.

Lip microblading is the safest procedure

Lip tattooing leaves behind swelling and redness. But there are no such “side effects” from microblading. No trauma is caused to the tissues, and therefore the patient can return to solving everyday tasks within a couple of hours. And the recent use of cosmetology services will only be noticeable by the improvement in appearance.

Interesting ! The tissues will also heal in much less time than with tattooing.

There are practically no side effects from this procedure

The only bad thing is that after microblading a film remains on the lips, making it difficult to evaluate the result. But just wait three or four days, and it will do.

But you shouldn’t clean it yourself. Otherwise, you can damage the skin and cause infection in the wound.

Possible consequences

  1. Mini-incisions are the same as eyebrow microblading. If you believe the published reviews, then this procedure is presented as painless. But the skin is cut with a blade, then pigment is injected into the wounds. The process is accompanied by bleeding and microscars. So it cannot be said that microblading is painless.
  2. No promised naturalness! The most powerful argument is the naturalness of the result obtained. The successful outcome of the case can be judged only after 4 weeks, after the damaged areas have completely healed. And not immediately after the procedure, which is usually shown to clients. As the incisions heal, microscars appear. They are visible in good lighting. The lines thicken and sometimes blur. It also happens that the applied strokes acquire a gray tint. You can make a correction, but there is a risk of only making the situation worse.
  3. The pigment dye injected under the skin remains there for some time. But it can also fade. This process is individual and depends on many factors. They influence:
  • peeling,
  • smoking,
  • hormonal imbalance,
  • taking certain medications,
  • sun rays and many other factors.
  1. If the pigment is introduced superficially, it will leave the skin within 1 month.

Microblading process

On the lips, the microblading procedure is almost completely similar to a similar eyebrow treatment. First of all, you need to choose shades and shape. The symmetry of the lips is often disturbed. To fix this, the specialist “draws” them again. But this requires preliminary preparation in the form of drawing a sketch with which the doctor will compare the natural parameters.

Lip microblading is similar to a similar procedure for eyebrows.

Then the future lip color is selected. In this case, the wishes of the patient are taken into account.

Interesting ! Most ladies prefer slightly muted colors. These, if necessary, can easily be darkened a little, and they also do not age, even if you are unlucky with the lighting.

Step-by-step description of the procedure.

  1. The lips are cleaned of cosmetics and treated with a special lotion to disinfect and soothe the skin.
  2. Anesthetic lidocaine is applied to the lips. It is not recommended to use analgin: it can ruin the result of the procedure. Among lidocaine products, it is worth highlighting Emla: it starts to act quickly and lasts a long time.
  3. After smearing your lips with anesthetic, wait about twenty minutes. A more accurate period is determined by the sensitivity of the lips and skin tone. According to experts, the pain of this procedure is inversely proportional to the degree of skin elasticity.

    Used to relieve anesthetic conditions

  4. Wipe off the anesthetic from the skin of your lips and draw a pattern on them. At the same time, a good specialist will not simply copy the picture; he will draw the lips in order to correct the work if necessary.
  5. Prepare the maniple. The specialist, focusing on the volume of the lips and the desired result, selects needle modules and needle sizes. In this case, the patient must take into account an important nuance: the needles are only disposable, and the doctor must unpack them in front of her eyes. Otherwise, the patient should ask the master to take another set and open it in front of her;
  6. The same goes for the paint ring and gloves. The procedure must be carried out strictly with gloves. Not only are the needles disposable here, but also the plastic ring.

    It is necessary to carry out the procedure strictly with gloves

  7. The doctor, having chosen the appropriate color, uses a ring to mix it. Next, he puts a little paint on the modules, then begins to carefully drive it under the patient’s skin. Thanks to the spring mechanism of the maniples, pressing and immersing the needles to the proper depth produces a characteristic sound. Silence here can only mean that the immersion is not deep enough.
  8. Coloring begins with the outline. In this case, a specialist can use modules with a different number of rows, including those with only one row. All he needs to change the module is to tilt the handpiece where needed. During one procedure, the doctor can use up to five different modules;

Interesting ! Judging by the reviews, this procedure on the lips takes place without pain and much time. Thanks to great accuracy of movements and not too deep insertion, discomfort is minimized.

The procedure is absolutely painless

During the procedure, the specialist often removes excess paint protruding above the skin. However, even this does not completely get rid of stains, because the skin turns red and swells from the very beginning of the session. So the detected “gaps” are not a cause for alarm, but are filled in during the second procedure.

Finally, the specialist washes off the remaining paint from the patient’s lips, treats them with a cooling cream, and then prescribes medications for care.

At the end of the procedure, the surface of the lips is cleaned

How is microblading with shading performed?

Today microblading of lips with shading is gaining popularity in cosmetology establishments. This is the name of a special method of this procedure. With it, the lips will retain their complete natural appearance, and the effect will be very stable. Needles of different diameters are used here. The specialist draws a clear dark outline with them, and then shades the paint from them to the middle line, gradually moving to softer, blurry tones. Now there are a couple of varieties of pigment shading.

  1. Full, in which the lip area is filled with paint to define the contour. The result is a uniform and rich lip color. It is chosen taking into account the natural shade of the treated area.
  2. Partial, in which a contour of up to 0.5 cm in width is first drawn. It is then washed out approximately halfway towards the horizontal midline. At the same time, asymmetry is corrected without disturbing the visual naturalness of the result. During the process, the boundaries of the mouth are carefully preserved and evenly defined. This type of shading only slightly visually increases the volume of the lips, but this way you can keep them natural in appearance, and if there is asymmetry, you can correct it.

You can do shading in different ways

Among women there are those who prefer to combine different shades of the border and transition zone: one is lighter, the other is darker. This is a very good choice, as such lips look quite impressive and pretentious.

Using these types of shading microblading, as well as taking into account the wishes and individual characteristics of the patient, the cosmetologist can give her lips volume, visual swelling, and a natural-looking shade. The procedure can improve even full lips, because it can also correct minor but quite noticeable asymmetries.

With shading you can change a lot in the appearance of your lips.

comparison table

For clarity, let’s summarize all the differences between tattooing and microblading in a table.

Comparison criterion Microblading Permanent tattoo
Method of introducing dye under the skin Manual using a manipulator with thin needles Using an electric tattoo machine
Needle insertion depth 0.5-1 mm Up to 2 mm
Pigment composition Organic or mineral dye, water, glycerin Inorganic dye, alcohol or sorbitol
Effect (appearance) Drawn hairs on the eyebrows, soft shading on the lips Solid fill with paint
Painfulness of the procedure Virtually painless, you can do without anesthetics Quite painful, requires pain relief
Durability The effect lasts 8-12 months, maximum - 1.5 years Pigmentation lasts 3-5 years
Naturalness As close as possible to natural makeup Looks unnatural when filled all over
Rehabilitation period 2-4 days Up to two weeks
Side effects Possible scarring if cuts are made too deep Scars often remain and hair growth on the eyebrows is disrupted.
Price of the procedure Depending on the equipment 3-12 thousand rubles 2-5 thousand rubles

Thus, the procedures differ significantly in the technique, instruments used and the final result.

Does the procedure cause pain?

During the procedure, the patient feels some discomfort or, alternatively, slight pain. The severity of these sensations is not sufficient to require the use of anesthesia. However, the patient can ask the doctor to administer local anesthesia, but only if there is a known absence of allergies to the components of the desired drug.

Interesting ! The doctor himself can administer anesthesia if the patient reacts nervously to the slightest pain.

Pain, if there is any, is minor.

Recovery period

Microblading is a safe and almost painless technique. The procedure takes only half the time it takes to make a tattoo. A pigment with a neutral reaction is introduced to a very small depth. Thanks to all this, unpleasant consequences, in the form of slight inflammation, immediately after the procedure take only a couple of hours, and rehabilitation is faster than with tattooing. By the way, after applying a tattoo using the classical method, inflammation and severe swelling are noticeable for several days, forcing the woman to either sit at home or wear a special mask during this period.

This technique is considered one of the safest

Interesting ! Immediately after the lip microblading procedure, an almost imperceptible film-like crust appears, visually brightening the lips. They heal completely in 3-5 days, and then the film disappears on its own, allowing you to adequately evaluate the effect of the procedure.

The crust heals for almost a week

The dye that remains in the fabrics is only 50% of what was introduced. And therefore, it is not surprising that immediately after the crusts fall off, in some places there is no color, and in some others the shade is not so rich. Everything will level out in four weeks maximum. The minimum period is three weeks, so you need to be patient and not expect instant results. But if after a month no improvement is visible, then after another half a month you can make a correction so that all or almost all of the paint remains in the lips.

You need to wait a month before the results become stable.

What are the advantages of the technique?

The popularity of this procedure is directly related to the following list of advantages, allowing:

  1. for a long period of time, forget about the need to purchase and use decorative cosmetics for lips (contour pencils, lipstick, gloss), which is especially important for people suffering from an allergic reaction to this type of product;
  2. correct the shape of the mouth, lips, their volume, correct existing natural asymmetry, without resorting to such aggressive methods as plastic surgery and botulinum toxin injections;
  3. have a completely natural appearance and color of the surface of the lips, no different from natural, thanks to the use of high-quality coloring pigments that give the skin delicate pastel shades;
  4. do not be afraid of introducing the pigments used under the skin, since they are made from natural compounds and natural ingredients.

How to care for treated lips

There are a few simple rules here:

  • During the first 24 hours after microblading, the treated area should not be overheated under any circumstances. This means that you should not eat anything hot, wash your face with hot water or even just very warm water, or take hot baths;
  • You should not drink alcohol or smoke during the rehabilitation period, otherwise you can slow down your recovery;
  • You should not apply ointments such as Bepanten, Panthenol. These products help to recover from classic tattooing, but after pigmentation they only cause harm. Rehabilitation is fast, and such drugs can simply “push” the paint out of the lips;

    You should refrain from using ointments

  • you can’t wear makeup;
  • to avoid the appearance of a crust, it is necessary to rinse your lips with Chlorhexidine;
  • if these washings do not help, you cannot tear off the crust unless you want to cause an infection;
  • If everything is done correctly, your lips will heal in a week. On the 21st day, if necessary, you can already coordinate a correction with a specialist.

If you follow the rules, everything will go “like clockwork”

Ways to prepare for the technique

To get successful results without consequences and complications, you need to know how to properly prepare for microblading and what to consider.

2 weeks before visiting the specialist, you should take medications against the herpes virus for preventive purposes to eliminate the possibility of its occurrence.

2 days before the day of the procedure, it is prohibited to drink any alcoholic beverages, and on the day of the procedure, refrain from drinking strong tea/coffee, energy drinks, and smoking.

How long does the effect of the procedure last?

If you care for your lips correctly, the results will last 8-18 months. The timing is determined, for example, by the depth of pigment introduction, the quality of the paint, and the diameter of the needles. However, they can also be affected by the actions of the patient herself:

  • washing with hard water and/or aggressive agents. The worst thing is if not with facial foams, but with something like tar soap;
  • the use of “chemistry” or anything similar to polish the skin or to clean it;
  • neglect of correction if necessary. If any shortcomings arise during the first procedure, they will be noticeable after twenty days. Then you need to immediately make an appointment with a specialist to correct the stains. Otherwise, there will be such consequences that it would be better for the woman not to undergo the procedure.

You should take good care of your lips after the procedure.

Interesting ! You should not be afraid of correction; it is just additional processing and error correction. Although the first procedure in a good cosmetology establishment costs at least $500, a correction costs three times less.

First meeting with a specialist

Micropigmentation is a cosmetic and dermatological method for treating skin pathologies, so it should be performed by a dermatologist or a certified cosmetologist.

During your first consultation with a specialist, he should inform you about all the pros and cons regarding how the procedure will proceed:

  • what technique and what type of ink will be used, and what complications may arise;
  • assess skin condition;
  • assess whether this technique is suitable for you;
  • ask about the result you expect;
  • Explain what measures to take after treatment to achieve a good result.

The cosmetologist should recommend which of the available varieties of pigment shades is ideal for you, taking into account the purpose and skin type.

What determines the future shade of the lips?

Excessive/insufficient saturation of the lips after the procedure is not a reason for distress: you need to wait about a month to reveal the effect.

To fully explain the essence, here are a few numbers that play a big role. Only half of the injected pigment remains in the tissues.

Interesting ! To achieve greater brightness of the lips, another procedure is required after 35-40 days.

The brightness of the color depends on the amount of pigment introduced

The final result should look very natural. Fully healed lips have a delicate pastel color. Of course, the pallor will go away, and the contours will be better drawn. However, there are ladies who can, without lying, boast of the same data obtained from nature. And therefore, there is no need to worry about extravagance and an overly made-up appearance.

As a rule, the result looks more than natural

The result lasts from one and a half to a couple of years. And therefore, you should only contact a truly experienced and skillful specialist who will definitely do a truly high-quality job on your lips. Otherwise, the lips will be disfigured for the same 1.5-2 years. And then the unlucky patient will have an extremely unfavorable opinion about lip microblading.

The results last a long time

What factors determine color?

You could already read a little higher that you won’t immediately appreciate the resulting lip shade.
And if after the same tattoo the shade is more saturated, you still shouldn’t be upset. Because the color scheme will appear before you in its full glory in about a month. Next, we need to clarify a few important numbers for a more complete understanding. Only fifty percent of the injected dye is absorbed into the fabric. This is why those who want to have their lips microbladed for a very vibrant shade should repeat the session after about 35-45 days.

As a result, the result should look as natural as possible. After the lip tissues have completely healed, they will be soft pastel shades. Yes, the pallor will go away, the contours will become clearer. But nature has already rewarded someone with this beauty, so you don’t have to worry that in everyday life you look pretentious and heavily made up!

The effect will last for one and a half to two years. That is why I would like to urge you once again - contact only a qualified professional in whose skills you are confident. Otherwise, you risk ruining your appearance for exactly the same period. And only a negative opinion about lip microblading will remain!

Tags: lips, microblading, permanent makeup, tattoo

Some interesting facts about microblading

Underwater rocks

Despite such obvious advantages of this method, it also has serious pitfalls, which specialists usually “forget” to inform patients about. Immediately after the procedure, the incisions cannot be seen. However, if the specialist did not accurately control the depth of paint injection, internal inflammation may occur, which will negatively affect the result of the procedure.

Few people know about the pitfalls of such a procedure.

Correcting errors made during correction

A YAG laser can correct problems associated with a procedure performed by a bad doctor. The matter is complex, expensive, long-term (2-12 months), and therapy will not be limited to one procedure. Well, there is no way to remove scars.

Shot technique

This is a combined technique, which is a combination of drawn hairs and shadow shading. Using this technique, a qualified master can create an ideal eyebrow arch of the desired length, width and definition. Microblading using the shot technique is suitable for both blondes and brunettes. Another advantage of this technique is that the result of such tattooing lasts for 2.5-3 years.

What patients say

Women who have undergone microblading are very pleased with the results. Of course, there are also negative reviews, but there are very few of them. They are most often associated either with a lack of results or with the occurrence of minor complications. This probably happened due to contacting an unqualified cosmetologist.

Irina, Voronezh

“I did not expect such a magnificent effect from microblading of lips and eyebrows. The face acquired expressiveness, and in the complete absence of constant use of cosmetics. My appearance is always fresh and pleasant. True, although the master promised me a couple of years of action, after a year a minor lip correction was required.”

Girls like the procedure

Natalya , Tula

“Before I decided to get microblading, I studied a lot of positive reviews and a bunch of before and after photos. Personally, I needed to correct my upper lip, which seemed much smaller than my lower lip. I also needed to make my lips pink and cream. The procedure was short and caused almost no pain. The effect was also good. Now the lips are visually symmetrical and plump, and the color is simply amazing, very fresh, seductive.”

Many patients like the results

Eva, Astrakhan

“I have naturally thin and pale lips, which is why I always wanted to give them plumpness and juiciness. Looking for good and safest ways to improve the situation, I found microblading. The specialist helped determine the best lip shape. I am blonde, and therefore I did not want a rich lip color, I preferred soft pink. And now my lips look natural, and I myself look better, having gained self-confidence with the attractiveness of my lips.”

Types of micropigmentation

In recent years, various types of micropigmentation have been increasingly used to correct and conceal imperfections such as blemishes and scars.

  1. Alopecia – gives the hair a filling and voluminous effect. Used on the scalp and eyebrows.
  2. Reconstruction of the nipple area after surgery.
  3. Vitiligo and hyperpigmentation - the creation of a uniform tone when vitiligo has already stabilized (one year of evolution of the pathology).
  4. Stretch marks – treatment of old stretch marks, applying pigmentation to certain areas of the skin.
  5. Removing a tattoo means restoring the original tone.
  6. Permanent makeup – giving definition and shade to lips, eyebrows and eyes.
  7. Restoring tone due to the presence of scars, burns and spots.

Cost of the procedure

It is important that the low cost of the procedure most likely indicates that it is carried out either by an inexperienced specialist or in inappropriate conditions. Since lip microblading is a fairly serious procedure, it cannot be very cheap. Therefore, you should not trust such offers. It is better to contact clinics with a lot of positive reviews and photographs of the premises.

Interesting ! You need to trust a doctor who has sufficient experience. In this case, the risk of complications will definitely be minimized.

We will indicate the cost of lip microblading in different cities of Russia.

CityCost of the procedure
Moscow9500 rub.
Saint Petersburg9000 rub.
Yakutsk8000 rub.
Syktyvkar8200 rub.
Ekaterinburg7300 rub.
Nizhny Novgorod5900 rub.
Novosibirsk7900 rub.

Photos before and after the procedure

Photos before and after lip microblading No. 1

Photos before and after lip microblading No. 2

Photos before and after lip microblading No. 3


There are medical contraindications to tattooing for people suffering from:

  • neuropsychiatric disorders, epilepsy,
  • cardiovascular diseases,
  • Acute respiratory infections during exacerbation, up to 7 days after infection,
  • any blood diseases, inflammations on the face,
  • autoimmune diseases,
  • oncological diseases,
  • weak immunity.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, tattooing is prohibited.

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