Types of nose piercings and types of individual punctures

Rhinoplasty of the tip of the nose prices

The price of nasal tip plastic surgery depends on several reasons and varies depending on the expected scope of the operation.
For example, the price for primary plastic surgery of the tip of the nose can range from 70,000 to 140,000 rubles. The cost of rhinoplasty of the tip of the nose during repeated correction is slightly higher, since correcting other people's mistakes is always more difficult.

The prices for nose tip correction indicated by us are preliminary, and the final cost can be determined only after an examination and consultation with our specialist, which can be signed up for by phone or through the feedback form.


  • Avoid the “magic wand syndrome”, since rhinoplasty is not an instant solution, but a labor-intensive operation that requires patience.
  • Choose a professional in the field of plastic surgery (to do this, simply contact us).
  • View photos before and after surgery.
  • Select a nose model using computer modeling (we do it for free).

Those patients who followed these simple steps after nasal tip surgery leave extremely positive reviews, since the result obtained completely coincides with their expectations. Come visit us and see for yourself!

A split nose in women - what does it mean?

Have you seen what kind of nose Gerard Depardieu has? So, this nose shape is more common in men than in women. Women who have a split nose often hide it as a disadvantage. However, either due to anatomy or for other reasons, a woman’s double nose is almost invisible.

And there’s no point in women worrying about this, because men don’t notice anything strange about this nose shape. And if a person knows anatomy, then for the most part he notices only the positive aspects of it. After all, the dimple at the tip of the nose, which conditionally divides it into two parts, is considered a positive sign in physiognomy. That is, it testifies to the good qualities of a person.

Gentleness of character - a woman has a nose of medium length, or slightly long, and a fork at the end. Slightly plump lips and nose are separated by a small, low nasolabial groove. If at the same time enlarged lips and large eyes, then the character is complemented by a share of pride. Such women are slightly condescending to the male sex, careful in conversations, and know how to construct their speech correctly and correctly. If the conversation is very serious, then they prefer to silently retreat.

If the tip of the nose is round and does not have transverse vertical boundaries, then such women have a soft character complemented by diplomacy. The disadvantage is that these women cannot resist, are not able to repel rudeness and defend their interests in everyday conversations. They are very humble and hopeful. That there is a place for beauty in this world. Therefore, they are looking for correct solutions to emerging problems and tasks.

Sometimes their gentleness is like complete frivolity, they become passive, controlled or have no initiative in anything at all. Therefore, many feel pity for such women, and at the same time irritation. However, this impression is not true.

These women, with the help of intuition, always know what rash actions can lead to. Being, in fact, secretive personalities, introverts, they simply silently attract attention to themselves. But such ladies are not far-sighted by nature, and do not know how to apply strategy and tactics in their lives. Yes, they are light and pleasant, like the girls from the song: “She goes through life laughing...”

Rigidity – there are women who have a different form of split nose. It is long and even massive, large. The nasolabial area is well developed, the philtrum is high, and has a pronounced relief. This nose is fundamentally different from the one described above in its tip: it is clearly vertical and has a specific lateral border. The wings of the nose do not have a smooth transition, the boundaries are clearly defined.

The face most often has an elongated shape, in many cases there is asymmetry: one eye is larger than the other, irregular eyebrows, etc. Women know about this and carefully hide asymmetrical features. The rigidity of this psychotype is manifested in the categorical nature of a perfectionist. That is, this lady defends her opinion with the help of arguments that it will be better and more correct. But there is no aggressiveness or pressure on others. These ladies love to laugh wildly, are emotional and are typical examples of extroverts.

All carriers of a split nose are very rarely assertive and aggressive. Yes, they are demanding about what personality characteristics the chosen one will have. They try to find positive traits in partners and spouses.

Discussion is closed.

Rehabilitation period

The rehabilitation time after surgery to correct the tip of the nose usually takes from 1 to 2-3 weeks, depending on the complexity of the manipulations and the degree of correction. The opinion that after such an operation one can immediately leave the clinic and lead the patient’s usual lifestyle is erroneous. In the first hours (sometimes days), it is better for the patient to be monitored in a hospital.

After the operation, the inside of the nose is lined with tampons (turundas), and a plaster bandage is applied on top. All these simple devices, which are removed after a few days, help keep the tip of the nose in the desired position.

Consequences such as bruising in the eye area (with full rhinoplasty) or swelling of the tip of the nose after rhinoplasty,

are not harmful to health and disappear within a few days or weeks. Minor swelling in the nasal area may persist for a month and usually occurs after complex surgery.

To ensure that the rehabilitation period is easy and does not cause inconvenience, patients are advised to follow some instructions, which include:

  • Don't wear sunglasses.
  • Do not stay in the open sun for a long time.
  • Do not visit the sauna, swimming pool, bathhouse, solarium.
  • Do not lift weights or engage in heavy loads (when playing sports).
  • Protect your nose from various damages and injuries.

Usually after rhinoplasty the tip of the nose droops

for several months, or even more. In difficult cases, the patient is examined by a doctor 6 months after the operation.

What materials will be needed?

It is better to learn to draw a nose with simple pencils, since there is no work with color, that is, another additional task. In the future, you can add color, but the base will always be the same. To construct a figure, take a not very sharp simple pencil with a softness from H to B. For shading, take finely sharpened (preferably with a knife) pencils of different softness - one softer, the other harder, for example, HB and 2B.

Almost any paper is suitable, for example, office paper or for drawing. The main thing is that the paper does not have a large, pronounced texture, otherwise it will be impossible to draw a thin and even stroke.

  • graphite pencils of different softness (for example, HB and 2B)
  • paper without texture (smooth)
  • rubber

Let's move on to how to draw a nose with a pencil. Let's first find out what it consists of!

Complications after rhinoplasty

The number of complications that occur after tip rhinoplasty is slightly lower than after conventional rhinoplasty. However, complications that may occur after surgery include:

  • Significant swelling around the eyes, forehead and nose.
  • Hemorrhages (hematomas).
  • Bleeding from damaged vessels.
  • Impaired skin sensitivity.
  • Wound infection.

If you decide to have your nose tip corrected, come see us! After all, our clinic’s specialists try to use only minimally invasive surgical techniques, which occur with a minimum level of trauma and significantly reduce the risk of complications.

Why nose piercing

For representatives of ancient tribes, piercing was a kind of identification mark. Each nationality chose its own unique object for piercing the nose, which indicated membership in a certain group. The place of the piercing and the type of decoration, which were given philosophical and religious meanings, also mattered.

Over time, piercing ceased to carry a sacred meaning and became an element of facial decoration. This transformation has not made nose piercings any less popular. On the contrary, it gave impetus to its global spread among young people.

This type of piercing as a septum once became a characteristic feature of such subcultures as punks, goths and emo

For some, earrings, rings, barbells or nose studs are one of the ways to express themselves. For others, it’s an opportunity to stand out from the crowd and attract attention. Still others pierce their nose to emphasize their sexuality. The fourth need to demonstrate to others that they belong to a subculture.

All names are correct

Everyone who has chosen piercings has good reasons to make adjustments to the appearance of their face. In addition, this area of ​​body art is currently at the peak of popularity.


For shading, as mentioned above, you will need sharp pencils of varying softness. Take them, and also stock up on an eraser or a klyakka (soft, elastic eraser).

First, tone down the tone by moving the eraser gently across the paper. The image should become a little more transparent. This is done so that the sketch does not show through the finished drawing. Also carefully remove unnecessary, accidentally drawn lines.

Learning to hatch

Now you need to master some shading skills. You can shade in different ways, but there is a basic pattern. Draw lines of the same length close to each other with fairly quick and confident movements, as if painting. These dashes can be of any shape.

If you need to thicken the tone (make it darker), apply another layer on top of the existing one, changing the degree of inclination by 30-40 degrees, that is, obliquely relative to the previous lines. Now it's time to paint!


Shade the shape in one layer using rounded movements, rounding the tip and wings of the nose, going down from the back to the cheeks. Mark in one layer the junction of the bridge of the nose and the superciliary ridges - the bridge of the nose.

Look at the picture of the nose in the same pose as yours. You can look in the mirror. Then shade with a second layer those areas where you see the shadow (dark areas). Shade to emphasize the shape.

If this is not enough, apply a third layer, also changing the tilt by 30-40 degrees. Try to achieve the same volume and shape as in the picture (or in the mirror).

If you see a highlight, copy it, wiping it off in this place with an eraser or a smudge. The highlight should be lighter than any part of the nose. The nose drawing is ready!

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