RF lifting and Botox, biorevitalization: is it possible to combine and what is better?

In the 21st century, wrinkles and sagging tissues are not at all a necessary “appendage” to the years lived. And if you want to look younger than your peers, but are not ready for radical measures, modern antiage procedures will help.

At MedicCity, you can choose the non-surgical rejuvenation technique that is right for you from a whole list of effective injection and hardware cosmetology services.

For example, you can choose radio-ultrasound thermolipolysis using Exilis Elite technology .

Today, this technique (also called thermolifting, thermage ) is one of the most effective non-invasive methods of rejuvenating the face and body.

Thermage. Photos before and after the Exilis Elite procedure

Exilis in MedicCity. Before the procedure.

2 Exilis in MedicCity. After the procedure.

1 Exilis in MedicCity. Before the procedure.

2 Exilis in MedicCity. After the procedure.

The essence of the Thermage method

Diathermy, a method of treating various diseases using alternating electric current of high frequency and strength, has been used in the world since the beginning of the last century. However, scientists came up with the idea of ​​making an instrument of aesthetic medicine from electricity (more precisely, from its combination with ultrasound) relatively recently.

In 1995, plastic surgeon Edward Knowlton (USA), using a radiofrequency scalpel, noticed that the patient’s skin in the area of ​​the incision was noticeably tightened and its structure improved. This remarkable “side effect” formed the basis of the technology of radioultrasonic thermolipolysis. And the well-known name Thermage entered our speech due to the fact that the first procedures were carried out on the equipment of the American company of the same name.

The Thermage procedure uses monopolar radiofrequency energy that penetrates the deep layers of the skin. Exposure to radio frequency waves and thermal energy helps to destroy fatty deposits, restore skin smoothness and elasticity, and even out the relief of the skin. But the main thing is that in addition to a pronounced cosmetic effect, there is also a significant therapeutic effect: the skin activates the production of its own high-quality collagen. This means that the process of tightening the collagen framework and improving skin quality initiated by Thermage is extended for a very long period.

How does thermolifting work? At a given depth in the treated area of ​​skin, the tissue is heated to 60°C. Because collagen fibers are highly conductive, the current reaches the hypodermis level, improving the skin from the inside out. Thermage denatures collagen - existing fibers become denser and lose moisture, creating a “corset effect” - the skin is tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out (radio wave lifting of collagen fibers). At the same time, new fibrils are formed, that is, the procedure provides both quick and delayed results of rejuvenation.

Thermage effect : fine wrinkles disappear, deep wrinkles become less significant, the skin looks and feels tighter, denser and healthier. The contours become more precise.

It should be noted that Thermage treatments can be done on almost any area. In addition to thermage of the face or its individual zones (thermage of the eyelids), there is also thermage of the body - thermage of the neck and décolleté, thermage of the arms, abdomen, thighs, etc.

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RF face lifting: what is it?

In a nutshell, RF facial lifting is a technology for activating internal reserves to restore youthful skin using the body’s own capabilities. In the middle and deep layers of the dermis, at any age, there are always fibroblasts (you already know about them). They can produce collagen, hyaluronic acid and other essential molecules. The skin also contains stem cells that have the ability to divide and differentiate into new fibroblasts. Our goal is to speed up these processes, and radiofrequency face lifting copes with this task perfectly!

How does RF lifting work? Rejuvenation is achieved through a unique combination of two physical factors. The first is electromagnetic waves in the radio frequency range, the second is vacuum. There is no need for us to delve further into physics; it is enough to understand that RF waves have a thermal effect. They heat the middle and deep layers of the dermis to a temperature of 45C. Due to the presence of a thermal effect, the technique received another name - bipolar thermolifting.

Deep heating has a strong stimulating effect on the skin. It is based on microdamage to connective tissue structures, which has far-reaching and very beneficial consequences for the skin. Microdamage initiates the production of special signaling molecules - growth factors. There are a lot of them, and some of them may be familiar to you. For example, platelet-derived growth factors play a key role in the anti-aging technique commonly known as plasma lifting.

Growth factors are the main activator of all (!) regenerative processes. The restoration of any tissue occurs under their strict guidance, and skin is no exception. Increased production of growth factors under the influence of electromagnetic waves causes fibroblasts to synthesize collagen and hyaluronic acid in an accelerated mode. The next target for growth factors are mesenchymal stem cells, which begin to actively divide and transform (in scientific language - differentiate) into new fibroblasts. And they, in turn, immediately begin to produce elastin and collagen.

You can already guess what the further metamorphoses will be. Renewal of the dermis at the cellular and molecular level leads to its rejuvenation. Moreover, rejuvenation is deep, high-quality, natural and very lasting. The effect of RF face lifting is visible immediately after the procedure (due to thermal effects), and every day it becomes more and more pronounced. A course of several sessions launches a rejuvenation program in the skin, which lasts about six months and gives results that last for 4-5 years.

But the thermal effect of electromagnetic waves is only the first part of the rejuvenating equation. It's time to remember the second factor - dosed vacuum exposure. Everyone understands how a vacuum works. A zone of rarefied pressure is created, part of the skin is absorbed into it, and in this area there is a sharp increase in blood circulation and lymph flow. Our parents and grandmothers got approximately the same effect when they used jars during a cold.

The vacuum component of RF face lifting is of enormous importance. With its help, we improve blood circulation in the dermis and accelerate the outflow of lymph. Along with blood, the middle and deep layers of the dermis receive nutrients and oxygen. Forced lymph flow helps reduce swelling and remove metabolic products and toxic substances.

The combination of radio wave and vacuum exposure is a truly unique rejuvenating tandem. Why is that? Imagine that electromagnetic waves turn on a conveyor belt for the assembly of new - strong, elastic and young - skin elements. For a conveyor to operate at maximum efficiency, it needs to receive construction materials and remove production by-products. The uninterrupted operation of the delivery “transport service” is ensured by the vacuum component of RF lifting.

That's it, I'm tired of theory! It's time to talk about how we can use all this!

Radio-ultrasound thermolipolysis Exilis Elite

Reviews of Thermage on the Internet often confuse the concepts of thermolifting and radio-ultrasound lipolysis. However, there are significant differences between these methods:

Exposure temperature . With radiofrequency lifting, the treated tissues are heated to 40°C, with thermage - up to 60°C. Accordingly, during the thermage procedure, constant cooling of the patient’s skin is necessary; during RF lifting, depending on individual sensitivity.

Frequency and current strength . Thermage involves the use of high-frequency monopolar energy, and the energy used in radioultrasound lipolysis is several times weaker.

Impact on collagen . Thermage, unlike radiofrequency lifting, completely denatures collagen in the treated area. This ensures a more pronounced and long-lasting compaction of the collagen framework. During RF lifting, only tertiary collagen structures are denatured.

Number of sessions . Thermage is usually done once, while RF lifting requires several sessions, and later a repeat course of treatment may be required.

Price . The cost of the thermage procedure, depending on the level of the clinic and other factors, is sometimes comparable to the price of plastic surgery. Almost every patient can afford an RF lifting session.

However, today it is not necessary to choose between these two effective lifting procedures. There is a method that combines the advantages of both principles - radio-ultrasound thermolipolysis Exilis Elite .

Without surgical intervention, quickly and reliably radio-ultrasonic lipolysis Exilis Elite will make you slimmer and younger! It is difficult to find a more pleasant and safe way to give your figure sculptural shapes and your face youthful charm. Moreover, this method can save you from having to undergo plastic surgery in the near future!

How does Exilis Elite work for face and body?

Exilis Elite technology is one of the latest developments in the field of Thermage. Radioultrasound thermolipolysis is used both for rejuvenating the skin of the face and body, and for the formation of clearer body contours. At the MedicCity clinic, procedures are performed using a unique Exilis Elite unit from BTL (UK).

Exilis Elite technology combines electromagnetic radio frequency energy, ultrasound and a cooling system. Painless, controlled heating of deep tissues ensures the destruction of fat cells, correction of pronounced wrinkles and sagging skin (face lifting, skin lifting according to tension vectors), and activates the production of its own collagen.

The first results of face lifting, as a rule, are visible immediately after the session; a more noticeable effect is observed 2-3 months after treatment. The longevity of results depends on your genetic predisposition to aging and lifestyle, but the effects of Thermage typically last for at least a year and a half (maximum up to 5 years).

Thermolifting is perfect for creating clearer body contours and smoothing out the relief of the skin, for example, for abdominal correction and hip correction. Penetrating into the deep layers of fatty tissue, ultrasound affects fatty deposits that are inaccessible to other procedures (which is ideal in the fight against cellulite). The impulses of the Exilis Elite device seem to “dissolve” adhesions and stagnation in tissues, as a result of which pathological fat cells become vulnerable and are more easily broken down.

The combination of monopolar radiofrequency energy, heat pulses and ultrasound provides the combined effect of liposuction and lifting. The procedure helps to quickly reduce body volume, smooth and reduce unfavorable areas of fat, tighten and improve the skin (body lifting).

To achieve significant results, patients usually need 4-6 procedures (no more than 20 minutes each) with a frequency of 7-14 days. Already after the second session you can observe noticeable changes for the better.

High performance achieved in a short time allows many experts in the field of aesthetic medicine to call Exilis Elite the most effective technology existing today.

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RF face lifting ReAction: individual program for each client!

RF lifting using the ReAction device (5th generation device) has removed all the limitations inherent in devices of previous generations and opened up new horizons of beauty for us. The newest device provides 192 modes of electromagnetic influence and 4 degrees of vacuum! In fact, each client of a cosmetologist receives a unique rejuvenation program that is ideal for solving specific aesthetic problems.

Thanks to CORE technology, three types of radiofrequency waves act on the skin during the procedure. The differences between the waves lie in their physical parameters, but what is more important to us is the result - a triple blow to cosmetic defects, instantaneous generation of heat in the middle and deep layers of the dermis and maximum rejuvenating effect. A huge selection of radio wave exposure modes simultaneously solves another problem - ensuring the complete safety and painlessness of the procedure.

The pulsating vacuum grip technology is unique and innovative. The vacuum action is effective and extremely gentle. The ability to accurately dose the degree of reduced pressure allows you to optimize blood flow and avoid unwanted damage to blood vessels. The technology was first implemented in the ReAction device. It remains to add that various types of attachments are used for problem areas on the body and for facial rejuvenation.

Areas of application of radioultrasonic thermolipolysis

Thermage for face:

  • prevention of aging;
  • improving skin quality;
  • smoothing wrinkles, folds, creases;
  • fight against flabbiness;
  • getting rid of bags under the eyes;
  • strengthening skin turgor;
  • strengthening facial contours;
  • elimination of the “double chin”, “jowls”, etc.

Thermage for body shaping:

  • reduction of body fat;
  • reduction in body volume;
  • improvement of body contours;
  • skin lifting;
  • elimination of cellulite, etc.

There are also contraindications to the procedure (for example, cancer, the presence of a pacemaker, diabetes, infectious diseases, skin diseases, pregnancy, etc.), therefore, before a course of procedures, each patient is recommended to consult a dermatocosmetologist.

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