Nose piercing - step-by-step instructions on how to do it, photo + video

Nose piercing tools: nose tube, needle stopper, piercing needle catheter No. 18.

Nose jewelry: nose hook, ring, barbell, circular.

Treatment before nose piercing: treat the puncture site with a special antiseptic wipe or chlorhexidine digluconate. You also need to clear your nose of mucus, and immerse the earring in an antiseptic solution for 15-20 minutes (95% alcohol, disinfectant solutions).

Place of nose piercing: you need to ask the client to wrinkle his nose (an expression of disgust). Place a dot in the depth of the emerging fold - this will be the puncture site.

How to insert a nose piercing step by step

The technique for putting on an earring depends on its shape and piercing location. Nose wing piercing is considered traditional, and septum piercing is more unusual. The septum is the cartilage that is located between the nostrils.

Nose piercing

The following types of earrings are used for piercing:

  • Carnations
    . The simple design of a barbell, a clip and decoration made them a real must-have for girls. Inserting this earring will not be difficult, in addition, if necessary, it can be quickly removed. Decorated with a stone, which can be triangular, round, oval or any other shape;
  • Hook, snail, spiral
    . This is a more professional earring. The key difference is the unusual curved shape. If the clip of the stud can protrude unsightly and be noticeable from some angles of the head, then the hook is completely invisible from the inside;
  • Rings
    . Rarely used for piercings in the wing of the nose, but they are excellent for the septum, ear, lip or eyebrow. They consist of an open ring and a ball-clamp. Most often, threaded connections are used as fastening; this allows you to quickly and securely secure the jewelry in the puncture.

Lace nose piercing
Before putting on any jewelry, you must disinfect it. The best solution for this is Chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide. Please note that noble metals react differently to medical disinfectants (they may darken or lighten), and steel jewelry even rusts. Therefore, before processing, it is better to test the selected composition on an inconspicuous part of the earring.

Nose studs

How to put a stud earring on your nose:

  1. The puncture is washed with alcohol or Chlorhexidine. Be sure to wipe the inside of your nose. Dust often collects on the mucous membrane, which you don’t even know about. It is this that can subsequently cause inflammation and suppuration;
  2. The edge of the nose is gently pulled back. In professional settings, it is fixed with forceps, but if they are not at hand, then simply hold the wing with your fingers;
  3. The tip of the nail is carefully placed into the puncture. You don't need to press hard to push it in. Just gently twist the rod in the hole. Two problems may arise here: the nail does not go through or is stuck. This happens due to the hole becoming overgrown or the wrong direction. Try gently twisting the barbell in different directions. If the earring went further, then you just didn’t hit the hole right away. If it stalls, then you need to go to the salon - perhaps the piercing is overgrown; Drawing of putting on stud earrings
  4. When the edge of the nail protrudes from the hole, you need to pull it down using tweezers. A clip is placed on the tip of the earring. Do not press too hard, otherwise there will be inflammation. Try to fix the earring in the middle position, but do not let it dangle, otherwise it will fall out.

In order to put a ring into a nose piercing, almost similar steps are performed. But, if a cartilage puncture was made, the algorithm may change slightly.

  1. The ring is disinfected and expanded to the desired level. You simply cannot insert a tightly tightened septum piercing into the hole;
  2. The free edge of the ring (without a thread for a clamp) is threaded into the hole in the nose and carefully moved along the cartilage. If your nose still hurts, we recommend treating the mucous membrane with a painkiller when getting dressed; Drawing ring for septum
  3. While twisting the earring, you need to push it towards the exit. If it’s difficult, you can slightly rock the ring in different directions;
  4. When the end of the earring protrudes from the hole, a fixing ball is screwed onto the second part. If the ring is of a classic shape (completely round), then it is screwed to the maximum position and secured with a clamp.

The most difficult thing to put on a nose piercing is a snail. This is a special type of earring that is quite difficult to install into a puncture yourself without previous experience.

How to insert a hook earring into a nose piercing:

  1. It is recommended to apply a small amount of Bepanten or other regenerating ointment (Spasatel, Levomekol) to the surface of the tip. This will speed up healing and help insert the earring;
  2. The tip of the snail needs to be screwed in to its end. You can see by the shape of the earring, but after the drop you will need to slightly change the position of the earring; Figure Earring for snail piercing
  3. The flat section of the earring is simply pushed lightly into the nose. It is important not to put pressure on the piercing, otherwise there may be complications in the form of beauty and inflammation. If the hook is difficult to pass through, slightly tilt it first to the left, then to the right;
  4. When the earring is inserted, no clips or fasteners are put on it. The tip is simply pressed firmly against the mucous membrane. Thus, the hole is quickly and reliably closed. If you can’t screw in the hook, it’s better to go to a salon. At home, you can scratch the nasal mucosa, after which the piercing will begin to actively heal.

Video: Pros and Cons of Nose Piercing


What is the pricing for nose piercing services in the capital and cities of the Russian Federation? The cost of nasal piercing in Moscow varies between 1000-2200 rubles.

The operation is performed either with or without the simultaneous purchase of jewelry suggested by a specialist. The price also depends on the technique of the event, which is why it increases.

  • In Voronezh, a nose piercing with a needle and earring will cost the patient 1,200 rubles.
  • In Novosibirsk, it is possible to pierce your nose at an average price of 800 rubles.
  • In Petrozavodsk it is offered to get a nose piercing for 700-1000 rubles.
  • In Yekaterinburg, the most inexpensive nose piercing service costs 600-800 rubles.

The question of whether it hurts to pierce your nose is asked by every person who wants to decorate their body. The disadvantage of piercing is pain not only during the puncture, but also during the healing of the wound. But different areas on the human body and face have different degrees of innervation. An equally important role is played by the method of puncture - manually or with a pistol, as well as the use of an anesthetic.

Consequences and contraindications

As such, there are no direct contraindications to piercing. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the speed of wound healing. The longer the puncture takes to heal, the higher the likelihood of infection in the wound. This is fraught with various complications in care and even surgical interventions.

Complications after nose piercing:

  • Runny nose. An extremely unpleasant, but natural consequence. The body perceives a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane as a viral attack. To get rid of it, he “turns on” all protective processes, including a runny nose. This trouble goes away within a few days;
  • Soreness. When the septum is punctured, an unpleasant sensation of sensitivity in the tip of the nose occurs. You can't actually touch it. At the same time, the cartilage does not hurt - there are no nerve endings in it. Pain from the wing of the nose can spread to the entire half of the face where the puncture is located. The same phenomenon is observed in those who have had eyebrow piercings;
  • Inflammation and suppuration. Naturally, if the nose is inflamed, then it was not taken care of correctly. But punctures in this part of the body are very difficult to wash - the mucous membrane is not visible. And suppuration cannot be recognized in any way until an unpleasant odor appears;
  • Problems with eating. This happens not only after tongue or lip piercing. When chewing, the nose moves slightly, as when speaking. Any movement in the first few weeks after the puncture will produce a dull pain in the wing or tip of the nose;
  • Bulge at the piercing site. Is your nose red and slightly swollen? It is better to simply remove the earring and carefully treat the hole before the wing or septum completely festers. You need to do the same if the earring fails.

Basic precautions

To avoid infection getting into the wound during a puncture, it is important to follow several simple rules of sterility:

  • After printing the package, the needle should not be placed on the table or touch any surfaces, even your own skin;
  • When wearing gloves, do not touch the table or other surfaces with your fingers;
  • If you drop a needle, throw it away immediately and get another one.


You should not get a piercing if you have any of the following conditions:

  • acute stage of the disease, accompanied by high fever;
  • respiratory disease (cold, ARVI);
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • period of menstruation.

Earrings and jewelry for nose piercing

Earrings are divided not only by shape, but also by purpose and the material from which they are made. The following materials are used to make piercing earrings:

  • Medical steel
    . Previously, all salons that provided ear, eyebrow and nose piercing services worked only with such jewelry. But it is important to know one thing - the term “medical steel” does not exist at all. This is the name given to the combination of steel and titanium. It does not in any way affect the healing rate of the puncture, but is not susceptible to corrosion;
  • Plastic
    . It looks very unusual and is almost invisible in holes due to its light weight. Enjoys special love among informal girls. It is easy to care for and resistant to external negative factors. In addition, it does not freeze in cold weather;
  • Gold
    nose piercing is the most expensive, but the safest. The main advantages of this noble metal are that it promotes regeneration and is extremely rarely rejected by the body;
  • Silver
    . Cheaper than gold, but no less popular precious metal. Suitable for almost everyone. May cause allergies only in exceptional cases.

Who is it suitable for?

This is a universal way to decorate your face. It is suitable for young and mature, men and women. How the piercing will look directly depends on the type of jewelry and its size.

A large earring visually lengthens the nose, so people with a sharp nose tip are recommended to wear thin rings. Those with small facial features can wear more massive earrings. Small barbells and bananas look good in a wide and upturned nose; it is better to avoid rings.

Treatment and care of the nose after piercing

Improper piercing care is extremely dangerous. It is the cause of more than 90% of inflammation and suppuration.

Drawing is the result of improper care of the septum

To avoid troubles associated with piercing, you need to know the following rules:

  • You need to treat your nose twice a day. In the morning and in the evening. But, if it was windy outside, then it is better to wipe the earring and mucous membrane immediately after coming home (i.e., this will be a triple treatment);
  • Regular application of ointment will help speed up the healing process. For it to work, the composition is distributed over the entire barbell, ring or hook. To do this, a small ball of ointment is applied to the tip of the earring, after which it moves in different directions;
  • If your nose itches, never touch it with your fingers. This is how the healing process takes place. If you no longer have the strength to endure it, lightly swipe a cotton swab in Chlorhexidine around the area of ​​discomfort;


  • Do not clean the hole with hydrogen peroxide. It dissolves the resulting growths and slows down tissue regeneration;
  • If a lump has formed at the piercing site, then it contains pus. This phenomenon is called granuloma. Appears due to an allergy to the chosen earring material or the wrong puncture site. To get rid of it, you need to apply a small amount of peroxide to the piercing, then apply gentle pressure. The entire infectious mass must come out;
  • It happens that the piercing falls out. Under no circumstances should you put it back in without treatment. The same applies to the clamping balls.

How to get rid of pain after the procedure

Most infections occur due to dirty hands

Therefore, it is important to wash your hands with soap and water before touching your piercing. The wound should be washed with soap and water

If swelling and pain are observed, you should take Ibuprofen. But if bleeding occurs, then this drug should not be taken, as it will increase the bleeding. It is better to take Paracetamol together.

Aspirin should not be used because NSAIDs prevent platelet aggregation and prevent blood clotting. Once the bleeding stage has passed, the best remedy is Ibuprofen. If necessary, as soon as the swelling goes down, replace the earring with a smaller one.

How long does it take to heal?

Much depends on the characteristics of the body and the chosen time of year. According to statistics, piercings and tattoos heal much slower in winter and autumn than in summer. This is affected by vitamin deficiency, hypothermia and decreased immunity.

A navel piercing takes at least six months to heal, lips – 2 months. The cartilage in the septum never heals. It simply “overwrites” and therefore stops bothering its owner. Reviews claim that the piercing in the wing of the nose will heal completely only after 6 – 8 months.

Is it painful to do?

Septum puncture is considered moderate in terms of pain level. Much depends on the individual characteristics of the body. If a person does not tolerate pain well, he will need anesthesia. To anesthetize the piercing process, you can use special ointments and “freezing” spray.

These products contain lidocaine or ultracaine, substances that act on nerve endings and temporarily dull pain. The effect feels similar to what dentists use to treat teeth. The treated area of ​​skin becomes numb, and sensitivity returns after a few hours. You can purchase such products at a pharmacy.

Those who tolerate pain more easily do not need anesthesia. The puncture will be more unpleasant than painful for them. You can take 1 painkiller tablet 15 minutes before the procedure.

Meaning - which side is the piercing on?

Sometimes on women's forums you can find arguments that piercings on different sides of the face have a hidden sacred meaning. In fact, these are all stereotypes. The choice of which side of the nose to pierce is purely individual and depends only on the beauty of the chosen half of the face.

Some girls prefer a parting on the left side, others - on the right. Same with punctures. To finally decide, you can try on a fake or magnetic piercing. Due to the fact that such a false piercing looks very natural, it will be an excellent experiment for your appearance if you want to pierce your skin, but are afraid.

Piercing on both sides of the nose

The photo of the nose piercing clearly shows that it looks great on both the right and left sides of the face. Moreover, it does not vulgarize the image one bit, but only emphasizes the sophistication of the appearance.

Place of puncture

Today, there are mainly three types of punctures. Nose wing piercing is the most popular type, especially among young people. It has been known for a long time, coming from South Asia. In India and Nepal, the wings of a woman's nose have reproductive symbolism, so it is very common to have her nose pierced before marriage. The second type of piercing is a puncture of the cartilaginous internostril septum (septum), and the third, most painful type, is a piercing of the bridge of the nose. In each case, the puncture is made with a needle, and the pain sensation depends on your pain threshold. That is, for one person it will be a completely ordinary procedure, but for another it will be really painful.

In addition, do not forget about the healing period of the puncture, during which many people feel discomfort. This also depends on the characteristics of each person, but usually the bridge of the nose takes the longest to heal - 6-10 weeks, the nasal septum - 6-8 weeks, the wings of the nose - 4-6 weeks. With proper care, particularly painful sensations can be avoided, but you should strictly follow the instructions of professionals, and the puncture itself should only be done by specialists.

Since professional nose piercing is expensive, you may decide to do it yourself at home. To do this, it is enough to find out how the piercing is done and follow the rules of hygiene. If you are not afraid of pain and are willing to take risks, then try piercing your nose yourself. However, keep in mind that a professional will most likely do it faster, better and without unwanted consequences.

What it is?

The word “septum” (lat. septum) is translated as “partition”. A septum piercing is a piercing of the nasal septum inside and between the nostrils. If you pinch it with two fingers, you will feel two cartilages there. One goes along the entire nose from top to bottom, the second - from the upper lip to the tip of the nose. In the place between these two cartilages (namely, here is the thinnest part of the septum), a puncture is made. Closer to the tip of the nose.

During the time of ancient ancestors, such decorations played an important role in the culture of the tribe. By piercing the septum, tribal residents inserted various objects into the nose. Some peoples did this to intimidate enemies by inserting animal bones. Others are to indicate rank and importance in the tribe.

Interestingly, some such tribes still exist today. To this day, septum piercings can be found among them as part of the culture.

Modern people use piercings as a beautiful earring. Guys and girls all over the world get septum piercings to stand out and be original. Most often these are creative individuals who do not want to live like the gray majority.

Question answer

All sensations are tolerable. There is practically no pain if you inject with a special pistol.

Experts do not recommend carrying out such a procedure even with specialists who do it at home. It’s better to refuse to do it yourself. The fact is that due to lack of experience, you can harm yourself.

How to change the earring after healing? Initially, you should put the earring in peroxide and let it stay there for about 5 minutes. You need to wash your hands yourself. The puncture site is treated with a disinfectant (the old earring does not need to be removed yet). Next, the old accessory is removed and the new one is put on. For ease of gliding, Levomekol is used.

Possible complications

In some cases, after manipulation, complications may arise that require contacting a doctor and urgent action.

Complications include:

  1. Formation of a seal in the piercing area, accompanied by pain.
  2. Wound infection, purulent secretion.
  3. Bacterial infection, swelling and tenderness.
  4. Pain that does not go away within a couple of days. On the contrary, it is intensifying.
  5. Hyperemia of the area.
  6. Feverish condition.

Need to know: Even the appearance of one of these symptoms requires immediate medical attention.

If the technician is insufficiently qualified, the following violations may occur:

  • significant bleeding;
  • hitting a nerve;
  • development of inflammation;
  • damage to the nose and cartilage not intended by the manipulation.
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