Not so fast: how to slow down stubble growth

Every person whose hair does not grow thick or fast enough dreams of his bald spot becoming overgrown. And at the same time, everyone, without exception, would like stubble to appear less quickly in unwanted places - where we remove hair either by shaving or other methods of depilation. As slowly as possible. To use a razor or undergo painful hair removal procedures as little as possible.

“This is human nature: where it’s dense, you want to make it empty, and vice versa.

Technology to slow down hair growth is therefore a little less old than humanity as a whole. So many. There are both physical and chemical, both folk and “professional” ways to make stubble grow more slowly. Because there is something to fight for: saving 15 minutes on shaving every second day is quite serious! Not to mention the fact that many men, having shaved in the morning, are already slightly “stubbled” by the evening - slowing down hair growth is most important for them. As well as for ladies, for whom saving time and effort on hair removal is more than welcome. So, let's figure out what human civilization has developed on this front throughout its turbulent history.

Is facial hair normal?

Tiny hairs cover everyone's face - it's completely natural until the hair above the lips grows longer and darker and begins to negatively impact their quality of life. Women with darker skin are more likely to encounter this problem due to heredity and nationality. But body hair growth, including facial hair, can also be associated with an endocrine disorder, specifically increased levels of the male hormone testosterone. In this case, you need to consult a doctor. With appropriate treatment, facial hair growth and other symptoms will become less severe.

If the hair above the lips is not associated with a medical condition and is purely an aesthetic problem, all you need to do is find the most suitable depilation method. Today you can choose between “at-home” procedures or visiting specialists, so neglect of appearance and laziness have no excuse. It's a shame for a woman to walk around with a mustache!

Upper lip hair removal procedure

Below are a number of methods that can help you deal with unwanted facial hair. Let’s say ahead of time that the only method not recommended in this case is shaving. This procedure is not only associated with men's grooming, but also brings the opposite result: after shaving, hair grows very quickly and becomes darker and thicker.

Hair growth inhibitors

The most effective pharmaceutical agent that slows down hair growth is 1% Rivanol (RIVANOL). It belongs to medicinal cosmetics and is intended for skin care on any area, including the face and bikini area.

Rivanol restores damaged tissue, eliminates redness, and fights inflammation. It does not penetrate deep into the skin and has an exclusively local effect on the hair follicle, without damaging nearby tissues, but, on the contrary, improving their condition.

Using a cotton pad, apply a small amount of solution to areas of unwanted hair growth. After a few minutes, the procedure is repeated. After 10 minutes. the product is washed off completely. The manipulation should be carried out twice a day, in the morning and evening, but with caution - the yellow solution leaves stains on clothes.

RIVANOL is a time-tested product. Its main ingredient is yellow crystalline powder of ethacridine lactate (Ethacridine lactatis, Aethacridinilactas), which was used in pharmacies to prepare antiseptic solutions and ointments even before the revolution. Regular use of its solution thins the hair, making it thinner and lighter.

IMPORTANT: “Consultation with a physician is required before use”

Destruction by depilatory cream

The components of depilatory creams can dissolve hair; after exposure to the cream, they are simply scraped off with a spatula. However, aggressive components of creams can irritate the skin, especially more sensitive ones.

Removing mustache from the upper lip using depilatory cream

Don't want to risk walking around with a red or pimply face? Choose high-quality depilatory creams, strictly follow the instructions for use, and perform an allergy test before applying the product.

Peeling and other new words

If our goal is to make the stubble visually appear as late as possible, then another “mechanical” way to do this is associated with the greatest possible “exposure” of the hair follicles. So that they, like garden bulbs, almost stick out above the surface of the “soil”. This method - which boils down to exfoliation of the keratinized epidermis - is known as peeling. And there are many ways, from chemical to the use of pumice and abrasive scrubs. Peeling is done quite simply, you just need to know the basic rules for its use:

  1. Before starting the procedure, the skin needs to be steamed and moisturized. It is in such conditions that dead skin particles will be ready to leave you behind forever, and a fresh layer of epidermis will provide a cleaner shave.
  2. It's important to try hard when exfoliating, but it's even more important not to overdo it. Because it is, of course, possible to remove the extra layer of skin that is still quite alive and not keratinized, but the skin will turn red and hurt. Do we need it?..
  3. After completing the procedure, take pity and lightly pamper your skin - apply a moisturizing, softening cream. And only after half an hour or an hour can you start shaving.

Depilatory wax/sugar paste

This is one of the most popular depilation methods, helping to cope with the shortest hairs and giving seductive results for up to two months.

Wax for depilation

Hot wax requires more skill, while wax strips can be done by a beginner. But, using this method, you need to be prepared for short-term sharp pain and redness of the face for a couple of hours.

To avoid discomfort, it is recommended to carry out the procedure in the evening - then you will not have to worry about skin irritation in public. The set includes depilatory strips and a soothing oil - don't forget to use it after the procedure.

Sugar paste is an increasingly popular alternative to wax. It's an eco-friendly product, and some testers say it's less irritating to the skin. You can make sugar paste yourself or buy ready-made ones. But in both cases the procedure will be painful.

Let's think about hardware

When the razor passes over the surface of the skin, its blade cuts off the visible part of the hair, leaving the follicle - the hair follicle - virtually intact. This means that the hair begins to grow back immediately - and the more actively, the more the razor irritated the skin and the follicles hidden in it. Hence the moral: it would be quite reasonable to start by reviewing the shaving procedure and shaving equipment. Perhaps it will be possible to optimize this process and thus somewhat slow down the growth of stubble.

After all, it is precisely in order to shave hairs as close to the root as possible and not irritate the skin that modern razor systems with many blades in one cassette were invented. The current record is held by Dorco Pace 7, which has exactly seven parallel blades in its head. Moreover, the design of the head with an open architecture and a floating attachment to the handle, and the presence of a softening aloe vera strip - everything works to reduce the irritating effect on the hair follicles. This means that they remain undisturbed, and the effect of “shaved - it grows back faster” is reduced to almost zero.

Pace 7

You'll know this razor is special as soon as you touch its ergonomic handle.

You can further soften the shaving procedure through the technique of this process: do not forget to soften the skin before starting the procedure, we will move the razor smoothly, without scraping movements. And under no circumstances do we shave against the grain of the hair, only “along the hair.” This catches two birds with one stone: the stubble slows down somewhat, and the irritation on the skin disappears like a nightmare. Complete benefits!

Modern methods of hair removal - laser and photoepilation

Women, tired of having to endure pain every time they get hair above their lips again, are finally deciding to try more effective methods that guarantee longer-lasting results - laser and photoepilation.


With these techniques, instead of the superficial part of the hair, the hair bulb is destroyed. This provides a long-lasting effect: after performing the recommended number of procedures, the growth of unwanted hair completely stops or its amount is significantly reduced.

A photoepilator is superior to a laser because it immediately affects a larger area of ​​skin, which speeds up the procedure and reduces discomfort. What's more, the intense pulsed light only targets the hair, so the surrounding skin is not irritated.

Even the thickest layer of makeup is unable to hide the hair above your lip? Previously, this problem seemed insurmountable. But now various methods of depilation are available, so every woman can choose the right option depending on her desire, skin characteristics and financial capabilities.

How much hair does a person lose every day?

The entire human body is covered with hair with the exception of the palms and feet. Each of them has about 5 million, of which 100-150 thousand are on the head. From 50 to 150 pieces are lost every day, and the same number begins to grow. This highly individual parameter is influenced by:

  • heredity;
  • number of follicles.

To determine the intensity of precipitation, a simple experiment is carried out. The hair is divided into strands and each of them is pulled forcefully, but gently. If you have up to 15 pieces left in your hands. - this is the norm, if their number exceeds 25-30 - pathology is obvious. But excessive hair loss is not the only problem. Active hair growth, especially in unwanted places, causes no less worry.

Laser hair removal

There are different effective types of laser hair removal: elos, fractional and conventional (its productivity directly depends on the type of laser used). As with elos, you are put on special glasses, and the doctor quickly moves over the problem areas. It must be said that here you will not immediately see the effect - the root has collapsed under the skin, but you can see the hair from above; it will fall out on its own in a week, and then you will be able to enjoy perfect smoothness.

Modern methods make it possible to get rid of hair forever in a very short time; literally armpits can be cleaned in 2-4 procedures, and legs - 5. This method does not work on light-colored locks, because... works for light destruction of melanin.

But you need to remember that complications :

  1. If the doctor chooses the wrong beam length or holds his hand in one place, a burn will form;
  2. Quite often, sensitive skin becomes inflamed;
  3. High risk of ingrown hairs.

To avoid this, you need to very carefully select a specialist, and in addition, completely follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

Photo – Laser hair removal


Every evening, apply 5 to 9 dropperfuls of lotion to dry scalp, massage gently into scalp and then wash hands. Leave the applied lotion on for at least 8 hours. The next morning, washing or rinsing your hair with water is acceptable.

The minimum course of use is 30 days, the most often recommended course of use is 90 days.

1 package is designed for a 30-day course - 120 ml (4 bottles x 30 ml).

For the fastest and most lasting therapeutic effect, it is possible to use DECOPILL™ lotion with other therapeutic methods:

  • low-intensity laser therapy – 1 to 3 times a week;
  • mesotherapy – once every 7–10 days.

Enzyme hair removal

The most dangerous methods are temperature procedures for combating excess vegetation, without the use of devices, i.e. Direct application of hot compositions to the surface of the dermis. The enzyme depilation system is approximately the same as hot wax. You need to buy a ready-made mixture, heat it in a water bath, and apply it to the skin using a special spatula, after some time the mass is removed, and the hair along with it. There will be no pain as such, but a strong burning or itching sensation is possible. Most women use this particular technique to remove hair from their legs and arms; it is not suitable for bikinis and armpits - it is very hot.

Advantages of the method:

  1. The skin becomes soft and tender;
  2. The hair is not pulled out, but removed;
  3. The effect is visible immediately, there is no inflammation;
  4. Almost every beauty salon performs this procedure.

It is impossible to say in absentia which type of hair removal is the most effective, it is selected individually, sometimes even girls are trained to carry out regular procedures for themselves at home using pastes and wax or special preparations.


The simplest and cheapest type of hair removal at home. Despite its thousand-year history, it was remembered relatively recently. There are many methods for cooking sugaring paste, and they are all correct. For testing, we advise you not to take a lot of sugar, 4 spoons, 2 tablespoons of citric acid or lemon juice and one of water will be enough. Mix sugar and water, put it on the fire, when the mixture turns white, pour in either juice or add acid, and cook further. You need to check the mixture every 30 seconds after it turns a light brown color like light beer.

We recommend using a spoon for this - stir the mixture with one, and drip it onto the second. As soon as it stops sticking to your fingers, turn off the stove and remove the caramel. The paste cools for 1-1.5 hours. Now we pick out a small piece, like a walnut, and begin to epilate. If the mass is thick, then you can tear it off directly, but if it is slightly liquid, but you are afraid of overcooking, then you need to use strips of fabric. Apply sugar against the growth of the strands and tear along it.

The results are visible immediately, the redness will go away after about 2 hours, the results last up to 4 weeks, and after that the hair will be much thinner and smaller.

Elos hair removal

This is one of the most radical types - laser with current, an excellent replacement for electrolysis. It’s unlikely that you can do such a procedure at home: it’s painful and you need a very expensive device, but in a salon it costs up to 1,000 rubles.

Before the session, a mask is put on the patient and all metal jewelry is removed. The session lasts up to 30 minutes. Elos hair removal is often used on the chin, to remove mustaches and the face in general. It cannot be said that elos is the most painful procedure of all types of photoepilation, but it is quite unpleasant. The effect lasts for a month; in most cases, 6-8 procedures are enough to completely get rid of unwanted hair.

Photo – Elos hair removal

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