Buttock lift with threads (filament lifting): features of the procedure, types of threads, their advantages and disadvantages

Degrees of ptosis of the buttocks

Tissue prolapse is divided into several stages:

  • Preptosis. The crease between the buttocks and thighs is just beginning to form.
  • Primary degree. The skin sags by 5 mm.
  • Moderate degree. Tissue sagging by 1 cm.
  • Expressed stage. The fold drops more than 20 mm.

Brazilian lifting can eliminate second and third degree ptosis. The threads slightly lift and group the buttocks. This ensures the volume of the upper part. At the third pronounced stage, threads are likely to erupt.

Comparison of surgical and thread lift

Operating methodFilamentlifting
Scars Available, hidden in the gluteal fold Hardly ever
Stability of the result For life 2-3 years
Recovery process 1.5 months 3 weeks
Anesthesia General, affects the body Local
Excess fabric Excised Remain

The advantage is the immediate effect. Among the disadvantages, experts highlight the possible formation of strands. With large and loose buttocks, the threads may not bring the desired result - the muscles will tighten slightly.

In rare cases, the procedure may need to be repeated after a year.

Disadvantages of buttock correction with threads

Many people want to know if the method has any disadvantages? Undoubtedly, they exist:

1. The effect lasts for 2-3 years. There are cases when correction is required after a year. Everything is individual. While performing the procedure, you should not forget about going to the fitness center or the gym;

2. If the skin is very loose, there is a high probability of strands appearing. Outwardly, they resemble stretch marks;

3. Cost of the procedure. Prices range from 160,000-200,000 rubles. It all depends on what threads will be used.

When agreeing to filament lifting, you must approach the choice of a cosmetic clinic and specialist with all responsibility. 70% of the success of the procedure depends on the experience of the master.

Types of threads

Suture material is used in several types:

  • Absorbable . For the first year, the threads fix the buttocks in a given position, then the polylactic threads disintegrate and are converted into lactic acid, which synthesizes a framework of collagen and elastin. The fibers prevent tissue sagging and stimulate the lifting effect. Results for 9 months. Buttock lift using Silhouette Lift threads has gained popularity.
  • Non-absorbable . Polypropylene threads have small notches. The most popular in this case is buttock lifting using APTOS threads. The result lasts for about two years, after which correction is needed. Old material is easily tightened and supplemented with new threads.
  • Mesothreads . Referred to patients with preptosis, when the tissues are just beginning to descend. This is explained by the fact that the material does not have notches and does not cling to hold the buttocks. They consist of polydioxane coated with a polyglycol shell.

Who is suitable for buttock lift with threads?

The dream of a butt lift method in cosmetology that would not leave behind scars has finally come true. Thanks to filament lifting, manipulations are quick and painless, and the rehabilitation period takes no more than a week. In addition, instant results are visible. Many girls choose this procedure after pregnancy to restore their shape. It is not cheap, about 160,000 rubles. It all depends on the degree of neglect of the problem, the type of threads and their number.

Experts say that buttock lifting with threads may not be suitable for all women. It is necessary to pay attention to the degree of sagging of the tissues. Several types can be distinguished:

• Preptosis. In this case, the skin fold is not very deep and is formed in the area of ​​the thigh and buttocks;

• Ptosis. The fold is already permanent and formed. It is very noticeable how the soft tissue hangs over the thigh.

Filament lifting can only help in the first case. The threads lift and fix soft tissues, forming additional volume in the upper part of the buttocks. Ptosis can only be removed with plastic surgery.

How do you understand that you need to seek the help of a cosmetologist?

• Sagging skin appears in the lower parts of the buttocks, which does not disappear even after daily visits to the gym;

• The skin on the butt is no longer firm and elastic;

• Cellulite has appeared.

This method can also be used if the shape of the buttocks does not suit the woman. The threads create additional volume, the butt looks attractive. Rumor has it that the famous Kim Kardashian has resorted to a similar procedure more than once.

Progress of the procedure

No preliminary preparation is required.

The technique is minimally invasive, so local anesthesia is sufficient. The total duration is about 40-60 minutes.

The technology for performing filament lifting is as follows:

  1. The cosmetologist applies markings along which the threads will be inserted.
  2. The treatment area is then disinfected and an anesthetic cream is rubbed in locally.
  3. Then the material is implanted using cannula needles. The input direction is from bottom to top in the shape of a cone. When inserted, each thread catches and pulls. The rest is trimmed. For one buttock you need from 8 to 25 threads.
  4. The manipulations are completed by applying a patch to the puncture site and applying ice. Cold relieves swelling and prevents bruising.

Advantages of buttock lift with threads over plastic surgery

If you want to change the shape of your buttocks and don’t know which method is best to choose, experts advise taking a closer look at filament lifting. The procedure has undoubted advantages over plastic surgery:

1. No scars are left. This is important for women whose skin is delicate and sensitive, because in this case there is a high risk of keloid scars. When performing a thread lift, the cosmetologist does not make any incisions. The procedure for inserting threads is carried out using cannulas (small hollow tubes);

2. The woman does not receive general anesthesia. The procedure is minimally invasive, local anesthesia is used;

3. The rehabilitation period is not long. The first days there is swelling and redness of the skin. But on the 3rd day everything should go away;

4. The effect is noticeable immediately. This is evidenced by photos before and after the procedure;

5. In the places where the threads are inserted, increased blood flow begins and metabolism is normalized. Due to this, the skin becomes elastic and smooth.


The doctor’s recommendations should be followed for the first two weeks until a framework of connective tissue forms around the threads. They suggest:

  • Avoiding a sitting position.
  • Treatment with antiseptics.
  • Apply ice several times a day.
  • Limitations on bending and any sudden downward movements.
  • Prohibition on massaging the buttocks.
  • Refusal of thermal procedures.

Worrying pain can be relieved with painkillers, but, as a rule, medications are not needed.

Butt lift with threads: before and after photos

Tags: plastic surgery

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Buttock lift with threads (filament lifting): features of the procedure, types of threads, their advantages and disadvantages [Leave a review]

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Side effects occur extremely rarely. The reason for this is the incorrect actions of the surgeon. The main negative consequences of filament lifting:

  • Teething. The material goes deep into the fat layer, nullifying the result.
  • The appearance of strands. Loose tissue of the buttocks sags between the threads.
  • Contouring. The thread becomes visually noticeable and can sometimes be felt. Occurs when located close to the epidermis. Requires removal and reinsertion.
  • Infection. To avoid inflammation, it is necessary to remove it.


Prices for butt lifting in Brazilian style vary from 55 to 150 thousand rubles. The final price consists of the selected types of threads:

  • Mesothreads – 750 rub/unit
  • Non-absorbable – 5,000 rub.

Author: Demin Sergey Anatolyevich Plastic surgeon, Candidate of Medical Sciences Author of more than 20 scientific papers on aesthetic and general surgery. Winner of the Crystal Lotus Award in the nominations “Best Plastic Surgeon for Abdominoplasty” and “Best Plastic Surgeon for Lipolifting”.

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