10 best Korean facial peeling rolls or products for deep cleansing and skin renewal

Atraumatic and delicate peeling rolls from Korea have won the hearts of women all over the world! It’s not for nothing that today most women are interested in Asian cosmetics.

In conditions of unsatisfactory ecology, when women are constantly exposed to stress leading to diseases, hormonal imbalances and early aging, cosmetics from Korea have become a real gift to all girls and ladies who strive to always be beautiful and preserve youth for the longest possible time.

Properties of Korean peeling

Peeling roll promotes renewal of the epidermis and, as a result, makes the face smoother. This procedure promotes skin regeneration. Peeling has a beneficial effect on the overall condition of the skin and provides many benefits:

  • Gently cleanses and tightens pores;
  • Exfoliates the stratum corneum;
  • Strengthens microcirculation;
  • Accelerates regeneration;
  • Levels the terrain;
  • Fights dullness;
  • Helps get rid of skin rashes;
  • Eliminates acne marks;
  • Evens out complexion;
  • Reduces sebaceous secretions;
  • Smoothes out fine wrinkles;
  • Gently softens the epidermis;
  • Enhances the effect of subsequent products (in particular moisturizer).

The product achieves such a gentle and effective exfoliation process (cleansing the upper layer of the epidermis) due to its powerful composition. Korean peeling differs from scrub and gommage in its delicate texture, which is suitable for any skin type.

What's happened

Korean peeling roll has long occupied an important place in modern cosmetics. It is usually made in the form of a cream or gel. When applied to the skin, it dissolves dead particles, dirt of various origins, and dust. Unclogs pores. When removing from the surface with your fingers, feel the rolled up lumps of cellulose. They remove impurities by collecting them into balls. You cannot apply too much product. On the cleaned area, the peeling stops slipping. This is the main indicator of cleanliness.

The use of peeling rays of Korean origin is a process that removes dead cells and the upper keratinized layer of the epidermis. Refers to one of the stages of multi-stage Korean care in cosmetics. It is a special cleansing product. Application is not intended for every day. How to use is correctly described in the instructions.

Korean peeling, unlike other cleansing products (scrubs), works delicately and gently exfoliates. Properly selected ingredients give an amazing effect. The delicate consistency is favorable for all skin types. Cleans deeply, promotes rapid restoration and rejuvenation of tissues. Performing the main function, it is characterized by additional ones, depending on the qualities of the added ingredients.

Composition and structure of Korean peeling

The product is usually a gel or cream, which during application dissolves dead skin cells and various types of impurities, and then rolls off to form small pellets. These are cellulose particles that capture all excess from the surface of the skin and turn it into rolled balls. The product can be classified as smart, because... it is impossible to “overdo” it. When the skin is completely cleansed, the pellets stop forming. That is, the absence of pellets is the main criterion for assessing the cleanliness of the skin after this procedure.

The compositions of Korean peelings are varied and, as a rule, additional active ingredients are used to solve a variety of dermatological problems. However, all are united by the fruit extracts and many acids included in the composition. Let's look at the most popular of them:

  1. AHA acids - alpha hydroxy acids - are water-soluble substances that have a chemical effect. They help remove old dead skin cells, which are replaced by new ones. For this reason, AHAs are a suitable ingredient for those with dry, dull or uneven complexions. This component, often called fruit acid, is also an excellent helper for damaged or sensitive dermis.
  2. Alpha hydroxy acids can also enhance the effectiveness of subsequent skin care products you apply. This is due to the fact that exfoliation of dead skin cells, as well as deep cleansing of makeup residues and impurities, facilitates the penetration of cosmetics into the deeper layers of the skin, which helps them bring the greatest benefit.
  3. Glycolic acid (sugar cane) - evens out the relief, and also smoothes out post-acne marks and small scars. As a result of its action, the pores become narrower. Overall, the skin becomes lighter and has a slight natural glow. Glycolic acid has a particularly noticeable effect on the aging and oily dermis, which for various reasons have one similarity - excessive density of the stratum corneum. This is the reason for the slow cellular renewal mechanism. Therefore, it is necessary to stimulate it artificially - this is the task that glycolic acid copes with with a bang.
  4. Lactic Acid (Milk) – The main benefit is its high level of exfoliation. However, unlike glycolic acid, this ingredient solves this issue more gently and physiologically. Therefore, dermatologists recommend lactic acid for those with very sensitive skin. This AHA acid helps reduce the thickness of the upper stratum corneum of the epidermis, and also makes the dermis smoother, more even and silky. It prevents clogging of the sebaceous gland ducts and blocks the formation of comedones. Lactic acid penetrates into the mouth of the sebaceous gland and thus contributes to the timely removal of keratinized scales accumulated in the duct. This process prevents various types of inflammation. Also, the acid will be an excellent option for oily problem skin, as it helps eliminate signs of post-acne and scars after acne.
  5. Malic acid (apples and pears) is a component that has many advantages and is actively used in Korean peelings. Malic acid protects the skin from the damaging effects of free radicals and also helps soften it. The ingredient is famous for its ability to effectively dissolve and remove dead cells from the surface of the epidermis. This AHA acid has a remarkable anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic effect and serves to quickly restore the lipid layer. It also strengthens the walls of the smallest blood vessels, stimulates local immunity, activates the regeneration of damaged and weakened cells and perfectly moisturizes the dermis. Malic acid has a brightening effect and can whiten freckles and age spots. Evens out complexion, copes with fine wrinkles, increases the elasticity of the dermis and restores the natural level of acidity.
  6. Citric acid (oranges and lemons) - in addition to the exfoliating effect, this component also has a powerful brightening property. The ingredient smoothes out fine wrinkles, helps fight inflammation and acne, eliminates blackheads and tightens pores. Citric acid also helps reduce fat formation. However, those with dry skin should thoroughly moisturize their skin after using a product with this AHA acid.
  7. Tartaric acid (grape) - this fruit acid provides a gentle and gentle cleansing of dead cells. It opens and cleanses pores, and also enriches the deeper layers with beneficial substances. This component also has antioxidant and moisturizing effects. It activates the renewal process at the cellular level.
  8. Mandelic acid is a salvation for hypersensitive skin types, as it does its job very carefully, but carefully. It has an exfoliating effect, destroying the connections between individual scales of the stratum corneum of the epidermis - and thus promotes accelerated regeneration of the dermis. It has a comedolytic effect, which is achieved by total exfoliation of dead cells in the area of ​​the mouths of the sebaceous glands, as well as through the dissolution of comedones when mandelic acid penetrates into enlarged pores. The bactericidal effect is that this AHA copes well with a wide range of bacteria, including propionic bacteria - those that become the source of acne.
  9. BHA acids - beta hydroxy acids - are lipid-soluble substances that can penetrate the dermis through the sebaceous glands. This feature makes BHA a suitable option for those with oily skin types, which is why salicylic acid, the most common BHA, is often used to treat various types of inflammation and acne. BHAs, unlike AHAs, are more beneficial when present in low concentrations. Therefore, if salicylic acid is listed in the middle or end of the ingredient list, know that this place is normal and even preferred in this case.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's look at the strengths and weaknesses of Korean peelings.

  • Affordable price.
  • Easy to use.
  • High quality.
  • Versatility.
  • Abundance of natural ingredients.
  • The need for regular use to achieve and maintain a positive result.
  • The effect cannot be compared with professional drugs.

Method of using Korean peeling

The procedure is quite easy and does not take much time, so there are no difficulties - it’s a pleasure.

The main stages of facial cleansing using peeling:

  • First, make sure your skin is thoroughly cleansed of makeup. Use your usual cleanser.
  • Dry your face with a towel or napkin. Do not rub the skin; it is better to leave it slightly damp.
  • Once your face is naturally dry, apply a small amount.
  • Wait no more than a minute and begin to carefully and gently massage the skin with your fingertips. If desired, you can also use a cotton pad, but Koreans prefer to perform this procedure with their hands. The movements should be very soft and the direction should correspond to the massage lines. Do not stretch or rub the skin, do everything very carefully.
  • You will notice that pellets form on your face. Now the ramp needs to be eliminated with water. Ready!

Opinion of cosmetologists

Regular use of homemade peeling rolls really improves the condition of the skin, and no recipes for masks and scrubs that you can prepare yourself can compare with them. The main thing is to choose the right product and apply it according to the instructions. However, the effectiveness of professional salon peelings is many times higher, the result is achieved faster and lasts longer.

It is also worth noting that many cosmetologists love and respect home peelings for their ability to prolong the effect of salon procedures.


  • Do not use the product for serious inflammations with the presence of ulcers.
  • For very dry skin types, peeling should be treated with extreme caution. Try to find a product with as mild a composition as possible. Avoid acids, which will make your dermis even drier. Look out for gentle options like mandelic acid.
  • Those with oily and problematic dermis can adhere to a ritual - one or two procedures per week. As for dry skin types, here, on the contrary, one application every two weeks will be enough.
  • After peeling, do not forget to wash with warm water and thoroughly moisturize the dermis.
  • For 3-5 days after this procedure, it is necessary to use sunscreen with an SPF filter of at least 25-30 before going outside. This will prevent the appearance of age spots.

Atomi Evening Care Peeling Gel

Part of the Atomy Evening care system.


  • Gently exfoliates and softens the skin.
  • Removes dead skin cells.
  • Professional SPA care at home.
  • Leaves a feeling of freshness after use.
  • Helps Atomi cosmetics absorb quickly.
  • Leaves skin smooth and silky.
  • Leaves a pleasant feeling on the skin.
  • Atomi peeling is a preparatory stage for professional care at home.
  • The gel is suitable for all skin types.


Click on pictures to enlarge!

Effect of the gel on the skin

  • Willow bark extract removes dead skin.
  • Moisturizing components in the gel protect against irritation and dryness.
  • Citrus extract has a calming effect.
  • The consistency is soft and delicate. Foams easily. Apply evenly.
  • It is recommended to use warm water after use.


Atomi peeling gel should be used after cleansing foam.

Spread in a thick layer, excluding the lip and eye areas.

For dry skin, it is enough to use the product once a week, for oily skin – 3 times.

Volume 120 ml. Price 600 rubles after registration.


  1. The Saem Cell Renew Bio Micro Peel Soft Gel - gently cleanses the skin, giving it elasticity and natural radiance. Peeling activates the process of collagen production, which creates a lifting effect. The properties of this product also help dissolve fat inside the pores and eliminate dead cells. The gel contains plant stem cells - a substance from buds and sprouts that can actively restore skin tissue, prevent wilting and aging and support collagen production. Pine bark extract is a powerful antioxidant. The component not only normalizes water balance, but also has a calming effect, and also protects cells from decay and serves to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Microcrystalline cellulose, which forms the rolling effect, is cotton fiber, similar to vegetable fiber. The ingredient absorbs fat, promotes thorough exfoliation of dead cells and refreshes the overall appearance. Hibiscus extract is also a strong antiseptic that can eliminate various types of inflammation and accelerate the healing of damaged skin areas. Peeling is suitable even for irritated dermis, as it exfoliates the stratum corneum extremely carefully and gently, and also has a very delicate composition.
  2. Secret Key Lemon Sparkling Peeling Gel - transforms the skin after the first use, leaving it clean, fresh and soft. The color improves and evens out the tone of the face, reduces the number of acne and rashes, and also allows the dermis to breathe freely and renew itself. The product does not cause discomfort or inconvenience, despite the powerful exfoliating effect it has. The composition contains many components that can moisturize, soothe and nourish the skin. With this peeling gel, the cleansing and renewal procedure is pleasant and painless. The best option for thin, sensitive or irritation-prone skin. Peeling reduces the visibility of blackheads, eliminates excess sebaceous deposits and oily shine. The dermis is cleansed, the face looks fresher, and the relief is evened out. The composition includes carbonated water, which accelerates blood circulation - this leads to better absorption of nutrients, as well as accelerated renewal and elimination of toxins. Lemon extract perfectly tones, refreshes and awakens the skin. It also eliminates various inflammations and irritations. Papaya extract here is a faithful assistant in eliminating dead skin cells. The component energizes the dermis and also increases tone and elasticity. Green tea extract not only soothes inflammation and redness, but also deeply moisturizes, protects against free radicals, tones and removes toxins. Collagen is responsible for the smoothness, firmness and elasticity of the dermis, and hyaluronic acid prevents moisture evaporation, thus enhancing the lifting effect.
  3. Mizon Apple Smoothie Peeling Gel is an intensive and gentle cleansing. Peeling opens pores and removes impurities, including blackheads. Very gently exfoliates the keratinized upper layer of the epidermis, stimulating the process of cell regeneration. The gel also helps improve blood microcirculation in the capillaries and saturate tissues with oxygen. It has a brightening and smoothing effect, eliminating pigmentation, fine wrinkles and post-acne marks. An important feature is that the product does not contain abrasive components, the effect of which is very harsh on sensitive and problematic skin. A mild scrubbing effect is created due to the presence of fruit acids and cellulose in the composition, which rolls into balls, picking up dead cells, excess sebum and deep impurities. The composition includes extracts of green apple and papaya fruit, which enrich the dermis with vitamins and have an antioxidant and rejuvenating effect. Hyaluronic acid, as always, is the key to deep tissue hydration and helps retain moisture for a long time. It also accelerates renewal at the cellular level and relieves various types of inflammation. The peeling has a gentle composition based on active plant components. Easily spreads due to its soft jelly-like consistency. The gel has a pleasant apple aroma, is ideal for all skin types and effectively fights acne.
  4. Premium Deoproce Green Tea Peeling Vegetal - exfoliating peeling with green tea extract. The main component not only improves metabolic processes, but also cleanses cells of harmful substances, regulates sebum secretion, protects against the negative effects of free radicals and activates the immune system. It also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, thus preventing aging and creating a lifting effect. Camellia leaf extract is another important ingredient that saturates cells with vitamins A, E, C, and B, and also helps retain moisture and improves the elasticity of the dermis. Camellia helps get rid of age spots, as it has a lightening effect. Hydrogenated castor oil softens and nourishes skin tissue. The oil evens out the relief, filling all the unevenness in the cells, and also reduces the depth of wrinkles.
  5. Holika Holika Smoothie Peeling Mist Lemon Squash - This product has an unusual consistency since it is a spray. The peeling mist provides very light and delicate care. In just a few pumps of the spray, the airy toner is evenly distributed over the face. The composition is based on a complex of fruit acids, which copes well with various types of inflammation, drying them out. Peeling delicately tightens pores, gently exfoliates the stratum corneum of the epidermis, and also fights blackheads. Lemon juice has a brightening effect, evening out skin tone and eliminating age spots. Sugar cane extract nourishes the dermis at the cellular level, and also makes it firmer and more elastic. The tonic mist has a fresh lemon aroma and copes with its tasks very carefully. This product is suitable for those with oily and combination skin, as well as women who want to prolong their youth.
  6. Etude House Zero Sebum White Sebum Clear is a product aimed at combating blackheads. It does an excellent job of dissolving sebaceous plugs on the surface of the epidermis and in the pores. Guarantees ideal cleansing of problem areas such as the nose, forehead and chin. Peeling will be an excellent option for those with problematic and oily skin. Microcrystalline cellulose absorbs sebum, eliminates even the deepest impurities and removes the stratum corneum. This component evens out the skin texture and improves complexion. Cotton extract penetrates deeper layers and restores the dermis at the cellular level, and also soothes and protects against negative influences. Nourishes with many vitamins, microelements and other beneficial substances. Helps retain moisture in the dermis, preventing aging processes. Mango butter has anti-inflammatory properties, stimulates renewal at the cellular level, delicately softens and moisturizes. The ingredient also has a brightening effect.
  7. Elizavecca Hell-Pore Vitamin Bright Turn Peeling Gel - deeply cleanses, exfoliates, removes impurities and toxins, and also activates metabolism. Chamomile extract soothes the dermis, suppressing microbial activity and relieving swelling. Chamomile eliminates acne and acne. Snow lotus extract perfectly tones, refreshes and brightens pigmentation. The component improves and evens out the complexion, making it more saturated. Brown algae extract enriches the skin with iodine, vitamins and other beneficial microelements. It stimulates tissue renewal, improves metabolism and gives skin elasticity. Allantoin fights clogged pores and the formation of comedones, which also makes peeling very effective in combating this dermatological problem. Lemon oil nourishes and softens the dermis, exfoliates dead cells and makes wrinkles less noticeable.
  8. Holika Holika Smoothie Peeling Jam Grape Expectation is a peeling cream based on grape extract. The composition contains not only vitamins A, D and C, but also active biological substances - ANA: glycolic and pyruvic acids, which are obtained from green grapes. The components have a rejuvenating effect and also saturate the dermis with vitamins. The consistency of the peeling resembles a delicate jelly, which is very easy to apply and spread over the face. Noticeable changes and pleasant sensations appear after the first use. Natural ingredients make the product not only safe, but also effective.
  9. Limoni Amazing Apple Facial Peeling Gel is a deep cleaning gel with a rich composition. The citrus complex not only refreshes, but also perfectly tones and cools the skin. Sugar cane extract stimulates cellular metabolism, fights fatigue and makes the dermis more elastic. Papaya extract provides intense hydration, eliminates excess sebum, suppresses the activity of viruses and bacteria, and also removes toxic substances. Hyaluronic acid retains water molecules, providing not only thorough hydration, but also elasticity. Castor oil is an important nutritional component that perfectly softens and smoothes the surface, eliminating tightness. Stylish design, soft procedure and smooth skin.
  10. Tony Moly Pro Clean Smoky Scrub Deep Cleansing Foam is a foam with a mild scrubbing effect that effectively dissolves even deep impurities and exfoliates dead cells, renewing the surface of the epidermis. The composition includes natural cellulose, which creates a rolling effect, absorbing excess subcutaneous fat, mattifying the skin and ridding it of dead cells and impurities. Coconut oil softens the dermis and saturates it with vitamins, and also normalizes water and fat balance and smoothes the skin texture. The oil creates a light, imperceptible film that protects the deeper layers of the skin from free radicals, ultraviolet radiation and other negative external factors. Allantoin stimulates the healing of damage, relieves inflammation and inhibits microbial activity. Foam peeling combines two stages of cleansing at once: it eliminates impurities and exfoliates the keratinized layer of cells, and the bonus is additional nutrition and softening.

Korean peeling compares favorably with other scrubbing products due to its carefully selected delicate composition. It has a gentle effect on the dermis, thus creating a gentle exfoliating effect. Peeling is a procedure that is necessary for any skin type. This product allows you to thoroughly clean pores and speed up the regeneration of skin tissue. Most peels have other additional functions: it all depends on the active ingredients included in the composition. The most important effect that you will feel after the first use is a gentle renewal.

Precautionary measures

  • Keep the product away from children at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees and a relative humidity level of no more than 70%.
  • Protect your eyes from contact with the product. If, through negligence, the composition does get into the eyes, they should be immediately rinsed with plenty of clean water;
  • Teenagers should not use chemical exfoliants without first consulting with a dermatologist or professional esthetician.
  • Do not use after expiration date.

Side effects

  • An allergic reaction accompanied by itching and the appearance of a rash.
  • Dermatitis, irritation, persistent redness of the facial skin.
  • Chemical burn, burning and excessive peeling of the dermis. Often this side effect occurs when the instructions for using the exfoliant are not followed.


  • Intolerance to any component included in a particular product.
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin.
  • Exacerbation of herpes infection with manifestations in the form of a rash on the face.
  • Facial burns of any type and any degree.
  • Large nevi, papillomas.
  • Skin cancers.
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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