Stud nose wing piercing. Name, home care, reviews

Of course, jewelry earrings can vary greatly both in cost and aesthetic appeal, as well as in ease of wearing. And meet the basic requirements for jewelry:

  • Must have a smooth, easy-to-work surface.
  • The carvings on the jewelry should be completely hidden under the ball.
  • Decorations should not squeeze the fabric.

So, let's look at the main options.


It resembles a slightly elongated barbell, but somewhat rounded. Its shape is a bit like an exotic fruit, that’s why it’s called that. Wraps are selected according to size, carving and type of stone.

Barbell and barbell

A straight stick with holes at the ends onto which twists, balls, and pebbles can be screwed. The base is made of bioplastics, medical alloys or precious metals. They are used not only for ear piercing, but also in puncture sites on the body: the bridge of the nose, navel, tongue, nipples, and sometimes intimate areas. Standard product sizes vary from 1.6 mm to 50 mm, depending on the destination.



It is a rod with a cap and a loose ball. It can be called a fairly universal decoration: it can be inserted into piercings of the ears, lips, cheeks and even chin. The most common jewelry is in the form of a barbell, at one end of which there is a flat disk, and at the other end a ball or wrap with a stone. Along with ordinary barbells, they are used for piercing the lobe or cartilage of the ear, cheeks and lips. Standard model sizes vary from 1 mm to 1.6 mm. Thicker products are considered uncomfortable as there is an increased risk of injury to the punctured area.


A circular or half-ring is one of the types of earrings for piercing, similar to barbells, twisted almost in a circle. Stylish decoration for septum, earlobes, Daith piercing and other options. Most often they decorate the ears, eyebrows, lips, nose, navel and nipples. The sizes are selected depending on the type of wrap, but most often they have standard values ​​from 1.2 mm to 16 mm.

Clamp ring

This type of jewelry is distinguished by the type of clamp that contains two grooves in which the ring snaps into place. The decoration can be supplemented with a removable element. It can be either a ball or a crystal. The clamp ring is popular for septum, lobe and Daith piercings. Most often used for piercing the ears, lips, nose and eyebrows.


A rod of various sizes is used as the basis for wrapping. The wrap itself acts as a decoration, and can have several options. The most common of them are precious stones, but they can also be ordinary balls, hearts and other shapes. According to the shape, the “tip” of the rod is also divided into bezel, cabochon, prong, cluster and flat-gem. Essentially, this is a rolled stone, a flat uncut stone, a crystal in a frame, several crystals in a composition and rhinestones with a flat bottom, respectively. The products are removable, which allows you to change earrings as desired.

In addition to the main types of jewelry, there are also many variations, differing in details. In particular, the most famous include a segment ring, similar to a clamping version, a twister, reminiscent of a circular, a retainer - an improved version for a septum, a clicker, a sufreys bar, and other types of jewelry. You can find the ideal solution by contacting a specialist who you are willing to trust to perform the puncture. Along with care instructions, the master will tell you about the properties and characteristics of different types of earrings.

Nose ring

If the fame of Tutta Larsen and Christina Aguilera haunts you and you have long dreamed of a nose ring, there is no reason not to decorate yourself with one. Firstly, this area is no more difficult to pierce than the ear. Secondly, the mucous membranes heal quickly - in about a week. Nose piercing has one contraindication - a developing runny nose: constant blowing of the nose will irritate the wound, and a viral infection can cause inflammation. Lips and tongue, by the way, are also mucous, which means that the puncture will stop bothering you after 7 days. True, if after every meal you don’t forget to rinse your mouth with antiseptics. Otherwise, food particles will get into the wound and start the process of rotting. It will all smell terrible and look no better. By the way, after having your tongue pierced, in the first three days you will have to give up hot and solid foods: you can only eat liquid and cold foods.

The intimate area is also mucous. Therefore, intimate piercing is one of the simplest punctures. If you don't wear tight synthetic underwear and have rough sex, you'll forget about the earring in a week.

What to choose?

With the same level of pain, the use of a needle is superior to a gun in terms of sterility and accuracy. It must be taken into account that the consequences of the procedures are different. After the needle, the wound heals quickly, the risk of damage to bioactive points is minimal, provided that the work is done by a professional. When pierced with a gun, they are not so precise; bleeding may occur, for example, when piercing the tongue.

The gun is designed to provide services in jewelry stores. In a salon, the level of service should exceed that of a store, so the use of a pistol should raise red flags.

Art of Pain studio masters perform piercings with a diamond-ground needle. The tool quickly cuts through tissue and forms a smooth channel without lacerations or tears. Such punctures heal quickly, without inflammation.

To get a safe piercing, we invite you to our studio in St. Petersburg. We guarantee a professional approach and sterility.

Question answer

All sensations are tolerable. There is practically no pain if you inject with a special pistol.

Experts do not recommend carrying out such a procedure even with specialists who do it at home. It’s better to refuse to do it yourself. The fact is that due to lack of experience, you can harm yourself.

How to change the earring after healing? Initially, you should put the earring in peroxide and let it stay there for about 5 minutes. You need to wash your hands yourself. The puncture site is treated with a disinfectant (the old earring does not need to be removed yet). Next, the old accessory is removed and the new one is put on. For ease of gliding, Levomekol is used.

Service after a puncture

All my piercing clients receive free follow-up consultations and examinations. Also, if you cannot change the jewelry yourself, come (by making an appointment for an inspection in advance), and my replacement work will also be free.

If something bothers you after a puncture, there is no need to google all sorts of crazy things on the Internet, and, moreover, take the “advice” of people without medical education. All questions should be addressed to the specialist who performed the puncture.

I don't work with complications after other masters . Address all questions and complaints to the person to whom you paid the money. I generally do not correct any “jambs” of other masters. I don’t need to write “What should I do about this??” VKontakte or WhatsApp.

Treatment and care of the nose after piercing

Improper piercing care is extremely dangerous. It is the cause of more than 90% of inflammation and suppuration.

Drawing of the result of improper care of the septum

To avoid troubles associated with piercing, you need to know the following rules:

  • It is necessary to treat the nose twice a day. In the morning and in the evening. But, if it was windy outside, then it is better to wipe the earring and mucous membrane immediately after arriving home (i.e., this will be a triple treatment);
  • Regular application of ointment will help speed up the healing process. For it to work, the composition is distributed throughout the bar, ring or hook. To do this, a small ball of ointment is applied to the tip of the earring, after which it is moved in different directions;
  • If your nose itches, never touch it with your fingers. This is how the healing process takes place. If you can’t bear it any longer, lightly swipe a cotton swab around the area of ​​discomfort in Chlorhexidine;

  • Do not clean the hole with hydrogen peroxide. It dissolves the resulting growths and slows down tissue regeneration;
  • If a lump has formed at the piercing site, then it contains pus. This phenomenon is called granuloma. Occurs due to an allergy to the selected earring material or incorrect puncture site. To get rid of it, you need to apply a small amount of peroxide to the piercing, then apply gentle pressure. Every infectious mass must come out;
  • It happens that the piercing falls out. Under no circumstances should you put it back in without treatment. The same applies to the clamping balls.

Which decoration should you choose?

The following types of accessories are used for piercing:

  • carnations;
  • earrings;
  • half rings;
  • rods;
  • nostrils.

The latter are a modification of the clove with a curved end, which is less traumatic for the mucous membrane. Choose any one to suit your taste. As a decorative element, you can buy jewelry with a rhinestone, a precious stone, or a simple ball. The material for the earring or stud is titanium, medical steel, Teflon, biopolymers - everything that is compatible with the human body.

How to pierce your nose at home?

For those who are not afraid of possible negative consequences from a self-made piercing, advice on how to carry out the procedure will help.

For this you will need the following supplies purchased at the pharmacy:

  • aseptic or alcohol-containing liquid;
  • sterilized latex gloves;
  • cotton pads;
  • retainer;
  • disposable needle with catheter.

Going through the stages will help you pierce your nose at home.

  1. The upcoming piercing is marked with a dot placed with a ballpoint pen/marker.
  2. Disinfect clean hands with an aseptic/alcohol-containing liquid and put on gloves.
  3. Disinfect the skin in the area of ​​the upcoming piercing.
  4. In case of piercing on the side of the nose using the septum or bridge method, a retainer is placed outside and inside the nose.
  5. The needle is quickly inserted through the hole in the latch with a precise movement. We can pierce the nostril from the left side to the right or vice versa, but always from top to bottom.
  6. Without removing the needle from the hole, insert the edge of the earring clasp into the catheter, then slowly and carefully insert the jewelry into the punctured point and snap it into place.
  7. Re-treat the area with an aseptic/alcohol-containing solution.

Only if you follow the instructions will you be able to pierce your nose without any trouble. But the vast majority of doctors advise against performing the procedure yourself and entrust it to a specialist.

Nose piercing: 50+ photos, types of punctures, choice of jewelry, care

Nose piercing can compete in popularity with ear piercing, so decoration of the most protruding part of the face has become in demand among men and women of different ages. If ear piercing does not evoke strong emotions and is considered something familiar, then nose piercing, especially its extravagant types, which will be discussed in our review, looks very unusual.

Nose piercing: features and recommendations for the procedure

Decorating the nose with earrings and other metal jewelry began relatively recently in our country. Young people with their rebellious and free spirits were the first to decide on such an experiment with their appearance.

Initially, a guy or girl with a nose piercing was automatically classified as a representative of the subculture and radical musical movements.

Today, everyone who wants to look unusual and stylish decorates their appearance with an original nose decoration.

There are many ways to pierce the nose: on the bridge of the nose, on the septum, on the wing. They differ in appearance, location, pain during the procedure, and healing period. We invite you to get to know each of them in more detail.

Nose wing piercing

Nose piercing is the most common type of piercing. It is the safest. In this case, the owner of the piercing has the choice of piercing the left, right, or both nostrils at once. Healing of a puncture on the wing of the nose occurs within 4-6 weeks.

The location of the hole is selected individually. The most painful place on the wing of the nose is its highest point on the side. This type of piercing looks interesting and attractive, but the piercing takes much longer to heal and carries the risk of infection if not properly cared for. Original earrings, carnations and other accessories are used as decoration.

Nose piercing Septum

A septum is a piercing in the nasal septum. The puncture is performed through the skin tissue under the cartilage or through the cartilage itself. Painful sensations can last for several seconds directly during the puncture, so painkillers are not used for this type of piercing.

With proper care using antiseptics, healing occurs within 6-8 weeks. Barbells, rings, and half rings are used as decoration.

Nose piercing Septril

Septril - piercing the nose vertically downwards. The procedure requires extensive experience and caution, as there is a high probability of damaging the cartilaginous septum. If the cartilage is still affected, the healing process will be difficult and lengthy.

Septril nose piercing is a rather painful procedure, so it would be useful to use analgesics in the form of injections. A barbell is used as decoration for the Septril piercing.

Nose piercing bridge

A bridge piercing is performed on the top of the bridge of the nose. The puncture is made at eye level without touching the cartilage tissue. The bridge can be performed vertically or horizontally. For jewelry, you can use a barbell to pierce your breeches.

Nose piercing with a gun

The gun helps make the nose piercing procedure as painless as possible and will help reduce the likelihood of inflammation and complications. It only takes a couple of seconds for a master to pierce his nose with a pistol.

When using a gun, you do not need to worry about contamination and dust getting into the wound, because its use guarantees the sterility of the procedure. The gun is used only if the puncture site is of small thickness.

Nose piercing at home

It is recommended to do nose piercing in beauty salons or offices, where the procedure will be as painless as possible and without the risk of infection. If the services of professional craftsmen seem expensive to you, and you are not afraid of infection and inflammation, then try piercing your nose at home.

Follow the sequence of actions suggested below and you can easily do a nose piercing yourself:

  • First of all, buy a nose piercing. Jewelry can be found in jewelry or souvenir stores, tattoo parlors, and online stores. Choose small jewelry made of stainless steel, polycarbonate, or titanium.
  • There should be no blackheads, acne or ulcers at the site of the intended puncture. If there is any rash on your face, postpone the procedure.
  • You need to pierce the wing of the nose using a special new game, the diameter of which corresponds to the diameter of the jewelry. If you don't have a piercing needle, use a sewing needle, catheter, earring, or safety pin.
  • It is important to thoroughly disinfect the piercing instrument with antiseptic agents, such as an alcohol solution. To do this, dip the game and decoration in alcohol and then boil it. Place the finished tools on a clean towel, wash your hands with soap and treat with an alcohol wipe.
  • Mark the point of the intended puncture on the wing of the nose.
  • Treat this area of ​​skin with alcohol. For home pain relief, use a piece of ice. The skin will become less sensitive, but denser.
  • Pierce the nose with a needle vertically to the surface of the skin at the marked location. It is important to act in one confident movement.
  • Immediately after the piercing, insert the jewelry into the hole as soon as possible before the wound begins to heal.

Nose piercing is ready. Your next step is to wash the puncture with chlorhexidine or miramistin on both sides. In case of redness and inflammation, use levomekol. If after 10 days the redness does not go away, and crusts have formed at the puncture site, or yellow or green discharge appears, you should remove the piercing and consult a doctor for advice.

How to pierce your nose

The puncture of the wing of the nose is performed either without a clamp at all, or using a fenestrated oval clamp. The master uses a spatula, cork or tube as a stop for the needle, inserting the instrument into the nostril. The nasal tube is inserted so that it is under the markings. The puncture is carried out from the outside in, until the needle stops. After this, the needle should be removed and the catheter removed from the nostril. After puncturing the tail part of the needle, the decoration is installed perpendicular to the plane of the wing of the nose. In order for its loop to take the correct position in the nostril, adjacent to the plane of the wing of the nose, the needle should be pulled, pointing it upward.

After nose piercing

Care after nose piercing: Healing of the piercing and formation of the channel takes 2-3 months, after which you can change the piercing jewelry. It is recommended to apply chlorhexidine bigluconate to the puncture area and decoration 2-3 times a day for four weeks.

Provide the client with instructions for caring for the piercing site.

Nose piercing. . Nose piercing process

Modern beauty is characterized by extravagance and originality. Men and women adorn themselves with tattoos and piercings to add flair to their looks and stand out from the crowd.

However, the custom of decorating your body with piercings, creating additional attractiveness for it, has existed for a long time. The most popular is nose piercing and, thanks to modern equipment, this procedure takes little time and is quite easily tolerated.

Piercing involves piercing the skin, adding an element of decoration to the piercing site. Decoration can be carnations, stones, rings.

The symbolism of wearing piercings in past centuries

The geographical distribution of piercing came from the Middle East. This custom is still present among the Middle Eastern Bedouins and the nomadic African Beyya and Berber tribes. Rings were used for piercings, and the size of the ring indicated the wealth of the family. Traditionally, the husband gave a ring to his wife, and this was a kind of insurance in case of divorce.

In India, it is customary to wear a ring or stud in the left nostril and, as a rule, piercings of the nose and ear are connected with a chain. The Indian medical science of Ayurveda associates the left side of the body with female reproductive abilities and such piercing was given the meaning of facilitating the process of childbirth and reducing

pain. Piercing was brought from India to the West by hippies in the late 60s. The subsequent carriers of this movement were punks a decade later.

It was a symbol of opposition to conservatism and centuries-old traditions. Currently, you can see nose piercings in photos of world film and pop celebrities. And this is no longer a rare occurrence.

But still, shocking people most often have piercings of the navel and other parts of the body.

Nose piercing process

Since the skin can react to various metals, it is recommended to use gold (white or yellow), platinum, titanium, and niobium for piercing.

Under no circumstances should you use silver, as it can oxidize and cause an inflammatory reaction. After the puncture has healed, the jewelry can be changed if desired.

The correct way to pierce the nose is with a needle. Although many people think that it can be done with a pistol.

However, piercing with a gun does not always guarantee good quality.

It should be said that initially the gun was intended only for piercing the ears and was designed specifically for this, since during the piercing it did not come into contact with the client’s skin, and infection with any infection was completely excluded.

When piercing the nose, the gun should touch the skin, since violating this recommendation entails great danger. When planning a nose piercing with a gun, you will notice that it is made of plastic and its complete sterilization is simply impossible.

A piercing with a gun is possible using force, since the earlobe and the cartilage tissue of the nose have completely different structures, and it is more difficult to pierce the nose than the ear.

The needle punctures easily and exactly in the place where it is needed. In this case, a sharp but short-lived pain may occur.

In any case, it is better to endure the pain and be calm about your health and aesthetic appearance.

Proper skin care after nose piercing

Nose piercings usually heal within 8-10 days. In order for the wound to heal quickly and without complications, you must follow certain instructions:

  1. Clean and treat the wound daily with saline solution (sold at the pharmacy). Wet a cotton swab with the solution and blot the puncture site for 3-4 minutes until the scab is removed. This must be done carefully so as not to pull out the nail.
  2. Remove dried crusts from the ring or clove (without removing it from the nose) with the same cotton swab moistened with saline solution.
  3. Pat the face and puncture site dry with a paper towel or toilet paper. You should not use a towel, as bacteria live on it and you can accidentally catch and pull out a nail.
  4. Wipe the wound and ring/nail with lavender oil. It promotes rapid healing and reduces inflammation if it appears. Buy medicinal label and labeling (BP) oil from pharmacies or supermarkets.
  5. Take vitamin B with added zinc to speed up healing.
  6. It is not recommended to remove the jewelry from the nose until the wound has healed. And in the future, for the first six months, do not take it out for more than 1 day. The puncture can heal quickly.

Nose piercing, contraindications to the procedure

Before undergoing a nose piercing procedure, you should consult your doctor about how your body may react. There are certain contraindications for piercing:

  • problems with blood clotting, blood diseases;
  • severe chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • acute forms of diseases;
  • metal intolerance, tendency to allergic reactions;
  • dermatological diseases, especially chronic ones (for example, psoriasis);
  • taking hormonal contraceptives and any other hormonal drugs. Because due to hormones, immunity can be reduced, and this benefits various infections.

Get your nose pierced by specialists. After the procedure, you should be given detailed instructions on how to care for your nose while it heals.

Nose piercings can be seen and selected in various magazines or on specialized websites. Before getting a piercing, make sure it suits your face and will add charm to you.

After all, each person has their own characteristics and, therefore, this issue must also be approached individually.

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Daily Piercing Care

The puncture and its complexity affect the speed of tissue recovery. There are different types of nose piercings. Nose wing piercings heal very quickly - only 4 weeks. For the rest, it will take a longer period - at least six months, in some cases - up to 8 months. To avoid complications, you need to follow certain rules:

  • you should touch the wound or jewelry only in one case - if treatment is being carried out (2 times a day);
  • the wound is washed with salt water (proportion: 1 tablespoon per 1 glass of warm boiled water) and treated with a cotton swab until the crust disappears;
  • the puncture site and earring are blotted only with a paper napkin so that the jewelry does not get caught on the towel;
  • It is advisable to drip into the nose only those drops that contain sea water (“Aqualor” or “Otrivin”);
  • piercing healing may be accelerated by applying lavender oil after treatment;
  • Do not peel off the crust that has formed - infection may enter the wound;
  • It is prohibited to use cosmetics in the area close to the piercing.

You also need to remember that you can remove the decor only when the wound is completely healed. Complex jewelry begins to be inserted into the nose as late as possible so that the wound is completely healed and formed.

Helpful tips for post-procedure care

Those who pierce their nose are interested in how to care for the piercing and how long it will take to heal. The recovery process will last from 4 to 11 weeks. During this time, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Treat the puncture site with an antiseptic morning and evening. Chlorhexidine, miramestin, and hydrogen peroxide are suitable.
  • Scroll the decoration during processing.
  • Do not touch the piercing with your hands unless absolutely necessary.
  • Don't sleep face down on the pillow.

While the puncture is healing, do not apply cosmetics to the skin near it. It is better to wipe your face with paper towels, as germs accumulate on regular ones. At the same time, the skin next to the decoration is carefully blotted.

During healing, it is prohibited to swim in pools or open water bodies. It's best to avoid exposure to rain.

It is not recommended to remove the decoration installed in the salon for the first six months. This can lead to infection in the piercing channel.

If you need to remove the earring, then after a maximum of 24 hours you need to put it back into the puncture. Failure to comply with this rule will lead to healing of the wound and the need to wait for it to completely heal and repeat the manipulation.

Nose earrings

When choosing decoration, you should focus on the location of the channel. If the nostril piercing is done high, then the nose earring cannot have the shape of a ring; only a stud will do. Rings and bars are suitable for piercing the center of the nose. For the wings of the nose, nostrils, labrets or tunnels are used, for the septum - half rings, rings, bananas, rods.

To prevent your pierced nose from becoming inflamed, you should carefully select the material from which the product will be made. Piercers recommend using surgical alloy, titanium or bioplastic. After the canal heals, the earring can be changed to silver, gold, platinum or even wood. Products are sold with different clasps; the nose ring can be decorated with both diamonds and ordinary glass.

What do you use to pierce your nose in salons?

Biomodification of certain areas of the body and face is popular. Piercing is one of the ways to decorate yourself, demonstrate your individuality, and attract the attention of others. You can perform the procedure yourself. You should be aware that a home session carries a high risk of complications after a puncture. To avoid negative consequences, it is recommended to contact professionals.

In puncture salons, specialists with medical education use a certain algorithm in compliance with antiseptic measures, as well as special devices that allow the procedure to be performed quickly, as painlessly and effectively as possible.

As a rule, to perform a nose piercing they use:

  • Gun.
  • Igloo.
  • A catheter, or stud earring, which is threaded into the opening of the wing.

Nose piercing with a gun
Piercing an earring is the most unsafe method, since the blunt tip of a stud can injure internal tissues. Also, experienced professionals do not recommend using a gun for nose piercing. The equipment is designed to pierce areas with soft tissue, and the nose is quite dense cartilage, so it is almost impossible to pierce with a gun the first time.

This is due to a large number of disadvantages:

  • The gun, acting instantly with a pop, does not pierce the skin, but tears the tissue with an ornament with a blunt tip.
  • The device is made of plastic, it is quite difficult to completely clean it and carry out sterilization measures.
  • Insufficient sterilization often leads to the accumulation of tissue debris, bacteria, and other dangerous contaminants around working parts, which can lead to infection.
  • Even with a pre-marked puncture, it is quite difficult to achieve high accuracy with a pistol.

Using a pistol demonstrates a catastrophically low level of skill of the master. The most effective and safest way is using a special sterile needle. Due to the targeted action, the needle makes a hole without tearing the internal tissue. Pain is felt immediately at the time of puncture; mild discomfort may persist during the healing period.

Caring for your piercing before it heals

Standard care guidelines refer to maintaining good hygiene to avoid infection of the wound. For the first 3-5 days, it is necessary to treat the puncture area with an antiseptic daily several times a day. Do not remove or change the jewelry until the canal is completely healed.

Before the puncture has completely healed, you should not:

  • wet the nostril;
  • touch it with dirty hands;
  • use cosmetics (powder, foundation).

You can wash your face with soap, but be very careful to prevent large amounts of water from getting into the piercing area. You cannot swim in the river, sea, or pool; it is better not to go to the bathhouse.

Important! For treatment, it is better to use an alcohol-free antiseptic - hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine. Alcohol can cause the puncture area to become covered with a hard crust that is difficult to remove.

For the first few days, the nostril will be swollen and red, a clear yellowish liquid (exudate) may be released from the wound and a hard crust will form - this is a normal inflammatory reaction of the body. The crust can be softened with the help of antibacterial ointments - Levomekol, Boro-Plus.

Answers to questions from a cosmetologist

Before deciding to pierce any part of the body, I would like to know more details about the procedure and possible consequences. And also about in what cases it is worth abandoning the idea of ​​​​modifying your body. We have collected answers from cosmetologists to the most popular questions about nose piercing. Can anyone get their nose pierced?

Piercings should be avoided if you are prone to bleeding, if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or if you have cancer. Professional salons will refuse piercings to those under 15 years of age. If you are over but under 18, parental permission may be required.

Those who have not decided on the place of the puncture may be interested in the question of who should get a nose piercing. It is believed that with expressive, slightly slanted eyes it is good to wear a bridge. Septum will highlight the beauty of sensual, voluminous lips.

What are the complications?

The consequences of a nose piercing can occur due to an infection that has entered the canal. Symptoms will be:

  • Persistent redness for a long time,
  • Discharge of yellowish fluid from the puncture,
  • Pain and slightly elevated temperature in the piercing area.

Due to insufficient care, granuloma may occur. In this case, it is necessary to apply warm compresses.

Is it better to go to a salon or get a piercing at home?

The clear answer to the question is to go to the salon. Specialists know how to pierce the nose correctly and can perform piercings of any complexity.

In this case, special tools are used: clamps, clamps, needles with catheters. The nose is usually not pierced with a gun, but in the case of wings it can be used.

And most importantly, all the rules for disinfecting the nose and jewelry are followed in the salon; infection through piercing is impossible.

What metal should the earring be made of?

Immediately after the puncture, it is necessary to install jewelry made of titanium or medical steel. They do not cause allergies because they are biologically inert. With them, the healing process and formation of the canal will proceed faster and without complications. Is it possible to reduce pain without anesthesia?

Many people wonder whether it hurts to pierce their nose on their own or at a salon. The procedure causes discomfort. The pain does not last long and its severity is low, although much will depend on individual sensitivity. At home, without anesthesia, a compress of ice cubes will help reduce pain. It should be applied for 5-7 minutes.

Piercing needle

Does not have a cannula.

Its hollow design allows you to insert the jewelry after piercing. Needles have a range of sizes and are sold in individual sterile packages. If you have no piercing experience, a catheter is more suitable, since the needle slips, which interferes with the precise execution of the procedure. For piercers, the choice depends on experience and their preferences.

Basic precautions

To avoid infection getting into the wound during a puncture, it is important to follow several simple rules of sterility:

  • After printing the package, the needle should not be placed on the table or touch any surfaces, even your own skin;
  • When wearing gloves, do not touch the table or other surfaces with your fingers;
  • If you drop a needle, throw it away immediately and get another one.


You should not get a piercing if you have any of the following conditions:

  • acute stage of the disease, accompanied by high fever;
  • respiratory disease (cold, ARVI);
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • period of menstruation.

Consequences of piercing your nose with a gun

The European Association of Professional Piercers prohibits piercing with a gun for a reason. Because it completely does not meet these criteria:

  • Sterility of instruments
  • Anti-allergenic metal for decoration

The jewelry completely covers the puncture and prevents you from treating it, plus you have a laceration, which is a big risk for granuloma. Read our article about granuloma and you will understand how it differs from keloid.

In addition, the gun does not take into account anatomical features. Some people have thicker skin, others have wider nose wings.

Piercing maniacs

Even a healed piercing is dangerous, as you can pick up obsessive thoughts about getting the next piercing, and this can turn you into... a piercing maniac.

Earrings and jewelry for nose piercing

Earrings are divided not only by shape, but also by purpose and the material from which they are made. The following materials are used to make piercing earrings:

  • Medical steel
    . Previously, all salons that provided ear, eyebrow and nose piercing services worked only with such jewelry. But it is important to know one thing - the term “medical steel” does not exist at all. This is the name given to the combination of steel and titanium. It does not in any way affect the healing rate of the puncture, but is not susceptible to corrosion;
  • Plastic
    . It looks very unusual and is almost invisible in holes due to its light weight. Enjoys special love among informal girls. It is easy to care for and resistant to external negative factors. In addition, it does not freeze in cold weather;
  • Gold
    nose piercing is the most expensive, but the safest. The main advantages of this noble metal are that it promotes regeneration and is extremely rarely rejected by the body;
  • Silver
    . Cheaper than gold, but no less popular precious metal. Suitable for almost everyone. May cause allergies only in exceptional cases.

Nose piercing - how to choose a ring or earring, how to pierce a wing or septum, price and consequences

Nose piercing has been part of tribal cultural traditions since ancient times. However, in the modern world, nose piercing has nothing to do with religious rites, and is most often applied for decorative purposes. If you are an ambitious person who has your own opinion and does not expect public recognition, this is the very decoration that will allow you to tell the people around you about it.

Nose piercings: types

If you're looking for the perfect place to place your jewelry, you might be interested in learning about the different types of piercings that can be done in this area.

Nose wing piercing

This is one of the most commonly pierced areas. From a cultural perspective, nostril piercing is practiced in several Asian countries such as Nepal and India.

Ayurveda suggests that piercing jewelry placed on the side of the nose promotes normal pregnancy and also facilitates childbirth.

The most common decoration for this area is a stud and a ring. Healing time is up to six months.

Nasal septum piercing

Increasingly, people began to get piercings on the nasal septum, called the “septum”. This is due to its high popularity among young people around the world. The time for complete regeneration is about 7 months.

Earrings called circular or ring are excellent for this type of piercing.

Nose bridge piercing

If you are attracted to nose piercings located in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, then you should approach the choice of a specialist with special care.

The thing is that if the procedure is performed incorrectly, an inexperienced specialist can damage the optic nerves.

Otherwise, the incorrectly installed jewelry will begin to be rejected by the body or migrate to another area. The bridge takes approximately 8 months to heal.

For a piercing, it is best to choose an earring in the form of a barbell.

Septril puncture

Septril is one of the most difficult puncture methods. In this case, the decoration is installed from the nasal septum to the lower side of the tip of the nose.

Austin Bar

Nose piercing on both sides is called Austin Bar. In this case, the earrings are located on the tip of the nose symmetrically to each other. This type of puncture is noted by experts as one of the most painful, therefore it is most common among men. Austin Bar healing takes place within 9 months.

How is a nose piercing done?

Before you decide to get your nose pierced, choose a few beauty salons or other potential places that offer high-quality services and read reviews about them. After you decide on the choice of salon, you can sign up for the procedure.

You can pierce your nose quite quickly: on average, the procedure takes about 10 minutes.

Nose piercing is done as follows:

  • immediately before touching any instrument or your skin, the master puts on sterile gloves;
  • then, the skin or cartilage area that will be pierced is treated with alcohol or an antiseptic;
  • Next comes the marking, which allows you to determine the place where the future decoration will be located. Moreover, a competent master, taking into account your wishes, will determine not only desirable, but also safe places.

The procedure takes a few minutes. After its completion, the master will wipe off the remaining blood and insert the jewelry. Listen carefully to the piercer's advice regarding the aftercare process. It is possible that you will encounter some minor problems while the wound is healing.

Where is nose piercing done?

You can get a nose piercing either in beauty parlors or in specialized tattoo parlors.

What do you use to pierce your nose in salons?

Nose piercing with a gun is done only by unprofessional and unqualified craftsmen. The thing is that the gun tears the tissue, thereby aggravating the healing process.

After a session using a gun, tissue regeneration takes longer, with more frequent cases of infection and suppuration at the puncture site.

Therefore, in specialized salons, the nose is pierced only with a sterile needle.

In addition, piercing guns are by no means the safest option in terms of sterility. Even with thorough cleaning, there is a high probability that there will be remnants of foreign epithelium in it, which can lead to diseases such as hepatitis or HIV.

Nose piercing: prices

There is no clear answer to the question of how much a nose piercing costs. First, you need to consider the type of puncture. Secondly, the rating of the salon and the qualifications of the master. On average, the cost of the procedure in the regions is about 500 rubles. In Moscow, craftsmen charge from 1000 rubles for a wing piercing.

How to care for your piercing?

Proper care plays a decisive role in the healing process. By adhering to the following recommendations, you will avoid infection in a fresh wound, and you will also be able to quickly change titanium jewelry to gold (or any other of your choice).

  1. Avoid touching the pierced area. Contact of dirty hands with a wound can cause infection.
  2. Do not apply makeup or cosmetics to the piercing site. Some of these products contain harsh chemicals that can interfere with tissue repair.
  3. Do not change jewelry if the piercing is not completely healed. If you change the jewelry ahead of time, the wound will begin to bleed, which will negatively affect the healing process.
  4. Avoid over-dressing the wound. Cleaning the pierced area should only be done once or twice a day. Excessive care will irritate the skin.
  5. Do not use aggressive products to treat the puncture. You should not use alcohol, ointments or hydrogen peroxide to treat your piercing. These products can irritate the skin, which in turn can lead to scarring.
  6. Do not remove any crusts that have formed. Crusting is normal for all types of wounds. Allow this nasal mass to go away on its own.

In the photo you can see what female and male piercings look like.

Nose piercing - how to choose an earring or ring, how and where to pierce the wing or septum

If you decide to decorate the most prominent part of your face with a beautiful earring made of gold or silver, then before getting a nose piercing, find out about the necessary preparation, features of wound care, its treatment and other issues related to the piercing. The procedure should be taken seriously to avoid unsuccessful attempts and not to harm your body with such intervention.

How to pierce the nose

The tradition of decorating the nose with earrings in our country appeared not too long ago. The first to decide on such an experiment with their appearance were the rebellious youth. Today, this type of piercing is actively used by girls and boys.

If you decide to decorate the most prominent part of your face with an earring, then you just need to decide on its type and the place where your nose will be pierced.

There are several ways to pierce the nose: in the wing, septum, on the bridge of the nose.

Nose wing piercing

One of the most common ways to decorate your face is to pierce the wing of your nose. It is considered safe and can be performed on the left, right, or both nostrils.

Healing with proper treatment takes 4 to 6 weeks. Sometimes a hole is made on the side at the highest point of the wing. This option is painful and does not heal well.

For decoration with this piercing, you can only use a small earring, for example, a carnation.

Septum piercing

When a piercing is made in the nasal septum, the piercing is called a septum. It is often performed through the tissue underneath the cartilage or through the cartilage itself. The pain may only last for a moment, so a septum piercing does not require the use of painkillers. With proper wound care, it will heal in 6-8 weeks. The septum is decorated with rings, rods and half rings.


When the septum is pierced vertically downwards, the puncture is called septril. The procedure requires a lot of experience and caution, since the puncture can catch the cartilaginous septum. Such an error will significantly slow down the healing process of the wound and increase the risk of complications. Septril piercings are characterized by pain. A barbell is often used to decorate a piercing.

Piercing bridge

Translated from English, bridge means “bridge.” A bridge puncture is performed on the bridge of the nose, in its upper part. At eye level, a puncture is made through the soft tissue, without touching the cartilage. The bridge can be made horizontally or vertically. This type of piercing is considered extreme piercing. For decoration, it is appropriate to use a barbell in this place.

Nose piercing with a gun

You can reduce the likelihood of an inflammatory process, negative consequences and complications, and make the procedure as painless as possible if you pierce your nose with a gun.

According to reviews, to pierce the nose of a man or woman using such equipment, the master will need only a few seconds. At the same time, you don’t have to worry about dust or contamination getting into the wound, because using the instrument guarantees sterility.

Sometimes the use of a gun is not suitable due to the large thickness of the puncture site.

How to pierce your nose at home

In beauty salons or offices, nose piercing will be done painlessly, without the risk of subsequent infection. If professional services seem too expensive for you, and you are not afraid of bacteria, bleeding and inflammation, then you can try piercing your nose at home. Particular attention should be paid to hygiene rules and act according to the following instructions:

  1. First you need to buy a nose piercing. Jewelry is sold in jewelry and souvenir shops in Moscow and other cities, tattoo parlors or online stores. It is better to choose small-sized products made of titanium, polycarbonate or stainless steel. If an allergic rash appears after the puncture, remove the jewelry and consult a dermatologist.
  2. There should be no blackheads, ulcers or acne on the skin near the piercing site. For any inflammation, postpone your goal. Inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses and poor blood clotting are also contraindications to the procedure.
  3. It is better to carry out piercing with a special new needle, corresponding to the diameter of the jewelry. It is quite acceptable to use an ordinary sewing needle, earring, catheter or safety pin if the tool at hand is thoroughly disinfected and thoroughly processed.
  4. Sterilize all tools and decorations. To do this, dip them in alcohol and then boil them. Place the prepared tools on a clean towel. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and wear sterile gloves.
  5. Draw a dot with a marker in the place where you plan to make a puncture.
  6. Treat the skin area with alcohol. An ice compress can be used to relieve pain. As the skin cools, it will become less sensitive, but thicker and more difficult to pierce.
  7. Insert the needle perpendicular to the surface of the skin at the marked location. Do it in one motion, if you have a clamp, use it.
  8. Insert the earring as soon as possible before the wound begins to heal.
  9. Until the wound heals, stop smoking, alcohol, hormonal drugs and aspirin. Carefully care for the wound: wash the piercing with chlorhexidine or miramistine liquids on both sides, apply the drug levomekol. Do not use cosmetic Vaseline.
  10. If after 10 days the inflammation has not gone away, the redness does not go away, crusts continue to appear, the discharge is yellow or green, then the piercing should be removed. It is better to pull out the earring while exhaling so that it does not get into the lungs with air.


Meaning - which side is the piercing on?

Sometimes on women's forums you can find arguments that piercings on different sides of the face have a hidden sacred meaning. In fact, these are all stereotypes. The choice of which side of the nose to pierce is purely individual and depends only on the beauty of the chosen half of the face.

Some girls prefer a parting on the left side, others - on the right. Same with punctures. To finally decide, you can try on a fake or magnetic piercing. Due to the fact that such a false piercing looks very natural, it will be an excellent experiment for your appearance if you want to pierce your skin, but are afraid.

Piercing on both sides of the nose

The photo of the nose piercing clearly shows that it looks great on both the right and left sides of the face. Moreover, it does not vulgarize the image one bit, but only emphasizes the sophistication of the appearance.

Choose the right piercer

A specialist who will spare no time to advise you in detail, examine the site of the proposed puncture, identify contraindications, give recommendations and care tips. It will also provide information support and assistance in case of any questions or problems after the puncture.

Attention: about 50% of people who come to me for piercing abandon their intentions after consultation! This occurs due to ignorance of the issue and unwillingness to spend a lot of time and effort on caring for the wound. But I believe that it is better to immediately find out the truth and, based on this information, make a decision - to do or not to do a puncture. How to get a puncture - and then regret it. Or complain that you were “not warned.”

My sincere advice: run away from a master who does not talk to you, but only makes a puncture and washes his hands of it, and if you have questions or problems, he leaves you without attention, or directs you to “Google it on the Internet.” This is a sign of very low qualifications, or lack thereof!

I’ll tell you a professional secret: the high cost of a piercer’s work is not the price of a 1-second puncture of any part of your body - it’s the master’s time spent on you, on your education and training. His experience and skill. Service, after all. Piercing is, in fact, a beauty procedure, and the client should be satisfied and pleased with both the result and the process.

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